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🧵 Teeth are the worst-designed aspect of the human body

Anonymous No. 16221716

>you have to brush them 2-3 times a day just to make sure they don’t rot in your mouth

>if you let plaque build up on your teeth and/or get gum disease, the bacteria has been found in arterial plaque meaning not brushing/flossing can lead to heart attacks

>for some reason, teeth are plaque magnets

>They’re entirely misleading because they look like bones but they aren’t bones mainly because they can’t fucking regenerate. The one part of my body that looks like a bone and feels like a bone, and would be really handy if it had the ability to regenerate like a bone, isn’t a bone and can’t regenerate.

>You’re basically guaranteed to have to get your wisdom teeth removed

>teeth often just don’t come in right at all and it sometimes requires surgery

>the shapes of our teeth creates confusion over whether humans are supposed to eat meat or not

>bonus: ruins blowjob

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Anonymous No. 16221719

>entirely misleading

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Anonymous No. 16221721

>the shapes of our teeth creates confusion over whether humans are supposed to eat meat or not
no they don't

Anonymous No. 16221722

whenever i brush my teeth flies will start to follow me :/

Anonymous No. 16221724

>>you have to brush them 2-3 times a day just to make sure they don’t rot in your mouth
>>if you let plaque build up on your teeth and/or get gum disease, the bacteria has been found in arterial plaque meaning not brushing/flossing can lead to heart attacks
>>for some reason, teeth are plaque magnets
eat a good diet and you literally never have to brush
>>You’re basically guaranteed to have to get your wisdom teeth removed
>>teeth often just don’t come in right at all and it sometimes requires surgery
this is because your jaw hasn't developed properly due to modern diet

B4RK0N (300 IQ) 'kneel' No. 16221726

Brush my bum faggot

Anonymous No. 16221729

>eat a good diet and you literally never have to brush
if you only eat leaves, yes.

Anonymous No. 16221754

>>You’re basically guaranteed to have to get your wisdom teeth removed
That's cause you're a gracile subhuman currycel

I could fit another pair of wisdom teeth in my Cromagnon jaw

Anonymous No. 16221769

Dentistry is an enormous bloated scam industry.
The leading cause of periodontal, heart disease, vaginal/cervical and prostate disease are all the same thing.
But it's simply not screened for. Entirely enabled by our shit diets.
Hundreds of billions of dollars of medical bucks are extracted from the relative obscurity of Trichomonas Tenax/Vaginalis overgrowth, even though it's implicated in upwards of 70% of prostate cancer cases, is present in arterial plaques, causes fishy breath/vag stink and is of course abundant in any case of periodontal disease.

Stop eating wood shavings and sugar for a week and you'll realize you don't need to brush your teeth at all. We're supposed to eat meat most of the time, berries and tubers occasionally in season, and the rest of the time we're supposed to be fasting.

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Anonymous No. 16221816

>We're supposed to eat meat most of the time
Please watch, thank you in advance:

Anonymous No. 16221835

>You’re basically guaranteed to have to get your wisdom teeth removed
Only if you live in america where dentists make so much money out of unnecessary extractions.
Everyone in my family has wisdom teeth regardless of their age.

Anonymous No. 16221841

>Ted X
>From a decade ago
>Absolute shit talking points
>No point to the entire video, just overwhelming "high school powerpoint presentation" vibes

Fuck you.

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Anonymous No. 16221874

Teeth work just fine on a hunter-gatherer diet.

Anonymous No. 16221887

What if toothpaste actually ruins your teeth?

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Anonymous No. 16221894

>food talk triggers me

Anonymous No. 16221920

>you have to brush them 2-3 times a day just to make sure they don’t rot in your mouth
you don't have to brush if you have good teeth
>You’re basically guaranteed to have to get your wisdom teeth removed
you should have eaten more meat when you were younger. now they are underdeveloped.

Anonymous No. 16221953

>you don't have to brush if you have good teeth
You'll keep your teeth good if you brush
>you should have eaten more meat when you were younger. now they are underdeveloped.
funny anecdote: I grew up eating mostly meat and I still had my wisdom teeth impacted.

