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🧵 How Is He Coping?

Anonymous No. 16218126

Anonymous No. 16218146

With what? Being spot on about Elon Musk?

Anonymous No. 16218201

>mars by 2024 right guys? right??? the timelines were wrong. I am very smart!!!
He should go back to debating 80 IQ creationists

Anonymous No. 16218225

We already know how this ends for him.

Anonymous No. 16218337


Anonymous No. 16218364

not at all, still in full denial stage.
called the engineers working at spacex (not just musk individually, but everyone working on starship at spacex) "morons" and said they just cheer every time something explodes.

Anonymous No. 16218533

link to his livestream of the launch?

Anonymous No. 16218566

Well that's what's happening

Anonymous No. 16218650

>No payload
>No circumnavigation of the planet in orbit
>No science experiments
>No propellant transfer
>Zero reusable portions of the rocket recovered
No way that huge hunk of junk is going to The Moon, let alone Mars.

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Anonymous No. 16218665


Anonymous No. 16218756

>No science experiments
Wow, really? What a waste of a good launch. They should definitely do at least mystery goo stuff if they want to speedrun career mode.

Anonymous No. 16218757

that's just elon time
he will do it eventually

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Anonymous No. 16218772

How many years until you're a woman?

Anonymous No. 16218832

you ACTUALLY believe that he's going to do it? LOL!!!!!!

Anonymous No. 16218834

At least Elon is actually making strides in Space exploration. NASA is still planning to use single-use rockets that cost billions. Before SpaceX, public interest in space (at least in the US and other Western countries) had pretty much bottomed out. Now, people are getting excited about it again.

Anonymous No. 16218841

No I don't think that poster can become a woman

Anonymous No. 16218893

He did a 2 hour stream concurrent with the starship launch of him coping

Anonymous No. 16218910


🗑️ Anonymous No. 16218918


after the second stage splashes down and the space x guys cheer he calls him all morons lol

Anonymous No. 16218920


you can find it yourself on youtube by searching for thunderf00t, i'm not boosting your videos, phil.

Anonymous No. 16218946

I think he means 10 years after Starship begins commercial payloads.

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Anonymous No. 16219122

Cant believe i used to watch this clown back in the day. He turned full retard kek

Anonymous No. 16219123


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Anonymous No. 16219129

He's pissed

Anonymous No. 16219142

He's not doing anything but fucking around.
Starship won't work due to the complexity of having to orchestrate so many launches alone.
So if you need to design another spaceship altogether what was the point of wasting so much time and resources on Starship in the first place?

Anonymous No. 16219168

Funny to see him invoking the Scott Adams meltdown when Dilbertboy was still in denial about how stupid he had been about the injections. But Adams eventually accepted his mistake and went on a redemption arc, using white preservation as his new cause. What will be Phil's new cause once he sees he can't hold ground on SpaceX being trash? My guess is tranny rights, complete with an apology tour for his anti-feminism days.
It's interesting to see how much the left has suddenly turned against space programs. There's always been a fringe who complained about money going to rockets instead of gibs but now that the disloyal Iron Man has turned out to be a chud, even the IFLS! wing of leftism has turned against space projects.
It was amusing to see Bill Nye die inside when he was on some leftist talk show panel and everyone else was shitting all over space programs while Bill tried to defend them but at the same time knew he couldn't disagree strongly with the rest of the panel without risking cancellation.

Anonymous No. 16219190

No he seriously meant in 10 years from the moment he answered the question. It's the same as the fsd being always 6 months to a year away or "the next build". Musk is a salesman, he's good at creating hype and exploiting the people that get suckered into it, that's it.

Anonymous No. 16219404


Anonymous No. 16219407

Mars never happening

Anonymous No. 16219422

>It's interesting to see how much the left has suddenly turned against space programs.
I think a lot of just boils down to the fact that many leftists hate Elon. Thus, they feel the need to hate everything associated with him (i.e. space exploration). I think envy is also a big part of it.

Anonymous No. 16219425


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Anonymous No. 16219461

Space is cancelled.

Anonymous No. 16219526

Man, he looks more and more like a troon every day. The only thing that's failing are his T-levels.

Anonymous No. 16219535

Lmao this is incredible. "Hahaha look how much of a dumb dumb the world's richest man is! He just launched another rocket!"

Anonymous No. 16219661

the comments are hilarious!

I also liked how during the boostback he was for some reason convinced the booster was gonna explode, and said "well that's another 30 engines gone" as if that wasn't always going to be the case.

Anonymous No. 16219696

Every view is more money into Phil's pocket.

Anonymous No. 16219735

Yeah he's obviously seething but he's not wrong that musk peddles bullshit/value at a ~10-1 ratio

Anonymous No. 16219748

Wow he looks so young. Time has aged him.

Vard No. 16219750


Vard No. 16219762

It should be passed right now. Plus I passed it to my best.

Anonymous No. 16219763

>It was amusing to see Bill Nye die inside when he was on some leftist talk show panel

Have you got a link to that?

Vard No. 16219767

Shut up faggit

Anonymous No. 16219779

>Haha look at these retards making a living out of sending rockets into space. They should be sperging behind a screen like me

Anonymous No. 16219816

Hes right tho, what happens here is this launch was a "success" compared to the previous ones that were a complete disaster. It was a suborbital flight, no pez check, no raptor reenlight, no payload simulation. Imagine if NASA had to destroy 4 shuttle just for "testing" LMAO. They did it in the first attemp and with crew

Anonymous No. 16219817

I don't care how much money other people have.

Vard No. 16219822

Sit on my faec

Anonymous No. 16219846

>Imagine if NASA had to destroy 4 shuttle just for "testing"
probably would have resulted in less exploded shuttles and dead astronauts. NASA is the #1 killer of them after all

Anonymous No. 16219860

Probably this one

Anonymous No. 16219863

why not

Anonymous No. 16219866


Vard No. 16219867

It's that simple eh?

Anonymous No. 16219876

>Why would I care about Mars when Donald Trump is number one in the polls?
Textbook example of a single track mind.

Vard No. 16219880

I can win this alone. I didn't lie about my knowledge. I can list all animal, insect, Gorgonite like that glowy jellyfish octal in the sea, and all others. From +4 to -4 category, if I want. I can list all tech from era 1 to era 14 possible to learn from this angle and if I don't list it all I needed was the scent to even be able to construct it. My hands are trained through eyes, I'm probably the best fighter if a little understreched. My mental skills are too good, more than poetically doing hard stuff, like champion rank of poetic category. I know so much about dimensional war. You could call this the Paragon of the crypt in the pyramid. I am many grades maxed out. If it is as simple as why not, you're in for victory assured.

