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🧵 Can magnets used for cheating in basketball?

Anonymous No. 16218864

Theres some suspicion on /sp/ that the NBA is fixing games by using magnets in basketball.
Can any of the science geniuses of /sci/ help us out by watching this video and telling us if its possible that the magnet cheating theory is true?

Anonymous No. 16218973

Guys, nobody watch the video op is shilling. It's so fucking stupid. Please, let this thread die asap

Anonymous No. 16219001

the video is retarded but magnets actually can be put into basketball and inside the ring that holds the basket (a ring shaped neodymium magnet could be hidden inside plastic ring, another neodymium magnet could be hidden inside basketball, altough the ball-magnet must be small so that balls weight doesnt become suspicious, the stuff is heavy)

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Anonymous No. 16219470

No, it isn’t magnets. The players are aliens.

Anonymous No. 16219553

They need to contact this guy.

Anonymous No. 16219569


Anonymous No. 16219577

AKA, how to get banned from Dave & Busters.

Anonymous No. 16220126

how do they solve the problem of aligning the poles on the two sets of magnets?

Anonymous No. 16220166

pro basketball players have dribbled a ball literally millions of times in their lives and they notice the slightest alteration to the way balls bounce. hard to believe some kind of techno magnetic thing could be hidden in one without a player noticing

Anonymous No. 16220176

NFL uses gloves with magnets for the receivers. NBA just greases the refs, its easier. Like half the refs are/were from one town in New Jersey at one point.

Anonymous No. 16220206

This is why pro basketball players can’t collect all the carnival prizes. They would literally bankrupt them.

Anonymous No. 16220750

That's the most schizo sounding dude I've ever heard anyone taking this video seriously is larping

Anonymous No. 16221420

>Can magnets used for cheating in basketball?
Though the idea is interesting, it would raise quite a few issues:
It's not like I've ran experiments myself, but my suspicion is that for a magnet to be so strong as to affect the trajectory of a ball thrown from so far away and with the velocity required for a 3-point shot, mid-air, the magnets would be so strong that if they were softly thrown at the rim up-close, they'd simply cling magnetically to the hoop and not fall through it.
Furthermore, the videos he presented are a bit grainy, and only from one camera view, that's unfortunate.
Also, look at thw shoot-for-money example, the guy airballs all those shots, then gets the last one in, but he always used the same two balls. Notice carefully. Had the last ball been magnetized, the effect would have been noticeable not only on the last shot, but in the previous ones as well, no? That is, until you start considering electromagnetic hoops, lol.
Mythbusters should get on such a matter
This is good that someone is curious about this though, that's exactly how tricksters are caught sometimes.

Anonymous No. 16221472

presumably they're in on it, they'd be risking their $100million salaries if they said anything so why would they?

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Anonymous No. 16221552

me again:
But ask yourself this: Is what you are watching impossible? Or just unlikely?
Noe consider the probabilities of unusual events. I'm sure you must have played outside as a child, throwing rocks, playing with sticks, etc. Did it not even happen something extremely unlikely? Like, someone threw a rock and it just happened to go precisely through a tiny hole, or a stick thrown landed precisely upright, or an object that should have obviously fallen off a table got stuck precisely and precariously at its edge, or anything like that? we all have such a tale to tell, at lest one. (pic relevant, I once dropped a screw and it landed on it's sharp point, getting stuck upright into the wood flooring, it was on 2010-09-23. Yes, I photograph such events, I have a few)
Now think of the hundreds of thousands of attempts at netting the ball in in basketball, now consider the thousands of hours each of those players spends perfecting their accuracy, now think of all the thousands of hours of footage captured by the cameras in each of the thousands of games throughout the decades...
You see what I'm getting at? Eventually something amazing is captured. Eventually, the assemblage of all those amazing moments is a nice collection of incredible things.

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Anonymous No. 16221556


Anonymous No. 16221631

Not to mention potential Magnus Effect on long shots, with fast spinning balls.

