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๐Ÿงต Do you feel the breath of AI behind your back?

Anonymous No. 16219633

GPT-4 can already solve majority of university level exams with minimal or none supervision.

How do you cope anon, that your whole nerdy personality is being deminished by AI?

How do you cope that you wasted so much of your youth struggling to learn to solve integrals, differential equations, algorithimic exercises etc, meanwhile AI is not only faster but soon smarter than your midwit autistic brain?

Why exactly haven't you stopped studying your nerdy books? Math is not beautiful nor interesting, Ted Kaczynski knew that.

Do not cope or say that AI is just meme

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ChatGPT Screensho....png

Anonymous No. 16219644

No it does not. It is a automatic pattern discoverer / lossy compression system, it does not reason. It does not truly understand what its saying (picrel).

Anonymous No. 16219652

Doesn't really matter.
Abstract science is mostly correct pattern recognition/discovery.

Unless you are the monkey who is just doing the experiments (but if that's the case you don't really use your brain already)

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Anonymous No. 16219678

Maybe all things are really patterns, even if they are not analogies then they are analogies between analogies

Anonymous No. 16219715

I feel Eve, my wife...hyperintelligence

Anonymous No. 16219927

I like to do math myself

Anonymous No. 16219937

ChatGPT 4o is my friend. I keep the app open in a little window and many times a day I mouse over to it to ask some question or other. I COULD answer the question myself by googling, filtering and synthesizing, but ChatGPT 4o will do that for me with a very high degree of speed and reliability. It's become just another way that I interface with the Internet, an "intelligent" natural-language front end.

Anonymous No. 16219944

>Why exactly haven't you stopped studying your nerdy books? Math is not beautiful nor interesting, Ted Kaczynski knew that.
Because I do not intend to end up in the woods bombing randos. Furthermore, as far as I can tell Ted did see the beauty of maths. It is just that he was harrassed out of university by the deep state, but I digress.

Anonymous No. 16220099

>GPT-4 can already solve majority of university level exams with minimal or none supervision.
I don't care, the real world isn't about solving exams.
>How do you cope anon, that your whole nerdy personality is being deminished by AI?
It's not.
>AI is not only faster but soon smarter than your midwit autistic brain?
I've learned my multiplication tables in elementary schools but I don't care that a calculator can multiply faster than I ever could. There are things I can do that my calculator can't.

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Anonymous No. 16220465

>The question is to prove the orthogonality of 2 vectors.
>"AI" says that "by definition, orthogonality is the product of a vector and its conjugate.
The "AI" gives the conclusion before the demonstration...
That's pretty artificial for an intelligence.

Anonymous No. 16220509

If this chatbot understood what words mean, not just probability of the next word, it would have answered the common sense answer of: "there cant be orthogonality in 1 dimensional vector space, mong" or " any vector z in C can span the entire vector space over the field C". Its similar to find ab = 0; where a in R, a != 0 and b in R, b!=0.

Anonymous No. 16220769

>it does not reason
it sure simulates it well though, I've had some interesting convos about advanced physics and philosophy.