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Anonymous No. 16218827

Can I develop a way to calculate large operations (on trillion+) on numbers (+-*/) instantly in my brain? and how?

Anonymous No. 16218928

What is a CALCULATOR per neural functions.
Think about binary calculations.

This is so simple, any creature could learn it, if not as a bitwise function, but as rote memorization. But people, DON'T normally do this. If its difficult, there must be a logical reason.

Think of organisms on the amoeba scale. They live in liquids, so sensing vibration would be a level up skill. Emitting and receiving patterns of vibration would therein be an "intelligence". Later on, sensing light would be another serious leveling up skill. So how do you think neural functions send signals? Logically. As waveform formats (vibration emissions and sensing) and a light response patterns. These are fundamental core patterns of most complex neural organism functions.

Why no ability to do 2+3=5? Well, humans can estimate count for small number sets easily (7). But hit complexity past that. Even every human that memorized times tables and addition tables has difficulty doing basic math past a few digits.

Let's regress to "smart amoeba". It's easy to emit repeats of a signal. It's easy to recognize repeats of a heard signal. You can easily recognize and emit sets of noises, such as a quack or chirp or burp, and so on. But most humans cannot go deep on a SIMON game. The reason is your cognitive functions aren't setup for record & replay of precise signals.

Simon Micro Series from Hasbro

But you say, incredulously, I remember WORDS, songs, languages, I remember the look of numbers, the names of numbers, and can recognize a huge number of words in different fonts. With all this processing power that I obviously possess, how come I cannot easily multiply two 16 digit words in my head as easily as I memorized the words TENNESSEE and ENCYCLOPEDIA? Because your memory is doing record & playback, you're just teaching it wrong to do it properly with numerous numbers.

Anonymous No. 16219359

didn't understand a word, I had low IQ

Anonymous No. 16219369

no, just using one operator on a bounded set of numbers would already be a stochastically weighted random walk.

Anonymous No. 16219781

To train yourself to learn numbers as concept pulses rather than tree-structures of built-up elements you need to learn how nerves learn.

Idiot-Savants tend to overweight part of their linguistic and pattern recognition skills (think of a buffer overflowing in a computer) which corrupts their functions of communication with other humans. Sure, they can solve complicated problems fast as a human computer, but can they emit those solutions efficiently? Not easily.

SUPERMEMORY - How they do it. The classical techniques are short pattern chaining. Card memorization is usually sets of 3 plus tag icons external to the set (like banana or cheese or ring, think emojis). The tag icons access the emotional and value sensing aspects of the brain (because the brain discards rapidly any unimportant patterns as a memory cleaning rule). Example, imagine you run into your kitchen and find unexpectedly, seven fresh apples in a bowl. You can benefit from these apples as food, so your brain prioritizes food memory. It cares. What about a bowl full of dead grasshoppers, not as yummy, so like everytime you poop into a toilet, such things are rapidly discarded from memory, but negative responses are still responses. Which comes to trick number 2. When chaining a string of numbers plus icons, you have to induce fake worth by feeling or judging the values as important things. That's why people store phone numbers and email addresses, but rapidly discards 456378. Because 456378 has no intrinsic value. But 456 CUP plus 378 DOG can be tagged with mild interest. Now imagine if you gave yourself a false emotion pulse of 456 CUP (induce fake excitement) plus 378 DOG (fake happiness) by recalling getting a 456 cup of hot cocoa and 378 happy dog making happy noises. The trick unfortunately can eventually screw aspects of your emotional memory and icon memory to the benefit of gaining string chaining. Note that storing numbers in this manner also reduces them to symbol chains, not symbolic values

Anonymous No. 16219834


Imagine living in a mansion. Each room decorated to your preference. To store long chains of number sequences or sets of things you may "bedroom start". To remember a sequence like 4HEART 2SPADE KING HEART, you have those sitting visibly in your memory mansion bedroom. You exit the bedroom to the hall, where JACKCLUB JACKDIAM 5HEART are a triplet of wall art. Next room is the children's bedroom, to the left, it contains 8HEART ACEDIAM 7CLUB. And so on. You exploit your spatial reasoning to add in false value icons to allow symbolic chaining.