Anonymous No. 16219886

He's doing exactly that. That's what Musktards are.

Vard No. 16219887

I believe it's more than why not. The enemy has added an additional layer. I'm trying to remove it now

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Anonymous No. 16219928

ThunderCunt is a faggot
Elon Musk is a grifting con-man faggot
/sci/ is a faggot farm that produces faggots like the two above. All faggot ass crabs in a bucket to me.

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Anonymous No. 16220039

>It was a suborbital flight, no pez check, no raptor reenlight, no payload simulation

no fuel tank, no srbs, no launch, no orbit. You can't call a plane landing on a runway a "success". The wright brothers did that in the 1910s lmao

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Anonymous No. 16220043

>Imagine if NASA had to destroy 4 shuttle just for "testing" LMAO. They did it in the first attemp and with crew

Yeah nasa waited until school teachers were on it. Too bad congress shut them down after only 2 shuttles destroyed

Anonymous No. 16220104


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Anonymous No. 16220192

Wake me up when Elon the faggot rides on Starship. It's a death trap and he knows it. He's never once mentioned flying to space on any of his rockets. He put some of his top cultists in the kill seat with Dear Moon, no way Elon was going to explode on a live stream! Thankfully for the Elon seals Dear Moon is scrubbed. Some of those simps have kids unfortunately.

Branson and Bezos both ran some of the first human test flights of their rockets. Musk the man obsessed with space seems in no rush to visit it for the first time. Strange right?

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Anonymous No. 16220213


Anonymous No. 16220237

I still believe in hydrogen fueled vehicle

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Anonymous No. 16220246

Oof. I think that Bill has done some silly things in recent years, but I really feel sorry for him here.

Anonymous No. 16220293

Shuttle: 2 fails in 135 launches

Starship: 4 fails in 4 launches

Anonymous No. 16220299

Nigga what are you saying? Im talking about STS-1.

Spx fags started watching spaceflights in 2016 LMAO

Anonymous No. 16220327

Flight 4 was the first rocket launch to ever exceed its goals if you think about

Anonymous No. 16220333

He doesn't give a shit anymore and his audience are mostly EDS flat earthers from tiktok

Anonymous No. 16220449

>complexity of having to orchestrate so many launches
There are airports that have like 800 flights per day. There's 100,000 flights on the Earth per day.

Anonymous No. 16220461

For just 10x the price you can kill everyone on board? What a deal

Anonymous No. 16220537

Shitting on the melted upper stage is zug brain tier stuff. It's a testament to the design that it managed a full re entry and soft landing while shedding who knows how many tiles and control surfaces being ripped apart. Meanwhile the shuttle has a damaged tile in the wrong place and auto-explodes.

Anonymous No. 16220611

Bill voted for this.

Anonymous No. 16220799

Still, it pains me to see people willingly throw water on exciting advances in space travel over partisan politics.

Anonymous No. 16220804


Anonymous No. 16221039

which is not even close to the first shuttle test

Anonymous No. 16221044

Yeah it must be because of all those crew dragon deaths that never happened

In all seriousness though I think Branson's sub orbital plane is dangerous and rolling the dice. It's not simple like bezos's sub orbital parachute capsule.

Anonymous No. 16221048

while you were asleep in 2023 spacex launched 96 rockets, up from 61 in 2022. Thats 3.8 days between launches on average. Even the most damning estimates say you need 15 launches to fill the fuel depot, that's achievable before too much boil off happens. And your prize is getting over 100 tons to the moon instead of golf cart

Anonymous No. 16221049

It's impressive they did so much with that death trap but the problem is you can't fix the second failure mode of the shuttle.

Anonymous No. 16221055

its crazy how there are so many elon dick riders on a science board

let me ask you this, how is tesla, solar roof tops and the hyperloop doing?

spoiler alert: not good

Anonymous No. 16221058

elongated muskrat bros....... we got too cocky

Anonymous No. 16221059

Oh look, the lonely troll with no one to talk to has arrived to make the thread about him.

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Anonymous No. 16221061


lol lmao

Anonymous No. 16221106

I gotta admit your mom's sex life makes more green

Anonymous No. 16221198

>Shuttle: 14 dead and 1 payload destroyed
>Starship: 0 dead, 0 payloads destroyed

Anonymous No. 16221233


>space shuttle 830 million lost in crashes and incidents
>starship 1.2 billion lost in crashes and accidents per launch

Anonymous No. 16221243

>price of a human life: $0

Anonymous No. 16221247

I see you were kind and used a picture of him from about 15 years ago, when he looked like a cross between Fred Flintstone and Yassir Arafat.
These days he looks like Lady Galadriel with facial hair.

Anonymous No. 16221250

>What is inflation?

Anonymous No. 16221392

bro a normal rocket is like, 50 million. Even if that's wrong, starship doesn't cost over thousand million, for fucks sake lmao

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Anonymous No. 16221458

When you age and your t drops it'll happen to you too. That's life

Anonymous No. 16221626

What would this ugly mf do if Elon Musk wasn't there?

Anonymous No. 16221826

>starship 1.2 billion lost in crashes and accidents per launch
LOL, you pulled that number out of your ass.

Anonymous No. 16221833

Make hundreds of twenty to thirty minute videos about Kickstarter scams that are better debunked by EEVBlog and bigclivedotcom.

Anonymous No. 16221837


Anonymous No. 16221858

Full time chemistry, maybe.

Anonymous No. 16221861

Even if it's 30 years instead of 10, what's the difference?

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Anonymous No. 16221878

Why is he like that?

Anonymous No. 16221904

All you need:
>Hyper loop was genuinely a retarded idea from every angle
>Cyber truck should have been cancelled when they realized it had to have a traditional endoskeleton
>Musk has an uncontrollable urge to spurt out unrealistic dates
Now repeat these in every video to stretch them out to 20 min

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Anonymous No. 16221969

Money is a hell of a drug.

