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Anonymous No. 16216267

What is the evolutionary advantage of being an annoying little shit? A quieter mosquito could sneak up on prey and feast on it when it sleeps instead of keeping it awake and risking getting deleted.

Anonymous No. 16216280

It's not that mosquitos are loud, we have just evolved to hear them no matter how quiet they are

Anonymous No. 16216285

The noise is designed to get you irate. It LITERALLY gets your blood pumping with rage. Makes for a much easier meal for your flying friend.

Anonymous No. 16216367

I find that hard to believe
I would be a far easier meal if I wasn't flailing around trying to kill it (most often succeeding).

Anonymous No. 16216381

Я тaкoй жe тpeд нeдeлю нaзaд нa двaчaх видeл.

Anonymous No. 16216390

>What is the evolutionary advantage
Whenever you find yourself asking this question, stop, because you fucked up. Evolution doesn't deal with advantages. It deals only with relative DISadvantages. If organism A is less effective at reproducing, relatively, than organism B, then over time the traits present in organism A will probably become less common in the population. That's natural selection in a nutshell. There's no concept of advantage-seeking or optimization for some imaginary purpose. It's just fucking, and failing to fuck.

Anonymous No. 16216408

no, you're not allowed to bomb it

Anonymous No. 16216409

I think they fuck their wings up against ceilings and become louder? That's what I heard.

Anonymous No. 16216424

Semantics, a quieter mosquito would have a far easier time getting nutrition and surviving thus having a higher chance at reproducing than a loud mosquito.

Vard No. 16216494

It's their curse for being nightmarish.

Anonymous No. 16216496

>I would be a far easier meal if I wasn't flailing around trying to kill it (most often succeeding

So, the ones you don't kill are the ones that get your blood pumping the most, thanks to your chimp flailing. They will get the best blood and reproduce. When their sons return, they will be even more agile in the face of those who hate the humble mosquito.

Anonymous No. 16216610

Maybe the quieter mosquitos were worse at flying and thus couldn't get food as easily as the louder ones.
Everything is a trade-off.

Anonymous No. 16216642

You can’t even really hear mosquitoes unless the whizz by your ear. Those little shits are hard to hit too I may get 1 out of the 5 buzzing around me.

-source I went camping this weekend

Anonymous No. 16216673

>a quieter mosquito
Obviously not, since the mosquitos that exist are doing just fine in their ecological niche. That's the whole point of evolution-does-not-optimize. Adaptations start with random mutations, and there's no reason a random mutation should necessarily happen. Evolution doesn't create traits; it just selects for them.

Anonymous No. 16216692

I pray each night to the Lord for louder wings

"Do you wish to fly at great speeds, my son?" The Lord asks me.

"No, Lord. I pray for larger wings for which to bring attention to myself."

"Why would you risk your life, my son?" The good lord asks me. "Do not be so hasty to come meet me!"

"You see my lord, I have taken your blood while distracting you with prayer." I say with a full stomach.

The Lord grows angry with me and begins to cast bolts of lighting upon me.

"Thank you for the larger wings my lord, for which to speedily dodge thy wrath" I say with humility before leaving the house.

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Anonymous No. 16216795


>What is the evolutionary advantage of being an annoying little shit?

Anonymous No. 16216870

>predates on apex predator

Culicidus Chadus

Vard No. 16217055

Mosquitos are fags of the sky.

Anonymous No. 16217061


Anonymous No. 16217214

so mosquitos are just:
This just makes it worse, especially considering it's often a single one (1, uno) in my room at any given time.

Anonymous No. 16217249

most animals cant do anything about it, theres insufficient evolutionary pressure

Anonymous No. 16218136

Good point. But what if the female is too quiet to get impregnated by the male?

Question solved!

Anonymous No. 16218397

Mosquitoes are the namefags of /sci/