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🗑️ 🧵 Seeking Medical Professional Help

Anonymous No. 16219033

I have no health insurance so can't see a doctor, I have had what started as a basic skin tear/missing skin on my face after I woke up, very small, thought maybe I tore skin off on accident

Meanwhile it proceeded to form a yellow ring like scab around, and has gotten worse as the days go by. This shit is on my face, my skin keeps tearing bigger every day, I put peroxide on it and it bubbles, I've applied anti-fungal for like 2-3 days, I clean it often, and it's only gotten worse.


Anonymous No. 16219038

In this pic it's the absolute cleanest it'll look, as I just showered and put tea tree/castor oil on it.

After waking up the entire edge ring around will be yellow, it'll try to scab, couple days ago it was crumbly yellow too, very nasty looking, oozes after cleaning throughout the day

Anonymous No. 16219077

did you suck dick without a condom?

Anonymous No. 16219096

Looks like a yeast infection

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Anonymous No. 16219108

Looks kinda like a bad case of seborrheic dermatitis. Try some anti dandruff shampoo on it when you shower.

Anonymous No. 16219184

Best to get it swabbed. But at a guess, it looks like Impetigo(Staph infection). Get a combined antibacterial/corticosteroid cream.

Or if you're a natural-only kind of guy, send in an army of Lactobacillus acidophilus (most yoghurt contains this, check on the label)

Anonymous No. 16219186

Ring worm bruh google it

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Anonymous No. 16219256

Hope you’ve learned your lesson OP, just get a consultation with a real doctor. This isn’t the kind of problem where you really need insurance, it’s 5 minutes with a doctor and then most likely some kind of medicated cream you put on it for 1 week.

Anonymous No. 16219259


I tonged Elvira's asshole... you stupid fool, now you got the Grunge

Anonymous No. 16219265

>be you
>degenerate fag
>gives rando on grindr a blowjob
>jizzes on all over your face
>gets herpes
this is god punishing you for your homosexual degeneracy. there is no cure, and no refunds. wear your scarlet letter with your G A Y P R I D E you fucking faggot. or better yet, take a shotgun to the mouth by your own hands

Anonymous No. 16219340

>I have no health insurance so can't see a doctor
lmao american moment
if you join the military they will give you free health care, they probably won't let you join looking like that
Looks up diseases you can get from putting your mouth on someone's anus or penis that's probably help.

Anonymous No. 16219632

>This shit is on my face, my skin keeps tearing bigger every day, I put peroxide on it and it bubbles,
That will dry it out and leave scabs, but since its at the corner of your lips you want to moisturize it constant to prevent tearing.

Did you eat out pussy?
Ive never had such a thing or seen something like that.

Anonymous No. 16219768

>Did you eat out pussy?
>Ive never had such a thing or seen something like that.
Kek, anon has never eaten pussy before

Anonymous No. 16219787

thats nasty bacteria from your drool+shitty pillow

Vard No. 16219790

Maybe, if...

Anonymous No. 16219792

what STDs are bacteria and is in mouth?

Anonymous No. 16219837

go to a doctor first, worry about paying later

Anonymous No. 16219857

>worry about paying later
No. Go to the clinic and be up-front about your situation and ask for an estimate from the nurse at the counter. They will understand. I’m uninsured and my town has a particular clinic that costs 40-100 bucks depending on if I need fancy medicine or not. But the peace of mind alone is worth 100 bucks imo.

Anonymous No. 16219883

Easy technique, ice will lower swelling, but a hot surface past 110 degrees fahrenheit can get your body to fix the damage (proteins denature slightly near 100 degrees).

Antibiotics are good. If you're poor, the blue in blue cheese is penicillin. I'd recommend fish meds off to get cheap antibiotics. If you have a Tractor Supply store, you can get Ivermectin as horse dewormer (comes in a tube measured per 100 pounds of dosage weight, so most humans should get 4 doses for $7 to $14).

Under skin infections are less affected by topical solutions like pain killers, hydrogen peroxide, rubbing alcohol. Which is why a hot hand towel or a container with hot water against the area can help, another choice is those phone chargers with winter heat pack options, a nice steady source of heat to simulate a fever zone to clear up skin conditions.

