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Anonymous No. 16220294

I just googled Chicxulub.

Anonymous No. 16220298

It's a crater. What else do you want to know?

Anonymous No. 16220331

They must be getting bored over there

Anonymous No. 16220414

a googol, located entirely in chicxulub, in this slot of time?

Anonymous No. 16220633

some chicks are crazy!

Anonymous No. 16220645

much bigger than that impact, but check out this simulation:

Anonymous No. 16220652

That's not a simulation. It's just an animation.

Anonymous No. 16220658

An animation of a simulation, as imperfect as it might be.

Anonymous No. 16220670

No, there's literally no simulation involved. They just told a 3D animator to animate what he imagined it'd look like if a big thing hit the earth. It's all imaginary, not based on math or anything like that. Not a simulation.

Anonymous No. 16220948


Anonymous No. 16220957

American TV makes you retarded.

Anonymous No. 16220992


better version

Anonymous No. 16221004

Look at the end of animation did it hit.
Exactly China, kek.

Anonymous No. 16221121

its fake, just another soiyence hoax based on grandiose, but completely nondisprovable nonscientific conjectures from people who bizarrely still call themselves scientists even though they do everything they can to avoid obedience to the scientific method.
it has long since been conclusively demonstrated that the effects of a magma plume eruption are what ultimately wiped out the dinosaurs.

Anonymous No. 16221506

>No, there's literally no simulation involved.
Was that animation not based on recommendations and tips from researchers? As I said, even if unprecise, it does not imply it is inaccurate. A rough approximation is nonetheless a simulation, as poor as it may be.
Nonetheless, where did you read that?

Anonymous No. 16221507

>better version
yes, thank you, but I wanted the one with the original commentary as to avoid "sauce" questions.
That version is amazing indeed.

Anonymous No. 16221514

It is based on borehole prospecting done in the area by oil companies, and subsequent detailed geophysical research.
Not just that, but geologically synchronous tsunami sediment deposits are found all around the gulf of Mexico and further inland still, their thickness decreasing with the radial distance directly centered at Chicxulub.
We can get in the weeds about all of this if you wish, but be ready to back up your claims with data. Each point of your contention might need its own independent thread, so I don't know how deep you want to go into that rabbit hole, but you're talking to a geologist. I will have fun, and you might not.

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Anonymous No. 16221762

>it has long since been conclusively demonstrated that the effects of a magma plume eruption are what ultimately wiped out the dinosaurs.
...and may I add, that no, what conclusively brought the K-T boundary mass extinction was not the Deccan Traps volcanism, it was the Chicxulub impact:
The Deccan Traps volcanism was indeed already destabilizing the end of the Cretaceous, much like the Siberian Traps volcanism did during the late Permian, however, Chicxulub happened, and it put a final period at the end of Cretaceous paragraph in the book of life. The diverse fossil fauna of the Late Cretaceous suddenly ends at the K-T boundary, it does not gradually taper off into extinction as we see in the fossil record of the Permian-Triassic transition, indicating that indeed Chicxulub was globally cataclysmic.
Would the Deccan volcanism have brought upon a mass extinction? Who knows, maybe so, maybe not, but that is irrelevant.

Here, have a cretaceous tyrannosaurid fossil as a peace token.