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🧵 What is the "fabric" of spacetime?

Anonymous No. 16220189

What does that word actually mean? Is there any coherent explanation of this concept or is it just a kind of nebulous stand-in that we use to hold certain concepts that are required for our understanding of modern physics?

Anonymous No. 16220221

I too wonder that myself. If there was no aether detected, wtf is this spacetime "thing" that ripples and distorts...
And what does it distort in? A line distorts in 2D, a plane distorts in 3D, 3D distorts in spacetime... but then spacetime is supposed to distort within itself? wat?
I realize there might never be an answer so we might as well to resort to resort Alder's razor to ease our minds, but onetheless... wtf indeed!

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Anonymous No. 16220228

It’s just linguistic jargon that means nothing. There’s no such thing as a fabric of space time. If we study Henery Poincaré we know that space is the latitude and longitude on earth. And time is earth rotation of earth in front of the sun realitive to your longitude and latitude of the observer of time. So In other words wherever you are on earth determines the precise time it is. Time is not real just a
Mesurment. It’s a point of reference for gps and computers to precisely synchronize.

For example time transfer for the signal handoff of your cell phone to another cell tower while driving.

Knowledge is power!!!!!!

Anonymous No. 16220255

That word has nothing to do with the actual content of general relativity and is ONLY used in pop-sci explanations of it.

Anonymous No. 16220268

Curvature in this context means that when you parallel transport a vector around a loop, the vector ends up in a slightly different direction from where it started.

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Anonymous No. 16220278

Einstein was a fraud who copied henery Poincaré work most of his theory is utilized by gps. Which is why gps have atomic clocks aboard the gps satellites

Anonymous No. 16220286

You're getting your woke history mixed up. Poincaré worked on special relativity. In this context you're supposed to say he copied from Hilbert.

Anonymous No. 16220289

>Time is not real just a Mesurment
Of what?

Anonymous No. 16220295

Nope, that's curvature of a spatial manifold. You can't do that in spacetime because you can't go backwards in time.

Anonymous No. 16220297

Poincare stole it from a black man.

Anonymous No. 16220311

When people talk about the fabric of spacetime they're talking about geometry. If you think of geometry in elementary school terms, there must necessarily exist some kind of background in which objects can exist. Plane geometry requires a plane. But the plane in plane geometry isn't a THING. It has no substance. It's just the space in which interesting objects exist. The fabric of spacetime is the background in which everything in the universe exists. Einstein's key insight is that this background does not obey the laws of Euclidean geometry. It's actually a different kind of geometry that can be curved. Calling spacetime a fabric is just a metaphor for the fact that it's a geometric background that can have curvature.

Anonymous No. 16220341

There are no straight lines in the universe

Anonymous No. 16220346

Actually since the universe is overall flat there are infinitely many straight lines in the universe.

Anonymous No. 16220349

>too lazy to find physical causes for a physical phenomenon?
>just geometrize it, now it's "part of the background" and needs no explanation
Now I see why string theory was so popular.

Anonymous No. 16220365

Raise your hand if you understand even the basic concepts behind general relativity.

Not so fast, anon.

Anonymous No. 16220381

>Knowledge is power!!!!!!
It's more of a conduit of power.

Anonymous No. 16220394

Take the portal problem that's often posted on this board and image a stationary set of portals.
Now imagine one of the portals moving through space (relative to the other). Is "space" or whatever "entering" the portal that's moving?
If instead of two portals, you imagine an open window fame which is "moving through space," is "space' moving through it?

Anonymous No. 16220401

Space has no attributes.

Anonymous No. 16220424

what is happening when a straight line path is curved by a gravitational field?

Anonymous No. 16220434

nothing happens to "a straight line". photons are curved by gravity despite being 'massless' because they are bound by the higgs field. no different than a charged particle in an electric field

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Anonymous No. 16220435


Anonymous No. 16220441

I think it's just a topological constraint

Anonymous No. 16220481

The space around my hand is curved as to appear not to be raised.

Anonymous No. 16220482

>no different than a charged particle in an electric field
Okay, that actually makes sense

But why does time warp with speed "through space?"

Anonymous No. 16220486

Because of how time is defined.

Anonymous No. 16220495

How's that?

Anonymous No. 16220571

Because Mother Nature doesn't have a watch.

Anonymous No. 16220617

>photons are curved by gravity despite being 'massless' because they are bound by the higgs field
Photons do not couple to the Higgs field at all.

Anonymous No. 16220620

>Take the portal problem
No. That's stupid. "If we ignore all the laws of physics, what do the laws of physics say will happen?" Yawn.

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Anonymous No. 16220829

Time is a measurement of the earth’s rotation in front of the sun.

We can scale it down and measure a second as a frequency. To give a precise a precise measurement for computation. A computer is also a clock.

Anonymous No. 16220862

What? No it isn't. Time is that thing that separates events which occur at the same place. Every year the earth ends up at the same point in its orbit, but the two events are separated by one year of time. Time is a real, physical thing. It's not "a measurement" of anything.

Anonymous No. 16220870

>the earth ends up at the same point
The solar system is moving through the universe. The earth never returns to the same place.

Anonymous No. 16220881

Sure it does. Inertial motion is relative, anon. You can set your frame of reference to anything you want.

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Anonymous No. 16220883

Time is not real idiot. Just because you experience different events that doesn’t mean time exists.

When different events occur they take place because of motion with use of energy. Motion is the use of energy. When your car moves it’s because of fuel wich is energy.

No energy? No motion. Idiot
No fuel the car just sits there

Events happen because of energy.

We all exist on the same plane at the same time. It could be 12pm here and 7pm in another country at the same moment. Does that mean they are in the future idiot? Lmao.

Linguistics and technical jargon have ruined physics. Even Einstein who I hate admitted this fact.

Anonymous No. 16220886

Bwah ha ha. LMAO. Try telling a cosmic-ray muon that time isn't real, faggot.

Anonymous No. 16220889

Cosmic ray muon??? Here we go with the sci-fi fag stuff again.. honestly I hate astrophysicists they have dumbbed down the masses…

Anonymous No. 16220900

Which word confused you, anon?

Anonymous No. 16220999


Anonymous No. 16221504

>Time is a measurement of the earth’s rotation in front of the sun.
>We can scale it down and measure a second as a frequency.
So frequencies are real? What makes them more real than their periods? Hardly any motion is truly periodic.