Anonymous No. 16222327

>it don't matter if i'm a 30 year old or 50

Anonymous No. 16222957

Smarter every day seems like a pretty good guy and I think he's a positive force on balance, but I have to admit it will be my guilty pleasure when starship passes more milestones and his talk looks more clueless and impotent "every day". He deserves to live a happy life, but he also deserves public humiliation for that pussy tier graduation speech that was also dead fucking wrong. The apollo guys weren't playing it safe, repeating something that had already been done with a playbook. And there's no point in repeating apollo. We already know that can be done and we don't need more moonrocks. We need a serious path to put more mass on other bodies, and a higher likelyhood a failure isn't a reason to do apollo again.

Anonymous No. 16223518

You're dead wrong on your assessment of the guy. He works for the military industrial complex. His content is state sponsored

Anonymous No. 16223561

Yeah that's fair to say. But I also think that's his real opinion even if its obviously influenced. People generally agree with the politics of their associates. Also most people that work for the MIC aren't evil, they just fail to notice it's a tax payer wealth transfer to the industry establishment. The top people who are in the room for the war economy conversations can go fuck themselves though

Anonymous No. 16224189

>tax payer wealth transfer to the industry establishment
With a side effect of internal death and destruction.
>just following orders

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Anonymous No. 16224483

How much will Phil nut all over himself if Musk quits Tesla?

Anonymous No. 16224489

They have to pay it. He's intertwined with the brand. Once the marketing guru is gone they'll be eaten by competitors

Anonymous No. 16224676

>We need a serious path to put more mass on other bodies
why? there's fuckall on Mars.

Anonymous No. 16224970

here are the best moments of his live coping to flight 4

how long until he transitions?

Anonymous No. 16225016

Seems to already be in process.
It'd be interesting if they didn't pay up so he sold all his shares to a legacy automaker and washed his hands of the business. Is there a Tim Cook waiting in the shadows to take over from Musk?

Anonymous No. 16225154

>It was amusing to see Bill Nye die inside when he was on some leftist talk show panel and everyone else was shitting all over space programs while Bill tried to defend them but at the same time knew he couldn't disagree strongly with the rest of the panel without risking cancellation.
He truly deserves this.

Anonymous No. 16225162

The white paint on the ET was structural.

Anonymous No. 16225171

Tesla (and the rest of the EV market) is a sinking ship. Everybody who wants an EV already has an EV so it's becoming exponentially more difficult to sell new ones. The electric EV mandate laws will soon be undone, that's a game of chicken governments are going to lose; either the mandates get revoked or populist parties come to power and revoke them anyway.

Anyway, Elon would be wise to cash out from Tesla now. He should focus on SpaceX and Starlink.

Anonymous No. 16225340

>Elon Musk is scamming the government!!!1!!
Yes. Good for him. When will you statist cucks (such as thundercUNt) understand that the government is not and never will be your friend? What makes you think a group of people are going to any better than another group of people at running things just because the first group calls themselves the government?
Dumber still, the government (unlike every buisness on the planet) is allowed to steal from you, imprison you, and enslave you as cannon fodder.

Why are you statist cucks so fucking repulsive?

Anonymous No. 16225343

NASA is a jobs program. Why expect sustainable things from it?

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Anonymous No. 16225356

It doesn't matter. Only thing to worry about is if civilization collapses before a colony is self sustaining.

Most interesting thing about an off world colony is the implications for the dysgenic cycle: If you live in a colony which requires fancy technology to not die, the members of the colony need to have high intelligence to stay alive. So they'll need eugenics of some kind to prevent decay due to dysgenic selection pressures.

I don't think a colony will be made in our civilizational cycle, nor that it would survive if it was. But its fun to think about earth 2000 years from now (after coming out of dark ages again) going to mars or the moon and finding intact civilizations on them.

Anonymous No. 16225360

Musk, though suckling the governemnt teat, is less pro-government than most defense contractors. This offends thundercunts leftist beliefs that the state solves everything. He's a nuclear engineer; they're selected to love the government, can't have someone unloyal to the crown getting an understanding of the secret sauce.

Anonymous No. 16225374

What even was his point in that video?
I quite half when he waffled around for a half hour making no interesting points or anecdotes at all.

Anonymous No. 16225403

Ambitious deadlines are important because people will actually work to try to meet them; if you give people slack then people will allow work to expand to fill the time... and in either case there will always be delays due to complexity and unforeseeable events. It's something any competent manager understands. It's not just hype.

SpaceX might be 5 years behind on their schedule but the competition is a decade or two behind them...

Anonymous No. 16225407

Gene editing will be the norm on any colony

Anonymous No. 16225434

Humans have always been retarded. Being intelligent is an anomaly. It's amazing we have so much civilizational progress in spite of that, with smarter people trying as best they can to herd the NPCs.

The good things about all these anti-elon anti-SpaceX creatures is that its an instant indicator of their intelligence (or their allegiance) so you can just proceed to dismiss their drivel.

Anonymous No. 16225444

>they'll be eaten by competitors
This is exactly what they want to achieve, its a corpo sabotage.

But it's not just about cars, it's about AI and humanoid robots.

Anonymous No. 16225448

>its fun to think about earth 2000 years from now (after coming out of dark ages again) going to mars or the moon and finding intact civilizations on them.
Yes, except we are the ones that are about to find out...

Anonymous No. 16225463

His fucking landing of starship was insufferable
>Why the fuck is going so slow on decent?
>Why the fuck isn't it landing yet?
>Why are there sparks? Fucking sparks!?!?!?
>Why is it on the camera not clean?
>Uhh 'success'? It had a fire!


Anonymous No. 16225470

20 years.

Anonymous No. 16225502

I hope so. Free market genetic engineering is the only practice eugenics I think. Paying retards not to breed is too expensive, sterilizing retards against their will is too hard with leftists around.

Anonymous No. 16225506

Doubt it. We'd've seen them from telescopes long ago and confirmed their presence with the first probes.

sage No. 16225512

jealous kike lost his mind

Anonymous No. 16225604

ok, let's use your logic. Astronauts killed:
> SpaceX: 0
> NASA: 18

Anonymous No. 16225612

So we just going to forget the thousands of expendable rockets made and tossed just to get to the point where a shuttle was possible?

Anonymous No. 16225614

Jesus, Americans are so dumb

Anonymous No. 16225810

he was saying very nicely, with humor, and trying not to step on any toes, that we need to pay old space contractors a lot of money to do the exact same thing we did in the 60s and 70s so we can't fail.

