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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16218138

So longevity /b/ros, what's the latest scoop on the frontier? Will life extension be successful within the next 30 years?

Anonymous No. 16218165

Dude with shoes updated his crg rentry. Results look good. Going to do my second stack of it in maybe 6 months. Want to do a bunch of fasting when it's not cold out

Anonymous No. 16218196

Can somebody poke Elon Musk/Jeff Bezos on Twitter to put some money towards immortality research?

Anonymous No. 16218590

tell richard de greymes here to stop shilling for the ivans and the epstein cabal, stop creeping on women, and publish something

or start studying yourself and quit the hero worship.

Anonymous No. 16218596

yeah rmr 1 is a complete success and we are going to live past 100+ years at a minimum if we take TERT, rapamycin, and senolytics. Probably even longer since we're gonna almost certainly live past LEV with this stack

Anonymous No. 16218601

leave the funding to me

Anonymous No. 16218688

Lucius debeers says he's cold.

Anonymous No. 16218693

tranny thread

Anonymous No. 16218718

transhuman thread, big difference
have fun dying painfully monkey

Anonymous No. 16218721

18 degrees celsius to be exact

Anonymous No. 16219140

not yet. the day he shaves his beard will be the day a cure to longevity is ready. everyone will say "wow he looks so much younger without his beard, that longevity treatment must work wonders" and throw money at him

Anonymous No. 16219258

What's funny is you think you won't die. That mid life crisis is gonna hit you hard

Anonymous No. 16219538

nobody says this, longevity involves being healthier for longer so lifespan is naturally extended, good for everyone
you are just some weird guy obsessed with being negative about this topic in particular

Anonymous No. 16219591

look at the fucking graph

Anonymous No. 16219777

Has anyone ever bred rats or some simpler organism for longevity? The idea is you freeze some rat sperm and eggs and see how long the rats live, then you use the sperm and eggs of the ones that lives the longest to breed a new generation. Seems very simple.
Another solution, cheaper to perform, would be to track a rat population for typical signs of aging, like memory problems and pick the ones that seemed less aged (for their age) and use these for breeding.

Anonymous No. 16219780

Healthy living is already a thing but only rich people with time to train, eat healthy and able to relax with fun pastimes can do these. Everyone else works, catches some food, some sleep and worries

Anonymous No. 16219785

What would be the purpose of that study?
What is wrong with you eugenics retards??? Why do you always think in impractical terms of generations of top down control and selective breeding instead of TREATMENTS

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Anonymous No. 16220704

>Will life extension be successful within the next 30 years?
We got an octogenarian running against a near-octogenarian. Yesterday, the octogenarian President was surrounded by 100 year old D-Day vets. You tell me.

I'm with Ray Kurzweil...longevity escape velocity by 2030. No one alive at that date in a Western country dies of a thing called "old age" after that.

Anonymous No. 16220754

Yeah the tech is here already and only getting better

Anonymous No. 16220766

>life extension
Oh, I thought this was about penis extension. I'm out.

Anonymous No. 16221648

>What would be the purpose of that study?
To determine if its possible to lengthen the lifespan of an organism through selective breeding and if yes, to how much

Anonymous No. 16221650

Just die with some dignity like every human being before you.

Anonymous No. 16221655

Also, there isnt any contradiction between researching longevity via eugenics or thorough treatments. With eugenics you get examples of improved organisms and you can then study the differences in their biology, and use that to design treatments. It helps a lot to even know that such things would be possible.
Like, it would help with funding in general if someone bred a rat that lived 40 years

Anonymous No. 16221656

>Just die with some dignity
Sure, but theres nothing undignified about dying with dignity later

🗑️ B4RK0N (300 IQ) 'kneel' No. 16221658

There'll be no immortality while I'm around to stop it.

🗑️ B4RK0N (300 IQ) 'kneel' No. 16221661

Kneel, now

Anonymous No. 16221676

you cannot stop biologic immortality (elimination of aging) and absolute immortality is not even promised to be ever on the table
Either way, why are you gay?

Anonymous No. 16221940

link please?

Anonymous No. 16221988

Who is dude with shoes? Saw his name mentioned in a couple of threads... is there a comunity that focuses on longevity?

