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🧵 Humans and Neanderthals only had sex for a brief period, but it still fundamentally changed our DNA

Anonymous No. 16220210

We might consider Neanderthals to be ancient and unknowable relatives, but humans were once on very intimate terms with them.

Our ancestors, for example, had babies with the shorter, stockier species and swapped DNA for thousands of years.

Studying genomic data from both ancient and modern humans, scientists learned that Neanderthals and humans were having sex around 47,000 years ago then stopped less than 7,000 years later — relatively brief in terms of evolution.

All humans have at least a little Neanderthal DNA, a 2020 study found. These genes may impact everything from metabolism to our risk for diabetes.

Finding out when humans acquired them can help scientists understand how these genes evolved and why they might have been beneficial to our ancestors and stuck around in our DNA for millennia. Neanderthals were living in Asia and Europe when some humans started moving out of Africa. The two groups began having children together shortly after that, sometime between 60,000 and 50,000 years ago.


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Anonymous No. 16220596


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Anonymous No. 16220616



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Anonymous No. 16220623


Their genes live on

Anonymous No. 16220655

Early Neanderthal models were brutish monobrow hags lacking in forehead. Recently, they look a lot better. After all, some homo sapiens' must have thought they looked cute/handsome.

Anonymous No. 16220672

Imagine thinking there's only one extant human species lmfao

Anonymous No. 16221141

>science: Its totally possible for humans to breed with a different species and produce fertile offspring with propagate the mixed species DNA into the human gene pool forever

>also science: Its completely impossible for Africans to have interbred with chimpanzees and for that interbreeding to explain the morphological and other genetic dissimilarities between Africans and the other races

explain this discrepancy or admit that science is fake and gay

Anonymous No. 16221180

people actually believe this?

theres no way 2 species would produce viable offspring

Anonymous No. 16221470

Both were only one species that underwent a bottleneck.

Anonymous No. 16221496

neanderthals are more human than homo sapiens africanus

that said the two just intermixed and here we are. the more you have neanderthal the more human and white you are.

Anonymous No. 16221641

Would you have gotten some neanderthal pussy back in the day?

Anonymous No. 16221825

In a new study published in Molecular Psychiatry, a team of scientists provides strong evidence for the roles of Neanderthal-derived genetic variants in autism susceptibility, suggesting long term effects of ancient human hybridization on brain organization and function.

Anonymous No. 16221836

>theres no way 2 species would produce viable offspring
This is a meaningless tautology because you are still using the grade school / kindergarten definition of species.
Biologists don't use the "viable offspring" rule to define a species. "Species" is a social construct that we have invented to describe groups of creatures that tend to interbreed.
Are polar bears and grizzly bears the same species?
How about wolves & coyotes?
Pigeons and doves?
All three pairs above can interbreed and produce viable, fertile offspring. We still consider them different species due to their differences in morphology, behaviour & habitat.

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Anonymous No. 16222406

give it to me straight bro/sci/s, how many of my ancestors fell for nick/nussy?

Anonymous No. 16222455

>All humans have at least a little Neanderthal DNA
this is a lie and you know it.
Africans have zero neanderthal DNA.

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Anonymous No. 16222465

lmao they must have meddled with sequences or considered modern human DNA as neanderthal to show this 1/3 intensity signal.
this is the fakest ideological shit I've ever seen and obviously the authors are chinese and jewish.

Anonymous No. 16223401

Considering how many middle easterners and appalacians fuck goats and sheep…probably all of them from that time period

Anonymous No. 16224341

>tfw will never have a neanderthal wife

Anonymous No. 16225775

Either primate species can interbreed or they can't. If humans bred with neanderthals then that means that Africans breed with chimpanzees

Anonymous No. 16225941

niggers would have staighter hair

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Anonymous No. 16226009


Anonymous No. 16226181

Sure they can. Fucking Komodo dragons and sand goannas interbred at some point, and an average sized specimen of the former is 10 times the weight of a large specimen of the latter

Anonymous No. 16227812

Whites and blacks can interbreed and an average specimen of the former is 10 times the IQ of a specimen of the latter

Anonymous No. 16228103

That is what makes africans genetically superior.
It's just a scientific truth and the fact I'm african myself has nothing to do with it.

Anonymous No. 16228173

blacks literally have 10-20% homo erectus DNA lmao

Anonymous No. 16228825

I'm full erectus all the time, white boy.

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Anonymous No. 16229849


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Anonymous No. 16230813


Anonymous No. 16231894

The whole definition of species is all messed up, its been disproved observationally many many times, but the retarded science fundamentalists still stick by it and enforce it because it backs up their SJW politics.

