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Anonymous No. 16219832

Are we fucked?

How long till it's fullblown?

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Anonymous No. 16219839

>bird flu
>dairy workers
It’s like they aren’t even trying anymore. Pro tip: viruses do not exist. They are the “dark matter” of biology—a fudge factor they through in to “save” their own reputations.

Anonymous No. 16219851

We have a rare specimen of a sub 60 iq Dunning Kruger right here in its natural habitat

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Anonymous No. 16219855

Birds don't exist either.

Anonymous No. 16219974

H5N1 had a 60% kill rate. If h5n2 is similar then we might see LA traffic get less congested.

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Anonymous No. 16219979

Full-blown autism? Soon. Very, very soon.

Anonymous No. 16219994

>jew science woman becomes president of Mexico
>immediately starts new pandemic

Anonymous No. 16220008

That guy had several underlying health conditions including kidney failure but they really want to repeat COVID, especially since it is an election year in the United States.

Anonymous No. 16220011

well the us election is in november so they'll need to have us terrified to leave the house no later than august or september i'd say

Anonymous No. 16220013

>On 23 May 2024, the Mexico IHR NFP reported to PAHO/WHO a confirmed case of human infection with avian influenza A(H5N2) virus detected in a 59-year-old resident of the State of Mexico who was hospitalized in Mexico City and had no history of exposure to poultry or other animals. The case had multiple underlying medical conditions. The case’s relatives reported that the case had already been bedridden for three weeks, for other reasons, prior to the onset of acute symptoms.
>Results from Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR) of a respiratory sample collected and tested at INER on 24 April indicated a non-subtypeable influenza A virus. On 8 May, the sample was sent for sequencing to the Laboratory of Molecular Biology of Emerging Diseases Center for Research in Infectious Diseases (CIENI per its acronym in Spanish) of INER, which indicated that the sample was positive for influenza A(H5N2). On 20 May, the sample was received at the Institute of Epidemiological Diagnosis and Reference (InDRE per its acronym in Spanish) of the Mexico National Influenza Centre, for analysis by RT-PCR, obtaining a positive result for influenza A. On 22 May, sequencing of the sample confirmed the influenza subtype was A(H5N2).

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Anonymous No. 16220017

>Pro tip: viruses do not exist

Anonymous No. 16220056

Microscopes don't exist

Anonymous No. 16220072

>viruses do not exist
Why do you say that anon, have you worked in a lab yourself?

Anonymous No. 16220119

good thing you can mail in your ballots huh

Anonymous No. 16220546

lol no

Anonymous No. 16220549

>first post: fear post
>second post: false opposition post that presents opposition as completely insane so that people accept the original, fear position
You guys are utterly transparent.

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Anonymous No. 16220553

Yup, Project Fear

Anonymous No. 16220906


It's really funny that they just come into these threads and proclaim "No viruses", and never bother to complete that train of thought:
So, if there was no virus, then what exactly caused the excess mortality observed all over the world in 2020? I mean if the government is lying about the existence of viruses, then would you really put it past them to either
(A) Release a toxin from their giant database of poisonous chemicals (which we all know they have) with strategic timing and locations to mimic a spreading pathogen
(B) Make a bacteria more toxic by inserting genes and then release that (way easier than engineering a virus and you can easily culture as much of it as you want in media)
So now we come to issue of PCR testing, either it's a total fraud like viruses and just produces essentially random results (unlikely, hard to control the outcomes under such a scenario), or there's the much better option of targeting the test at the bacterial gene insert under scenario (B). Then you can tell all the healthcare workers that because this is a super deadly, virulent virus that they need to treat it with Remdesivir and be sure to ventilate people early so they can't spread it around. And remember, it's a virus so you can't use antibiotics (even though secondary bacterial infections from viruses have been known about for a century). Then offer financial incentives for the "official" treatment protocol, and sleep peacefully knowing that no one will ever point out that all these actions completely antithetical to science, medicine, and the law.

If the no-virus people were really serious and were really not a diversion, the this is the type of discussion we would get, not these pathetic proclamations that they somehow have arcane knowledge hidden to the rest of us.