Since your rash is getting worse, an under-skin infection is probable. Consider the emergency room or outpatient care, declare you can only pay in cash or ask if there's poverty programs to help you. Or if you're black or pajeet or a Spix or Arab, they most likely won't chase you for payment as the perpetual parasite class never pays, only the taxpayers pay.

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Anonymous No. 16219918

Thank you, would the ivermectin cream really possibly help if it's fungus?
So I want to stimulate the area with heat time from time?
Every morning I usually wet it and wash away the yellow before applying cream.

This is what it looks like after waking up

I did a chick out when it originally started and just looked like a simple small skin tear. I don't know if that's related..

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Anonymous No. 16219924

For context this a blurry photo of what it looked like 1 day after it was just a skin tear

Anonymous No. 16219982

Why so serious?

Anonymous No. 16219988

In these types of skin infections, where are the bacteria physically located, under the skin? Safe from soaps and bleach?

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Vard No. 16219989

Anonymous No. 16220047

Think of a fever, it heats up the areas of a bacterial infection, making fat melt slightly (not deep frying the germs). It also destabilizes accurate protein synthesis as well as making white blood cells move freer. Time (30 minutes) + heat can kill most simple germs. If it's a fungus or germ using chitinous structures, Ivermectin can damage them because Ivermectin acts as a chitinase (deconstructs chitin) allowing your immune system to destroy the invader.

Ivermectin isn't a perfect chitin destroyer though.

Ordering antibiotics as fishmeds off Amazon isn't perfect, as you can be waiting in agony for days until delivery. It's more of a plan ahead choice. Blue Cheese as a source of weak penicillin is a choice, but also imperfect.

Barring all other choices, look for pet supply choices for cheap meds, but exercise caution as many scale fixes for scale rot are toxic to humans. BORAX is a proven antifungal (20 Mule Team Borax Washing Powder) but if you use it without research you can get Boron poisoning. Changing skin acidity by vinegar or lime juice can work short term. Some other choices are Dollar Store antifungal creams. Dog/cat medications can easily work for humans as most times without danger as the molecular structures are identical for human medications, but the dosage is usually lower. Just be wary that pet medications are not all held up to human lawsuit standards. If a antiparasitic fishtank med kills the fish a week later how likely is a lawsuit to succeed? Some manufacturers prefer to sicken a pet to upsell other unnecessary services. So keep an eye out for secondary toxic ingredients.

I've bought fish penicillin pills with no fear of danger because they were identical to standard penicillin pills and vastly cheaper.

But remember, before going down this path, outpatient care places should have POVERTY HELP programs as part of their funding. Ask first. You might be able to afford treatment.

Anonymous No. 16220146

From what I understand, warm the area (110-120F) perhaps a rag dipped in water that temp?
Then I will clean with hydrogen peroxide/antibiotic spray
Rinse with soap and water
Then apply Mupirocin? A cream someone is giving me unopened, prescribed for their kids impetigo that went away.
Would this work even if it's a yeast infection from the filthy activity with that woman I had?
I've been using Lotrimin Ultra the past couple days. Active ingredient Butefine Hydrochloride

Thanks again, you seem quite smart. I am a midwit that overthinks everything, this has been here for almost a week so It's becoming stressful.

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Anonymous No. 16220202

Emigrate to a country that has a basic healthcare.

As an experienced /sci/ Anon, I'm pretty sure its either tinea capitis or lupus.

Anonymous No. 16220302

Do you have athlete's foot or have you been putting someone's foot in your mouth?

Anonymous No. 16220310

>be amerimutt
>can't afford to go to doctor
>have to ask for medical advice on fucking 4chan
god you people crack me up sometimes
antibiotics and antifungals, nigger

Anonymous No. 16220339

Monkey pox from eating pozzed male ass.

Anonymous No. 16220363

I'm wondering if you're from Europe?
If so, are you aware that the reason you have free healthcare is because America's military is the only reason you're not speaking Russian/Chinese atm?
Blissful ignorance by white niggers is too common these days

Anonymous No. 16220432

>you have free healthcare
It's not, it's done by the taxes (a lot) everyone pays.

>is because America's military
Why dont you, North American voters, choose a government that can implement a global basic healthcare ?