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Anonymous No. 16221817

Dude, even I, someone with not many hours of playing basketball, can put them in on a consistent basis. Head to an outdoor basketball court and you can see that some “amateurs” are also capable of doing it.

Anonymous No. 16221944

Yes, I know that, thank you. I'm just explaining to the OP that rare things are not rare if attempted and observed in large numbers.

Anonymous No. 16222952


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Anonymous No. 16223036

It's plausible:
>put electromagnet in rim
>give ball a positive/negative charge
>test ball/rim in secret in a gym with precise shooting machines (these exist - I remember reading about them in a scientific study that determined players don't try to bounce shots off the backboard enough and that shooting shots of the backboard gives you a greater margin of error within which you can still make shots)
>test tons of shots from different angles and different magnet settings
>figure out a magnet setting which increases/decreases the chance of shots going in in an statistically significant manner
>bam, you now have a magnet setting with which you can make millions of dollars through betting

Anonymous No. 16223126

I don't think magnets would work in this application. And even if it did, the effects of a magnet would be very easy to determine with very little analysis of footage because the basketballs would not follow basic trajectory formula.

Anonymous No. 16223156

Suppose there was a uniform iron mist applied to the ball, so as to be a sphere. Is there a configuration of magnets around the hoops that would increase changes of breaks into the hoop?
I know there are magnet arrays that offer novel mechanical function where it can attract items at some distance and provide repulsion at close distance because of magnetic field properties. This could permit disguising of gross magnet function at close distance.

Anonymous No. 16223575

My theory is basketballs are made with copper wire weaved into the synthetic surface of the ball. Copper and magnets interact in weird ways, and you'd only need magnets in the rim for it to work. The ball wouldn't have weird physical properties or need something besides air in the middle void.

I never bought Stephen Curry's skill. He seems to just throw it up. I admit that he has a quick release, but he often doesn't seem to even be looking at the rim.

Also, the magnet/copper system doesn't have to guarantee makes or misses. It can just increase the chances of a make or miss by 25% to change the outcome of a game or the trajectory of a career.

I've been watching the NBA for 30 years, and if there is a magnet system to increase misses/makes, its been in use for 15 years or less.

Anonymous No. 16223596

Logical conclusion.
The backboard has a large electromagnet.
To draw the ball to the backboard from a distance. The most likely magnetic surfaces would be inside the ball as a coating (think sheet magnet) and as the black lines of the ball.

The hoop would also have strong electromagnets in the ring and the joiner block at the back of the hoop which connects to the backboard.

Since you need a monopolar ball, you could use a diamagnetic substance on the ball. To further alter the play value, you could add magnetic plates under the basketball court (pro games of course) to fuck up dribbling physics as even slight repulsion or attractive force imbalances could greatly discombobulate a standard dribbling pattern.

A diamagnetic basketball could likewise be influenced externally by an ion gun or microwave emitter as the ball is in the air during a throw. An ion gun could induce a strong electromotive force at a distance causing repulsion or attractive forces to the ball and the backboard or hoop.

A microwave gun could make the diamagnetic basketball deform and influence bounce factor and air resistance.

Anonymous No. 16223637

Using LENZ LAW and flux lines, a magnetic ball (like a neodymium magnet) could be "slowed" through a charged hoop. The connector block of the hoop to the backboard having a strong attraction charge would attract to the hoop, while a Lenz Law (flux lines) would slow the ball allowing higher hoop pass through success. All that would be needed would be an under-hoop attraction force to ensure high scoring success. Alternatively, a rotating hoop field would spin the ball causing it to roll into the hoop at the highest success ratio.

If you desired no scores through the hoop a disruptive field of repulsive charge could be induced in the backboard and hoop. Think of the basketball like a ping-pong ball filled with charge like a Van de Graaff charged object being tossed at a magnetic sheet. It would bounce away while never touching the magnetic sheet. If you wished to allow an unmodified hoop situation, just break the charge or ground the charge.

