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Anonymous No. 16216540

Psychiatry is not a real science because the "psychiatrists" admit they made up the DSM-3 arbitrarily without anything to substantiate it. The DSM-4 and 5 are a continuation of this unscientific process.

Above college lecture by James Davies, an actual scientist with a PhD

Anonymous No. 16216608

Turns out it’s quite hard to classify human behavior into treatable diagnoses and regimens.
Biggest problem with psychology is that most people with mental health issues don’t fall into neat little categories.
Most people’s issues fall into like a Venn Diagram of problems.
But alas, our insurance industry requires specific codes so that money can be shelled out appropriately.

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Anonymous No. 16216665

No duh…. Only people that aren’t aware of this are mask wearing sheep which is a substantial amount of the population. Everyone knows anything to do with psychological science is absolute pseudoscience and book burning shall commence.

Anonymous No. 16217129

Real psychologists and such know that psychology and such aren’t true, hard, sciences. It’s like religion.

It’s a soft science. Closer to magic. You can’t exactly *get inside a person’s head* let alone *be* that person.

Anonymous No. 16217157

Scienceis a rigorous,systematicendeavor that builds and organizesknowledgein the form oftestableexplanationsandpredictionsabout the world.[1][2]Modern science is typically divided into three major branches:[3]thenatural sciences(e.g.,physics,chemistry, andbiology), which study thephysical world; thesocial sciences(e.g., economics,psychology, and sociology), which studyindividualsand societies;[4][5]and theformal sciences(e.g.,logic, mathematics, andtheoretical computer science), which studyformal systems, governed byaxiomsand rules.[6][7]There is disagreement whether the formal sciences are science disciplines,[8][9][10]as they do not rely onempirical evidence

Anonymous No. 16217194

>Turns out it’s quite hard to classify human behavior into treatable diagnoses and regimens.
It isn't, really. We can observe very clear improvements in behavior in most people who are treated for mental illness. The hypochondriacs you find on /r/antipsychiatry are outliers, not the norm.

Anonymous No. 16217339

unlike other social scientists who often do flawed experiments or experiments without reproducible results, the psychiatrists who wrote the DSM-3 didn't do any experiments at all. It isn't science. Not even pseudoscience. Just fraud, lies, and deception. Also, when people do do actual psychiatry experiences, it exposes their fraud and deception. Such as the studies where they send a mentally ill person to multiple psychiatrists and they get wildly different diagnoses.

Anonymous No. 16217968

such as people taking medication for depression being associated with giving up lots of money for the rest of their lives.

Anonymous No. 16218236

Anti-depressants are cheap as shit lol

Anonymous No. 16218424

You're both wrong and, like most people, would probably personally benefit from taking any meds

Anonymous No. 16218447

It could work but I doubt psychiatrists are even nearly smart enough to know what an inner product space is and it's quite a simple concept actually.

Anonymous No. 16218536

It's almost as if... Now stay with me. There's no current method to truly understand what's going on in anyone's mind, aside from asking them to describe it to you.

Anonymous No. 16219055

psychiatry has its place for true schizos, the issues stem from normal people treating them like priests for their mundane problems

Anonymous No. 16219107

No, all psychiatrists can do is keep on coming up with new names to call them while they try to convince them to get chemically lobotomized and sedated.

Anonymous No. 16219111

It's rigid nonsense that prescribe people poisions so they'll be rigid too.

Anonymous No. 16219131

'Depression' is a normal reaction to a system that steps on your rights and steals your money but they're not allowed to say that so they just give people drugs to keep them pacified. They'd be out of a job if we had a society of healthy property owners who weren't taxed, regulated and full of micro-plastics.

Anonymous No. 16219998

>'Depression' is a normal reaction to a system that steps on your rights and steals your money
Then why are most people not depressed?
>They'd be out of a job if we had a society of healthy property owners who weren't taxed, regulated and full of micro-plastics.

Anonymous No. 16220000

Okay. Did you have a response to anything I wrote or are you just sticking with the schizo gibberish?

Anonymous No. 16220209

>observe improvement in behaviours
that means person is more suspectible to fraud

Anonymous No. 16220245

Actually the DSM-4 and -5 threw out a ton of dumb shit in -3. That's like saying modern medicine isn't real because humors were a thing at 1 point.

Anonymous No. 16220326

>we made up some stuff and now we revised some of the made up stuff no some new made up stuff so now it's not made up stuff anymore

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Anonymous No. 16220877

the dsm 4 and 5 just further medicalised normal behaviour, like adding and expanding ADHD and various women related "diseases" like pre menstrual dysphoric disorder

it's hack "science" and functions more as tool of social control for neoliberal capitalism than anything else. it's purpose is to depoliticise society's effects on the individual