In Europe it's around 10k$ per habitant per year, half of that is for the elders.

USA's GDP is 85$, so it would be around 1/8th of that to have a basic healthcare.

Anonymous No. 16220607

Impetigo. You rub a fusidic acid ointment on it.

Anonymous No. 16220644

Tossed the symptoms into a Google Gemini.

I can't give a definitive diagnosis since I'm not a medical professional, but based on your description:

Impetigo: This is a contagious bacterial skin infection that often starts as small red bumps that turn into pustules (pustules are small, white-headed pimples filled with pus). The pus can be yellow or honey-colored and may crust over. Impetigo is common in children, but it can also occur in adults. Peroxide can cause a bubbling reaction on the pustules due to the oxygen it releases.

Staph infection: This is a general term for an infection caused by staphylococcus bacteria. Staph infections can occur anywhere on the body, including the face. They can appear as red, swollen, and painful bumps or boils. Peroxide may also cause a bubbling reaction on a staph infection.

Folliculitis: This is a common skin condition that occurs when hair follicles become inflamed or infected. Folliculitis can look like small whiteheads, pimples, or boils.

Here's why you should see a doctor:
It's important to see a doctor to get a proper diagnosis and treatment. They can determine the cause of the infection and prescribe the right medication, which may be topical antibiotics or oral antibiotics.
Putting peroxide directly on the wound is not recommended as it can irritate the skin and slow healing.
If the infection is severe or doesn't improve with home care, it could be a sign of a more serious underlying condition.

See a doctor right away if:
The infection is worsening or spreading
You have a fever
The area is extremely swollen or painful
You have difficulty seeing or moving your face due to the swelling
I hope this information helps! But remember, for any facial infection, it's always best to see a doctor for proper diagnosis and treatment.

Anonymous No. 16220707

You may have a bacterial or fungal infection, such as cellulitis or ringworm, which can cause skin lesions, scabs, and tearing of the skin.

Initial Presentation: Impetigo often starts with red sores or blisters that quickly burst, leaving behind crusty, golden-brown patches. These patches can get bigger and spread to other parts of the body.

Appearance: The sores typically form a yellowish or honey-colored crust, which matches your description of a yellow ring-like scab.
Progression: The condition can worsen over time if not treated properly, with the sores expanding and potentially becoming more painful or itchy.

Infection Signs: The bubbling reaction to peroxide suggests an active infection, which is consistent with impetigo, a bacterial skin infection caused by Staphylococcus aureus or Streptococcus pyogenes.

Treatment Resistance: Your use of anti-fungal cream has not improved the condition, which is expected since impetigo is a bacterial infection and requires antibiotic treatment.

Given the worsening nature of your condition and the potential for it to be impetigo, it is crucial to seek medical attention promptly. Here are the steps you should take:

Consult a Healthcare Professional: Visit a dermatologist or your primary care physician for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment. They may prescribe topical or oral antibiotics to treat the infection.

Avoid Spreading the Infection: Impetigo is highly contagious. Follow hygiene practices such as washing your hands frequently, not sharing personal items, and keeping the affected area clean and covered.

Follow Medical Advice: If prescribed antibiotics, ensure you complete the full course even if symptoms start to improve to prevent recurrence and resistance.

Monitor for Complications: If you notice any signs of worsening infection, such as increased pain, swelling, fever, or spreading of the sores, seek immediate medical attention.

Anonymous No. 16220837

The fuck? Go get a free blood panel at a poor people clinic

Anonymous No. 16220915

If you need medical advice, PERPLEXITY AI is the least uncü¢ked AI and has the highest medical utility value.

What is an affordable medication excellent at elimination of with minimal side effects for Staphylococcus aureus or Streptococcus pyogenes infections per the leading medical journals

1. Cefazolin:
- Effectiveness: Cefazolin is highly effective for treating methicillin-sensitive Staphylococcus aureus (MSSA) bacteremia. It is associated with lower mortality rates and fewer treatment-related adverse events compared to antistaphylococcal penicillins (ASPs) like nafcillin[3].

- Side Effects: Cefazolin has lower rates of nephrotoxicity and hepatotoxicity compared to ASPs, making it a safer option for many patients[3].