Anonymous No. 16233624

the species idea is an attempt to use quantization where none exists. the genetic relationship between whites, negroes & chimpanzees is a continuum. thats why whites can, with difficulty, breed with negroes and why negroes can breed with chimpanzees, but whites cannot breed with chimpanzees

Anonymous No. 16234820

DNA is somewhat quantized having 4 bit types, but the overall molecules are necessarily a continuum due to the way DNA evolves

Anonymous No. 16234889

>with the shorter, stockier species
I was told they were 12 feet tall solitary cannibal wolf hunting giants with no whites to their irises and a complete lack of social structure

Anonymous No. 16234895

>and why negroes can breed with chimpanzees
And you have some living proof of this, yes? You're not going to tell me that in all of Africa, not a single man has managed to spawn a half negro, half chimp child?

Anonymous No. 16234896

>After all, some homo sapiens' must have thought they looked cute/handsome.
Every single instance of human/neanderthal mating was rape of human women by neanderthal men, usually in a typical "spoils of war" situation after a group of neanderthal males successfully killed a group of human males.

Anonymous No. 16234927

And you know that how?

Anonymous No. 16234987

I was there and saw it personally.

Anonymous No. 16235803

Thats not how it works. African men don't bother raping chimps because they can just rape African women. The women get killed by their men if they cheat so their only opportunity to get a away with cheating is with wild animals. Chimps can't talk

Anonymous No. 16235826

Look up Oliver the Humanzee.

Anonymous No. 16235852

>All humans have at least a little Neanderthal DNA, a 2020 study found.
Could you post this "study", how was this missed in SSA for two decades and now they magically have it? I'm sure it's true of very small amounts in West and East Africans due to the Islamic slave trades, but no way they found it in Bantus and Khoi.

>theres no way 2 species would produce viable offspring
Racemixing happens all the time.

Jokes aside, there are many examples: Ligers (lion+tiger), mules (horse+donkey).

Usually the offspring is infertile and with very rare exceptions it's dysgenic, weak and diseased (the mule being the "exception that proves the rule").

Anonymous No. 16235854

>African men don't bother raping chimps
They do rape chimps though, that's how AIDS and Ebola first spread to humans.

Anonymous No. 16235861

wow you're really retarded

paleolithic man No. 16235864

wouldnt, too neanderthanlic
would with the lights out

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Anonymous No. 16235866

It's far more comple than this, Whites = more Cro Magnons is more accurate. It is a newly evolved species. Asians have Denisovan and more Neanderthal DNA as well. Europeans evolved away from it and most Neanderthal genes were not selected for despite being up 5% in EEMH. Early WHG were the tallest and smartest pre-neolithic humans on Earth.

Anonymous No. 16235871

He's right and it's traceable through paternal vs maternal DNA. There has only ever been cases of male N. fucking human women, but not vice versa.

Anonymous No. 16235886

That isn't true, and it wouldn't prove rape if it was.

Anonymous No. 16235893


>No evidence of Neanderthal mitochondrial DNA has been found in modern humans.[35][36][37] This suggests that successful Neanderthal admixture happened in pairings with Neanderthal males and modern human females.[38][39]

Modern Europeans of the CWC were formed in the same way. Tall, smart, stronger HG men butchered the shorter, dumber, weaker ANF men and then took all their women. Europeans would be taller and smartrr today if they didn't fuck the genes of inferior species into their pool.

Anonymous No. 16235932

Even that wouldn't prove rape if true. It could mean that neandetthal men were more attractive, while nobody would sleep with ugly sapiens nerds.

But, both were one species that went through a bottleneck centered around mtDNA, it seems that only people with particular mitochondrial mutations survived, the rest of the genome either took ride with it or not.

Anonymous No. 16235938

>Even that wouldn't prove rape if true. It could mean that neandetthal men were more attractive, while nobody would sleep with ugly sapiens nerds.
Yet more cope.

Often when this rape happened they find during the same timespans the mass graves of weaker men with evidence of violent deaths such as their skulls bashed in by hatches, cut marks on bones from blades and arrows etc.

This is how we know these events weren't peaceful intermixing. Why would it be? Never been the case in recorded human history, are you dumb enough to imagine a biblical garden of pre-history with no violence?

>But, both were one species that went through a bottleneck centered around mtDNA, it seems that only people with particular mitochondrial mutations survived, the rest of the genome either took ride with it or not.
Utter dribble. There is no evidence at all that archaic humans are all derived from the same species. In fact the evidence increasingly points to this being unlikely.

We might have common ancestors in the same sense that we also share a common ancestor with a carrot, but we did not stem from the same recent evolutionary path at all.