Anonymous No. 16221965

argument disregarded

Anonymous No. 16221971


See >>16221874

Inuit teeth

Anonymous No. 16221998

Yes, I know, thank you, I've know that for a few decades. Correlation does not mean causation, but it is worthy of more investigation.
Nonetheless we do not have carnivore dentition nor claws, we are literally useless as hunting animals. The best we might have done is eat the ocasional bug and frog we might have come across, and hopefully knock something out with a rock. Shit, even catching fish in a creek or a lake is so sporadic that you can't count on that as a feeding basis. Leaves, fruits, tubers, bugs, that's how the homo genus got started.

Anonymous No. 16222010

Humans do not have carnivore dentition which is why they invented cooking with fire. Humans don't have claws which is why they invented stone tools, then eventually cutlery.

Anonymous No. 16222041

I once read that the general tooth problems became a thing after people started to produce refined goods like flour etc.

A diet where you eat meat, berries and full grain products does not lead to bad mouth hygiene because that's what we are supposed to eat.

Anonymous No. 16222048

what the fuck, humans are hunters, they hunt all the time, what the fuck you say about bugs and frogs

Anonymous No. 16222079

Human has evolved in techniques faster than his body has. Our current teeth were perfect for a human, who rarely lived over 30 and whom diet wasn't so sugary.

Anonymous No. 16222085

>they hunt all the time
once they had tools. do you think we came to with bows and arrows in our hands? Really?

Anonymous No. 16222092

>you have to brush them 2-3 times a day
you simply have to not consume the slop and not live a degenerate and unnaturally long life
>can't fucking regenerate
this is partially true. Demineralised enamel can remineralise and when agitated blood vessels and nerves can actually receede and built up additional dentin in the tooth.
>supposed to eat meat
nature doesn't have intent. Youre a highly functional omnivore.
>ruins blowjob
skill issue
>Teeth are the worst...
I agree with the general sentiment. Especially the bone - teeth - gum interface thats basically ruining the beauty of having encapsulation in skin n shit. But theres good competitors, like the digestive system. Generally it's the external interfaces that are fucked up.

Anonymous No. 16222122

>Humans don't have claws which is why they invented stone tools,
yes, and took an absurd amount of time to take that cognitive leap. Look at chimpanzees, they are almost identical to us in genetic terms, they are unbelievably smarter than most of the fauna anywhere, and there they are, eating leaves, fruits, and bugs. Sometimes they gang together and manage to catch a monkey, but they do not feed themselves on that diet, those are unusual events.
I don't think you understand the complexity of what you are talking about, the cognitive leap that is realizing that banging tow stones together produces a better stone for any other purpose. In the animal kingdom that is genius! It's beyond rare.

People think of primitive homo as hunter-gatherers on the prairies of asia, hunting mammoths. No! those homos are already extremely advanced! We spent much, much time in much more primitive homo forms before that leap occurred. A diet based on meat consumption is a modern "hack" possible only through the advent of technology reliable enough to permit it, and that took countless millenia to reach.

Anonymous No. 16222123

Humans are predators. There is a mountain of evidence across both pre-history and modern recorded history. Just because we use tools doesn't make us not predators.

If you want to eat a vegan diet, fine. But don't try to argue that it's the diet humans are meant to eat.

Anonymous No. 16222126


Anonymous No. 16222132

>If you want
I promise you that I do not want to, I HAVE TO eat it, I am mainly a frugivore, and so are you. Emphasis on "mainly", because we are not pure frugivores anymore, we have already forced some crude adaptations in our digestive tracks by force-feeding ourselves a diet of mean in more recent millennia. Sometimes, I eat whatever the fuck I feel like eating, just so savor a truly exceptional meal.
Fuck yes, I love meat. That's what I ate each meal, each day, for decades.

Anonymous No. 16222144

>>you have to brush them 2-3 times a day just to make sure they don’t rot in your mouth
Bacteria eat simple sugars.
Simple sugars were not (generally) available to humans up to 10k years ago. And even before 100-50 years ago with the proliferation of factory goyslop, they still were still kept in check.
Think this only makes a difference by, oh, I don't know, a factor of 2? No. Eating things containing refined sugar is maybe 10 000 time worse than eating just plain nuts, meat, and veggies. That is because the latter category has almost zero adverse effect.

Plus, people in earlier times chewed things like roots for 10s of minutes a day, just to produce basic household stuff. This is equivalent to brushing teeth. Nowadays, the equivalent would be chewing gum, which is why if you chew sugarfree gum for tens of minutes a day, you also don't strictly need to brush.

