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๐Ÿงต Genius

Anonymous No. 16219420

I've recently been engrossed by the question of how geniuses think. What I'd really like to see is
>a genius describing their thought process and
>a genius voicing their interior monologue while solving a problem
Do you know of any information like this?
Is it their thought process or the way they think that makes them different (better) than the average person?

Vard No. 16219423

OooOoOOoH! It's 'the let's, and their make-shift temporary pleasure cruise their making the ultimate sacrifice in spirit for. Oh no. Don't suicide.

Vard No. 16219428

What's that?


You what? You're on a bouncy castle? Your future is too shit to imagine. Your worth nothing and you're weak as fuck.

Who gives a shit about what you're saying.

Whereas I'm worth trillions. I'm super intelligent. And my future is up there with the best. I'll actually get to try and compete. You dunces.

Anonymous No. 16220291

I want to be paid to shill Jewish figures on /sci/ all day, too.

Where do I apply?

Anonymous No. 16220475

They hate the concept of the political ubermensch changing literally anything that they spend millions to spam forums and derail any and all original thought

Anonymous No. 16220505

I know this probably isn't a thread asking a genuine question, but to give a genuine answer they are even more varies than normal people in their thought process.

Von Neumann, as an example, was perhaps one of the smartest minds that has ever existed but was constantly being hounded by his own self doubts and feelings of inadequacy. These feelings deeply disturbed him, and he often would push himself to endure self-destructive levels of stress to stay productive and keep his own self-criticism at bay. He was a brilliant but deeply unwell man.

Meanwhile, if we compare to Claude Shannon, he had far less of the neuroticism that followed Von Neumann and was an almost aloof whimsical figure who had to be almost forced to take things seriously.

Anonymous No. 16221051

someone post that series of "gay engineer" copypastas, that would be closest to what OP desires

Anonymous No. 16221536

I have been described as a "genius" by actual college researcher geniuses, and I've scored 140 or so on a a few IQ tests, for whatever it is worth. Do I believe I'm a "genius"? No, but I do think I am interested in things that most aren't, and that interest is what leads me to unusual "solutions" to questions that others were not able to solve, and quickly so.
My mindspace is mostly filled with boredom about the mundane that people find interesting, so I don't watch movies, or series, or follow any type of sport whatsoever. I listen to music, sometimes, and listen to an enormous variety of musical genres. If you ask me what type of music I'm into, the answer is "music".
I have ADHD, so reading is a painfully slow process, and I mostly prefer to watch videos if I can find them, infographics, figures and diagrams, but if curiosity strikes with enough vigor, I'm reading. Obviously, if I have to read forcefully for work, I deal with it as best as I can.

Anonymous No. 16221537

My mind obsesses occasionally about issues it finds fascinating, and it can stay on a loop for several days, it's awful sometimes, because I just cannot avoid the attempts at reasoning, and very few things distract it to give me some rest. Sometime the mind eventually gets frustrated and ceasses its own torment, other times I have a breakthrough.
Some things are obvious, and it stumps me how others don't see it at first glance. On others, I stumble harder than other people, but in general I beat most. I am slower with things I have no interest about, that requires me to try to focus hard.
What is interesting though is that there is no "me" finding answers, what is going on is a dialogue between my inner voice and an "entity" who is much smarter than "me".
My cognitive side is dumb, he's the "stupid teenager". The intelligent side is my unconscious. I think that what is going on is both my hemispheres are in dialogue, but only the left side has the speech center. In that way, there is one side with clear words spoken and questions, and there is another "empty" side, from where concepts come into awareness, out of the "void", beyond the control I have with words.
Well, you asked, that's my best description.

Anonymous No. 16221967

Oh yes, that too.
Once people realize you're smart, they expect you to be smart, and so the peer pressure can get very real, or at least the perception of it, distorted or not. Plus, as you said, neuroticism makes it all so much worse. Much of it is also projection, sometimes people just expect you to be a person, and there you are, feeling they are judging you because suddenly you're not being intelligent anymore or not.
It can get quite messy on an internal level.
If you obsess about it, uff, much worse. Fortunately, I do not, I'm only sensitive to it. I'm afraid of the embarrassment of suddenly not living up to other's expectations, for whatever reason, and losing social status. The brain, so annoyingly complex to deal with.

Anonymous No. 16222486

>Where do I apply?