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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ ๐Ÿงต Science VS biblical myths

Anonymous No. 16220455

I was on a journey to understand how the fuck even biblical cosmology works and it literally makes no sense whatsoever in like even bronze age idiots can not believe in this crap.

It makes absolutely no sense whatsoever and I understand flat earth etc.

So according to the bible we live in a submarine surrounded by water....

Many questions however most important one.
If rain is created by god opening the windows on top to let the water in to make rain....
How is this shit possible?
Since it would let all the air out and we would drown in only water.
And no this is not some modern talking point anyone who has a bottler or some clay vessel can understand this by going to the local river.

Also according to this biblical model the bible is literally a lie.
>Muh waters above seperated from the waters below
No there is no separation it is the same water and you are in a submarine.

To even believe this garbage you need to abandon the meaning of the word

I can imagine some primitive idiot not thinking about it and repeating this trash however can anyone even salvage this trash I do not care if you introduce magic here. I wanted to know what ancient primitives believed the world is like.

Anonymous No. 16220459

80 IQ, unironically

Anonymous No. 16220517

almost as if mythology is full of symbols and metaphor.