Anonymous No. 16222269

The point is primitive humans (the homo genus, and its many human species) ARE NOT Homo sapiens. We are a long chain of genetic and technological progression, an inheritance of ideas, of several homo species daisy-chained over millions of years, and they all evolved from frugivore apes.

Also, keep in mind that a frugivore animal's diet IS NOT a vegan diet. Frugivores also eat some insects, worms, etc. All frugivores do.

Anonymous No. 16222287

soon we'll be able to grow new teeth

Anonymous No. 16222305

I hate that word too for some reason

Anonymous No. 16222364

I've never brushed my teeth since I went on keto

Anonymous No. 16222521

That's nonsense, all oor relatives eat mostly plants, and we can't eat meat without getting poisoned in the long term,out bodies can't deal with it. Plus, wild animals don't actually have any reasonable amount of fat.

Anonymous No. 16222557

>That's nonsense, all oor relatives eat mostly plants
True all humans' relatives eat mostly plants which is why they are a lot less developed and a lot less intelligent than humans.

Anonymous No. 16222583

humans are generalized scavengers and hunters and have teeth that can accommodate they can find and shove in their mouth.

Anonymous No. 16222595

>not brushing/flossing can lead to heart attacks
That's far fetched, it would require you to eat like a pig as well.

Anonymous No. 16222599

1. Sugar is what fucks up human teeth. They can find human teeth from 1000 years ago in perfect condition. How? They didn't put sugar in everything and eat it all the time.

2. Many people including me have this genetic condition where I was born without wisdom teeth. Sucks to sucks.

Anonymous No. 16222616

Wrong, real meat is great for teeth, just not mcdonalds burger crap. eat roots and meats and nuts like were designed to and youll be fine
>additionally, lack of evolutionary pressure on good teeth because of soft boiled food has evolved people with shitty teeth, yall literally losing evolution

Anonymous No. 16222655

>real meat is great for teeth
I would not go as far as calling it great, but it is true that bacteria need sugars to induce cavities, so yes, meat does not produce cavities, I reason.

Anonymous No. 16222656

>lack of evolutionary pressure on good teeth because of soft boiled food has evolved people with shitty teeth

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Anonymous No. 16222680

How to improve your teeth health.

First, recognize what causes cavitys (boring sponges). Second, minimize decay by sealing your teeth.

Firstly, get the crap off your teeth (biofilms, microorganisms, parasites) by buying ZEP PURPLE DEGREASER SPRAY.

Squirt a bit on a wet toothbrush, tilt your head to the sink so you don't swallow, brush teeth. This will kill microorganisms and boring sponges in you current mouth zone (the boring sponges will return though) as they live in your throat areas (fluorescent light shows bright orange gunk... those are boring sponge colonies). Without killing the boring sponge colonies entirely, you won't kill bone decay and tooth decay.
Reproduction and Life Cycle
These sponges reproduce both sexually and asexually. Asexual reproduction takes place when a fragment breaks off an adult sponge and buds into a new sponge. A sponge may also produce clusters of cells in autumn that develop into new sponges in spring. During sexual reproduction, eggs are fertilized within the sponge. Free-swimming larvae eventually settle to the bottom, where they find a hard surface to attach themselves to.

After brushing, suck up water from a cup and swish in your mouth and spit out, repeat until you cannot taste the degreaser. Another useful tool is a tongue scraper plastic loop (can be bought at Dollar Stores) to remove gunk from your tongue. It won't remove organisms under tongue or clinging to tongue, but will improve your mouth health considerably.

RAIN-X CONCENTRATE or another brand.
After scraping your tongue, degreasing your microorganisms & poisoning the boring sponges in your local mouth by brushing (while missing your throat and intestines), rinse mouth and toothbrush, and with a clean mouth, squirt RAIN-X concentrate on the toothbrush and scrub your mouth. It won't entirely seal your teeth and you will have to repeat later, to reduce decay.

Anonymous No. 16222689

>the shapes of our teeth creates confusion over whether humans are supposed to eat meat or not
We have incisors, where's the confusion?

>bonus: ruins blowjob
You just suck at giving blowjobs. Stop using your teeth so much.