Anonymous No. 16222160


Anonymous No. 16222325

I saw a paper on epigenetic reprogramming. It said 2-4 days of treatment would do a full programb, and the results last 6-7 days. So there you go. You can do apigenin or whatever treatment max 4 days before it *stops working*. The results last for about a week, where you could try to build new tissue? Then start up again if you need. Which kind of mimics a lot of other experiments with senolytic therapy.

I don’t know if it will actually cause you to live longer, it might not.

Anonymous No. 16222355

What do people here think about Bryan Johnson? Did he actually stop/reverse aging like he claims or is he a larp?

Anonymous No. 16222380

I'm on his blueprint stack right now
His speed of aging is 0.62 so he has slowed his speed of aging
His organ function has been rejuvenated across the board (some of them to the level of a teenager) so he has legitimately made himself biologically younger
The gene therapy he's taken extended lifespan in mice by 35-40 percent
Same with the full body stemcell injections
Unless something happens to him he is going to live past LEV and rejuvenate himself further
Dave Pascoe is a more interesting biohacker though. He has an extrinsic age of 37 but is 61. He also takes telomerase extending drugs and looks physically to be in his late thirties or early forties.

Anonymous No. 16222459

>I'm on his blueprint stack right now
How's it working out for you? Is it something you would recommend?
>Dave Pascoe is a more interesting biohacker though
I've looked into him a bit. Isn't it a big red flag that he doesn't show himself anywhere in the media, though? His claims are very bold.

Anonymous No. 16222636

why would he? the added stress of constant media attention is probably pretty damaging to his goals.

Anonymous No. 16222703

Are those widely available yet?

Anonymous No. 16222883

>How's it working out for you?
Miraculously. People at work are constantly commenting on my looks now saying I look younger than I was hired so it's definitely deaging me. I'm also more energized and for some reason I barely get sore after going nuts at the gym now.
>Is it something you would recommend?

Pascoe has videos of himself and his tests online. Him not being in the media might just be because he's just some dude and not a centimillionaire influencer like BJ.

🗑️ B4RK0N (300 IQ) 'kneel' No. 16222887

Depends on the giver.

🗑️ B4RK0N (300 IQ) 'kneel' No. 16222890

You and I have different understandings of squared space.

Anonymous No. 16222954

how much did the stack cost all in? From the quantities he's using it looks quite expensive.

Anonymous No. 16223861

senolytics and rapamaycin are yeah

Anonymous No. 16223866

>like every human being
are you dumb? it's only ever been a lucky few who die that way

Anonymous No. 16223914
MARCH 8, 2013

Immortal Line of Cloned Mice Created

Mice can be cloned via somatic cell nuclear transfer from other mice indefinitely, a new technique suggests. The technique could be used for large-scale production of superior-quality animals for farming or conservation purposes

In their study, Wakayama and colleagues grew the cloned cells in a solution containing trichostatin, a compound that interferes with enzymes that make changes to DNA. Using this technique, the cloning process was five times more successful.

The team successfully cloned the mice 25 consecutive times. In other words, they cloned one mouse, then cloned those clones, and so on. A total of 581 healthy mice were made, all of which were fertile and lived a normal life span of about two years. The efficiency of making the cloned cells neither worsened nor improved over the generations.
Scientists find gene that grants long life – and successfully test it on another species
Genetically modified mice found to have less inflammation and healthier gut

Vishwam Sankaran
Thursday 24 August 2023 08:13 BST

Scientists successfully introduced into mice a gene responsible for making high molecular weight hyaluronic acid (HMW-HA) – a molecule responsible for naked mole rats’ unusual resistance to cancer.

Previous studies have shown that compared to mice and humans, the mole rats have about 10 times more HMW-HA in their bodies, and when the molecule’s gene was removed from the rats, their cells were more likely to form tumours.

In the new research, scientists genetically modified mice to produce the naked mole rat version of the hyaluronan synthase 2 gene – responsible for making a protein that produces HMW-HA.

Anonymous No. 16223920

March 29, 2010

Gene Rejuvenates Mouse Embryonic Stem Cell Immortality
Confocal microscope image of red spots on green tips of chromosomes
Researchers have discovered a key to mouse embryonic stem (ES) cell rejuvenation in a gene called Zscan4. If a similar mechanism also operates in human cells, the finding could have major implications for aging research, stem cell biology, regenerative medicine and cancer biology.

