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Anonymous No. 16217616

u see? this is the shit that pisses me off.

Anonymous No. 16217636

Care to clarify?

Anonymous No. 16217673

why can't society be accurate about shit.

Anonymous No. 16217678

Probably he means this great inventors myth.
It's true in Edison's case. All he did was bruteforce the material of the light-thread.

Anonymous No. 16217690

A Black woman invented the light bulb. You might disagree, but if you want to keep your job a Black woman invented the light bulb.

Anonymous No. 16217754

Brute forcing something works much more effectively if you know how to reduce the search space down before starting.

Anonymous No. 16217755

>why can't society be accurate about shit.
normies openly believe in lies and magic and mock us literalists as autists

Anonymous No. 16217810

He did invent the electric lightbulb
The fuck

Anonymous No. 16217879

you've been duped, son.

Anonymous No. 16217890

He has the patent

Anonymous No. 16217903

So, he did invent the lightbulb?

Anonymous No. 16217979

arc bulbs existed 40 years before edison was born to isolate elements and provided street light by the 1870s, problem was they consumed fucktons of electricity
that tech was the basis for gas discharge lamps that we've continued to use for efficient street lighting until VERY recently. edison not needed (for the lighting tech).

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Anonymous No. 16218053

Check my nigga swans bulb yo

Anonymous No. 16218055

>Edison invented
>Edison had a big team of intelligent and skilled scientists and engineers

Anonymous No. 16218066

we don't use that word here on /sci/ anon.

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greedy lazy soyen....jpg

Anonymous No. 16218119

>Edison had a big team of intelligent and skilled scientists and engineers
Unlike the current class of greedy thieving scientists who produce nothing of any value and who love more than anything else to reach into other people's savings to fund their wasteful lifestyles and "research", Edison funded all his research out of his own pocket.

Anonymous No. 16218141

He (his company / employees) invented practical light bulbs which could be used on a large scale. Useless novelties count for a lot less than that, so the "myth" is essentially true.

Anonymous No. 16218283

Wait until you realize that Thomas Edison didn't even invent that. He had someone else invent it after they signed a contract granting him ownership over anything they created.

Anonymous No. 16218290

>his research

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Anonymous No. 16218369

One man can’t do everything, it’s all a team effort even newton admitted he stands on the shoulders of giants before him. The thing is attributing one man in science doesn’t really give you an advantage in learning for later reference.…

Anonymous No. 16218387

Without these so called useless novelties (such as electric arc light lamps) edison would never have had the idea to search for more efficient electric lighting techniques in the first place.
Innovation doesn't work without the element of chance and yet coordinated discovery obviously helps.

Anonymous No. 16218392

>muh idea
big whoop. execution is everything.

Anonymous No. 16218396

without arc lamps edison would never have had the execution to search for more efficient electric light bulbs

Anonymous No. 16218400

The ideas for inventions are typically had by dozens of people, independently and simultaneously. The people who get the fame and bitches are the ones who turn an idea into something that actually changes the way people live.

Execution matters, not ideas.

Anonymous No. 16218521

It's not just an idea when you do the actual science behind it. (and literally document online how you came to the correct conclusion first)

Anonymous No. 16218699

>Romantization of successful people
Pretty standard practice in most societies, most great inventors/visionaries were not so great, the Wright brothers are another example of that, their interest in planes came from their interest in making a shitload of money

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Anonymous No. 16218857

>The people who get the fame and bitches are the ones who turn an idea into something that actually changes the way people live.
>Execution matters, not ideas.
"Sorry bud, we can see you recorded a method to instantly turn potatoes into gasoline 20 years ago, deployed it in remote villages for cheap energy, but this techbro billionaire invented the corninator 3000, which enabled everyone to turn their waste vegetables into energy to run our homes."
"He just had the better execution and developed the vision further, you know it took hi(s lab of subordinates) 3000 tries to enable corn to be used instead of just potatoes?"
"Your idea was just a stepping stone for this other guy's great invention"
It's fucking retarded how we idolize business moguls who capitalize already existing tech as the inventor. The whole business model for new tech is:
>find someone's research paper/patent
>copy it
>wait for an angel investor like westinghouse
>sell to a large comglomerate, or become one

Google didn't invent the search engine, but in 100 years people will look back and identify google as what made the internet convenient to look up information, and some other anon will sneer and say shit like "yahoo did it first" like the radio.

