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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16221091

>drops mic
evolutionists BTFO

Anonymous No. 16221096

I found it, he's right here

Anonymous No. 16221103

Negroes are that "missing link". Negroes are the only species that exists which is fertile with both humans and chimpanzees.
The idea that there is only one species of human is a farce, it has no basis in scientific observation, it was declared to be the inarguable truth by a vote of the United Nations on November 16, 1945 and has never beed revisited since. DNA hadn't even been discovered at that time, so they had no way of knowing if their declaration was true when it was made and the idea has subsequently been disproved by scientific evidence, but still remains enforced by the UN regardless.

Anonymous No. 16221142

What did Asians evolve from?

Anonymous No. 16221177

Anonymous No. 16221178


Anonymous No. 16221184

darwanists have been searching for their missing cope for centuries

Anonymous No. 16221219

>1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, _, 10, 11, 12

Anonymous No. 16221221

Yet you won’t expect the microphone to talk to itself.

Anonymous No. 16221256

atheism of the gaps, ladies and gentlemen

Anonymous No. 16221331

2500 years ago Hanno the navigator, a major naval figure from Carthage, set sail on one of the great voyages of discovery. He sailed from the Mediterranean out of the straights of Gibraltar to explore the coast of Africa with a fleet of 60 ships, he worked his way down the coast past Mauritania to subsaharan Africa where he found his surprise that the people there all had "burnt skin" as he described it, which is to say they were negroes. After meeting people like this for a while every time his ships made landfall, Hanno eventually came to an island off the coast of what is now Cameroon that was filled with burnt skin people who were very hairy and extremely unruly. He named this tribe "Gorillas".
Because Hanno was not influenced by our modern ideas of species he had to call things as he saw them and he was unable to differentiate between gorillas and African negroes other than that the gorillas were hairier.

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Anonymous No. 16221492

Definitions first:
In evolutionary biology, the Last Common Ancestor (LCA) is a theoretical concept representing the point where two or more species diverged from a shared ancestor.
On the other hand, a "missing link" is an informal term used to describe transitional fossils with traits of two distinct groups of organisms, the show the gradual evolution between species or taxonomic groups.
I made a drawing for you so you understand better.
You know, there's a paleontology thread for things like this.

Anonymous No. 16221495

>drops mic
Clumsy bitch, pick it back up and be more careful.

bodhi No. 16221731

stfu nerd

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Anonymous No. 16221738

I'm the missing link between you and your mom.

Anonymous No. 16221741

Thank you.
Glad you learned something today.

Anonymous No. 16221743

Do you have any evidence that apes evolved from black people? And that early hominids such as Australopithecus evolved from black people? Just how long have black people been on Earth for, and how come they are still around even after branching off into all those other species, most of which have since become extinct?
Or are just some idiot who was looking for an excuse to be racist and you didn't even understand what this thread was about?

Anonymous No. 16222944

you're illiterate

Anonymous No. 16223041

It's really more like 1, 2, 3, 4 and them claiming we haven't found what's between 2 and 4.

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Anonymous No. 16223257

>apes evolved from black people

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Anonymous No. 16223484


bodhi No. 16223562

I learned you are a fag

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Anonymous No. 16224888


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Anonymous No. 16226075

>i learned about """darwinian evolution""" from """smartoons"""" i saw on the jewish televsion

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Anonymous No. 16226098

>What did Asians evolve from?

Downs Syndrome.

Anonymous No. 16226196

It's hard not to believe in evolution when there are literal Homo erectus knuckle-draggers like you ITT.

Anonymous No. 16226226


Anonymous No. 16226231


Anonymous No. 16226884

Anonymous No. 16226946

You're right, it was Zeus.

Anonymous No. 16227919

God created man, not Darwin. There is no link between humans and lesser species.

Anonymous No. 16228201

>what is isotope geochronology
>what is stratigraphy
>what is paleontology

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Anonymous No. 16229137

the fact that you're not willing to accept that humans are divine creatures created by God just goes to demonstrate what a hateful, anti-human ideology darwinism truly is

Anonymous No. 16229490

>divine creatures created by God
Of you want to go over fairly tales then >>>/lit/ is the next floor over.