Downside, every misplaced your keys or wallet? This trick eventually overwrites your spatial reasoning with whatever chains of values you're temporarily using. Ideally, using ICON CHAINS and MEMORY MANSION techniques, you want a SURREAL aspect to displace overwriting normal values. Example, if your ICON CHAINS are chains of RAYGUN METEOR ALIEN you're less likely to induce value chaining errors on stuff you give a shit about. Same for MEMORY MANSION, imagine it was a children's climbing funzone with tubes, climbing ropes, tunnels, ball pits, you're going to end up losing stuff in your household easier.


Normal memories, like embarrassment or bad situations can be erased or edited by simply recalling them and adding in details like a noisy firetruck. Or subtract colors or add in noisy horn squeaks or sirens. Subtraction or substitution of emotion. TRAUMAS are rolling loops of memory that your brain says, "NO REPEAT, STATUS LOSS", with tags to rerun it to remind you regularly. You have to edit traumas (multiple copies) multiple times, and erase overwrite by adding in different emotion. You can overload memory by adding chaos, the brain rejects the memory as too expensive.

Vard No. 16219842

Dot dot dot. Dot.

Vard No. 16219853

Try that the brain has a very complex name I know. Try that SUPER BRAIN is amongst the definition. Try without that your use of brain doesn't work but the definition is more. Try the locale of using brain, as 1. - 5 or more. I'm a little confused but I know so much it's just an injury. I basically know every tech and sone. Think about how you connect to super brain, is it directly, with the present now, with the top of the head. Rhyme octal with all others. Laminal, lactal. I know the basics. I learned it over 15 years of great learning rate, about 2 years ago. Trust in my knowledge. Just trying to parse the good you gave about super memory, bufferingover and the second step.

Anonymous No. 16219969

Now that the two post limit has gotten a reply...

Memory learning has an emotional component, if you're in the woods, being chased by a mountain lion, the memory state for survival will not be useful if you're trying to start a fire to stay warm. Emotions can act as MEMORY PARTITION ZONES. If you learn math when you're angry or bored, you will only be able to easily do math when you're angry or bored. This is SITUATIONAL MEMORY, let's say you're climbing stairs, do you need to recall all names of the 50 USA states right now? Nope, so your brain doesn't overlap them. You can teach it to overlap, but it's not the normal cognitive process.

How to train memory to do math.
FIRST - You need to IMPOSE VALUE upon the math. If you're adding two numbers together, you have to impose value and emotion to get the brain to retain this as "a thing". In much the same way as cooking dinner or engraving your name into a bit of wood. Math without a "does this mean anything" emotional stake will be easily forgotten.

That's where Idiot Savants shine, they see numbers as shapes, colors, sounds, touch sensations. They embrace numbers as tangible things, which gives importance to them which allows easier manipulation. Think of music and creating a tune. You want an emotional response, you want others to love the tune of respond to the tune. Much like a joke teller wants an audience to laugh. You impart value.

Rote memorization only goes so far if you regard the things to remember as annoying piles of shit forced into your brain to get a dubious grade.

People that are good at math, do math in their free time as games or puzzles or skill testing. Likewise, people good at language value word finds, word games, clever wordplay. Jews mix words and numbers in Hebrew, which creates a value system mix in the brain, creating a linguistic overlap (utility value by practice) which creates a bonus of memory utilization.

Most humans have already learned wrongly what they need to know.

Anonymous No. 16220018

You know your times tables, you know your addition tables. So you've already internalized the basic function of what you need to utilize.

The biggest flaws are for a normally functioning human to become a Human Calculator is...
SEQUENCE CHAINING (creating enough open memory space to store large numbers).

You can also, if you have photographic memory, create empty mind sheets of paper to write upon, turn reenact the basic math algorithms).

Math algorithms for paper math don't really require "intelligence" so much as storage, recall, and pattern substitution.

You could also train yourself to see: §©∆=¶ as an equally valued operation. The symbols are just pattern chains with an end symbol substitution.