ES cells are unique not only because of their ability to develop into nearly any type of cell in the body. They are also what scientists call immortal—they can divide indefinitely in the laboratory to produce new generations of fully functional "daughter" ES cells. Other cells can only produce a certain number of generations of daughter cells before they no longer function properly. This is partially because the telomere, the protective end of the chromosome, shortens each time a cell divides. When a telomere becomes too short, the cell dies, turns itself off or produces abnormal cells.

As reported in the March 24, 2010, online edition of Nature, only about 5% of ES cells have Zscan4 activated at any given time. However, nearly all ES cells undergo a period of Zscan4 activation. When the researchers interfered with Zscan4 expression, cell population growth slowed and eventually reached a crisis, with massive cell death.

The researchers examined telomeres and found that Zscan4 activation led to telomere lengthening. However, telomerase—a protein known to elongate telomeres in other situations—didn't seem to be involved. Rather, Zscan4 activation turned on genes involved with recombination—the process by which DNA strands are broken and joined to other strands. ZSCAN4 protein, along with these recombination proteins, could all be found on telomeres during this telomere "rejuvenation" phase.

Anonymous No. 16224917

what kind of dosages are we talking about? good vendors?

Anonymous No. 16226434

ever wondered how people manage to know that you're jewish?

Anonymous No. 16226437


Anonymous No. 16226444

Any noticable effects?

Anonymous No. 16226499

Longevity research is pseudoscience that targets atheists

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Anonymous No. 16226603

>Will life extension be successful within the next 30 years?


Anonymous No. 16226629

I bet you catholic pederast cannot even read microbiology.

Anonymous No. 16227407

You can get it shipped from India if you search. I wouldn’t put myself on Rapamycin, although I know it works. It turns down immune system. I’d turn into a bowl of viruses.

Anonymous No. 16227509

but im not jewish you fucking retard
does /pol/ not like rapamycin for some reason?

Anonymous No. 16228223

for it is being pushed solely by kikes who avoid mentioning its nefarious side-effects and that it only works in rats (which they probably are)

Anonymous No. 16228230

You can use rapamycin at subclinical doses, below what is used for transplant recipients, to reduce the immune system dampening. You can also blast & cruise it for an acute strong dose.

Anonymous No. 16228253

I watched my great-grandparents die. There's nothing dignified about being a mass of health issues riddled with dementia, shitting and drooling on yourself while the nurses steal your jewellery.
If healthspan isn't improved, I'm going to take myself out once I start declining when I still have the ability to do so.
Ideal situation would be good health until something critical fails and I die quickly. Fuck the slow fade

Anonymous No. 16228295

He was our only chance, MeToo doomed life extension. There is no hope even if the most knowledgeable biotechnicians start taking it seriously today. There are like a dozen aging-related phenomena and barely one of them has been solved so far

Anonymous No. 16228311

wait who tf is this

Anonymous No. 16228314

Get farted on kyads

Anonymous No. 16228320

Basically they got farted on for 600 years and it was very painful and confused from reality, in such a way that any hell we could possibly do would be miniature. Sweet sweet revenge. Several little poo balls on a plate, served with diseases inside - cracked up perfect. Under the sweetest Sun, one hundred times the size grew up quickly against a prepared sun. Pissed off about life? Try looking at these people, really getting into their deranged minds.

Anonymous No. 16228344

Fart on ME NOW

Unless ya cant

Anonymous No. 16228378

Do you ever think before running your mouth?

Anonymous No. 16228393

Just two more weeks then the government will allow gene editing

Anonymous No. 16228403

go to mexico, columbia, or prospero
or just do it illegally

Anonymous No. 16228875

You're all gonna live a short, mostly meaningless existence, then deteriorate, waste up to a third of your already-short life on being old and in poor health, and finally die in a hospital somewhere (which is going to be very scary), probably in a pretty painful way. Then it's gonna be dark for eons and eons, the darkness quickly erasing any meaning or imprint you might've left on this Earth otherwise. Have fun.

Anonymous No. 16229083

Soon you'll be lucky if you can die

Anonymous No. 16229097

what's your life like bro? I'm getting a jewish feel from you

Anonymous No. 16229324

Not good (also not jewish).
Don't see what it has to do with the matter at hand, however. Cope isn't going to help with hardship in the long run.

