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Anonymous No. 16218865

I like mathematics and physics, but I absolutely hate the modern mainstream scientific establishment and its views and beliefs on physics (i.e. treating relativity as gospel) and its approach to the topics (i.e. teaching them to kids in school by having them memorize a bunch of equations, instead of focusing on spreading understanding and knowledge of science and math to people who want it).
Math and physics are cool but fuck 90% of physicists and fuck school, and fuck the association math/physics has with school.

Anonymous No. 16218894

> t. guy who has never set foot in a serious university math or physics course

Anonymous No. 16218895

Not true. I took various math and physics courses at university but then I quit school because school is gay. I learned far more in a month of reading math books than I did in years of school.

Anonymous No. 16218898

That's cute but you have no foreskin and therefore your argument is invalid.

Anonymous No. 16218904

>jew projecting
oy vey rabbi

Anonymous No. 16218908

This is probably because it's easiest to learn when you are self-motivated. If it's just to fulfill a mandatory course requirement, the drive may not be there.

Anonymous No. 16218912

teaching at university by stem profs is done pretty well with thought to make people understand the concept and not stupidly memorize ("know where to look for the solution to this differential equation"). your mentioned problem is, that kid-teachers are normie retards, who always learned by memorisation and then translate their retardation to the kids. ideally you would have teachers for each topic, that come from years of working in that field, but these people who can really motivate and encourage interest in that topic, are not going back to teaching schoolclasses. teachers are like journalists: they have no fucking clue about anything, but pretend to know alot and then preach their watered down bullshit.

Anonymous No. 16218929

That is definitely a part of it, but it's also the approach schools have: Tell students to memorize a bunch of equations instead of actually understand the content. If the focus was on understanding rather than memorizing, students would be allowed to reference equation sheets as much as they want during tests, but in practice, teachers usually do not allow that at all or only to a limited extent. This proves they don't give a fuck about teaching, only on making students get good at mindless memorization.

Anonymous No. 16218931

Yeah pretty much, but what you say about teaching at university will vary a lot from teacher to teacher I think. For the ones who do focus on learning/understanding rather than memorizing, good on them.

Anonymous No. 16218945

i only had good experiences from stem profs. and i think they are so much better at teaching, even without having all the teachers "didactic courses" and psychology bs, because they have a deeper understanding and knowledge of the field. so they know exactly how to translate this importance to teaching graduates, that actually want to study and learn about this topic. simple example is: teachers ask kids to spit out the stupid equation. profs will ask, how the value does change, when the variable in the denominator grows. this gives more grasp and natural understanding of, what the equation is even about, instead of just writing it down and thats it. and once the relation between the values is understood naturally, they can just recreate the the equation to some degree, by mapping the variables' place from their understanding of what the physical real world meaning of it is.

Anonymous No. 16219017

People will purposefully conflate the idealistic concept of the scientific method with the current state of academia and pretend there is no problem. "But SCIENCE brought you the computer!" they'll screech, as if that justifies dogmatic thinking.

Imagine how many times that self-assured academics have been presented with proof that our existing ideas are incorrect, only to have it dismissed because Science™ says it can't happen (unless you're credentialed, then you can invent as much schizobabble as you want)

Anonymous No. 16219024

I'd say they are beautiful disciplines, but it's hard to become competent enough to contribute.

Unless you seriously want to work in science there's nothing wrong with teaching yourself, all the books, exercises, a lot of lectures and course materials are online and with ChatGPT you have a great tutor at your disposal without the existential dread of not being smart enough to compete.

Anonymous No. 16219054

OK, so what? Relativity is not a meme btw, keep studying

Anonymous No. 16219081

>Unless you seriously want to work in science
Even if someone wants to work in science there is still nothing wrong with that
Yes it is

Anonymous No. 16219093

And what makes you think relativity is a maymay?

Anonymous No. 16219097

It's pronounced meem

Anonymous No. 16219098

He doesn't think about it at all. He never studied relativity. He's just a brainwashed golem mindlessly repeating the larpy pseuocontrarian anti-science propaganda his masters fed him together with all the soi and interracial cuckold porn he consumes while stroking his mutilated cock.

Anonymous No. 16219105

>accusing me of being brainwashed by kikes all the while you defend kike pseudoscience
The fucking irony.

Anonymous No. 16219167

>the mathematical-physical framework developed by Lorentz and Poincare based on consequences of Maxwell's equations must be le wrong because ... uhm I don't like the name of the guy who got the credit for it
Peak brainrot

Anonymous No. 16220568

Nice ad hominem faggot. Special relativity is a hoax.

Anonymous No. 16220627

Then Maxwell's equations are a hoax, too. Because SR is directly derived from Maxwell's equations. Which of the equations have you disproved? Oh wait, none. Because you're too busy consuming your woke propaganda.

Anonymous No. 16220629

Oh good, another poster who'd fit in perfectly in Berlin in 1938.

Anonymous No. 16220696

A drop out is mad that he doesn't have the discipline to finish his studies and instead of striving towards self-improvement he instead makes brain rot conspiracy larp posts on here in order to convince himself that he's not the one at fault for his failures.

This is top tier cope

Anonymous No. 16220697

Nope I didnt say Maxwell's equations are a hoax. They do not indicate timefuckery.

Anonymous No. 16220717

>my problem is with physics and education.
Exactly, study pure mathematics.

Anonymous No. 16220720


Anonymous No. 16220735

What do you measure the backdrop of everything against if not relative to light?

Anonymous No. 16221430

best answer in this thread

Anonymous No. 16221962

Yes they do

Anonymous No. 16221976

I like mathematics and physics, but I absolutely hate the modern mainstream scientific establishment and its views and beliefs on mathematics (i.e. treating 2+2=4 as gospel).

Anonymous No. 16221983

It seems you're just frustrated with professional human dynamics. Egos clashing, envy, politics, etc.
The lower down the rungs you are, the less you have to deal with that, and college physics is already pretty far high up there. There are many, arrogant, cocky researchers, you have to stay away from those as much as you can. Shit, they're on /sci/ right here! They are toxic, broken people. There are also nice people in the mix, but you have to find them.

Your fixation with relativity, I don't understand, it's not gospel, it's something that has been tested and verified many times over in many different ways. It's also not fully verified, and it is therefore a theory.

Anonymous No. 16222027

students too! they're already betting their future on that, so the competition already begins there.

Anonymous No. 16222900

I could tell you, but you wouldn't like the answer.
You sound fairly reasonable. However, relativity has not been 'verified'; rather, some of its predictions have been verified.

Anonymous No. 16223037

>i could tell you, but you wouldn't like the answer
Try me.

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Anonymous No. 16223263

>It's also not fully verified