Anonymous No. 16229505

>t. I learned everything I know about science from /pol/ memes made by pajeets pretending to be white people

Anonymous No. 16229597

Thats the average education level of the atheists of /sci/, they really did learn everything they presume they know about science from Rick & Morty and other children's TV shows

Anonymous No. 16230665

who makes the TV shows that are doing the brainwashing?

Anonymous No. 16230731

Humans are apes. There is no missing link.
*drops mic*

Anonymous No. 16230744

It's so funny laymen think that to understand the process of speciation we have to find some kind of modern human-monkeylike creature while we already belong to the same Hominidae family and similarity is beyond expected for related species

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bodhi No. 16231050

>picks mic up
>holds to my boom box
>turns the volume all the way up

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Anonymous No. 16231945


Anonymous No. 16233641

Apparently you're racist if you disagree according to the guy you replied to

Anonymous No. 16234142

I don't give a shit, humans are part of the larger ape group, they all share traits that define what an ape is, and they all share a common ancestor, therefore, no, "apes" did not evolve from black people.

Anonymous No. 16234143

zero refute.
Go learn about the things I listed, there's entire university courses online. It'll take you a good while, if you actually do it right.

Anonymous No. 16234831

thats just dogma you memorized out of your atheist propaganda textbooks that were published by the replication crisis gang

Anonymous No. 16235139

Trolling hard for triggers, must be a boring Friday, I see.

Anonymous No. 16235704

prcve they didnt

Anonymous No. 16235944

>prcve they didnt
no, you go learn for yourself, how about that? You want me to hold your hand through the countless piles of scientific material published online about those topics as well? Lazy asshole.

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Anonymous No. 16236684

>noooo you can't contradict muh politically correct government sanctioned and government funded textbook dogma
>thats heresy!!!

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Anonymous No. 16237500


Anonymous No. 16237528

It's not about atheism or not, it's about fossil and geological evidence. It's not our fault that not only are you ignorant, you CHOOSE TO REMAIN IGNORANT.

Anonymous No. 16238321

>it's about fossil and geological evidence
theres no evidence of any link between humans and apes yet you presume that there is still a link despite not having any evidence that humans and apes are related.
its clearly not about fossil and geological evidence.
its about shilling your lies regardless lack of evidence supporting them

DoctorGreen !DRgReeNusk No. 16238324

>which is fertile with both humans and chimpanzees.
wut? since when can blacks breed with monkeys?

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Cult of Passion No. 16238448

>United Nations on November 16, 1945
>Byrd himself gave a report in March of 1947, stating that a new enemy had been discovered that could fly from pole to pole in an instant.


>He was told.
By a dude?

With a SUPER big dick?

Anonymous No. 16238457

>>t. I learned everything I know about science from /pol/ memes made by pajeets pretending to be white people
THIS haahahaaa
Literally 50% of 4chan in general. Hispanics and Indians pretending to be white people.
Oh dear, that's hilarious.

Anonymous No. 16239810

>hahahaha I hate 4chan
>I am soooo superior hahahaha
why are you wasting your time with us if you hate 4chan so much? don't you have anything better to do? certainly you're an important executive or something since you're so much better than everyone else here

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Anonymous No. 16239980

>theres no evidence of any link between humans and apes
are you really going to keep pestering people about how there's always a missing link betweeen any two links?
It was explained here:

Look, there's a paleontology thread, why not go there?
Additionally, if you are ignorant regarding the fossil evidence on the evolution of African great apes and hominids, that's not our fault, and let me tell you that it's far too much material to even delve into a single thread.
The point is, YOU'RE IGNORANT AND LAZY, or trolling, so, fuck off.

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Anonymous No. 16241561

>omg he used teh capslock
>hes angry now, everyone stay out of his way and do what he says

Anonymous No. 16241916

since that freak drank too many monsters on an all night schizo /pol/ binge. he's in every thread here right now it seems.

Anonymous No. 16241977

Darwinian evolution predicts a gradation of fossils, not discrete species. The fact that fossils can be categorised into discrete species contradicts Darwinian evolution.

Anonymous No. 16242394

Darwinian evolution theoretically predicts gradual changes over time, so we'd expect to see lots of transitional fossils, but the fossil record is spotty and sometimes shows sudden changes, making species look more distinct. This mix happens because not all fossils get preserved, and evolution doesn't always move at the same pace.
The fossil record is a degraded and imperfect record of what took place, and to expect it to perfectly represent every little change and step along all evolutionary lines that have ever existed is obviously daydreaming and not understanding the nature of geologic processes and taphonomy.
You'd look better by asking questions instead of making blunt statements, so once again I will state the obvious: you are either ignorant, or trolling.
And, once again, there is a paleontology thread just for this topic, but it seems you rather hide here, at the bottom of a thread, buried with bullshit.