Anonymous No. 16229514

You can't live for long even with theoretically working limitless longevity tech. Our brains probably aren't made to last that long and the memory bandwidth is limited even if it's large. What are you gonna start randomly forgetting vital shit after you hit the 300 year mark? Delusional.
I think as a society the best semi-realistic thing to hope for is not longevity but youth.
For us to live normal human lifespans (maybe slightly longer due to better tech, like up to 150 years old) but stay basically 20-year-olds until something suddenly fails. That would be the best possible (even if a pretty unrealistic) outcome.

Anonymous No. 16229622
Hope you bros didn't vaxx

Anonymous No. 16229655

>What are you gonna start randomly forgetting vital shit after you hit the 300 year mark?
Nigga, you already forgot 90% of your childhood. Stfu.

Anonymous No. 16229738

I remember a lot of crucial moments up to being 2 years old. Yes I probably don't remember every day-to-day (remember a lot of random mundane flashes though), but I remember enough for it to be a solid sense of continunity and identity. Now imagine if that starts going away. You have dementia at this point.

Anonymous No. 16229835

I'm 30 and still remember my first memory, what the fuck are you blabbling about?

Anonymous No. 16230643

Describe every meal you've had in your life starting from the beginning

Anonymous No. 16230758

Your mom's pussy
Your mom's pussy
Your mom's pussy
Your mom's pussy
Your mom's pussy....

Anonymous No. 16230967

I hope you give some good head.

Anonymous No. 16230974

Yeah, it must be really vital, that memory of how you pooped your pants once when you were 4. I don't know how you'd be able to live without it.
Maybe you should die right now, to make sure you don't forget it before you die.

Anonymous No. 16232256

bump >:)

Anonymous No. 16232295


Why would anyone want to live longer?

Anonymous No. 16232302

Why not? Therr aren't enough lifetimes to study everything the world has to offer. Also, no mayter how much I age, 18 year old girls are still 18.

Anonymous No. 16232335

A succulent chinese meal
Steamed hams
A succulent chinese meal
A succulent chinese meal

Anonymous No. 16232362


Life has (less than) nothing to offer.

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Anonymous No. 16232541

She's 75, she could be onto something.

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Anonymous No. 16232563

why doesn't he fast, /sci/ncels?

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Anonymous No. 16232653


Same person with no filters...

Anonymous No. 16232684

So, any of the methods ITT scientifically proven to work? Or is it just trustmebro/e-celebs/snake oil? How much do such treatments cost?

Anonymous No. 16233205

Probably because it interrupts with all the shit he's taking. No one in history popped as many pills as he does on a daily basis.

Anonymous No. 16233575

oh my fucking god man, just look at the RMR study, I posted it at the top of the thread
why do you ask dumbass shit like this?

Anonymous No. 16233727

>you need to extend my life for me
lol. 100% youre vaxxed

Anonymous No. 16234338

Oxygen restriction is the real thing

Anonymous No. 16235470

Looks like this thread (which is not Scientific nor Mathematical and therefore Off-Topic and Extremely Low Quality) is not going to be saved from removal. In other words, I'm Not Bumping This Thread.

Anonymous No. 16235533

kek, they can't even cure baldness or stop hair graying, and they sit around on Twitter pounding their meat over far more ambitious ideas.

Anonymous No. 16235572

you haven't seen those red light helmet things?

I started losing hair a few years back and started Rogaine, it was kinda meh worked ok. Threw on the red light helmet, my hair is almost back to 18-year old levels.

Anonymous No. 16235579

How do I know you're not just snickering at the thought of me posting to 4chan while wearing a laser helmet and elbow pads?

Anonymous No. 16235585


>Conclusions: All the articles selected and analyzed reported a positive effect of LLLT for MPHL and/or FPHL treatment without side effects.

Anonymous No. 16235626

The trouble is that "positive effect" in the medical literature can be very underwhelming. Look at the before/after pics in the finasteride studies, for instance. Any uptick in hair density is considered a positive effect, yet...the dudes are still bald. The same thing happens in the microneedling studies.

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Anonymous No. 16235631

Not at all. First we need to solve the jew problem, otherwise they will keep creating all types of diseases for profit.