Anonymous No. 16222708

XYLITOL (alcohol sugar) poisons dogs and sponges. So a mouth rich with Xylitol will poison the boring sponge colonies that live in your mouth and intestines. Unfortunately, it's not a slam dunk effect, it only kills the sponges that eat the xylitol and does not kill them like bug poisons.

What substances are toxic to freshwater sponges but not toxic to humans?

Nonylphenols, bisphenol A, ethylbenzene, and certain surfactants are toxic to freshwater sponges but are not significantly toxic to humans at typical environmental exposure levels. These substances can disrupt endocrine functions and cause other toxic effects in aquatic organisms, while their impact on human health is generally less severe under normal exposure conditions.

Toxicity to Freshwater Sponges: Nonylphenols are harmful to aquatic life, including freshwater sponges. They disrupt normal endocrine functions in fish and other aquatic organisms at low levels in the environment.

Toxicity to Humans: Nonylphenols are relatively non-toxic to humans at environmental exposure levels. They can affect kidneys over time and cause developmental effects at higher doses, but overall exposures from common sources are well below harmful levels.

2. Bisphenol A (BPA)
Toxicity to Freshwater Sponges: BPA is known to be an endocrine disruptor and can cause significant harm to aquatic organisms, including freshwater sponges, by interfering with their hormonal systems.

Toxicity to Humans: BPA can cause various health issues in humans, including reproductive, developmental, metabolic, immune, respiratory, hepatic, and renal toxicity, as well as carcinogenesis. However, the levels typically encountered in the environment are generally considered to be below the threshold for acute toxicity in humans.

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Anonymous No. 16222712

That is on purpose. Slaves were never meant to live long lives, so they don't need teeth that can last more than 40 years.
Chimps in the wild live up to 30 years and in optimal conditions until 60. Near all current population are hybrids: 1/8 human, 7/8 apes. True humans could live ~ 1000 years in the best case, 1/8 hybrids can live ~ 120 in the best case.

Anonymous No. 16222724

>we are literally useless as hunting animals
Humans literally hunt for shits and giggles and have complete control over the entire plant as a species. We built our own claws then decided it would wasn't good enough and started launching them through the air using a string tied to a stick. We could drop a nuke from space on a frog on a bump on a log in a Louisiana swamp if we wanted to. What are you even saying?

Anonymous No. 16222725

>mouth opening to head size ratio as signifier of diet
fucking retarded, humans have tiny mouths, jaws and teeth because we used our brains to make tools to pre masticate food for us.

Anonymous No. 16222728

I notice that when I’m doing keto or carnivore and traveling (so not brushing for 1-2 days sometimes) I do not get plaque build up

Anonymous No. 16222736

This a radical health option.

Ideally, you would protect the patient with consumption of methylene blue (which neutralizes cyanide toxicity) then poisoning all the unwanted bodily organisms with low dose cyanide. The healthy cells would survive, the parasites would be poisoned.

Methylene blue neutralizes cyanide toxicity through the following mechanisms:
Restores Oxidation-Reduction State:

Cyanide poisoning disrupts the normal oxidation-reduction (redox) state in cells, leading to metabolic depression.

Methylene blue, being a redox dye, can restore the normal redox environment and counteract the effects of cyanide on cellular metabolism.

Maintains Calcium Homeostasis:
Cyanide exposure alters calcium (Ca2+) homeostasis in cells, which is crucial for proper cellular function and contraction.

Methylene blue has been shown to restore calcium homeostasis in cyanide-intoxicated neuronal cells, preventing disruptions in calcium signaling.

Prevents Neuronal Toxicity:
Cyanide is particularly toxic to the central nervous system, as neurons heavily rely on aerobic respiration.

Methylene blue mitigates the neuronal toxicity of cyanide in a dose-dependent manner, preventing lethal depression of respiratory neurons in the medulla oblongata.

It reverses cyanide-induced depolarization of resting membrane potential and depression of action potentials in neurons.

Maintains Cardiovascular Function:
Cyanide exposure can lead to cardiogenic shock and decreased myocyte contractility due to disruptions in calcium homeostasis.

Methylene blue has been shown to restore blood pressure, cardiac contractility, and limit oxygen deficits in cyanide-intoxicated animal models.
Antioxidant Properties:

Cyanide poisoning can increase oxidative stress and superoxide levels in cells.

