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Anonymous No. 16221028

can someone explain the psychology of highly intelligent yet unstable people being drawn to one form of dogmatic extremism or other? be it political, religious, ideological, or what have you. I continue to observe this phenomenon on the internet and it fascinates me.

pic unrelated.

Anonymous No. 16221030

Vile rats, gas them all.

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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16221032


Anonymous No. 16221085

It's a combination of wanting to be different and the general principle that a particular ideologies/philosophies trend towards their own extreme once you accept their basic principles. Modern day liberalist dogma (ignore the negative connotation of those words) warps political discourse such that most people who dip their toes into fringe ideologies are still ultimately bound to the standard interpretation. But if someone is willing and able to eschew its influence entirely and placed in an intellectual environment where that fringe ideology is prominent, then all discourse around the ideology will be framed in terms of what is optimal under that ideology, and thus drive them towards its natural extreme. For instance, if you nominally accept that the Bible is God's perfect word, and argue details about religion with people who believe the same thing, then you would very quickly be driven towards more radical sola scriptura Christianity, even if your initial religious beliefs (warped by socialization in a liberal, secular society where most religious people don't take the Bible literally) were relatively moderate.

The same thing can work on an individual level; if someone is intelligent and self-assured/socially isolated enough that they may not defer to the existing moral status quo and adopt their own unique stance, then the conclusions they draw from self-reflection will trend towards a more extreme view of those initial assumptions. This is almost tautological, since extremism is itself defined by how much it breaks with the status quo. This is much rarer, though. Even on 4chan where radical views abound it's not really a matter of individuals forming their own individual political philosophies, rather they fall broadly into larger intellectual movements whose roots often predate the internet (i.e. Hoppe, Kaczynski, William Luther Pierce). BAP types who have the intellectual sophistication to "radicalize themselves" are few.

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Anonymous No. 16221097

>everyone else's ideology is completely stupid and irrational
>i am the only intelligent person that exists
lack of self awareness is a dead giveaway, mortal lock indicator of low IQ, your grandiose delusion of superior insight is a mechanism you've developed as a result of your need to cope with having low IQ

Anonymous No. 16221144

>BAP types who have the intellectual sophistication to "radicalize themselves" are few.
this is exactly the sort of person I had in mind. can you elaborate on what you mean by intellectual sophistication? what distinguishes the 140 iq extremist from the 140 iq moderate? the degree of self-assuredness/social isolation? I have observed that many of these people tend to have personality disorders/autism, etc. what are your thoughts on that?

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Anonymous No. 16221481

Sanity seems insane when the mainstream is insane.

Anonymous No. 16221987

>what distinguishes the 140 iq extremist from the 140 iq moderate?
This is a personality and background question. It has nothing to do with intelligence.

Anonymous No. 16222038

No ideology has extremes or is extremist. You cant put these things on some kind of ranking where theres an universal extreme which casually happens to be stuff you were never taught to like

Anonymous No. 16222445

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