2. Clindamycin:
- Effectiveness: Clindamycin is effective against non-multiresistant methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (nmMRSA) and is commonly used for skin and soft tissue infections[4].
- Side Effects: Clindamycin is generally well-tolerated.

For Streptococcus pyogenes Infections

1. Penicillin:
- Effectiveness: Penicillin remains fully active against Streptococcus pyogenes and is considered the first-line treatment for infections caused by this bacterium[1].
- Side Effects: Penicillin is generally well-tolerated with minimal side effects, making it a safe option for most patients[1].

2. Amoxicillin:
- Effectiveness: Amoxicillin is also highly effective against Streptococcus pyogenes and can be used as an alternative to penicillin[1].

3. Cephalosporins (e.g., Cefpodoxime):
- Effectiveness: Cephalosporins like cefpodoxime are very effective against Streptococcus pyogenes and can be used as an alternative treatment[1].
- Side Effects: Cephalosporins are generally well-tolerated, though they should be avoided in patients with a history of severe penicillin allergy[1].

It is important to consult a healthcare professional for a proper diagnosis and treatment plan tailored to your specific condition.

Anonymous No. 16220930

lil'nigger looking MOIST, you got sugar in your tank?

Anonymous No. 16220932

serves you right for being a cock sucking faggot

Anonymous No. 16220933

Common Staph A. infection.
Soak a cloth with soap and water friend (yes on your delicate face, you can handle it don't listen to dermatologists). And when you are done, rinse and apply sour scream or anything with L. Baccilus culture.

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Anonymous No. 16221021

from the description it sounds like staph. You could die. Don't fuck around with this. Go get it professionally checked

Anonymous No. 16221070

You're all retarded. It's a brown recluse bite. OP has been giving blowjobs to too many spiders and it has come back to bite him in the cheek. OP you need to get your cheek amputated before the necrosis spreads to your entire head. This is literally how headless horsemen are created.

Anonymous No. 16221188

Lol I laughed harder than I have in a long time, thanks friend, unfortunately not that. I almost wish it was, maybe not idk how bad those can get.
I could die? What? How?
I didn't realize it was that serious.

The reason I didn't initially think it was Staph is because I have no accompanying fever/chills/sickness etc. I work out/lift very frequently aswell, no weakness.

I picked up prescribed mupirocin cream, which is for Impetigo (Idk if it's that, still haven't seen a doctor, I will if this doesn't work)
and am hoping it works...
Thank you everyone for your help, and those for the laughs.

Anonymous No. 16221204

How much of your taxes go on your military?

Anonymous No. 16221396

Between 2 and 3% of the GDP, It's estimated it would be around 4% since Ukr/Rus conflict.
For USA it's between 3 and 4%.

For education it's more than 5% for USA and Europe.

Source :

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Anonymous No. 16221405

op you dont want this to become a disfiguring disease that is easily preventable
seek a doctor, black market doctors if they even exist

Anonymous No. 16221426

How? Is this really that serious?
This is what it looks like after smearing the cream on it, for some reason the infected ring area shows through the cream after like ,5-10mins

Anonymous No. 16221427

America, England and Israel are the reason why we have niggers and faggots infesting our once great nations, all of you should be nuked

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Anonymous No. 16221428


Anonymous No. 16221431

Europe transfers 300 billion dollars a year to the United States, these are net transfers, not payments for services or goods. Although you can call the military force a protection (racket) service so its all good. Still, europe pays for that protection. I dont mean the NATO budget, i mean plain cash being given to the US government in return for
Who actually does the payments? Germany, Netherlands, Italy, Scandinavian countries. The "blue banana" region of europe where the industry is located, not the siesta and mafia region
This region has a hueg export surplus and they have nothing to do with their excess money. By definition they dont spend it importing things, since they have a surplus, so theu just send it to the US
Saudi Arabia, Qatar, UAE, South Korea, Japan and China do the same, or have done so during their good times

Anonymous No. 16221542

>I could die? What? How?
This nigga is beyond saving

Anonymous No. 16221575

Looks like an initial HSV infection. Try getting some acyclovir pills. Stop the other treatments you mentioned, they only damage your skin.
Dermatitis is not an infection. It it not likely to spread from a fissure near the mouth.