Methylene blue has antioxidant properties that may help counteract the oxidative stress induced by cyanide.

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Anonymous No. 16222756

im ugly

Anonymous No. 16222770

>brain chemistry
human brains use ketone bodies when sugar's unavailable, i've expect it's the same for horses and chimps. Brain chemistry is not an argument.
>Mouth opening
Already debunked it
>jaw angle
Humans don't kill prey by strangling them with their mouths retard
>jaw motion
Dunno, ill give you that one
>facial muscles
Built for communicating my disgust and screaming at you for being a retard
Same as mouth opening, tools do that job now
Calling you a nigger
>Salivary gland
>Salivary enzymes
I'll give you taht one, but I'd suggest that types of enzymes secreted can evolve very rapidly as it's not hard to change the ratios of expression.
>Stomach pH
Humans have low pH; the poor fucks 100,000 years ago were eating carrion
I'll agree
>intestine length
I'll agree
>Skin, boobs, nails
Why do you think these are related to diet? The factors effecting stuff like these are so vast that it takes away from your point. We don't have claws because we can chuck spears.

>All the rest
Like our peaceful chimp buddies we eat whatever we can. If a monkey fucks up he becomes a chimps dinner. We are omnivores.

Anonymous No. 16222779

Could just be that modern food is more "processed" (dunno what that means other than it's more convenient and tastes nicer), not that old food was either plants or meat.

The final solution to the dental question is to genetically engineer teeth for the new environment they inhabit, not to replicate the original environment.

Anonymous No. 16222805

Aren’t teeth stem cell factories already? Wouldn’t they be one of the easiest organs to just evolve it’s own if that were necessary?

Anonymous No. 16222811

Explain your reasoning.

Anonymous No. 16222813

>Could just be that modern food is more "processed" (dunno what that means
It really doesn't mean anything. It's just a currently-fashionable boogyman word.

Anonymous No. 16222829

The human brain takes up roughly 20% of the body's energy consumption. To evolve and maintain an organ like this you need the kind of energy density you cannot get from most plant foods, only animal meat. And unlike fruits, meat is available all year round more or less. And unlike grains or beans, animal meat/organs contain high levels of bioavailable nutrients such as iron, iodine and B12 crucial for brain development that you struggle to get elsewhere.

Anonymous No. 16222841

based and true. also:

>le ancestors had perfect teeth because no sugar!!

is total cope. teeth will still rot and cause you problems even without sugar. many of our ancestors probably just suffered from rotten teeth in extreme agony.

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Anonymous No. 16223033


Anonymous No. 16223547

This is what is causing holes in your teeth.
Sugar can cause micro holes and loss of enamel, but the boring sponges cause the actual cavities.

Global oyster populations have declined an estimated 85% since the 1900s (Coleman, 2014). A significant driver of oyster mortality at this time are boring sponges, a set of sponge species that use oysters shells and other calcareous materials as a habitat. Boring sponges secrete acids that wear down oyster shells and use drill-like movement to create holes that the sponges inhabit. While the boring sponges gain no nutrients from their hosts, it is possible that boring into oysters protects the sponges from predation. However, the presence of boring sponges places oysters at a higher risk of predation and can result in stunted growth and early mortality. The boring sponge Cliona celata, sometimes called the red boring sponge, poses a particular threat to Crassostrea virginica, the dominant oyster species on the North Carolina coast.

The main threats boring sponges pose to oysters are structural and developmental damage. As sponges bore into oysters, they make oyster shells brittle by dissolving calcium carbonate and forming holes. The weakened shell can make oysters more vulnerable to predation (Coleman,2014).

In addition to threatening oyster structure and development, boring sponges can negatively impact the market for oysters. Scientific accounts of the negative impact of boring sponge on the oyster market exist back to 1951. 25-30%of farmed oysters have severe boring sponge infestation. The holes left by sponges make oysters less visually appealing and thus more difficult to sell. Decomposing sponges release a sulfurous odor that deters buyers. Damaged oyster shells are often brittle and harder to open.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16223571

That's nonsense, because meat isn't higher in energy than plants, and we aren't built to digest that much protein and iron. Iron forms 5% of Earth crust, but only tens of ppm in our body, which means we need to keep it out, rather than keep stores of it. It causes brain damage when you eat too much of it.

