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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16220916

If covid causes cancer then how come its the vaccinated who keep on getting all the cancers?

Anonymous No. 16221571


Anonymous No. 16221582

Link to the whole news and just not the headline, faggot

Anonymous No. 16222851


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Anonymous No. 16224034

Anonymous No. 16224056

The unvaxxed don't have cancer because they died.

B4RK0N (300 IQ) 'kneel' No. 16224058


Anonymous No. 16225743


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Anonymous No. 16227148

Anonymous No. 16228061

feels good being unvax'd and not having to worry about cancer and heart attacks all the time

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Anonymous No. 16228120

>If covid causes cancer

Anonymous No. 16228151

HIV also facilitates cancer so it’s not surprising that something so similar to HIV would as well. The similarities have been spoken about already. Look up Kaposi’s sarcoma.

Anonymous No. 16228158

feel bad for the scrub genin who fall for the genjustu every single time

Anonymous No. 16228220

All inflammations can potentially cause cancer

Anonymous No. 16228383

Because the "vaccine" doesn't prevent you from getting or spreading covid19. It only helps with some of the symptoms, like NyQuil or a cough drop do.

Anonymous No. 16228414

> the "vaccine" doesn't prevent you from spreading covid19 it just helps with some of the symptoms

if there were even a 0.0001% chance of you catching covid with the vaccine, you'd be saying this shit, so why bother?

and the symptoms are what spread covid you idiot. it's airborne. you reduce the chances of you spreading it by (a) taking cough suppressants, antihistamines, antipyretics, etc. none of which make you any less sick and only kneecap your body's recovery, or (b) taking a vaccine which, and i shouldn't have to explain this, develops the body's immune system so that the defense response doesn't need to be so drastic to begin with.

so yes, the vaccine does help with the spreading of covid, and thus, by the logic of mass mitigation, it does reduce your chances of catching it exponentially.

Anonymous No. 16228449

Not according to the vaccine manufacturers.
The transmission statement is a red herring for pseuds like you to presuppose unprovable conjecture like the atheist and his evolution of the gaps fallacy. None of your claims are backed by any data and are still irrelevant to risk/benefit analysis even they were.

Anonymous No. 16228804

>Not according to the vaccine manufacturers.
The phase 3 trial really only measured rates of symptomatic cases.
For all we or they know it only suppressed symptoms.

Anonymous No. 16229847

>vaxxie cope

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Anonymous No. 16230810

The warnings about SV40 in the vax were out almost as soon as the vax itself was. If you chose to ignore them then you made a big mistake.

Anonymous No. 16231901

A lot of vaxxxies are drug addicts who take drugs to cope with their self inflicted anxieties.

Anonymous No. 16232106

viruses are an actual cause of cancer.

Anonymous No. 16233784


Anonymous No. 16233794

NTA but there is definitely some virus that causes leukemia in a small population

Anonymous No. 16234133

>some viruses
Ah, a HYPOTHESIS, very different from a statement of fact.

Anonymous No. 16234968

>t. no proof

Anonymous No. 16235816

There aren't, but in any population of cancer patients you can always cherrypick some who meet the conditions for pretty much any uncorrelated guess or accusation of a cause for the cancer.

Anonymous No. 16235817

I got covid and the Pfizer vaccines and don't have cancer, so hah.

Anonymous No. 16236835

NTA, just didn't know this was controversial.
>Many HPV types are carcinogenic.[18] About twelve HPV types (including types 16, 18, 31, and 45) are called "high-risk" types because persistent infection has been linked to cancer of the oropharynx,[3] larynx,[3] vulva, vagina, cervix, penis, and anus.[9][19][20] These cancers all involve sexually transmitted infection of HPV to the stratified epithelial tissue.[1][2] HPV type 16 is the strain most likely to cause cancer and is present in about 47% of all cervical cancers,[21][22] and in many vaginal and vulvar cancers,[23] penile cancers, anal cancers, and cancers of the head and neck.

Anonymous No. 16237647

I don't want to make another thread even though all 4 COVID threads currently up are focused on vaccine conspiracy theories instead of the illness. But I wanna say I just had COVID and I think, at least during the time I had it, it really fucked with my brain. I missed a deadline for the first time ever in my college career, I made two appointments on the same day that overlapped, and I left an important Email unread for days because it looked similar to another one.

Has this shit happened to anyone else?

Anonymous No. 16237649

>I missed a deadline
Sounds like a (You) problem

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Anonymous No. 16237703

some of the paid 100000 guys will have an answer to this

Anonymous No. 16237719

they probably also pay people to push the global warming narrative.