Anonymous No. 16225812

Well one day earth is going to get nailed by a cosmic extinction event, and that event might not be on mars

But we can also mine materials that are rare on earth, it doesn't have to be mars. There's the moon and asteroids

Anonymous No. 16225832

No troons or jews either

Anonymous No. 16225867

Yeah I finally watched the rest of the video.
The problem with what he's saying is that artemis is supposed to be more than a flag planting mission, of course building a permanent moon base is gonna be more complicated than apollo, expanding goals is not a bad thing.

Anonymous No. 16225925

>quibbling about timeline promises
Who cares. Better late than never

Anonymous No. 16225944

I don't know if the left are inherently anti-space, they're just being partisan contrarians that are mad because Elon is doing it because they see him as being part of team chud and team chud is bad.

They had no complaints about the USSR going to space, in fact they constantly boast about all the firsts the soviets did at the beginning of the space race.

Anonymous No. 16225950

he looks like my disgusting estranged NEET pedophile uncle if he was also a flaming faggot

Anonymous No. 16225958

>ohh its over!
>nothing happens
>bye bye starship!
>nothing happens
>its gonna pop any second now!
>nothing happens
This is genuinely fucking hilarious

Anonymous No. 16226034

I mean >even< if the in-orbit refueling thing never pans out starship will be miles ahead of any other surface-orbit vehicle, so putting a small upper stage in orbit or assembling large deep space craft will be easier than it is now anyways.

Anonymous No. 16226068

so everything said by Popeye's employees is approved and endorsed by Popeye's? You are retarded, I don't think even the U.S government itself knows what it supports

Anonymous No. 16226103

It's teeming with iron, which makes it ripe for industrialization. It won't be a barren lifeless planet forever; eventually we will find a way to terraform it.

Anonymous No. 16226251

I don't really understand why he's so blastingly angry at Elon.
Dude's a just hypeman. His purpose is pitch his projects to investors, sometimes that necessitates making outrageously optimistic claims.
Maybe TF is simply jealous that the silly clickbait employed in his video titles aren't as lucrative as Elon's hypercharged hyperbole.

Anonymous No. 16226479

If we had the technology to do anything useful on Mars, we'd have the technology to save earth. Space is just a vanity project.

Anonymous No. 16226514

Ancient Rome was a shithole with a 50% child mortality rate due to disease.
Life quality was not high.

Anonymous No. 16226521

>we'd have the technology to save earth
>we'd have the technology to stop a gamma ray burst

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Anonymous No. 16226547

YouTube is his primary means of support now. His job as a chemist at an EU institution is stagnant and it's much easier to get money and attention on YouTube doing "I hate this" videos. Conservative estimates are that he's made over $600,000 from YouTube so far. He also has Patreon as another revenue stream. In pic related you can see how awful the salaries are for chemists in the Czech Republic where he lives.
Being a Musk hater is lucrative and Phil staked out that ground early. There are tons of other Musk hating channels but Phil has a decade of experience with making "I hate" videos so the algorithm favors him and he knows how to get clicks. YouTube allows him to live like royalty in the Czech Republic and he'd have to go back to being a middle class normie nobody without it.

Anonymous No. 16226559

>the Czech Republic where he lives
why the fuck would he move there in the first place?

Anonymous No. 16226578


Anonymous No. 16226602

He was butthurt over Brexit so he rage quit the UK and apparently the job in CZ was the only one he could find in his field.

Anonymous No. 16226699

Musk is an entrepeneur, he's great at building businesses and hyping people up for bullshit.
Who cares what he promised of course he's going to lie , that's marketing. Fact is he's built the most successful private rocket company, nobody comes close.

Anonymous No. 16226709

>noooooo you can't celebrate a great feat of engineering because the ceo promises bullshit all the time!!!1!
Phil you should hatefuck with Musk already, you must be thinking about him more than your own wife.

Anonymous No. 16226724

Thunderf00t has never been in a romantic relationship that anyone knows about.

Anonymous No. 16226741

Explains a lot. Probably puts his dick into his vacuum pump while looking at youtube analytics for release.

Anonymous No. 16226744

Oh my God the kids at the grocery store here make more than that

Anonymous No. 16226781

If he was making about the phd average on that chart, moving from the UK to the Czech Republic required about a 65%-70% pay cut. All because he was outraged over Brexit.
On the other hand, estimates of his YouTube revenue are in the $70k-$140k range, depending on how long the average viewer watches his drawn out videos, how many ads he allows, and number of YouTube Premium viewers. At this point, it's his chemist job that supplements his YouTube income instead of the other way around.

Anonymous No. 16226812

Letting a Twitter style opinion effect your real world income is insane. What a lunatic. No wonder he's so angry all the time. Tried watching a video after ift4 and I can't believe he's still using the 2012 format.

Anonymous No. 16226815

It sounds like he moved there specifically to exploit the low cost of living. A typical practice for ne'er-do-wells. He would have had a pretty big youtube income already by then.
He's effectively a performer. There's no telling what his real feelings about Musk are.

Anonymous No. 16226859

This is actually really sad because you can see a sense of wonder and excitement overtake him just for the briefest moment when the booster splashes down, only for him to choke it back because he happens to hate SpaceX's CEO.

Anonymous No. 16226866

there's a good chance something will go wrong in the future which will then give him the ability to say "I told you so!" again and the cycle of shitflinging between musk fans and detractors can continue.

Anonymous No. 16227053

>150 posts of seething
>not a single concrete thing he has said that is actually wrong

Anonymous No. 16227054

>not a single concrete thing he has said that is actually wrong
"Starship will fail"

Anonymous No. 16227080

>everybody who wants an EV already has an EV so it's becoming exponentially more difficult to sell new ones.
Model Y is literally the best selling car world-wide as we speak
not EV mind you, car

Anonymous No. 16227123

What did you expect from Musk's 60 IQ dickriders?

Anonymous No. 16227127

4/4 so far so pretty much spot on that one. If you want to argue that maybe in some possible future with infinite money they may launch starship successfully then you have to quote where that claim was made.

Anonymous No. 16227149

>let's do a static fire test
>static tire test is successful
>Let's do a low altitude landing test
>low altitude landing test successful
>let's do a reentry test
>reentry test successful

Anonymous No. 16227171

He literally said the Falcon 9 would not be reusable.

Anonymous No. 16227177

Starship costs around 100 million per unit, how the fuck did you get 1.2 billion? Why am I responding to low quality bait?