Anonymous No. 16223577

That's nonsense, because meat isn't higher in energy than plants, and we aren't built to digest that much protein and iron. Iron forms 5% of Earth's crust, but only tens of ppm in our body, which means we need to keep it out, rather than keep stores of it. It causes brain damage when you eat too much of it.

Anonymous No. 16223617

Room temperature IQ right here

Anonymous No. 16223625

Yeah, and I'm pretty sure iron is essential for the brain to function properly. Something tells me that the anon you replied to has a deficiency.

Anonymous No. 16223630

Lean meat (you wouldn't find anything else in nature) doesn't have more calories than bread.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16223635

Iron is toxic. It's why civilization collapsed when it was discovered, and only recovered in periods when the schizophrenia successfully subsided for the remaining normal people to rule over the schizos.

Anonymous No. 16223640

Iron is toxic. It's why civilization collapsed when it was discovered, and only recovered in periods when the schizophrenia sufficiently subsided for the remaining normal people to rule over the schizos.

Anonymous No. 16223723

If you ingest enough of almost anything, it becomes toxic. If you take too much vitamin C you will develop kidney stones. If you drink too much water, you will become intoxicated and die. Iron like water and vitamin C can be toxic at high amounts but is an essential mineral vital for human survival. If you don't like this go ask your medical doctor.

If you eat nothing but rabbits or venison you will die of rabbit starvation because you do not get enough calories but if you eat literally any other animal you are completely perfectly fine. And plenty of people do to this day, such as hunters, hobbyists, outdoor survivalists, steppe nomads, eskimos.

Bread was invented after human brain already evolved when humans hunted too many animals to extinction and Earth's animal population could no longer support humans. Therefore humans invented agriculture, cultivating grains, turning it into different types of bread. Bread is a cheap substitute and calorie filler as meat is too scarce and expensive, where meat is the preferred nutritious option for rich people. Bread still does not have nutrients such as vitamin B12, heme iron, carnitine only found in meat.

>schizophrenia sufficiently subsided for the remaining normal people to rule over the schizos.
literal troll

Anonymous No. 16223733

Fact: there are several primitive human communities around the World that survive almost entirely on animal products.
Fact: there is not one primitive human community around the World that lives only on plants.

Anonymous No. 16223762

Iron is toxic in the amounts we are told to eat it. It doesn't make sense, since the concentration of iron in our bodies is a tiny fraction of it's concentration in the outside environment. It's like saying that ocean fish could be deficient in sodium. It just isn't possible.
Nobody survives solely on meat, and those diets high in meat were more despair than a choice.
>>schizophrenia sufficiently subsided for the remaining normal people to rule over the schizos.
>literal troll
It's a documented fact that people burned down evetything, and killed each other. Like it literally happened. Later it caused violence, disease and death in newly contacted people everywhere.
No there are not, and why do they stay ptimitive if meat makes them so intelligent?

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Inuit baby eating....jpg

Anonymous No. 16223864

>No there are not,
Inuit, Maasai, Chukotka and the steppe nomads of Mongolia are just a few examples that come to mind.

Anonymous No. 16223896

They went as far as robbing mouse burrows in order to get at least some plant foods.

And how about my other claim - why did they stay primitive if meat made them so much more intelligent? You acknowledge that all civilized cultures traditionally ate diets with little to no meat, yet you looked at some loincloth wearing guys who were hunting wild beasts with primitive weapons, and somehow concluded THAT is who we should immitate. I would really want to hear your reasoning here.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16223907

>why aren't they advanced
Probably the extreme environments that they live in
>You acknowledge that all civilized cultures traditionally ate diets with little to no meat
Never said that anywhere.
>I would really want to hear your reasoning here.
My reasoning is that they survive and thrive in extreme climates eating mostly animal products, yet there is not one documented example of a human society living off of nothing but plants (without the use of supplements). here is also a tsunami of evidence showing that humans (and our ancestors) ate meat, and that eating meat was essential to the development of our brains.