Anonymous No. 16238352

>still not knowing the pathways it damages
how midwit are you?

Anonymous No. 16238864

It's probably because the vaccines you took created an immune response like igg4

Anonymous No. 16238878

Yep. I feel like I dropped 10 IQ points. Antivaxniggers are supremely retarded.

Anonymous No. 16238880

Yeah? What's your cope for my case >>16238878 then? I've never even had a flu shot. Worthless lying nigger.

Anonymous No. 16238885

you sound paid

Anonymous No. 16238892

No, you're just a fucking retard.

Anonymous No. 16238932

"Use message board specific language to gain their trust" probably what the handbook says...and probably paid per post.

Anonymous No. 16239176

you can actually repair the pathways, if you had high enough IQ to read the right studies to begin with. I am unvaccinated, I had slight "covid brainfog" in 2022, completely cured it and I am actually at higher brain capacity compared to pre covid era, because I cleaned up a bunch of other shit from shitty diet before covid.
Won't tell you which pathways though, I take great joy in seeing dumb vaccinated CATTLE suffer.

Anonymous No. 16239500

people on /sci/ still thinking that the vaccine was more dangerous than covid itself?

Anonymous No. 16240056

you are MORE likely to get covid infections and you clear the infections slower the more doses you took. The "either vaccine or infection" argument is a 2021 psyops, you should update your manual faggot.
also enjoy your igg4, shot to hell TLR, shot to hell signal transduction, SV40 promoter, 5 nuclear location signals, genome integration, mitochondrial DNA autoimmunity read, etc.

Anonymous No. 16240092

you retards really are the yin to long-covid's yang. completely mindbroken by big pharma and WHO.
i don't give a fuck whether vaxxtards are dying.

Anonymous No. 16240187

>how come its the vaccinated who keep on getting all the cancers
source? which of the vaxines ? i think i'm safe since i took the one that only gives the deadly clots

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Anonymous No. 16240286

>Won't tell you which pathways though, I take great joy in seeing dumb vaccinated CATTLE suffer.
I'm not vaccinated and I want to know

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Anonymous No. 16240324

>then how come its the vaccinated who keep on getting all the cancers?

Anonymous No. 16240680

look into what the virus fucks up, then look up how to fix it, it is not hard.
how do you prevent bloodclots and cardiovascular damage? atherosclerosis?
how do you prevent/aid the body in cancer cleanup? antioxidants?
how do you clean up your brain? obviously stop consuming bad diet, but what aides the cleanup on the positive side? which aminoacids are correlated with good brainpower?
Hint: it is all very simple stuff, no need to take complicated experimental stuff, you just supplement stuff that is in your diet already to have bigger amounts.
How is serotonine connected to psychiatric disorders? If you can't answer the questions yourself with the internet available to you, you are not meant to make it.

Anonymous No. 16240683

imagine unironically following this midwit, cucked, manlet dysgenic-gene weak fucktard in <current year>

Anonymous No. 16240759

why are you so angry anon

Anonymous No. 16240940

The continued existence of anti-vaxxers proves they were correct about covid vaccines.

Anonymous No. 16242237

>according to "the omni liberal" from twitter
all you're telling is is you couldn't find a legit source of info to tell you that

Anonymous No. 16242272

>still believing covid is Real

Anonymous No. 16242331

More RUNNING OUT THE CLOCK "feigned ignorance" behaviors until the MurderVaxxed are dead from Israeli Injections.

Anonymous No. 16242467

>post manual how to help yourself
>why are you angry anon

Anonymous No. 16242469


Anonymous No. 16243714

dead vaxxxies is good tho, trump's plan to murder the midwits via the vax was brilliant 1488d chess

Anonymous No. 16245137

This, vaxxies are the type of people who were put on Golgafrinchan Ark Fleet Ship B in the Hitchhiker's guide. Getting rid of them will be the best thing that ever happened to us.

Anonymous No. 16245154

how many boosters? 10? 11? do you have any plans to stop taking covid
boosters in the course of your lifetime? will your children be taking covid boosters their whole lives?

Anonymous No. 16245702


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Anonymous No. 16245792


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Anonymous No. 16245802

>inject selves with experimental genetic therapies produced by the least scrupulous companies on earth
>gets the flu anyway (duh)
>turns (even more) retarded
>but the antivaxers are the stupid ones!

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Anonymous No. 16247072

some people are too dumb to learn from their own mistakes because they're too egotistical to admit having made a mistake.

Anonymous No. 16247318

what would be so wrong with that

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Anonymous No. 16248756