Anonymous No. 16227187

Yeah as a businessman Thunderf00t is quite clever, maybe unintentionally. He typifies a breed of bitter, contrarian midwit which is very common, thus many people can project themselves onto him.

Anonymous No. 16227200

If your craft always blows up it's not a test you should be conducting nor is it a success. Not to mention they did objectively fail those tests according to their own mission parameters. For instance the orbital hatch test was a failure and causes the ship to tumble uncontrollably. If you want to define it as a success because "well the hatch opened" then I don't know what to say.

Where did he say that?

1.2B is what they got paid for by the US government, they are asking for more.

Anonymous No. 16227210

Also your stupidity is contagious apparently. Did you seriously type that they did a "reentry test" where the rocket disintegrated and you think that's a success? What the fuck.

Anonymous No. 16227241

It reentered tho
Like a few days ago

Anonymous No. 16227287

he's transitioning

Anonymous No. 16227375

>Where did he say that?
In 2016 when Falcon 9 was at the same stage in development as Starship is now, he claimed that they would never figure out reusability.
Just skip to 15:52

Anonymous No. 16227378

Imagine being wrong for 8 years in a row and sticking to it

Anonymous No. 16227398

He says as of 2016 they never reused any booster which I believe is true. Did you link a wrong video?

Anonymous No. 16227454

And while i'm at it, I want to throw in 2 more meta points. First in 2016 falcon 9 was already a system that was running commercial flights. It's by no means in the "same stage of development as starship", the comparison is hilarious so I'll take another point off you just for that. The second and more important point. Notice the scope of my argument vs yours.
I invite maximum challenge. Literally any statement that is actually wrong. I'm sure you there's some but I will settle for just one. The highest grade of argumentum suplexium basically. You try to tackle said challenge with the safest bet you can find falcon 9 (and fail at that which is doubly hilarious) which isn't even a system he has a problem with. If you look at a post like this
You can see the things he mostly clowns on. It's not actually falcon 9 but everything else. If you had any spine, any courage at all you would actually do a wide defense as well. For instance defend the hyperloop or cybertruck or the boring company or what ever it is that's embarrassing musk at the moment. Instead you create a starwman and then attack it because that's the only thing you can do.

It's frankly incredible how prevalent this kind of mental gymnastic is. Something stupid happens which then gets rightfully mocked and them immediately someone brings up muh falcon 9. I mean fuck the video you linked is the only video in the channel with falcon in the tittle, which is probably why you chose it and the best point you could bring up was that he stated a fact that was 100% correct. I bet it's the same seethers making these threads every time too. Thunderfoot makes a bad 30 minute video, the seether watches it multiple times intently masturbating just waiting for a mistake, can't find any and then proceeds to posts in /sci/ humiliating himself as well. It really is pottery in motion.

Anonymous No. 16227473

I only care about starship
Hyper loop, cyber truck, FSD, boring company, teslabot, are all obviously grifts
But starship might actually work, unironically

Anonymous No. 16227498

All the other endeavors are throwing shit at the wall to see what sticks so he can go to Mars. Solar, batteries, tunnels, all of it. Cybertruck's entire purpose was to use publicly traded Tesla money to research steel and glass for Starship. Falcon 9 might be the best rocket ever made. Starship will be even better. Seeth all you want, I don't care

Anonymous No. 16227547

how long until you transition, Thunderf00t?

Anonymous No. 16227551

doesn't FSD actually work pretty well now?

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Anonymous No. 16227629

>so mad about brexit that you go live in a post-soviet shithole instead
lol. serves him right.
has he renounced his UK citizenship yet?

Anonymous No. 16227635

no it doesn't, and tesla fanboys and the company itself continuing to act like it does keeps getting people killed. it should not even be legal to call it FSD because it is not fully self-driving

Anonymous No. 16227636

He claims he moved there due to Brexit but who knows if that's really true. Even by his own admission, his YouTube channel had caused his employer trouble numerous times. Perhaps he was encouraged to leave. It would also explain why he ended up in such a low prestige position after leaving as other potential employers could get chemists who don't come with a bunch of baggage.

Anonymous No. 16227638

makes sense.
based on how he looks, it wouldn't surprise me if the real reason he moved to eastern europe was to rape children

Anonymous No. 16227643

"Debris field guaranteed"

Anonymous No. 16227657

It was much better than most places idiot. Trade+Aqueducts = Much less famine and drought = relaxed Darwinian selection pressures

Anonymous No. 16227663

This. It's been obvious for a long time now that Elon's real passion is space.

Anonymous No. 16227667

Lol people getting into 100,000 monopoly monies to be paid minimum wage. Absolute state of government interference on a free market.

Anonymous No. 16227669

A graph like that really explains why so many people want to exterminate the entirety of the Jewish race.

Anonymous No. 16227686

>da jooz are the only reason anyone would ever pay shit-tier wages
That's just human greed and it is not exclusive to Jews. Rich "people" are not charitable and will never pay you more than they have to.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16227726

No you said "1.2 billion lost in crashes and accidents per launch"

Anonymous No. 16227743

No you said "starship 1.2 billion lost in crashes and accidents per launch"

Anonymous No. 16227781

Basically. 4chan refuses to go on youtube and search "fsd" to watch a video of it full self driving. Tesla actually lies about its autonomy level lower than it really is to skirt safety regulations and avoid accountability. It still has plenty of edge cases where it fucks up, it can be deadly even. I wouldn't trust it unless it nails your route to work, and take control if you see something unusual like the broad side of a transfer truck

Anonymous No. 16227793

How is a screenshot of his youtube channel a strawman lmao. The man is obsessed with elon. If you used to go to his page expecting to see scams debunked, or some drama with internet feminists, it's just an elon tabloid now about everything that might be going bad for elon. It used to be cautionary exposé of scams the audience needs to look out for. It's not a consumer/investor/taxpayer advocacy channel anymore. Like take the worst offender, solar roadways. What if the channel was just documenting everything bad that happens to the solar roadways guy. Who gives a fuck. And it's made less interesting that elon isn't going away and his channel is blueballing his viewers that elon is about to be finished this time, I promise, honestly, for real, this is the one!

Anonymous No. 16227795

Tesla basically solved the self driving issue, the real issue now is computing. Current Teslas computer is some old shit from AMD that's very underpowered for full self driving, and it's a miracle what they managed to get out of that.

