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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16219069

Redpill me on plastic in the ocean.

Anonymous No. 16219083

Over 50% of it is from the fishing industry. It's staggering how huge of a percentage of ecological harm (deforestation, trash in ocean, air pollution, water pollution, etc) is from animal agriculture (fishing industry, factory farms, etc).

Anonymous No. 16219088

If the thought doesn't enrage you then you're a brainwashed nigger cattle.

Anonymous No. 16219152

Imagine the rape

Anonymous No. 16219172

It's staggering how huge of a percentage of ecological harm (deforestation, trash in ocean, air pollution, water pollution, etc) is from Asia.

Anonymous No. 16219202

How about you redpill me on crippled girls instead?

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Anonymous No. 16219205

No, the straws!

Anonymous No. 16219209

Never seen a strawman quite as literal as this one.

Anonymous No. 16219545

It's more cost effective to reduce the amount of plastic garbage produced then to try to remove it from beaches

Anonymous No. 16219562



Anonymous No. 16219576

Lets just wait for some schizo or shill to come and tell us how plastic doesn't exist or how plastic is beneficial to oceans

Anonymous No. 16219616

That microplastic is harumful is just a meme. You just need to say "ohh nooo mini unatural things in body thats very bad!!" and people will accept it as a truth without any proof.

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Anonymous No. 16219617

>how plastic is beneficial to oceans
Plastic waste acts as an anchor for sea plants, barnacles, limpets, etc. Picrel. The molluscs on that bottle aren't being harmed by plastic, they are being helped by it.
Hermit crabs use plastic items the same way they use coconuts or sea shells.

Anonymous No. 16219647

Anonymous No. 16219705

>plastic is beneficial to oceans
That's fucking insane no. Even if plastic bottles are harmless, more plastic waste on the ocean floor means less space for car batteries.

Anonymous No. 16219736

Asia is where the people live

Anonymous No. 16219742

Its more effective to first stop the source, then collect the waste

Anonymous No. 16219764

You really want kids with legs like that?

Anonymous No. 16219864

You feeling all right, anon?

Anonymous No. 16219872

imagine the rape

Anonymous No. 16219892


Anonymous No. 16219913


Anonymous No. 16219923

Poor seal
That is literally how half the retarded west coast population thinks you dumb nigger

Anonymous No. 16219929

Reminds me of

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Anonymous No. 16220186

I shit you not, plastic made from sugar cane looks and feels exactly like the petroleum based stuff.
Why aren’t governments forcing companies to use this stuff?

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Anonymous No. 16220216


Anonymous No. 16220222

>Redpill me on plastic in the ocean.
OK. 99% of it is there because non-Whites don't give a fuck about polluting the environment.

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Anonymous No. 16220236


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Anonymous No. 16220252

its virtually all chinese

Anonymous No. 16220275

Throwing car batteries into the ocean is right and just

Anonymous No. 16220280

>dancing like niggers to promote environmental awareness
This timeline is such garbage.

Anonymous No. 16220283

Microplastic lobbyists will likely spin false claims about its benefits, likely pushed by a self-serving industry figure because they need to have thier dick sucked every once in a while of course; whores aren't cheap.(or pay bills if you ain't of the bourgeoise) They'll publish questionable research in peer-reviewed journals, citing unreplicable evidence that will eventually become accepted dogma. Expect bs data to convince the public (FUCKING NORMIES) of microplastic's supposed benefits.

Anonymous No. 16220440

>alien archeologists will lump you in with these people
why do I even bother being so based and never cringe all the time?

Anonymous No. 16220476


>I shit you not, plastic made from sugar cane looks and feels exactly like the petroleum based stuff.
>Why aren’t governments forcing companies to use this stuff?

You realize this literally means it will break into microplastics on its own?
Because more microplastics is what the world needs right?

Anonymous No. 16220575

Sadly very accurate. Veganism truly is the final solution.

Anonymous No. 16220587

Isn't the point of plastic that it's cheap and not biodegradable?

Anonymous No. 16220604


Anonymous No. 16220605

Both are going to break down into microplastics. Which one would you rather ingest?

Anonymous No. 16221424

Let me guess, the sugar cane plastic is chemically identical to the petroleum one but its synthetized from polyethylene made from sugar ethanol rather than from petroleum ethane.

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Anonymous No. 16221482

It would be like fucking a tent thats half put together.

Anonymous No. 16221691


Anonymous No. 16221699

Mountain Dew is green
Dorito crumbs on the floor
Man made horrors beyond our comprehension
Plastic is stored in the balls

Anonymous No. 16222901

True :(