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Anonymous No. 16221072


Anonymous No. 16221075

it becomes another in that it has changed, but the history of having the parts replaced from that specific ship means that due to the history of it, its the same. because of it being changed. it has no soul to speak of, but you could picture a non soul soul for it. theres my midwit take :3

Anonymous No. 16221076

If I assign a value to x, and then assign a different value to x, is x still x? At what point does it become another variable?

Anonymous No. 16221079

If you change x very slightly it's still x
If you increment or decrement it's still x
Any other cases must be decided by a jury of your peers

Anonymous No. 16221084

Wouldn't it be a jury of your piers?

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Anonymous No. 16221094


Anonymous No. 16221114

Yes. The history of the old parts is apart of the new ones. The ship is a name given to parts that helped change it's location and alter other causal lines. Replacing parts gives context to older parts and upon seeing the ship, the newest part will be as different to the oldest as the oldest was to the replacement. The sum is greater then the individuals for the act of the individual defines the sum.

Anonymous No. 16221148

when the first part is replaced it stops being the same ship

Anonymous No. 16221162

In what way?
Should you be taxed on purchasing a second vehicle just because you replaced a spark plug.

Anonymous No. 16221163

Ask the Niagara?

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Anonymous No. 16221179

If parts of a number are replaced by parts of a number...

Anonymous No. 16221197

If all matter in the universe is identical at the quantum level then at which point does air become a boat, the answer is when someone defines it as a boat, whether or not it's the same boat is irrelevant, it all boils down to subjective semantics and what each individual chooses to believe in a chosen framework, neither answer is correct

Anonymous No. 16221399

>Existence precedes essence

Anonymous No. 16221436

Not a matter of science. Fuck off back to >>>/his/

Anonymous No. 16221439

You cant replace every part of a ship. The whole proposition is stupid. This is valid for every kind of ship.
Oh, you mean as an intellectual challenge? hehe lets replace the hull and bulkheads, every one, you know, as an intellectual challenge

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Anonymous No. 16221606

who cares. you have a ship. if you believe it's the same ship, then it is.
>but what if we took all the parts that were removed and reassemble them
then you have two ships. chose the one you think is pretty. fuck off.

Anonymous No. 16221608

If all part in the Golden Gate Bridge were eventually replaced, would it still be the Golden Gate Bridge? Yes
Would it still be the original Golden Gate Bridge? No.

Anonymous No. 16221612

When time passes are you the same person you were an instant ago?

Anonymous No. 16221621

ha ha!

Anonymous No. 16221639

This is not science. Whether or not it's the same ship is a matter of labels. If it is referred to and understood the same, it is the same ship.

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Anonymous No. 16221718

Almost as if object permanence is a figment of your imagination.

B4RK0N (300 IQ) 'kneel' No. 16221723

Slow board.

Anonymous No. 16221728

It's the same ship until the klabautermann abandons it.

Anonymous No. 16221733

objects are not real. Everything is particles which are indistinguishable, i.e quark=quark

Anonymous No. 16221746

>This is not science
I know, semantics, philosophy, call it what you wish, but OP is off-topic in /sci/

Anonymous No. 16221831

It depends on whether by "same ship" you mean the same material + same shape or only same shape.

Anonymous No. 16221834


This is a metaphysical question.

Anonymous No. 16221850

To all the posters saying this isn't a matter of science. Kurisu is nost definitely a matter of science.
Sex with Kurisu

Anonymous No. 16221880

>Is the same ship
You should never write the word is or variations of the verb to be like was or were since they represent a fiction. Nothing "is".

Anonymous No. 16221897

>Nothing "is".
So nothing is not?
So nothing is?

Anonymous No. 16221929

its the same ship
always has been

Anonymous No. 16221931

Only perception exists, to say that an object "is" means you embed it with an elementary issness that does not exist

Anonymous No. 16221995

nigga this /sci/ not tranny philosophy

Anonymous No. 16222086


Anonymous No. 16222448

This thread was moved to >>>/his/16723252