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Anonymous No. 16221401


Anonymous No. 16221404

posting low tier memes on xitter and blowing money making tunnels under las vagas

Anonymous No. 16221408

Why is this a bad thing?

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Anonymous No. 16221410


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China unveils int....webm

Anonymous No. 16221414


Anonymous No. 16221421

charge they huawei, eat hot noodre, steal ip, and lie

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fuck Xi.jpg

Anonymous No. 16221432

Besides the potential media attention, what is the actual economic value of such a White Elephant expense? I guess the propaganda itself. Or maybe Airbnbs for billionaires.
The USA and NASA also used to have fancy planned ambitions for the Moon, but then reality hit.

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elon musk mars co....jpg

Anonymous No. 16221435

Musk also makes fictional art that will never happen wdym?

Anonymous No. 16221597

Name one reason why this would be a bad thing besides chuddist jealousy.

Anonymous No. 16221603

>Name one reason why this would be a bad thing
do you like pictures? I have one for you:

Anonymous No. 16221742

if they can mine the Helium-3 on the Moon then the project would pay for itself with a nice income on the side

Anonymous No. 16221750

>Musk in 2017: I'll put people on Mars by 2024
he hasnt even left Earth Orbit yet. he's an autistic sperglord with no idea on what can be achieved.

Anonymous No. 16221839

China wants to knock off the US as the top superpower. Part of doing this is to get other nations to see you as the premier power on Earth. Projects like a Moon base help sell your country as being more powerful and competent than other contenders.
If you're the leader of an Africa nation with a bunch of minerals that both the US and China want to mine, do you go with the rising power that's putting a base on the Moon or the failing empire that's lecturing you about the importance of gay rights and childhood gender transitioning?
>No anon, it's whoever gives the biggest bribes
That's certainly part of the game but both sides already do that so it comes down to which country do you want your country associated with? One taking humanity to the stars or one threatening to impose crippling economic sanctions if you don't let sexual perverts access your children?

Anonymous No. 16221911

>Projects like a Moon base help sell your country as being more powerful and competent than other contenders.
And you can destroy this facade by just linking people to a china thread on /gif/

Anonymous No. 16221919

Why is it always 2030?

Anonymous No. 16221921

>Ghost cities on the moon
Ngl, I kinda wanna see the “slo-mo” of those buildings toppling over in low gravity while Chinese moon bugs try to hop and skip out of it’s path to avoid being crushed to death by China on the moon

Anonymous No. 16221925

can I ask why you're relying on a literal retard from literal Africa to move America forward

Anonymous No. 16221943

Because Amerca was build by africans.

Anonymous No. 16221958

It used to always be 1999 or 2000. Then it was always 2020. Now it's "always" 2030. Maybe 2050 will be next.

Anonymous No. 16221959

Can I ask what you see as the alternative since NASA seems content to just stick their dick in ant piles instead of advancing much of anything?

Anonymous No. 16221980

China doesn't have to deal with the FAA, FCC, USFWS, and a dozen other government agencies in addition to a president that hates SpaceX and tons of politicians and activists angry Musk stopped the flow of mental sludge from the worst shitpile in San Francisco out to the world through twitter. China, or really the CPC, just says "we're doing this" and gets about to doing it. They have to deal with greater levels of fraud and less innovative thinking but they also don't have a government agency trying to force them to hire illegal aliens or spies from other countries.

Anonymous No. 16222310

See people. I know you are all retarded on /sci/ but this is what I warned you about.

Elon Musk is a hamster wheel for Western Space Exploration. He's captured all the best talent and capital and attention. But he does nothing but spin in place like a hamster wheel. Almost like he's in place to stop us on purpose. No really.

Either way it's likely too late. The chinks will likely surpass us in space and never slow down. It's theirs now and you can blame your false god Elon Musk for it all.

You don't see the Chinese making stupid shiny cock rockets or boosters that land themselves. They just launch mass into orbit steady and low key. No exploding rockets. Mark my words, Elon is a plant and he fucked you all....hard.

Anonymous No. 16222322

why is everything a plant with schizos. can't someone just be bad at his job ?

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Anonymous No. 16222328

Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru's Death Scene - Star Wars: A New Hope [4k UltraHD]

Moisture Farmers on da Moon.