Anonymous No. 16235654

the red light helmets don't work for everyone, but the good results are pretty dramatic, like from "bald" to "decent hair"

Anonymous No. 16236847


Anonymous No. 16236865

>the red light helmets don't work for everyone, but the good results are pretty dramatic, like from "bald" to "decent hair"
They don't work for anyone. You have been completely conned you stupid retard.
>you haven't seen those red light helmet things?
The idiot helmets for idiots. Well done for identifying yourself.
>The trouble is that "positive effect" in the medical literature can be very underwhelming. Look at the before/after pics in the finasteride studies, for instance. Any uptick in hair density is considered a positive effect, yet...the dudes are still bald. The same thing happens in the microneedling studies.
Holy shit you fucking idiot. Nobody here ever understands anything ever.
Finasteride DOESN'T REGROW your head hair.
It slows down or stops further hair loss.
Finasteride also has very negative side effects.

Anonymous No. 16236871

>You're all gonna live a short, mostly meaningless existence, then deteriorate, waste up to a third of your already-short life on being old and in poor health, and finally die in a hospital somewhere (which is going to be very scary), probably in a pretty painful way.
Most people aren't chronically depressed autistic friendless genetic rejects like you anon...
>Then it's gonna be dark for eons and eons, the darkness quickly erasing any meaning or imprint you might've left on this Earth otherwise. Have fun.
Lol, Nobody knows what happens after death. You're just as delusional as an Abrahamic at this point.

Anonymous No. 16236881

>Immortal Line of Cloned Mice Created
Living for 2 years isn't immortal.
Cloning like sexual reproduction isn't immortality.
>Scientists successfully introduced into mice a gene responsible for making high molecular weight hyaluronic acid (HMW-HA) – a molecule responsible for naked mole rats’ unusual resistance to cancer.
Mole rats are more susceptible to cancer than humans and only live for 30 years at most...
>ES cells are unique not only because of their ability to develop into nearly any type of cell in the body. They are also what scientists call immortal
Nothing impressive about this what so ever. Cancer cells are also technically immortal...
You need to actually demonstrate some achievement at indefinitely extending the life of a mammal.

Anonymous No. 16236888

>We got an octogenarian running against a near-octogenarian. Yesterday, the octogenarian President was surrounded by 100 year old D-Day vets. You tell me.
Mentally and physically dead people that look like senile grim reapers are your argument for modern "life extension"?
The oldest person to ever live died in 1997.
The life expectancy of Americans today is 77 years.
>I'm with Ray Kurzweil...longevity escape velocity by 2030.
And when 2030 passes you will make up a new prediction for 2040...
Fuck off with that shit.

Anonymous No. 16236894

>Lol, Nobody knows what happens after death. You're just as delusional as an Abrahamic at this point.
>t. billy bob who just left evangelicalism and joined some neopagan/occult larp
religion is religion and you won't find allies on /sci/ of all boards simply because you chose to rebrand from one belief in paranormal to another

Anonymous No. 16236896

>A succulent chinese meal
Lol, You're quoting Charles Dozsa.
Talking about longevity, the guy is still alive too.
Crazy, he was an old fucker many decades ago.

Anonymous No. 16236901

>For us to live normal human lifespans (maybe slightly longer due to better tech, like up to 150 years old) but stay basically 20-year-olds until something suddenly fails.
if you achieve that you've already achieved biological immortality. Nobody is going to be a walking mummy

Anonymous No. 16236902

The human body is only but so complex. We've already mapped out most of the pathogenic mutations for common genetic diseases. While 2030 and 2040 and the like always seems to be a moving target for this poorly defined "escape velocity" BS, do you really think we'll still have cancers and Alzheimers by 2100?

Anonymous No. 16236903

Where are the Pagans anon?
I simply said Abrahamic because 99.999% of all religious people on 4chan are Abrahamics...

Anonymous No. 16236905

that's pretty good for 75. A lot of women look like this at 50

Anonymous No. 16236910

are there some actual advances in this field? Like reducing telomere degradation?

Anonymous No. 16236911

>99.999% of all religious people on 4chan are Abrahamics...
99.999% of all religious people on 4chan are culture war LARPers. Five years ago they were LARPing as Abrahamics, these days they're more inclined to LARP as pagans and fight with the remaining Abrahamic LARPers and call them Christcucks. In reality, they are all bored atheists who jerk off to trap porn.