Lenz Law

Defying Gravity - HUGE Neodymium Magnet vs Copper Tube Experiment - The Power of Lenz's Law!

Magnetic Braking Looks Like Magic
(If you break the flux lines, the magnetic breaking ceases)

DEMO: Eddy Currents Stopping a Pendulum

There's many choices for ball types and substances. Copper in the ball would work, diamagnetic internal lining, aluminum in the ball, the black stripes being wire loop paths. And so on. Since the backboard, the hoop block connector to the backboard and the hoop itself are suspect these should be investigated and magno-reactive substances put near them.

Likewise an ion gun cound be set to track and charge the ball at a distance when it it mid-air. You could disguise this as a camera (best choice for human) or a wand. A human held ion device would have wires inside clothes to an under-bleacher extension cord or battery pack.

Anonymous No. 16223639

why cheat with magnets, then? if everyone is already in on it, just ask them to fix the game.

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Anonymous No. 16223642

>Likewise an ion gun cound be set to track and charge the ball at a distance when it it mid-air. You could disguise this as a camera (best choice for human) or a wand. A human held ion device would have wires inside clothes to an under-bleacher extension cord or battery pack.

Anonymous No. 16223700

How they make Basketballs

The butyl rubber lining is the most likely spot for diamagnetic trickery. The orange panels could hide wire loops inside or high copper particle infusion. The stripes could hide hidden wire loops or sheet magnets inside the molding.

Magnetic Field Viewing Film 4"x4", Magnetic Flux Display, Magnet Pattern Detector, Scientific Project Teaching, Reusable and Automatic Recovery - Olive $19

This PASSIVE sheet could be adhered to the back of any clear basketball backboard to verify if flux lines are detected, likewise a flux detector (available in most Android phones) could be used to detect cheating in basketball games.

Ion guns in gameplay are harder to detect, but there are methods.

Most easily is UV CAMERA sensors. Since most ion sources release a bit of UV light, an unexpected UV emitter might be a ion gun in play.

How to Film in the Ultraviolet

The World in UV

An ion emitter hidden in a fake camera would most likely have a wire running into the sleeve, inside the clothes and through the pantleg of the ion gun user. A cohort would then connect that wire to a battery pack or the gyms electrical system by an extension cord.

Likewise an ozone detector would sense someone emitting a large number of ions.

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Anonymous No. 16223786



Tricked out balls (substituted for genuine balls) could contain reactive magnetic patches (think RFID) that are adhered inside the ball to alter the reactive bounce of the ball's surface. Like a mesh inside the butyl rubber layer with inductive wires. As ball hits the inductive field, it can quiver or go limp or rigid, altering ball physics.

Wavefront collapse. The basketball is a uniform shape of uniform density. A pressure waveform can logically be designed therein that creates repulsive zones and attractive zones in the air. Imagine a waveform with a frequency that equals the diameter of the basketball with up-down pressure pockets. Think of an egg carton shape with pressure waves of noise. If you create a repulsive force over the hoop, the ball will roll away from that repulsive pressure pocket. If you create an egg-carton hole where the ball is over the hoop, the pressure pocket will suck in the basketball.

Next choice air blasts. Pressurized air is loud and noticable (unless you are in the hoop itself). Easy to conceal, and unless your face is in the hoop, hard to detect. Easiest to conceal in the hoop connector that attaches to the backstop. For specific shots, with no obvious air pressure lines, a hidden CO2 cartridge (used for airsoft guns) could release a air blast at point to deflect or repel an incoming ball. The backstop panel could also hide a air pressure wall like an air hockey table at the backstop edges.

Next choice VORTEX CANNONS. Just shoot a vortex air blast at the hoop as the ball approaches, boom, missed shot.

High Power Vortex Cannon

DRY ICE WEAPON. Shoot tiny chunks of dry ice at the ball like a shotgun at a distance, the dry ice shatters and almost instantly evaporates, repelling the ball from hoop.