Anonymous No. 16235946

Holy fucking shit brother you're so retarded, kys and leave more food for other people please.
First: keep the /pol/ shit out of this board. If you want to make scientific discussion, try not to bring out racism.
Second: the genetic difference between a man and a chimp is WAY LARGER than the difference between a man and a neanderthal.

This is why you cant breed with chimps, even tough your retarded fucked up mind could make you do so.

Anonymous No. 16235958

>the genetic difference between a man and a chimp is WAY LARGER than the difference between a man and a neanderthal.
That's only if you're talking averages and ignoring racial differences.

If you introns and non-coding DNA the difference in functional genes between Eurasians and SSA is far bigger than the difference between SSA and Chimps.

The difference between Eurasians and Neanderthals is similar, while East and South Eurasians have increased genetic load from Dinosovan introgression.

Anonymous No. 16236051

This thread is so stupid is actually entertaining.

Anonymous No. 16236064

what makes a thread stupid?

Anonymous No. 16236080

People like me and you posting in it

Anonymous No. 16236082

it was not possible to breed neanderthal woman as homo sapiens

Anonymous No. 16236083

Everybody here is ignorant, yes

But I do believe science is far too squeamish about race and species stuff. Anthropology and our history. Being overly sensitive about the topic LEADS to ignorance in this field specifically. And it also bottles up a lot of hostility and confusion

So I say we should discuss openly. Speak your mind and don't be a disingenuous coward. Let's all try to learn. If races can interbreed and species can interbreed then what's the functional difference?

I honestly believe that I have a high cro magnon admixture. It makes me feel autistic even though I'm not autistic. I feel like I can't find more of my kind, especially mates.
>t. green eyes, prominent brow, sense of extreme disconnect from average person and society. Nocturnal.

Pls no bully
Sure it's just my personal experience but if anyone has more data they'd like to add, from any race let me know. Especially those of you who have taken ancestry tests or understand genome and haplogroups.
(When I was a kid, the "human genome project" was ALL the rage. Then it was never mentioned again in pop science and got replaced by climate change as the big topic. Can anyone shed light on the human genome project? I can only assume it's findings were problematic in some way. I just want to find a cro mag mate. These other hominids just aren't doing it for me)

Anonymous No. 16236085

right how does evolution work then? if at one point the mutation of animal dna is no longer compatible to breed

Anonymous No. 16237464

Neanderthals and chimps weren't mutually fertile, thats why whites aren't fertile with chimpanzees, but Africans are

Anonymous No. 16237546


Anonymous No. 16238342

half negroe half chimp babies are fairly common in the areas of africa where chimps still exist in the wild

Anonymous No. 16239538

>Cro Magnons
So where are they on your chart?

Anonymous No. 16240616

Theres a big issue with wild chimpanzees in Africa, half the Africans want to have sex with them and the other half want to eat them. They're a popular source of bush meat.

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Anonymous No. 16240808

>evolutionary race between 2 groups of whites. The fatty, lanky ones win, mfw I am them.

Sucks bros, homo sapiens are physically endurance specialists( fags) whereas neanderchads were having explosive power based physiologys, while also consuming enormous levels of oxygen so they also had excellent stamina. They had it all, a neanderthal with their level of androgen receptors would have been ripped just sitting on the couch day drinking in a trailer park today. Not to mention just how robust their overall build was, they used to wrestle fuck wholly rhinoceros, us svelte savanna bitchs woulda snapped in half if we tried that shit. Also people calling them short always forget that they're short by 21st century human standards, the average English man during ww1 was something like 5 foot 6. Neanderthal where actually slightly TALLER for the average back 80,000 years ago. Neanderthal strenght was also weaker but not dramatically different to that of chimpanzees, I would have loved to see a heavyweight modern mma fight with a neanderthal that had the same rearing, comfort and nutrition and training that modern humans( in non shithole countries) receive. The 'thal may possibly punch a hole in his humans adversarys chest. Neanderchads where the OG whites. I KNEEL

I miss these niggas like you wouldn't believe

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Anonymous No. 16240814

Anonymous No. 16241034

Question i have is, by how much where a neanderthals limbs shorter than humans? I hear people say notably shorter, but they're comparing apples to oranges, taking a modern well fed 6 foot humans proportions and comparing that with a 5 foot 6 neanderthals proportions. If we took both specimens to be lets say 5 foot 6, just how much longer is the humans limbs going to be compared to the neanderthal?. We would need a direct comparison of the forearm length of both a 5 foot 6 European and a equally tall neanderthal to know.