New gen Teslas with more powerful computers from Nvidia or AMD will 100% nail it

Anonymous No. 16227798

>he doesnt know

Anonymous No. 16227802

>If your craft always blows up it's not a test you should be conducting nor is it a success

You mean like this

Anonymous No. 16227856

His criticism is that thunderf00ts guesstimate was less than an order of magnitude off??

Anonymous No. 16227887

In the real world an order of magnitude is a lot.

Anonymous No. 16227891


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Anonymous No. 16227900

It's actually not, this is a misconception that arose from the use of calculators. Saturn V was designed with slide rules. You only need ballpark figures to figure out if something is roughly possible, then you refine those figures into a precise engineering solution. Thunderf00ts ballparking is a legitimate way of figuring out if something is a worthwhile pursuit before investing billions of dollars into it :3

Anonymous No. 16227915

[eqn]1 = (\sum x)^2 = \sum x^2 + 2 \sum xy \Rightarrow \sum xy = -\frac{1}{2}[/eqn]
[eqn]2 = (\sum x)(\sum x^2) = \sum x^3 + \sum xy(x+y) \Rightarrow \sum xy(x+y) = -1[/eqn]
[eqn]-\frac{1}{2} = (\sum x)(\sum xy) = \sum xy(x+y) + 3\prod x \Rightarrow \prod x = \frac{1}{6} [/eqn]
[eqn]\frac{1}{4}= (\sum xy)^2 = \sum (xy)^2 +2\prod x (\sum x) = \sum (xy)^2 + \frac{1}{3} \Rightarrow \sum (xy)^2 = -\frac{1}{12} [/eqn]
[eqn]4 = (\sum x^2)^2 = \sum x^4 + 2\sum (xy)^2 \Rightarrow \sum x^4 = \frac{25}{6} [/eqn]
[eqn]-\frac{3}{2} = (\sum xy)(\sum x^3) = \sum xy(x^3+y^3) + \prod x(\sum x^2) =\sum xy(x^3+y^3) + \frac{1}{3} \Rightarrow \sum xy(x^3+y^3) = -\frac{11}{6}[/eqn]
[eqn]\frac{25}{6} = (\sum x)(\sum x^4) = \sum x^5 + \sum xy(x^3+ y^3) = \sum x^5 -\frac{11}{6} \Rightarrow \sum x^5 = 6[/eqn]

Anonymous No. 16227937

>implying that absolutely no engineers or scientists at Space X ever thought to "ballpark" anything until this fat, greasy-haired, nail-painting furfag came along

Anonymous No. 16227979

>How is a screenshot of his youtube channel a strawman lmao
Nice reading comprehension lmao. I said that the screenie wasn't a strawman because those are his actual videos, notice that the poster I replied to didn't point out a flaw in the videos pictured nor a flaw at all, just seethed at something that was 100% correct. Again I invite you to point out a single thing that's actually wrong with any of those videos in the screenshot for instance. I'm still waiting.

I didn't say it. I just said where the anons number came from. SpaceX has spent something along the lines of 4 Billion of US government money on starship program. The number the anon mentioned which is 1.2B per launch is thus roughly correct for 4 launches with spaceX own funding thrown in the mix.

It's fairly clear that either no engineer ballparked projects like hyperloop, boring company, starship, cybertruck, solar roofs, or what ever else musk said in his latest interview or that the leadership didn't listen to the figures and believed in magic. I'm not sure which is worse actually. It's completely irrelevant to say that an engineer who works for hyperloop knows it will fail if the company burns money trying to make it happen anyways. You can't appeal to common sense when these projects constantly defy it.

Anonymous No. 16227984

>SpaceX has spent something along the lines of 4 Billion of US government money on starship program. The number the anon mentioned which is 1.2B per launch is thus roughly correct for 4 launches with spaceX own funding thrown in the mix.

No, no they haven't. They haven't even received any money yet for HLS. What the fuck are you smoking?

Anonymous No. 16228012

>Saturn V was designed with slide rules.
Is this oft-repeated non sequitur supposed to mean something? Slide rules are accurate calculation instruments, they're not ballpark devices where you're lucky you get within an order of magnitude.

Anonymous No. 16228013

>Thunderf00ts ballparking is a legitimate way of figuring out if something is a worthwhile pursuit
Too bad then he was off by an order of magnitude.

Anonymous No. 16228033

>boring company
Vegas extended the tunnel system btw

Anonymous No. 16228048

>Again I invite you to point out a single thing that's actually wrong with any of those videos in the screenshot for instance.

Elon is not the largest fraud in american history, won't be bankrupt in 3 years, smarter every day's advice for artemis is fucking terrible, I don't know what 'engineering' is in quotes but gain-of-function research is real, the cybertruck is bulletproof to some bullets, also no one with normal mental health wants to watch this shit

Anonymous No. 16228058

Concession accepted

Anonymous No. 16228075

>give me 1
>ok heres 5
>too bad mom said its my turn to win

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Anonymous No. 16228101

I didn't know this.

Anonymous No. 16228157

It's unfortunate that he isn't very good at it.

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Anonymous No. 16228188

> he's making at least 7k/month grifting elon
I would do the same desu

Anonymous No. 16228679

brothels are top tier in Prague

Anonymous No. 16229517

Whatever makes you feel better, anon

Anonymous No. 16230262

I wish there was a "This user is schizophrenic" report option

Anonymous No. 16230276

imagine spending 5 years to do a PhD just to girft one of the richest faggot alive for 7k/month while onlyfan models are raking in millions annually just for posting nudes twice every week.
the absolute state of americattle society.

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Anonymous No. 16230291

Before his Musk obsession, he was obsessed with Anita Sarkeesian. That made him money from the anti-feminists but nothing like what she was making from grifting corporations such as Intel, who put $300 million into her and other identity political campaigns.
Still, it's not a bad living he has going on and better than just being a lab rat, pumping out papers that never get read. There are thousands of other chemists with jobs similar to his who toil away in obscurity, living off of whatever grant money they can hustle up.

Anonymous No. 16230308

>Intel, who put $300 million into her and other identity political campaigns
fuck, China need to take over everything as soon as possible.

Anonymous No. 16230350

China is also constantly hampered by politics. The ride never ends

Anonymous No. 16230391

>Anita Sarkeesian
>act like cunt to Carl
>married herself
You can’t make this up

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Anonymous No. 16230934

>this cope thread's still going
Starship melted and sank into the fucking sea after not making orbit. It's at the bottom of the Indian Ocean along with several gigatons of pajeet poo, where it belongs. Elon's pyramid scheme will have long run out of money before his silly meme rocket actually does anything functional. Get over it.