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Anonymous No. 16242816

I was watching the miniseries The Stand (1994) and this scene really struck with me.
Dogs are the creation of man and a very poor one at that. I do not believe that dogs should exist and I do not believe that they are happy. In the series a virus is wiping out most of the humans and the dogs too. In this scene you can see one of the characters making a painting, a poor imitation of the world around him, almost as if he’s trying to become a god. He’s trying to point out the irony of the whole thing. Men created the dog initially as a utilitarian thing but now it has become a toy, a living toy. God created man with purpose.

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Anonymous No. 16243256

This meme has been circulating the internet for a long, long time. It simultaneously makes me laugh and sad at the same time.

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Anonymous No. 16244465

where da missing link for 0.4657 and 0.4658 mane

Anonymous No. 16245597

LOL, lmao even
>Who could it be now?
The mistake the experts have made is assuming the LCA is extinct.

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Anonymous No. 16245611

Evolution is the blind faith state religion of atheism/socialism/communism. It fails all mathematical tests and contradicts dozens of laws of the universe. They don't care about the truth though, morality is relative to them, so why wouldn't they lie?

There's not just one missing link, there's a missing link between every different kind of creature. You evolution cultists also have no answer for the Cambrian explosion or geology or lack of erosion between sedimentary layers you claim are millions of years apart or polystrate fossils or the petrified cowboy boot or even something as simple as bees, and this isn't even a complete list.

You don't even know what you're talking about, so all you can do is chimp out like this. All atheists/evolutionists act like you, because you can't prove your blind faith state religion. You were told to recite something on a test for a passing grade and you thought it was the truth. Well those same schools now tell boys they can "evolve" into women, but I bet you believe that's true too, huh?

Anonymous No. 16245653

>There's not just one missing link, there's a missing link between every different kind of creature.
yes dear, and you thick as a stone. Bye

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Anonymous No. 16246140

Anonymous No. 16246192

>no answer for the Cambrian explosion
And? Many unknowns in science. By the definition, one cannot yet know what is yet unknown or has not been discovered. Is that not obvious?

>lack of erosion between sedimentary layers you claim are millions of years apart
Not sure what you are speaking of. Shall we start a geology thread to explore all those matters that seem to confuse and frustrate you?

We can talk about all there there. Shit, there's even a paleontology thread just for you to delve into all the other matters you mentioned.

>You don't even know what you're talking about
Having a PhD in geology and haviing worked many years in mining and drilling, I think I do know what I am talking about.

Come on, start a thread about your geology doubts, or meet us at the paleontology thread if you have questions.

Anonymous No. 16246431

>between us and apes
Have we found the missing link between dogs and canines?
Between pigeons and birds?
And "missing link" doesn't mean common ancestor, it was created to disparage evolution by saying we haven't found the species that fits between the older, more monkey-like species and the newer, more human-like species.
See that one futurama clip with Dr Banjo

Anonymous No. 16246769

>still no reasonable explanation for how biological matter can survive 75 million+ years in the face of countless earthquakes, radiation, and temperature cycles above freezing

Anonymous No. 16246909

Fossils are made of stone, not organic material.
The reasons they are shaped like the organic material they came from is because as bone degrades, if it's in a specific environment, instead of just turning to dust it'll substitute in stone into the structure, preserving the shape.

Anonymous No. 16247053

>biological matter can survive 75 million+ years
You're off topic: this thread is about "missing links" and Last Common Ancestors, and it was clearly explained what those are, several times, graphically as well:

Meet us here if you want to talk about all else:

Anonymous No. 16247986

Dogs and cats, both created by humans.
>dogs are noisy and dangerous
>cats look miserable, even when their owners are around. Toxoplasma gondii
The only other naturally accruing God created animal you come across regularly is birds. Birds aren’t nearly as annoying, with very few exceptions. Birds don’t belong in a cage.

Anonymous No. 16248937

Darwin is one of two intellectuals mentioned by name in The Protocols of the Elders of Zion as useful tools in separating the goyims from the traditional belief systems which had protected them for centuries.