Anonymous No. 16223911

>why aren't they advanced
Probably the extreme environments that they live in
>You acknowledge that all civilized cultures traditionally ate diets with little to no meat
Never said that anywhere.
>I would really want to hear your reasoning here.
My reasoning is that they survive and thrive in extreme climates eating mostly animal products, yet there is not one documented example of a human society living off of nothing but plants (without the use of supplements). There is also a tsunami of evidence showing that humans (and our ancestors) hunted and ate meat, and that eating meat was essential to the development of our brains.

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Anonymous No. 16223925

You're the one coping. Your delicious addicting foods cause these problems and you can't handle that reality.

Anonymous No. 16223928

Diets were overwhelmingly plant based, the meat heavy diet of today is a great depresdion invention, as the excess food was used to raise livestock.
>There is also a tsunami of evidence showing that humans (and our ancestors) hunted and ate meat, and that eating meat was essential to the development of our brains.
There us no evidence of that whatsoever.

Anonymous No. 16223931

>Ling Ling!?
>your kid found the neighbours dog again
>stop this Ling Ling or I will report you to the immigration office

Anonymous No. 16223940

some animals, if they live long enough, are guaranteed to die of starvation from their teeth wearing down. that's some severe bullshit.

Anonymous No. 16223974

>>you have to brush them 2-3 times a day just to make sure they don’t rot in your mouth
>if you let plaque build up on your teeth and/or get gum disease, the bacteria has been found in arterial plaque meaning not brushing/flossing can lead to heart attacks
>for some reason, teeth are plaque magnets
Actually if you completely avoid carbs you don't get plaque.

>They’re entirely misleading because they look like bones but they aren’t bones mainly because they can’t fucking regenerate. The one part of my body that looks like a bone and feels like a bone, and would be really handy if it had the ability to regenerate like a bone, isn’t a bone and can’t regenerate.
Actually, scientist have found a way to regenerate teeth

>You’re basically guaranteed to have to get your wisdom teeth removed
>teeth often just don’t come in right at all and it sometimes requires surgery
Just like, don't be a mouth breather.

>the shapes of our teeth creates confusion over whether humans are supposed to eat meat or not
Only for absolute tards

>bonus: ruins blowjob
Your gf (bf?) just sucks (pun intended)

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Anonymous No. 16223978

>we do not have carnivore dentition nor claws, we are literally useless as hunting animals
literal fucking cavemen are more intelligent than you.

Anonymous No. 16224081

skill issue

I haven't brushed my teeth in literally 5+ years, and haven't brushed them regularly (and by regularly, I mean once every few days) in over a decade, due to fucked up neurotic depression shit and adhd

went to the dentist for the first time in years a week ago, he said my teeth look fine aside from the start of some very minor cavities and if I start brush again I'll be fine

I do grind my teeth at night tho so my whole bottom row is ground down to almost stubs and are flat as hell

Anonymous No. 16224191


Anonymous No. 16224212

There are two threads going on this topic, stupid.
In regards to vitamin B-12: minimal animal protein is needed. It can be a worm here and there, a crawling bug when you spot one. The ocasional frog you grab on the shore of a lake, a lizard you somehow managed to grasp. Get it?


Not even herbivores are vegans: as they eat grass, they are eating bugs, tiny insects on the leaves of plants, etc.
100% veganism is a modern theoretical concept.

Additionally, chlorella, which contains a vitamin B-12 variant, is native to freshwaters in various regions around the world, but it is particularly abundant in tropical and subtropical regions.
What this means is, that if our ancestors hung out by, and drank water from ponds and lakes, they were getting that B-12 as well, so they did not need to eat tremendous amounts of animals to maintain a functioning level of B-12.

Think about it: if an animal cannot manufacture a nutrient that is ESSENTIAL to its health, that nutrient must be EASILY obtainable and abundant where they live.

As you may know, vegetables, fruits, and tubers contain all amino acids. And they contain a tremendous cocktail of vitamins as well. If regular pond/lake water, and some small animals contains B-12. Your hominin is fairly nourished. No need to go hunting.