Anonymous No. 16231120

>the suborbital test flight didn't make orbit!!! musk btfo!!!! hail the greasy unwashed prague pedophile!

Anonymous No. 16231426

You don't sound mad and frustrated at all.

Anonymous No. 16231454

>while onlyfan models are raking in millions annually just for posting nudes twice every week.

99.9% of onlyfan models do not make this.

Anonymous No. 16231509

cope. starship will continue to blow SLS the fuck out.

Anonymous No. 16231980

acktualy according to the laws of thermodynamics it's impossible for me to be coping right now. if you watched me 15 minute video I spend two minutes doing 3 seconds of reading from Wikipedia that said I'm right.

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Anonymous No. 16232263

Today is a bad day for people suffering from Elon Derangement Syndrome

Anonymous No. 16232291

What is this for?

Anonymous No. 16232294

ratification of Musks 2018 CEO compensation package and the move of Teslas legal corporate headquarters (incorporation) from Delaware into Texas
both passed

Anonymous No. 16232303

He’s right about Musk being a charlatan. Dude is a never ending stream of false promises and false ideals.

Thunderf00t also kinda sucks too though. He makes like 7 different videos all 30 minutes long all covering the exact same topic, and spends like 15 of those minutes showing him doing random barely related shit in his lab at work.

Anonymous No. 16232313

If you track progress at SpaceX you can see where he was busy with Tesla. None of what has happened in space over the last decade would've happened without Musk

Anonymous No. 16232318

NASA landed a rover on mars. What has SpaceX done other than satellites and suborbital flights?

Anonymous No. 16232324

Spacex is quite literally his only good company. When I say false promises and false ideals I’m talking about
>Boring company
>His criticisms of AI
>His criticisms of “free speech”
And even though Spacex is his best company he can’t even come close to meeting the expectations he wildly sets every year. Basically anytime Elon opens his fucking mouth it’s safe to assume 99% of what comes out of it is complete horse shit, and the 1% that’s true is that when he says something will be ready in 5 years he means 50 years.

Anonymous No. 16232325

Musk was planning on landing on Mars with Falcon Heavy, but was directly threatened by senator Shelby (many such cases) so he cancelled it. Were it not for leadership within the most powerful entity on earth he would've sent something four years ago.

Anonymous No. 16232326

I heard it was JPL that threw a shitfit over red dragon, maybe it was both knowing shelby.

Anonymous No. 16232355

Everything he has done besides SpaceX is to make money or develop technology for Mars
>boring company
Tunnels for habitation on Mars
He didn't do anything besides say he might write a paper about it but then he decided not to because he realized it was impossible, and then a bunch of other people who also knew it was impossible for together to see what problems they could solve
Broke some records within an hour of installation. Did you think you'd be living in Minecraft this century?
Everything he said came true. The big players in the space made racially biased AIs deliberately. We're not sure what the implications are yet
>free speech
Are you European?
Anyway the rest is just >>16218201 durr timelines which I covered in the second post in this thread

Anonymous No. 16232360

Literally nothing you said in this post is accurate.

Anonymous No. 16232363

Sounds like seeth to me

Anonymous No. 16232369

>If I just lie about everything Musk has said and done then he’s the greatest man to ever live
Sorry I’m not going to invest any significant time trying to argue with a retard like you.

Anonymous No. 16232374

Nothing he said was a lie.

Anonymous No. 16232379

Come on man, just let him cope. Musk just got paid $50b, it's a bad day to have EDS

Anonymous No. 16232383

Boring company is specifically because Elon didn’t want to wait in LA traffic and it’s been an abysmal failure.
Elon Musk wrote the “white paper” on the hyperloop and sponsored several organization’s constructions of prototypes. He never said it would never work.
Neuralink hasn’t broken any records, I don’t even know what that means. Its chips are neither groundbreaking nor safe.
Elon Musk is extremely duplicitous about AI. He wants everyone to slow down AI development yet he is investing in AI development and dumping tons of money into unrestricted AI research at Tesla.
Elon Musk went on a grand crusade about free speech yet he bans virtually anyone that shit talks him specifically on X, he fires people at his own company when they voice disagreement with him, he implemented a pay system on his website so you can speak even more freely by paying.

You baited me, congratulations.

Anonymous No. 16232398

Literally nothing you said in this post is accurate.

Anonymous No. 16232415

Wow you owned me epic style. How does Elon’s asshole taste by the way?

Anonymous No. 16232416

Wonder how much that judge's ruling ends up costing Delaware. I know lots of companies are incorporated there for fiscal and risk reasons so if all they're losing is some annual incorporation fees, might not be a big deal but if they're getting a slice of the Tesla pie, the move of the legal headquarters to Texas will sting a bit, especially since the shareholders just overruled the Delaware judge who invalidated Musk's compensation package.

Anonymous No. 16232420

I think it will be disastrous, this will start an exodus of corporations out of delaware

Anonymous No. 16232423

What judge ruling caused this?

Anonymous No. 16232438

Verified snopes fact checkers have confirmed that neuralink is both safe and effective

Anonymous No. 16232442

> flight so successful even the FAA says this flight was a success and doesn't require any investigation
you're the one coping here faggot

Anonymous No. 16232452

>hundreds of animal deaths during testing
>bugs and issues in the first human trial, ones that were literally known about
Yeah man put the Elon chip in your brain. Nothing will go wrong.

Anonymous No. 16232465

>hundreds of animal deaths during testing
There are probably more dead animals as a result of you personally getting hungry, who cares

Anonymous No. 16232473

Yeah, I’m not going to sign up for the brain damage chip or being food. I didn’t think the latter needed to be said though.

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Sen Britt.jpg

Anonymous No. 16232482

Doesn't matter now. Shelby is gone and his heir is a bimbo (pic related) with zero clout. The biggest obstacle for SpaceX right now is Joe Biden, who has a hate boner for Musk. If Biden (or more accurately the Biden administration) loses power, it's clear sailing for SpaceX. The Democrats in Congress might be unhappy with Musk for various reasons but they don't seem intent on throwing up roadblocks the way the Biden administration has.

Anonymous No. 16232521

I keep hearing this but what exactly has biden done to screw over musk? it's insinuation and never specifics.