Anonymous No. 16221587

motherfucker stop drenching it it needs to dry. it's impetigo most likely on top of an initial angular cheilitis that you didn't treat properly. Give it some otc antibiotic like fucidic acid and some anti fungal to treat the underlying condition, like miconazole, twice a day. and keep it fucking dry, apply the cream and if you put too much remove the excess. Get some insurance, doctors exist so that people with no medical knowledge don't have to agonize over something so common

Anonymous No. 16221611

>some anti dandruff shampoo
which kind? there's several different kinds, each with its own specific active ingredients.

Anonymous No. 16221614

Where do bacteria live when they are not infecting someone?

Anonymous No. 16221615

It's definitely infected with bacteria judging by the color of the crust.
Something else caused the initial problem. Probably fungus. But maybe herpes.
It looks like the bacteria is spreading under the skin judging by those additional spots popping up. You should probably get on oral antibiotics as soon as possible.

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Anonymous No. 16221618

The US government spends more on healthcare than any other nation. The US healthcare system sucks because of government intervention, not private greed.

Anonymous No. 16221627

Looks like Impetigo, you need some antibiotics.

Anonymous No. 16221635

You can buy tea tree and castor oil use all home remedies, but can't save 200 dollars for a visit to dermatologists? They will take a svab and test it to know for sure.

Anonymous No. 16221686

>The US healthcare system sucks because of government intervention, not private greed.
Why not both? Fundamentally, it always comes down to the jews.

Anonymous No. 16221740

>The US government spends more on healthcare than any other nation.
Only on the programs of medicare, medicaid and the VA. The US has socialized medicine but only for pensioners and military personnel. That covers a lot because most sick people are old people.

Anonymous No. 16221777

>It looks like the bacteria is spreading under the skin
Non-OP here. That's a very serious situation unless I'm mistaken, right? Can turn into necrotising fasciitis.

Anonymous No. 16221952

Dry? It drying with the bacteria under the skin is exactly what I'm trying to prevent...that's why I clean it. I want it to heal, but every time it tries to it forms a disgusting yellow ring.
What you see drenched on my face is 2% mupirocin cream for Impetigo.

I should be able to let it dry and heal once it stops forming yellow right?
If this cream doesn't work, I don't know, maybe it's HSV and I need an oral.

This really sucks though bros, I can't open my mouth wide enough to really eat without splitting it, and I don't want the edge/crack to bleed next to that bacteria..
Plus women look at me in disgust at the gym, rather than disgust.

Anonymous No. 16222166

>Dermatitis is not an infection. It it not likely to spread from a fissure near the mouth.

True. Need to know more about OP's shit. But based on his photo, looks like fungus to me. I've had similar problems that clear up with anti fungals + different diet.

Anonymous No. 16222173

Anything with pyrithione zinc. You can pick it up at wally world

Anonymous No. 16222183

After seeing additional pics of OP's condition I don't think it is seborrheic dermatitis anymore, but it still looks fungal.
OP should prolly stop sucking cocks.

Anonymous No. 16222221

Dude you have a ringworm. Gross mother fucker.

Anonymous No. 16222234

Yeah I agree, it definitely looks fungal.

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Anonymous No. 16222266

dermnet suggests these; I probably disagree. Sounds like you should go see a doctor for a formal consult. Surely there are GPs you can pay if you call their offices.

Anonymous No. 16222268

yep, I've had ringworm on my hand as a kid and this is ringworm. Pretty nasty, no idea how you managed to get it on your mouth, OP.

Anonymous No. 16222754

OP is a grade A retard. Let him rot away.

Anonymous No. 16222755

He's probably touching his face, but more likely licking toilet seats.

Anonymous No. 16222771

Proof faggot?

Anonymous No. 16222776

He has ringworm on his face and no Health insurance. Lmao what else do you need?

Anonymous No. 16222910

jfc go see a doctor that looks terrible youre are as likely (probably more likely) to make it worse as successfully treat it.

Health >>> Money

Like seriously man that shit is heinous. You have two choices, be poor and ugly or just poor. See a doctor!