Anonymous No. 16218873

This is the typical "agenda" to devalue all contributions made by white men and ascribe them to a more nebulous community of "folx", that is if an immediate black cannot be falsely credited with the entire thing.

Anonymous No. 16218874

You’re all wrong.

Anonymous No. 16219103

Mass production is oftenly even more important than the original invention itself.

Anonymous No. 16219104

>their interest in planes came from their interest in making a shitload of money

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Anonymous No. 16219146

it’s like Orwell, except much gayer and more retarded

Anonymous No. 16219210

>even newton admitted he stands on the shoulders of giants before him
He only said that to imply the person he was saying it to WASN'T a giant, and that they hadn't contributed to his "seeing further".
Newton was a dick.

Anonymous No. 16219224

Imagine praising Newton lmao

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Anonymous No. 16219373

technicalities, most inventions rest upon other inventions. I guess you could say he invented the stable lightbulb.

Anonymous No. 16219874

Is this how the POC/women are coping with their favorite "inventors" not doing what they are claimed to have done?
Edison (and Swan) took something that had no utility and made it useful. Getting something to emit light by passing electricity through it is arguably ooga booga level after electricity was discovered. Finding the best filament and getting a good vacuum were the necessary ingredients.
Most of the diversity copium inventor claims are either false (somebody else did it first) or just slight improvements on something that is already functional which somehow earns them credit for the entire invention.

Aside from the "who did it first" metric, there's a whole separate aspect of the inventor/discovery arguments that laypeople completely miss: obviousness of the contribution. Could somebody else at the time with general knowledge of the field have found the solution if they were tasked with solving the problem?
For the lightbulb case, I don't doubt that anyone else would have found the carbon filament solution since it can withstand high temperature. The vacuum also seems like an obvious ingredient to prevent oxidation but inventing the process to make it commercially viable was likely the hard part.

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Anonymous No. 16219940

>we don't use that word here on /sci/ anon.

Anonymous No. 16219964

>Is this how the POC/women are coping with their favorite "inventors" not doing what they are claimed to have done?
no it's autists still defending the techbros of their age as if the solo inventor ever existed
>Finding the best filament and getting a good vacuum were the necessary ingredients
neither of which were his actual ideas, there are problems known to exist in tech and whoever finds the solution can patent and ship a convenient product. people knew a blue LED would be made decades before someone found the correct method to produce them efficiently
>Most of the diversity copium inventor claims are either false (somebody else did it first) or just slight improvements on something that is already functional which somehow earns them credit for the entire invention
look in a fucking mirror, dumbass. the answer to who invented the radio isn't tesla vs marconi, it's the incremental development to get there. the guy who "invents" the thing is not the same one who discovered the concept, theory of operation, market utility, or (often) 99% of the actual tech. they solve the last step in the chain or become successful enough to be labeled as its progenitor.
>I don't doubt that anyone else would have found the carbon filament solution since it can withstand high temperature
and other people were looking at better solutions, those "no utility" vacuum arc lamps led to mercury bulbs, low pressure sodium, and florescent coatings to make a far more effective bulb for massive installations. We don't talk about the invention of the florescent bulb in elementary because it was a continuous process that effected lighthouses and city streets. edison, tesla, ford, ect are businessmen investing in a technology, looking at known issues and finding efficient solutions to get first dibs on the mass market, and should be portrayed as that. not as some solo fuckoff inventor savior because we have cheap indoor lighting.

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Anonymous No. 16220033

>turn potatoes into gasoline 20 years ago
Rudolf Diesel only managed to get peanuts to work before he was killed. This was back in the late 1800s.
>some other anon will sneer and say shit like "yahoo did it first" like the radio.
ackshully, it was Archie

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Anonymous No. 16220178


Anonymous No. 16220183

something harder to do than just making a filament emit light