Anonymous No. 16232526

Fcc starlink rejection, no invite/mention of Tesla at a Whitehouse EV event, "lots of luck on your trip to the moon", starship regulator impediments, etc. The admin has a lot of subtle ways of fucking with him. They can't outright do anything because of how interested the DoD is but they have an asset in Musk and they're impeding rather than helping

🗑️ Barkon. No. 16232530

Was this thread created just to suck musks 1 inch?

Anonymous No. 16232591

>Fcc starlink rejection
Thats the fcc being stupid, not biden
>no invite/mention of Tesla at a Whitehouse EV event
No 100% EV manufacturer was invited cause the point of the meeting was to get legacy automakers on board with EVs
>"lots of luck on your trip to the moon"
Yeah this is just biden being an out of touch boomer
>starship regulator impediments
Thats the regulators, not biden.

Anonymous No. 16232753

The FCC is part of the executive branch. The FAA is part of the executive branch. USFWS is part of the executive branch.
Did you sleep through fifth grade civics class? Weird how these agencies that are part of the executive branch only started micromanaging when Biden became president. As regulators, they have a role to play but no one intellectually honest can say what they've been doing while under Biden has been consistent with how they've operated in the past. But we all know you're disingenuous so your next step will be to sea lion and think that makes you clever while everyone shakes their heads at your clumsy attempts to run interference for the executive branch (you know, the branch of government headed by Joe Biden). What exactly do you think you're accomplishing with this attempt to pretend the executive branch doesn't have authority and influence over its agencies?

Anonymous No. 16232799

>Did you sleep through fifth grade civics class?
American tries not to forget people exist outside of america challenge level impossible

Anonymous No. 16232807

You wish you were American; making american wages

Anonymous No. 16232819

I'm perfectly happy with my swiss wage

Anonymous No. 16233279

It's one thing to not know about XYZ, and it's another to make confident assertions about XYZ while not knowing about it.

Even not knowing how the American bureaucracy is organized, is it seriously not conceivable that the President can use connections within various government institutions to harass his political enemies?

Anonymous No. 16233304

Then why comment on something you don't understand?

Anonymous No. 16233307

>even the FAA says this flight was a success and doesn't require any investigation

>sank like a turd in someone else's ocean
I should hope not.

Anonymous No. 16233309

>I think envy is also a big part of it.
The left in general is fueled by envy, that's true of essentially every issue they're concerned with.

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Anonymous No. 16233312

>starship will continue to blow SLS the fuck out
Id tell you to call me when it orbits a payload around the moon, but I don't think this thread will last until the late 2030s.

Anonymous No. 16233318

cope. SLS costs billions per launch and is not reusable. it has no future. it's a complete waste of taxpayers' dollars designed to be built as inefficiently as possible to redistribute said taxpayers' dollars to corporations throughout the different states. at least when the government gives money to spacex it gets put to good use and is not spent in the most ridiculously inefficient manner it possibly could be, just so that congresstards can say "look, I created jobs!"

Anonymous No. 16233321

>Its chips are neither groundbreaking nor safe
If they're not safe then why hasn't the guy who had one implanted experienced any complications yet?

Anonymous No. 16233324

>$35bil and 12 years development to launch 20 tons around the moon every three years
Yeah... Not even sure what to say to you

Anonymous No. 16233327

As long as Muskrats are celebrating controlled crashes, you better believe it has a future. Git gud, ketamine junkie.

Anonymous No. 16233335

So far they both just end up in the ocean lol, unfortunately for you that only changes for one of them

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Anonymous No. 16233339

How many tons has SpaceX orbited around the moon in the last three years?

Anonymous No. 16233352

>each starship test flight is exponentially more successful than the last
>i-it totally won't ever work, SLS will still be relevant in 10 years, I promise

Anonymous No. 16233367

It's linear af, lol. Don't exaggerate because you think it sounds cool. But it better get "exponential" real quick, if it needs TWENTY LAUNCHES to fuel up to reach the moon.

Anonymous No. 16233371

Those 20 launches will still be cheaper than 1 SLS launch lmao

scope_man No. 16233393

Are you the 40 tons faggot from /sfg/

Anonymous No. 16233408

You can put a price on an impossibility?

No, that would be yer dad.

Anonymous No. 16233428

>while you were asleep in 2023 spacex launched 96 rockets, up from 61 in 2022. Thats 3.8 days between launches on average. Even the most damning estimates say you need 15 launches to fill the fuel depot, that's achievable before too much boil off happens. And your prize is getting over 100 tons to the moon instead of golf cart

It's also the cheapest fuel available so it will end up being cheaper than complex fuels.

Complexity is a non issue unlike shuttle or saturn v this will have economies of scale for leo, which means there will constantly be missions to improve efficiency.

People seem to forget than the only maximized apollo mission was 17 the rest were not using the full tech potential since they were affraid of their limits.

And the shuttle failure of heat shield design was known to be fucked up from the first mission were some tiles fell off, but once they proved it worked they were terrified about changing it and it costed two shuttles blowing up later.

Starship will be improved every month for years after operational level launches start, the level of economies of scale in low earth orbit it will open is so much that some people like Tom Mueller from spacex who designed the falcon 9 engines decided to leave to open his own companies about restartable engines for leo to high orbit punch.

Everyone with 3 digits iq and not a butthurt leftists understands that starship will open so much economies of scale that there will be empty space on launches on leo so companies will start to launch shit and test on the excess space on starship and there will be ton of business to be done about sending stuff from leo to high orbits

Anonymous No. 16233442

>but the competition is a decade or two behind them

27 years behind more or less, up until 2015 the competition reaction to falcon 9 was "we will improve the current desing to be 5% more efficient".

Then it was we will cancel some of our rockets to keep the cheapest one and lower costs.

Then people like bezos got into the scene and some chinese companies started to invest in reusability and oldspace freaked the fuck out.

Honestly they are done and most likely live on their own momentum, the fact that they have not in some cases started to develop their own reusable rockets says how retarded they truly are.

Anonymous No. 16233445

More even safe and trusted conventional rockets use engines that are worse that the shit the soviets used for their lunar rocket and are simply used due to being trusted.

Anonymous No. 16233698

When I was younger and into atheism I used to like some of his stuff. Decided to look him up for the first time in like 12 years and his entire account is screaming into the void about Elon Musk. Complete loser behavior.

I think it's important that even if you don't believe in God, it's important to realize that replacing it with lefty envy and scientism is a lot worse.