Anonymous No. 16236937

>The human body is only but so complex
And it's still beyond our complete understanding because it is far too complicated.
>We've already mapped out most of the pathogenic mutations for common genetic diseases.
No we haven't. We've got no idea what the fuck is going on 90% of the time. It's always just noticing vague patterns and correlations. Useful information but nothing close to a complete understanding.
>While 2030 and 2040 and the like always seems to be a moving target for this poorly defined "escape velocity" BS, do you really think we'll still have cancers and Alzheimers by 2100?

Holy shit are the "cure cancer" people stupid.
There are hundreds of different cancer types that all need completely different treatments or possible gene modifications to remove them as ailments.
Personally the most promising treatment now involves immune system tweaking but even that is fought with dangers.
An immune system that removes your Brain tumor can also continue on to attack your own non-cancerous CNS.
So you need a biological switch to turn it off and on. Something that doesn't exist yet.
Humans simply haven't evolved to live beyond 40.
Alzheimer's/Dementia is also exceedingly complicated and poorly understood. Almost everyone in their 70's has significant cognitive decline compared to their 30's regardless of their disease status. Brain immortality without a doubt is the hardest of all. It is 1000% more complicated than other parts of the body. It is insane to even suggest that's achievable in 200 years.

Anonymous No. 16236941

>99.999% of all religious people on 4chan are culture war LARPers
You aren't wrong.

Anonymous No. 16236965

>Has anyone ever bred rats or some simpler organism for longevity? The idea is you freeze some rat sperm and eggs and see how long the rats live, then you use the sperm and eggs of the ones that lives the longest to breed a new generation. Seems very simple.
>Another solution, cheaper to perform, would be to track a rat population for typical signs of aging, like memory problems and pick the ones that seemed less aged (for their age) and use these for breeding.
I do remember that being done in a thirty? year old European experiment. Can't find the article right now. It does work. The average age does measurably increase each generation. Just very slowly. Evolution itself is proof that it works.
>What would be the purpose of that study?
>What is wrong with you eugenics retards??? Why do you always think in impractical terms of generations of top down control and selective breeding instead of TREATMENTS
? There is no possible way of making an ordinary lab rat live for 30 years. You can't defeat genetics. It always wins. It is always the final frontier.
Nature on the other hand has evolved other rodents to live for over 30 years.
Nature has evolved a 500+ year lifespan for Greenland sharks.
Like a bicycle, the only way you could make a human live indefinitely without genetic modification is by replacing identical parts. So you grow a clone of yourself to use for replacement parts.
That however doesn't work when it comes to brain rejuvenation. You're still fucked there.

Anonymous No. 16236968

>What's funny is you think you won't die. That mid life crisis is gonna hit you hard
I'm all for research into aging but the reality for hundreds of years into the foreseeable future is that you ARE going to die and only live on 50% through your children.
>Can somebody poke Elon Musk/Jeff Bezos on Twitter to put some money towards immortality research?
They know it's bullshit. You're a gullible idiot. That's also why you have no money or children and suffer from severe autism spectrum disorder.
You need to be the opposite of immortal.
You can't die fast enough.

Anonymous No. 16236984

>There are hundreds of different cancer types that all need completely different treatments or possible gene modifications to remove them as ailments.

Just look at the survival statistics for melanoma and non-small cell adenocarcinoma, for example. Used to be pretty damn fatal 20-30 years ago, now most patients are surviving with immunotherapy. This trend will obviously continue towards better and better survival for more and more cancers over time.

Anonymous No. 16237066

>Just look at the survival statistics for melanoma

"In the last decade, the 5-year overall survival rate for advanced melanoma has increased from <10% to >50%."

Yes, that's a very significant improvement but it isn't anything close to immortality.
My titanium bike is still going to break. It will just take longer to break than an aluminium bike.

Most of the improvement with skin cancer is just people being more proactive with getting their skin checked. Also less patients are Caucasian. The most at risk group in the world for skin cancers.

Anonymous No. 16237250

>Finasteride DOESN'T REGROW your head hair.
Learn to fucking read, you oblivious midwit. All you're doing is amplifying the poster's point about how meaningless the phrase "positive effect" is in the medical lit.
Also, you finasteride troons always claim "muh pause button, not rewind button," but finasteride (and dutasteride) are indeed peddled as regrowth agents in the medical lit.