So you think, "my head hurts, this is hard". But you can easily add 3+5. Do you value the operation as much as eating a cookie? That's why it's hard, you don't intellectually or emotionally value it. Finishing a Sudoku puzzle creates vague satisfaction, so those operations are valued, so those operations are "Easier". Now imagine if you masturbated to math problems, it would fuck up your sex life, but you'd value math better. An emotional and secondary brain processing system needs to be added to math function processes to get Human Calculator Status. Even licking a lollipop once after a successful math calculation would boost your processing. If your math is bad, you need to lick something that you don't like tasting. Your brain has to value math as "a thing", not just a process. Remember you have the skills already, you just need to train the brain to VALUE those skills to prioritize their speed and tag icons or emotional false bursts to meta-tag the other chunks of your brain to operate on them more efficiently. You process by sound waveform neural signals and light waveform signals. Light waveform is better for pure neural math, but harder to create.

Anonymous No. 16221708

good thread, bump

Anonymous No. 16222539


Ever hear of Dog Training Clickers? The neural systems also use spikes or click signals to indicate "importance" (also as routing signals for neural pathways). So making a CLICK "is important" signal is a cheap exploit to get a neuron to remember chunks of "important" data. The other system is food (candy) or pleasure rewards (masturbation). Ideally you also include punishment food (yucky bitter tastes) and pain (needles). Unfortunately, these punishment & reward systems aren't approved for standard classrooms full of children. Likewise CLICK training is rather distracting for other subject focusing classrooms nearby (learning woodshop, math class sounds like a cricket orgy nearby).

There's always HOMESCHOOL for human calculators.

For humans though, in a more "standardized" setting a human calculator can be induced slightly by LIGHT BEEP training. Human eyes use an ANTAGONISTIC neural system to store light neural signals. This is easily understood as Color Blindness and the negative image ghost you see on white walls or white paper after staring at bright colorful image. A color cone can be yellow or blue, not both, red-or green, but not both (to neurons). So eyes are the cheapest antagonist system to train for human calculator functions.

The BEEP acts as a poor value CLICK replacement for a neural Spike substitute. Ideally you show, number plus color (eye contrast colors per color blindness for subtraction) with a beep following the operation, for classrooms using light headphones or earbud headphones to synchronize absorption. Number Symbol happy with flash brightness (sinewave noise per that digit), Operation hum noise (vibration left right), Number Symbol happy with flash brightness (sinewave noise per that digit), equals symbol (static noise), result value (followed by louder BEEP) with a leftward moving "1" to indicate a carry if used.

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Anonymous No. 16222609

Now, the reason for subtraction having antagonist colors is because if you eyes store neural color signals, tagging a number to a colorblind contrast color is to allow the optics to basically add a SIGN VALUE to the number as a visual function. For colorblind students, invert the box containing the color. So a +1 could be seen as a bright red number with a pale yellow box around it and a negative 1 (for subtraction) can be seen as a dark green color with a pale blue box around it.

Alternatively you can use inverse boxing (white number +1 inside dark box) and (-1 being a black number inside a white box). Unfortunately, neural structures can be variant per human, so the color contrast system works fundamentally better on average. Essentially you're using colors and noise to create "Nines Compliment" on a color-scale.

Again, an optimized system would include rewards punishment for faster learning on a purely biological basis, but standardized classrooms forbid that.

Next problem. Simple math is 1 to 2 digits. Human Calculator units need multiple digit accurate recall. So you need box arrays. Visual audio training for Instant Math isn't very useful unless they are given cognitive register boxes to store information within.

TRAUMA BASIS MEMORY (MK-ULTRA) has proven to be highly efficient at inducing memory chunking and compartmentalized neural functions (like making unique neural gyruses inside a normal brain), but such options are rightfully illegal in all civilized nations.

Next choice is click training children to see a visual grid like a series of PILL-A-DAY or Advent Calendars (candy rewards) or slots to insert physical things into and retrieve objects from (visio-tactile-spatial training). Induce photographic or eidetic memory give them CREB MOLECULES to consume.

CREB-TF (CREB, cAMP response element-binding protein) is a cellular transcription factor.

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Anonymous No. 16222637

you can do it on your mind if you start to imagine abacus and do it like using geometry.

It's easier to do calculations if you separate the numbers into a chain of operations of easier to calculate chunks.

Like first do operations from left to right, start with the biggest numer, round up or ceil to the closest half number, then carry the chaft into the next operation.

dunno about division but that method works for adition, substaction and multiplication.