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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16221187

In the realm of intellectual discourse, one frequently encounters a predilection for prolixity, wherein the deliberate employment of arcane terminologies and syntactic convolutions engenders an aura of scholarly gravitas. Such erudition, ostensibly designed to illuminate, paradoxically obfuscates, rendering the ostensibly perspicuous opaque. The intricate dance of polysyllabic articulations and labyrinthine grammatical structures serves more to confound than to elucidate, creating a veneer of profundity that, upon closer scrutiny, reveals itself as a simulacrum of true understanding.

The phenomenon of logorrheic verbosity, often valorized in academic and professional milieus, epitomizes the dichotomy between form and substance. In the pursuit of rhetorical sophistication, one may become ensnared in a web of linguistic grandiosity, where the sheer density of verbiage supplants genuine insight. This linguistic labyrinth, while impressive in its architectural complexity, frequently masks a dearth of substantive content. The resultant discourse, though resplendent in its superficial intricacies, ultimately lacks the substantive gravitas necessary for meaningful intellectual engagement.

Moreover, the proclivity for sesquipedalianism, while ostensibly indicative of a robust lexicon, often belies a fundamental insecurity regarding the communicator’s epistemic foundation. The excessive reliance on grandiloquent expressions and abstruse jargon may, in fact, be symptomatic of an underlying paucity of original thought. Thus, the intricate tapestry of convoluted rhetoric serves not as a beacon of enlightenment but as a smokescreen, obfuscating the very essence of the discourse it purports to advance.

The true hallmark of intellectual acumen lies not in the complexity of one's linguistic constructs but in the clarity and cogency with which ideas are conveyed.

Anonymous No. 16221693

In other words: using big words is racist.

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Anonymous No. 16221705

No shit Sherlock, true intellectual prowess lies not in using complicated language but in effectively communicating ideas with clarity and cogency.

I can unfalteringly enunciate that the exertion of engineering convoluted and loquacious configurations of discourse identically inhabits an eminent locus within the expanse of my literary dexterity.

However, off-topic:

Anonymous No. 16222642

some people genuinely love truth and knowledge
the majority just love the social image being an authority on truth and knowledge

Anonymous No. 16222654

What you’re really saying is they are operant under various contingencies of reinforcement and are generally unsequestered to the following presumptions of difference.

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Anonymous No. 16222664


Anonymous No. 16223697

Except that if you read any psychology or social science journal you will see that it is filled with this bullshit

sage No. 16223953

>tl;dr eschew obfuscation, espouse enunciation