Anonymous No. 16237279

But don't forget, there is still *constant* technical progress unless something drastically disrupts civilization. Now you can get carbon fiber bikes, and next they'll probably have M5/PIPD fiber bikes, etc...

That doomsday clock No. 16237281

Seriously baldness...

Try not knowing things about the people you are talking to and rub it in their faces

Anonymous No. 16237341

I read what you wrote. You thought and still think that Finasteride regrows hair...
It doesn't.
You're a moron.
You will forever be a moron.
You will always have a small brain.
>But don't forget, there is still *constant* technical progress unless something drastically disrupts civilization
Exactly, that's an important point.
Whites will be gone and all you will have left to continue scientific progress is the Middle - Easterners and East Asians.
I imagine that will grind down progress to a halt.

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Anonymous No. 16237360

>Whites will be gone and all you will have left to continue scientific progress is the Middle - Easterners and East Asians.

And how exactly do you see this "replacement" occurring, great Nostradamus of /sci/?

Anonymous No. 16237374

>And how exactly do you see this "replacement" occurring, great Nostradamus of /sci/?
London and America are a majority non-white...

Anonymous No. 16237688

dont know but i take 12g vitamin c per day.
also dont forget paul linus started taking vitamin c when he was allready old.
imagine when you start young with megadose vitamin c.

Anonymous No. 16237806

Vitamin C makes no difference when mega dosed because the surplus is simply excreted and gives you diarrhea.
It's not going to drastically increase your life.

Anonymous No. 16237939

>They know it's bullshit. You're a gullible idiot. That's also why you have no money or children and suffer from severe autism spectrum disorder.
>You need to be the opposite of immortal.
>You can't die fast enough.
kek facts

Anonymous No. 16237941

skin cancer is caused by sunscreens

Anonymous No. 16238025

>majority non-white
i get that SJW academics have been extrapolating transient population trends to infinity and pretending hispanics are a "black and brown ethnicity" and not just a language group for a while now, but even in their ideal fantasy models America remains majority white until like the 2050s-2060s

Dr. No No. 16238033

>Will life extension be successful within the next 30 years?
Actually, we have achieved it. Immortals figure out a way to make women SHUT THE FUCK UP.

Dr. No No. 16238035

Make your own titanium oxide and mix it with any plant oil you can extract that works for you.

Anonymous No. 16238094

>plant oil
good one

Anonymous No. 16238100

personally i slather myself with raw petroleum, straight from nature

Dr. No No. 16238162

I have no idea what you would prefer. Titanium oxide is the best UV blocker there is, and it is VERY non-poisonous.

Anonymous No. 16238449

>and pretending hispanics are a "black and brown ethnicity"
Your Mexicans / Cubans etc are literally an unholy mix of Spanish whites, Native Americans and Africans.
>but even in their ideal fantasy models America remains majority white until like the 2050s-2060s
Literally now, today. America is a Majority non-white you complete and utter moron.
Literally now, today. London is a Majority non-white, you complete and utter moron.
Wake the fuck up.
>Titanium oxide is the best UV blocker there is, and it is VERY non-poisonous.
Yep, it's inert that it's even used as a food colorant.

Anonymous No. 16238542

There's nothing wrong with Hispanics. Stop being a racist asshole.

Anonymous No. 16238699

>There's nothing wrong with Hispanics. Stop being a racist asshole.
Lol, see. Now you're admitting that Hispanics aren't white.
Your covers off.
Mexicans don't give a flying fuck about your life anon. Doesn't matter how many times you suck their dicks.
Also guess what? Everyone's racist.
Welcome back to reality.

Anonymous No. 16239378

your fear of death is childish and pathetic

Anonymous No. 16240014

>No baldness cure yet
>Thinks we can cure death


Anonymous No. 16240055

>>No baldness cure yet
microneedling, finasteride, and minoxidil

Anonymous No. 16240084

enjoy ur eunuchs transition or go read >>16235572

Anonymous No. 16240171

>enjoy ur eunuchs transition
speak english nigger
finasteride works with my genetics
stop listening to pol

Anonymous No. 16240203

nah, i have 30% lung capacity and i'm aging like milk