Anonymous No. 16241166

Some Africans interbred with the last population of Archaic Erectus even more recently than everyone else did with Neander and Denisovans. With another smaller population of more advanced erectus in Asia also being assimilated.

The behaviour and physiognomy of modern populations is easily explained by this difference

Anonymous No. 16241273

Ye, I'm not earnestly prejudiced but niggers don't belong in white society's. They're simply incompatible with our civilisation

Anonymous No. 16241329

>equating 20th century agri-humans to hunter-gathering chad humans

>Dr. Marta Lahr from Cambridge University's Leverhulme Centre for Human Evolutionary Studies presented her findings that the height and brain size of modern-day humans is shrinking.
>Looking at human fossil evidence for the past 200,000 years, Lahr looked at the size and structure of the bones and skulls found across Europe, Africa and Asia
>What they discovered was that the largest Homo sapiens lived 20,000 to 30,000 years ago with an average weight between 176 and 188 pounds and a brain size of 1,500 cubic centimeters.
>They discovered that some 10,000 years ago however, size started getting smaller both in stature and in brain size. Within the last 10 years, the average human size has changed to a weight between 154 and 176 pounds and a brain size of 1,350 cubic centimeters.

Anonymous No. 16241767

Yeah it's called domestication syndrome. We're victims of our own success.
Your right too, cro magnon man was close to 6 foot, definitely taller than the neanderthals, although there has been one neanderthal that also was believed to be close to 6 foot, so likely if they survived to today they could also be as tall as us except monstrously more physically powerful. Would love to have a time machine to see how they lived and behaved.

Anonymous No. 16241903

because neanderthal wasn't a different species, it was a subspecies, hence the name homo sapians neanderthalis and the name homo sapians sapians.

seriously nigger, don't be retarded. the terms are not not magical fucking words, they're defined to describe observations. you're the same species if you can produce young, and not if you can't. it's that simple. you've got your cognition completely fucking backwards. sort your shit out and never leave /pol/ again. chimpanzees don't even have the same number of chromosones as humans do.

Anonymous No. 16241907

>If humans bred with neanderthals then that means that Africans breed with chimpanzees
that doesn't even make sense. why are you retarded.

Anonymous No. 16241908

>negroes can breed with chimpanzees
>because i say so
>i can prove it
>negroes can breed with chimpanzees
>see? i just proved it.

Anonymous No. 16243183

>but the overall molecules are necessarily a continuum due to the way DNA evolves
exactly, the idea species as individual isolated genetics is a ridiculous idea.

Anonymous No. 16243416

We are more neotenous than Neanderthals. We have no prominent brow ridge for example.
They fucked us because we (our women) looked cute to them.
Tl;dr: we were basically anime chicks to them.

Anonymous No. 16243463

The whole point of scientific racism is to be scientific about it, not to just make shit up out of whole cloth from insensible premises. You're a retard.

Anonymous No. 16243856

>Yeah it's called domestication syndrome. We're victims of our own success.
It isn't domestication. It's primarily from malnutrition. We are victims of some ancient error, when people began sending their shit down the ruver, and the rare metals got depleted from their surrounding environment. It didn't even have to be connected with agriculture, that may have been developed as a response when the metal rich species that we ate stopped being able to survive in nature as well.

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black smug soyenc....jpg

Anonymous No. 16244466

Africans breed with chimpanzees, makes no difference if that fact causes you emotional distress, they still breed with chimpanzees

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Anonymous No. 16245857


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Ona man, 7 ft. 4 ....jpg

Anonymous No. 16246964

The first Europeans to encounter the people who were inhabiting the Tiera del Fuego region met people who were over 7' tall and extremely muscular. Scared the crap out of Magellan and his contemporaries, they all ran away. Those people persisted long enough to be photographed.

Anonymous No. 16246976

I don't think this would be possible considering the fused chromosome.

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Anonymous No. 16248031

>horse - 64 chromosomes
>donkey - 62 chromosomes

Anonymous No. 16249571

the out of africa theory is fake and gay

Anonymous No. 16249595

Why do these threads get overrun by racists?

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Anonymous No. 16250068

>Why do these threads get overrun by racists?

Anonymous No. 16250226

>someone brings up race
>local faggot starts screeching

Anonymous No. 16250456

I don't care about racism but they're just completely illiterate when it comes to genetics.

Anonymous No. 16251915

Neanderthals didn't look like that, they had full coverage body hair like all the other primates do. They also had much larger eyes than humans do.

Anonymous No. 16252134

There is no reason to believe that they were hairy.
She does have very large eyes.

Anonymous No. 16252140

Is this related to why the offspring is infertile?

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Anonymous No. 16252141