Anonymous No. 16223020

bro visit a doc, but if you can't - stop using this ung. instead you need something with hydrocortisone or
acetylsalicylic acid 2%
cefalexin 0,5 g (i/muscle) 4 times a day ( it's a wide spectrum, will help in any case)

Anonymous No. 16223027

Eventually. But it's probably "just a little bit" at this point. Maybe, lol.

Anonymous No. 16223044

won't the corticosteroid just ape up the infection?

Anonymous No. 16223047

Yep. Definitely fungus. Clean it up if you can, get it out from under your skin. Push and pull. You will have to up your health by eating right and at the same time try and permanently remove whatever is there. Antifungal cream will dry it out and it will get worse before it gets better. It will likely leave a scar, but you can just use moisturisers afterwards to lessen visibility. You may have to regulate your body temperature too. You seem sweaty. Make sure your room is 50% humid and 21 degrees Celsius. You can also try bathing in salt water. After it dies off you can bathe in oatmeal to lessen scars with calogen. There is also an old trick using egg whites, but I forget how it goes. See a doc if you can for confirmation.

Anonymous No. 16223053

>I have no health insurance so can't see a doctor
isn't america a beautiful nation? don't you love having to pay exorbitant amounts of money to protection rackets (insurance companies) just so you don't go bankrupt when you go to the doctor?

Anonymous No. 16223056

Fuck off commie

Anonymous No. 16223066

>I love having to ask random retards on an uighur yak hair weaving forum about how to deal with the flesh-dissolving skin infection on my face rather than just being able to go see a medical professional

Anonymous No. 16223083

>Being able to see a doctor is muh gommunism.
The American mind is incomprehensible.

Anonymous No. 16223090

sorry, use instead boric acid if possible

Anonymous No. 16223093

that's superherpese

Anonymous No. 16223111

I love to see the poor suffer.

Anonymous No. 16223120

>t. NEET who lives off of daddy's money

Anonymous No. 16223193

Good try poorfaggot

Anonymous No. 16223272

Dude just put the cream and leave it there. The skin grows back, the disgusting yellow ring is your body fighting off the infection, new skin will grow under it.

You could also get a penicillin shot or pills.

Anonymous No. 16223281

>penicillin for fungus
you don't know how penicillin works

Anonymous No. 16223288

It's impetigo you dumb nigger. Why the fuck would he grow fungus in his face?

Anonymous No. 16223320

LMAO that's ringworm you stupid gorilla nigger.

Anonymous No. 16223463

>it makes rings
>therefore is le ringworm

Besides if it were ringworm it would be a dry scaly shit with regular red borders, he would also have in other places like chest where he sweats more.

He has a shit in the famous perioral triangle, region full of snot and food he shoves into his face, shit that is wet, that exudes yellow shit with honeywax texture. It's FUCKING staph aureus. How is this not obvious?

Anyways, OP can get Dicloxacillin q6h for 5 days if he wants oral antibiotics, which is not recommended. The muciprocin will be enough, but remove the scales with water and soap before applying the cream.

Anonymous No. 16223478

OP don't listen to this dumb fucking nigger. He doesn't know the difference between bacterial and fungal.

Anonymous No. 16223588

>the only reason you’re not speaking Russian
top kek
Nigger the USA is the reason they’re speaking fucking Arabic in Germany now, shut the fuck up you dumb faggot. Europe would be and has been infinitely better off without the USA.

Anonymous No. 16224978

>Fuck off commie
There is no free market in medicine in the United States.

Anonymous No. 16224985

>I have no health insurance so can't see a doctor,
Try to apply refugee status in Canada.

Anonymous No. 16225000

stop applying antifungal on STD bacteria you idiot

Anonymous No. 16225151

Direct sunlight for a few hours a day and double your D3 intake. It can't heal if it's wet or agitated constantly.
Direct. Fucking. Sunlight.

Anonymous No. 16225249

Looks like staph to me. Get some antibiotics you dumb fucking nigger.

Anonymous No. 16225452

The cream seems to be helping,,slowly but surely.
It doesn't become as yellow around as it used to.
However I just washed my face alittle too hard, and made some micro/scrapes where it was just a very tiny amount of blood shown, like the smallest amount visible..not dripping or anything, sort of like when you shave your face.
I hope something weird doesn't happen where the bacteria somehow enters my blood through those small scrapes, I just put more muprocin on. I doubt that's possible.