Anonymous No. 16222340

Is not Elon's fault, if it were up to him, we would be flying starships twice a week.
Is the FAA's fault. Give him carte blanche and speed will increase dramatically.

Anonymous No. 16222341

Hydrogenated vehicle run economy and research for nothing)

Anonymous No. 16222368

Go away, CSL

Anonymous No. 16222386

How is SpaceX not doing a good job? What on Earth were other aerospace companies doing before SpaceX came along? Jack shit, that's what.
You live in an alternative reality or have some mental issue that keeps you from seeing what SpaceX has accomplished versus what the old space companies were doing, which was pretty much nothing but spending money.

Anonymous No. 16222420

SpaceX isn't doing a good job because they constantly under deliver on their promises. If they didn't constantly pretend to take people to mars by 2020 then what would be left is a massively government subsidizes company that has a good launch platform, which isn't bad but isn't anything special either. You simply can't make constant insane promises, fail and then pretend that you are doing a good job.

Anonymous No. 16222644

Are you retarded? The Falcon 9 is probably the best rocket in human history by multiple metrics. Are you trying to say what they've achieved is minimized by missed timelines?
China is a country, SpaceX is a company you stupid faggot. If the US had any real interest in going back to the moon they'd devote 4% of the budget to NASA again and steadily send up mass too. Musk is solving for Congress not caring by making mass to orbit cheap. The problem is the government, and if SpaceX didn't exist there wouldn't be any hope at all.
>But he does nothing but spin in place like a hamster wheel. Almost like he's in place to stop us on purpose.
Before SpaceX, rocket tech had not changed in about 50 years. After von Braun died it actually got less effective and more expensive. You're completely backwards

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Anonymous No. 16222693

It's not. It's like when Chinese finance housing for Africans and develop their's one less thing for Westerners to pay for.

Neoliberalism won.

Anonymous No. 16222702

holy shit, even bots are preferable to schizophrenics. take your meds.

Anonymous No. 16222989

>China makes empty promise
>Retard on the internet believes it

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Chinese Engineering.jpg

Anonymous No. 16223143

>chinese lunar settlement
you might as well just kill yourself on the launch pad, it would be less painful than dying of vacuum exposure when the base falls apart

Anonymous No. 16223618

Can't wait for Moon LiveLeak

Anonymous No. 16223619

I take blue origin over South African X

Anonymous No. 16223631

Imagine the carnage if they were to ever experiment with rotational gravity. Chinamen seem to be drawn towards inserting themselves into the inner workings of rotating assemblies, judging by the CCTV footage I've seen from factories.

Anonymous No. 16223636

>the space shuttle taking off in the background
Even China sees it as the default space vehicle

Anonymous No. 16224054

>But he does nothing but spin in place like a hamster wheel.
That's how you create artificial gravity though.
No need for the moon, the guy knows.

Anonymous No. 16224067

Amazing how there is countries that hand out development aid to china while not having a moon mission or even soace program of their own, meanwhile china here does.
It's almost as if the CCP was incentivised to keep inequality high.

Anonymous No. 16224068

Best of both worlds would be to take all of Musk's money and give it to NASA. Then we get production in the direction the public favors instead of what some billionaire's whims are for that day. If Musk is as pro-space as he claims and this isn't about ego, he should be willing to take a back seat and let the professionals who understand this type of thing take over.

Anonymous No. 16224097

>what is the actual economic value of such a White Elephant expense
expected return is basically zero
it is yet another pointless, worthless vanity project.

Anonymous No. 16224098

>If you're the leader of an Africa nation with a bunch of minerals that both the US and China want to mine, do you go with the rising power that's putting a base on the Moon or the failing empire that's lecturing you about the importance of gay rights and childhood gender transitioning?
You go with China, because you know they can't project force that far so once the debt needs to be collected you just go nuh uh.

Anonymous No. 16224176

>Does nothing
>China wins
How do mutts cope?

Anonymous No. 16224289

glorious post

Anonymous No. 16224328

>take all of Musk's money and give it to NASA
if they get access to all of that money easily, NASAniggers will blow thru all of it in two years delivering nothing except padding their shitty headquarters with more women, black and their leadership will probably go on TV lecturing people about diversity, equity, and inclusion as well. unironically Musk is only one in america can have any hope to deliver because he want spacex to success to cash out.