Anonymous No. 16248942

>Fossils are made of stone, not organic material.
we used to think that, yes. Then Mary Schweitzer came along and she changed everything.

Anonymous No. 16249721

You mean the soft tissue?
That was still fossilized. It was the structure of a blood vessel with what appeared to be cells in it, but both were long dead. There was the structure of tubes, and heme, a component of hemoglobin, but not hemoglobin itself.
The only way to get the structure *out* of the bone-stone it was in was to run it through acid and dissolve the surroundings.
This was quite literally just a tube trapped in bone, which, again, is no longer made of organic material.

TL;DR: there were preserved structures but still no organic material. Just the remnants of what once was.

Anonymous No. 16249937

>You mean the soft tissue?
Yes, the soft elastic material is not mineral, it's not "rock". And she's been step by step disproving several hypotheses, and finding organics in there, from several different dinosaurs already. No one wants to jump to conclusions, obviously, but she's running out of hypotheses to falsify.

Interesting that this convo came up because I am watching some of her talks and presentations in sequence, to catch up and refresh, and I just finished watching a talk by her a couple of days ago. The beginning is laypeople stuff, but then she gets just a bit more technical, but not in a complex way. I've skipped the intro for you:

Anonymous No. 16249948

>and finding organics in there
I was mistaken, I admit. It seems she found proteins in there.
Still, they aren't young fossils, and it seems like the fact that iron with cross-linking was present, it was able to preserve the structure even though the tissue was dead and would have otherwise degraded.

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Anonymous No. 16250028

there are better inconsistencies in the mainstream narrative than which troglodyte resembled other troglodytes the most.
focusing on ape skeletons is a red herring.

Anonymous No. 16251152

Darwin is specifically named in protocol #2, sections 2 & 3 under the subheading "Destructive Education"

Anonymous No. 16251345

>I was mistaken, I admit.
No worries, we're here to learn from each other.

>they aren't young fossils, and it seems like the fact that iron with cross-linking was present, it was able to preserve the structure even though the tissue was dead and would have otherwise degraded.
Yes, some capsulation effect, it seems. Everything around it must have mineralized and sealed things in there.
This has some serious implications for panspermia if it was so.

Anonymous No. 16252064

After contacting Mary Schweitzer, the doctor who discovered this originally, she shared a paper (DOI: 10.1126/science.1165069) which seems to show that the preserved structure of the vessels was made of elastin, which would explain the elasticity despite not being living tissue.

Anonymous No. 16253080

good pic lol

Anonymous No. 16253095

Evolution has been proven and your ancestors were monkeys

Anonymous No. 16253131

>After contacting Mary Schweitzer
Did she reply? She replied to me back in 2005!
She's so awesome

Anonymous No. 16253132

She used to be a creationist as well, imagine that!

Anonymous No. 16253143

>jew mentions /pol/
Like clockwork

Anonymous No. 16253156

She did, one of the funny things was she didn't want to tell me what it was made of, she said "here are some studies, and data, to help you come to your own conclusion." True scientist, it was very nice to read them.

Anonymous No. 16253158

Black people can't reproduce with chimpanzees, retard.

Anonymous No. 16253167

which is to say she is no longer a creationist and recognizes evolution.

Anonymous No. 16253168

Why does this retard samefag in all these threads? He also does it in science hate threads, where he'll make several posts replying to himself about how scientists are stupid and have no morals, or in nutrition threads where he replies to himself talking about vegans being weak and low IQ. It's blatantly obvious.

Anonymous No. 16253255

It's a bot.

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Anonymous No. 16253485

Something something whales with legs

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Anonymous No. 16253945

Why'd he do it bros?

Anonymous No. 16254056

Stupid fucking fish, he literally caused taxes.

Anonymous No. 16254444

exactly! the (good) things knowledge will do to a person.

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Anonymous No. 16255603

>vegans aren't weak and don't have low IQ
>scientists have morals

Anonymous No. 16255904

The missing lini are negros

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Anonymous No. 16256025

>The missing lini are negros

Look at that skull... LOOK!

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Anonymous No. 16256960


Anonymous No. 16257059


Anonymous No. 16257128

True or false: A chain is only as strong as the weakest link.

Anonymous No. 16257818

life started on land and then subsequently moved into the oceans