Anonymous No. 16225457

lmao impetigo fags BTFO

Anonymous No. 16225501

Can Neosporin treat staff infections?

Anonymous No. 16225610

LMAO this thread is gold

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Anonymous No. 16225645

I'm going to be honest Anons.
Now re-inspecting it I'm sure if the cream has killed some of the infection or not.
I can't tell if it's getting better so I'm going to assume it may not be..fuck
Ok maybe I do need to see a Dr.
Mupirocin is specifically prescribed for impetigo/staph a though, it's only been two days but it should be working??

Anonymous No. 16225781

No man, you need something like mupirocin. You're going to HAVE to spend some money to get better bud. Way she fuckin goes.

Anonymous No. 16225836

You should be using that powder antifungal

Anonymous No. 16225870

Eating dirty pussy will do this...- Dr.Pedro CT(certified trapper), RN(real nigga), CSA(child support avoider)

Anonymous No. 16225872

Bro the bacteria is already in your blood, as evidenced by the secondary spots popping up. You need broad-spectrum oral antibiotics. Well, you might be fine without them, or you might not.

Anonymous No. 16225878


Anonymous No. 16225881

I doubt he has Septicemia, but OP seriously needs to get some antibiotics.

Anonymous No. 16225885

Wait what? The spots popping up were just because the infection was under the skin right? How could it of gotten in my blood if I had no previous cuts? Unless it was because I shaved the other day...shit maybe shaving put me at risk?
What kind of antibiotics? Why? I feel fine. Its way less yellow than it was before, so the Mupirocin is working isn't it?

Anonymous No. 16225887

Are you using mupirocin? Did you get a script from the doctor?

Anonymous No. 16225889

Yes it's a script. I didn't get it, a family member had an unopened container by slim miracle chance, for their kids impetigo that went away awhile back.

Anonymous No. 16225897

Is monkeypox still a thing?

Anonymous No. 16225905

ChatGPT gave this with chances I asked for when I copy pasted your post

Bacterial Skin Infection (Impetigo, Cellulitis, etc.) - 40%
Fungal Infection (Ringworm, etc.) - 25%
Contact Dermatitis or Allergic Reaction - 15%
Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) - 10%
Autoimmune Skin Disorder (e.g., Pemphigus, Bullous Pemphigoid) - 5%
Skin Cancer (Basal Cell Carcinoma, etc.) - 5%

Anonymous No. 16226397


Anonymous No. 16226402

OP, I think this might be hidradenitis suppuritiva. If so, intense pulsed light treatments and cryotherapy are the most effective therapies, along with high dose zinc and turmeric supplements. Antibiotics may help, but are hit or miss.

Anonymous No. 16226411

oof this is much

Anonymous No. 16226419

health insurance is important

Anonymous No. 16226833

just a mediocre med student who barely passed dermatology. Does this look like impetigo? I thought of it since OP mentioned the yellow crusting. OP also looks like he just shaved so maybe the razor was infected or some shit.

Anonymous No. 16226936

I think so. Ringworm is a lot more red and scaly.

Anonymous No. 16227040

yes also tinea facies has typically active edges which is absent here

Anonymous No. 16227056

god's punishment for being a whitoid

Anonymous No. 16227078

>Just create money from nothing and see a doctor no big deal

Cult of Passion No. 16227138

lol based MD

Anonymous No. 16227402

Is the infection clear Anons?
Did I get lucky as heck with my Aunt having unopened Mupirocin?
Or am I secretly screwed at this point and need to see a Dr.?

Assuming this is all over, I now face a new challenge.
This shit healing up without scarring, holy fuck it looks terrible.
I really hope it's possible to look completely normal again.

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Anonymous No. 16227408


Anonymous No. 16227565

>I work out/lift very frequently aswell
Oh fuck at a gym? In public? Go to the hospital now

Anonymous No. 16227626

yes, many americans end up dying because they cannot afford to seek medical attention.
remember to kill all insurance company board members

Anonymous No. 16227659

You made it through bro. Get some good Liposome Lotion