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Anonymous No. 16221347

sciencebros... our response..?

Anonymous No. 16221350

Why do /pol/cels seethe so mich at vaccines?
I took the covid vax around 5 times a few years ago, am I supposed to drop dead?

Anonymous No. 16221386

RFK Jr is the anti-vaxxer running for president. Trump is the guy who created the covid vaccine.
You are an extremely confused person

Anonymous No. 16221391

They still live in 2021, they haven't noticed that time has passed or they are unable/unwilling to let go

Anonymous No. 16221393

I think the fact that no one was hurt by the vaccines like they predicted mindbroke them somewhat.

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Anonymous No. 16221438

>our response..?
Hygiene works! We learn from past mistakes!
Vaccines help even further! What else obvious can be said, really?

Anonymous No. 16221461

polio gives people life long paralysis, just looking at the death rate for a disease shows a lack of understanding of the topic.
Also, what's with the daily vaccine thread ? why don't you post all your concerns in a single thread, it's annoying to see these infographics and twitter excerpts threads with no actual reflexion behind them. post them on your twitter and spare us

Anonymous No. 16221586

>I think the fact that no one was hurt by the vaccines like they predicted mindbroke them somewhat.
I wouldn't say that no one was hurt by them. Even if we assume the physical component to be entirely harmless (which I personally don't think they are), social hysteria has made peopel susceptible to the idea of having diseases and being diseases due to the shot, ergo they will develop diseases. It's psychogenic.
The actual problem is that the anti-vax movement is a state-sponsored controlled opposition movement specifically meant to confuse and deride oppositional people.
This is why the one important topic was never discussed: That the government forces a magical mystery juice on their population. This issue was never discussed from a more neutral, rights-based approach. Instead, discussions gravitated towards the trope how "harmful the vaccine is" which has caused enormous polarization within the population.

Anonymous No. 16221675

>the anti-vax movement is a state-sponsored controlled opposition
what the fuck am i reading

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Anonymous No. 16221687

You were fortunate. Count your blessings because many were not.

Anonymous No. 16221709

I don't think it's that difficult to see even if my argument rests on anecdotal evidence.

We already know that the pharma-medical industry has committed a shit ton of past transgressions (thalidomide babies (covered up for 15 years), valproate (covered up for more than 30 years), first-gen anti-psychotics, prozac (it massively increases suicides), other faulty pharma products, medical experiments (ranges from the anthrax experiments carried out in '50s UK to gain-of-function research today).
We know that the FDA, the CDC, the NHS in the UK and most other government institutions in the west meant to regulate the medical industry have been captured by them.
We know that big pharma doesn't properly test their products and directly or indirectly kills thousands of people that way. Goetzsche suggests the total number of casualties to be above half a million each year. This ignores the long-term effects prescription drugs have on new-borns and kids.
They're immune to litigation claims and have been since the mid '80s. The fact that medical services massively overcharge, often engage in price gauging (up to 100,000 %) is also telling.
Many prescription drugs disturb natural homeostasis of the human body, cause gastrointestinal and cardio-vascular issues or can be neurotoxic.
The efficency of many treatments, such as anti-depressants, chemotherapy, vaccines (flu shots), have been inflated or altogether fabricated.
The anti-vax movement now comes into play by hijacking the opposition against the medical industrial complex. The stellar rise of antivax stars such as RFK Jr., Jenny McCarthy etc. around 2005-2007 coincides with what I assume to be a strategic move deployed by pharma in conjunction with banks (as representatives of high finance, they're all in this together) to politicize the issue and cause polarization. The extensive media coverage from that point on suggests to me that this is a deliberate strategy as opposed to some people going nuts.

Anonymous No. 16221714

I didn't really connect the dots until Covid and RFK Jr. happened at which point it became clear that the whole ordeal was, partially, nothing other than a huge campaign meant to demoralize people and break their souls. I don't think it's accidental that both Facebook and Twitter (the two platforms where I could verify that) seemed to have boosted antivax posts during 2020 and 2021. I don't think that this happened just by chance either. Marketing strategists and advertisers depend on the algorithms to make a living. Concordingly, Facebook will know when and what posts people get to see, all in accordance with psychological profiling based on what the person is looking for on the site. It's straight-forward and it's easy to abuse.
This has all been in the making for decades. The point isn't to poison people. The point is demoralization and psychological control. That's the whole point of the ordeal.

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Anonymous No. 16221749

>RFK Jr.
I apologize, I can't

Anonymous No. 16221805

I'm sure you believe that a spastic brain damage case is a viable alternative to Trump or Biden, but he isn't. This guy is so deep into the deep state, including his affiliations with numerous hedgefunds, Epstein etc. that there is no way for him to be anything other than a plant regurgiating the ever same stale stereotypes a la "Microchips in the covid vaccines" and the good old "vaccines causes autism" boogeyman. Ever figured that these oppositional figures are set up by our financial sector to distort reality and make people believe in stuff that is either meaningless or simply wrong? This is also known as disinformation campaign and it very heavily feeds into the fact that the average US-American has absolutely no understanding of how the world works which is by design. They don't understand why rents and mortgages are increasing more and more.

Anonymous No. 16221923

>I took the covid vax around 5 times a few years ago
Obvious bait.

Anonymous No. 16222658

How is it baid you retard?
2 shots + 3 boosts (or was it 3 shots + 2 boosts? I don't remember)

Anonymous No. 16222660

I suppose I should consider literally everyone I know as fortunate as well

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Anonymous No. 16223767

trust the science!!!

Anonymous No. 16223858

He lives in a fantasy world where everyone agrees with his assertions that vaccines are bad.

Anonymous No. 16225545

You live in a fantasy world where everyone agrees with your assertion that vaccines aren't bad.