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🧵 E=mc2

Anonymous No. 16220608

Who the fuck uses this shit seriously?

Energy is measured in btus when it comes to hydrocarbons.

In electricity we measure the flow of electrons in Volts or amps.

It’s worth noting that Einstein is a Jew and nobody told us this fact.

Why is this formula plastered all over our schools when no one outside of “theoretical physics” uses this shit?

Engineering has no use for therotical applications. I can’t take off in a plane based off theory I need a factual basis otherwise each takeoff is a suicidal mission.

Anonymous No. 16220632

A vocation for the small brained who think they're big brained.

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Anonymous No. 16220880

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Anonymous No. 16221035


Anonymous No. 16221207


Anonymous No. 16221217

>we measure the flow of electrons in Volts
Lol, no. Ok Einstein.

>It’s worth noting that Einstein is a Jew and nobody told us this fact.
The Jews are quite proud to promote him, and do so vociferously. Are you on crack?


Anonymous No. 16221222

per some other anon
"Thompson, Searle, Wien, Max Abraham and Hendrik found the formula M=4E/3C^2 from Maxwell's electrodynamics. Henry Poincare found out that electromagnetic Energie a mass equals M=E/c^2. In general Einstein was only interpreting things differently (lorentz aether -> muh space time, everything is relative) and used the same formula.
It is a joke that he got a Nobel prize for finding the linear formula of the photoelectric effect."

Anonymous No. 16221228

I'm sure you can source the papers where those famous researchers did what you claim they did.

Anonymous No. 16221232


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Anonymous No. 16221362

> Albert "Fraud" Einstein
Take your science denialism someplace else, or come back with proper enquiry. Grow up.

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von neumann.jpg

Anonymous No. 16221449

>It’s worth noting that Einstein is a Jew and nobody told us this fact.
Why are you lying? I told you this numerous times.

OP is a liar.

Anonymous No. 16221634

energy is measured in joules
one joule per second is a watt

it is said that empty vessels make the most noise.
in your case this is true

Anonymous No. 16221901


bodhi No. 16222082

auslander raus

Anonymous No. 16222964

good article

Anonymous No. 16223060

A Jewish fraudster? What a new and never before documented concept.

Anonymous No. 16223063

>It’s worth noting that Einstein is a Jew and nobody told us this fact.
>nobody told us this fact
If you didn't know Einstein was Jewish until some /pol/tard told you then you might be mentally disabled. Either that or you never paid any attention to anything related to science until /pol/ told you Jews were involved. Or both.

Anonymous No. 16223442

Based AF.

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Anonymous No. 16223515

Good god all this hateraid makes me realize I was right in my original post. No one uses that bs equation. I’ve read a lot of scientific literature and never seen it used.

This black man putting all you whiteys to shame

Anonymous No. 16224935

St. Albert the Einstein, the infallible soiyence god of the atheists

Anonymous No. 16226004

It's the bread and butter of quantum electrodynamics, which is also vital for calculating atom decays and collisions, aka what you need to build nukes and run nuclear energy plants.

Anonymous No. 16226272

So far yes. Go disprove him, we've been trying.