Anonymous No. 16225418

Its easier to just use the referees to cheat. Go on >>>/sp/NBA/ and ask for the Lakers' free throw discrepancy chart.

Anonymous No. 16225464

Drill your players with the NBA rule book and hire refs that follow it to the T. Then let regular niggernomics in others teams funnel wins to you.
this is pretty funny, because it is precisely how a jew would rig a sport. On every level.

Anonymous No. 16225627

>Now think of the hundreds of thousands of attempts at netting the ball in in basketball, now consider the thousands of hours each of those players spends perfecting their accuracy, now think of all the thousands of hours of footage captured by the cameras in each of the thousands of games throughout the decades...
law of large numbers

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Anonymous No. 16225640

>teach negroes to follow the rules

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Anonymous No. 16227129


Anonymous No. 16227958

The video already did that analysis and proved magnets are in use and nobody believes it, thus disproving your hypothesis

Anonymous No. 16229212

>Professionals sports which can be legally sampled on in Las Vegas would never engage in game fixing in order to make massive windfall profits

Anonymous No. 16229863

A hum at the resonance frequency of the basketball, with the active wavefront over the basketball hoop, it can cause the ball to fall in or roll away.

Acoustic Standing Waves and the Levitation of Small Objects

How to detect WAVEFRONT COLLAPSE cheating, is simple, if you have an audio application with a spectrum view, there will be a constant inexplicable noise about the resonance width of the ball or hoop or target (this can be used in many games like billiards, cricket, and tennis, but works best with lightweight hollow balls). Golf can be rigged with wavefront collapse, but it's harder to explain subsonic ground shaking on a constant frequency that intersects right at the golf holes. Using wavefront collapse above ground for golf trickery is harder to explain legally as there should be no frequency generators sitting on golf courses except the zone speakers on poles or near existing designated allowed structures. Note that the disruptive force will always be less that the output force, but you don't need to acoustically slap an object away just nudge it enough to screw the odds. The other obvious tell on Wavefront Collapse cheating is that the inexplicable frequency will modulate depending exactly as the ball approaches the target scoring zone. Also remember that tiny nudges midair by Wavefront Collapse can greatly affect a ball trajectory if the tiny nudges are hitting the ball repeatedly mid-air. Likewise, a Vortex Cannon can literally slap a basketball from a hoop, but you can use hundreds of tiny nudges from a automatic vortex ring generator which is far less wide, but many times more frequent.

A better description of resonance

Bernoulli's Principle Demo: Levitated Balls

Levitating objects in a stream of air.. Coanda effect // Homemade Science with Bruce Yeany

Anonymous No. 16229898

Note that for SONIC CHEATING or VORTEX AIR MANIPULATION CHEATING, there's other methods to detect this behavior. See pressure waves cheating and everything invisible by their motion creating pressure waves.

Motion amplification camera examples

Motion Extraction (Posy)

How to use Photoshop to see SHOCK WAVES and HEAT -TheoryOfCuriosity (Schlieren at Home)

Sony | Event-based Vision Sensor (EVS) to detect only changes in moving subjects -Full ver.-

Time Lens++: Event-based Frame Interpolation with Parametric Flow and Multi-scale Fusion (CVPR 2022)

Even if the human is invisible or perfectly camouflaged, they still have to breathe, move, and that creates pressure waves that can be detected. EVENT BASED IMAGING can also accurately measure geometry, intensity & vectors of motions, at insane frame rates.

High Speed and High Dynamic Range Video with an Event Camera

But then again, nobody dies serious science at basketball games... BUT THEY COULD!

Acoustic cameras can SEE sound

Acoustic Camera: What Sound Really Looks Like

Is someone cheating? Now you can literally and easily see them cheating. Are you the Invisible Man? I SEE YOU...

Anonymous No. 16230897

Even with that massive free throw discrepancy, LeBum still got swept in the playoffs.
Queen James lost 11 games in a row to Jokic