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Anonymous No. 16224217

Chew my meat for you
Swap it back and forth
In a passionate kiss
From my mouth to yours
I like you

Anonymous No. 16224256

You only need to brush once a day.
You just need long enough breaks between meals to let your enamel remineralize, snacking and sipping on anything but water is really bad for your teeth
Also, don't mouthbreathe (might happen unintentionally in the night) because that dries out the saliva in your mouth which is what remineralizes your teeth
Don't rinse too well after you brush, just spit instead as that will leave some traces of toothpaste that will act as a protection for the night

Anonymous No. 16224283

>Diets were overwhelmingly plant based, the meat heavy diet of today is a great depresdion invention, as the excess food was used to raise livestock.
Humans hunted countless animals and all megafauna too extinction. This is basic science.
>There us no evidence of that whatsoever
This is science 101, go back to school and read some textbooks before you argue with your betters.

Anonymous No. 16224294

There is no such evidence. Either post something, or fuck off.

Anonymous No. 16224304

I used to think like that. But anon, then I realised teeth are actually very sophisticated:
>Strongest substance in the body (dentin)
>With inner temperature and pressure sensors so that you don't abuse them and break them (nerves).
>multiple units for redundancy
>child teeth fell to adapt to a growing jaw

The two main problems are artificial: cavities are caused by a lab made bacteria that didn't exist in cavemen times, thus teeth are evolutively not adapted since they are a recent phenomenon. And impacted 3rd molars are the product of feminizing hormones being added to the water, making jaws shorter in just a mere 100 years (go watch manly faces in any old movie and compare with today's).

Anonymous No. 16224306

tinfoil retard

Anonymous No. 16225731

Yeah, this is like saying evolution doesn't exist or we don't know if the earth is actually round.

Anonymous No. 16225788

You only have to brush your teeth if sugar is a part of your diet.

Anonymous No. 16225824

Hilariously false.

Anonymous No. 16225866

You forgot to mention that if you are in a place with hard water it'll constantly build up gunk and stains on your teeth requring you to go to a dentist for heavy metal cleaning on the part that is impossible to scrub. And also how a bacterial imbalance may also lead to brain blood barrier penetration leading to dementia/alzheimers.

Anonymous No. 16226125

No it isn't. Just because somebody wrote it in a textbook doesn't mean it isn't something made up.

Anonymous No. 16226260

I have lived on this earth long enough to tell you occasional flossing and cutting out sticky, sweet drinks is more than enough to prevent cavities. Full set of teeth, no crowns, arch fillings, halitosis, discoloration from old smoking, ect.
temporary bacteremia from brushing -> alzheimers has no causation. prolonged exposure due to sores, inflamed gums, and oral tobacco affects (prolonged dip/snus/zyn use altering pH and prolonged salt contact sores under cheek) are more likely causes
the paper going over this falsely cites an article about how brushing causes bacteremia, fails to note that patents that had any number of bacteria in their mouth blood were ONLY people with chronic oral diseases

Anonymous No. 16226463

2 things:
1) refined sugar isn't supposed to be in you diet
2) your ancestors bred in their teens; if you're over 19 then you're on on borrowed time chief.

Anonymous No. 16226468

Driving buffallo off of cliffs require zero tools

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Anonymous No. 16226474

>1) refined sugar isn't supposed to be in you diet
Honey is a dietary staple in every single extant hunter-gatherer society that lives where it can be found.
>Here we describe and analyze widespread honey collecting among foragers and show that where it is absent, in arctic and subarctic habitats, honey bees are also rare to absent. Second, we focus on one hunter-gatherer society, the Hadza of Tanzania. Hadza men and women both rank honey as their favorite food. Hadza acquire seven types of honey. Hadza women usually acquire honey that is close to the ground while men often climb tall baobab trees to raid the largest bee hives with stinging bees. Honey accounts for a substantial proportion of the kilocalories in the Hadza diet, especially that of Hadza men

Anonymous No. 16226505

>our ancestors ate it therefore it's good for you

Anonymous No. 16226558

Eat some sugar occasionally, fruit, fruit juices, chocolates and no cavities ever with no brushing.

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Anonymous No. 16226563

I didn't say
>our ancestors ate it therefore it's good for you
You illiterate spastic. I was directly countering the erroneous assertion
1) refined sugar isn't supposed to be in you diet
A staple food source of ancient humans is a perfectly valid definition of a food we're "supposed" to eat. Maybe you think we're "supposed" to eat a scientifically determined careful ratio of optimal amino acids and grey bland slop, maybe you think we're "supposed" to eat nothing but raw meat, maybe you think we're "supposed" to eat only raw plants. You can have any one of these beliefs and it's own context for what food we're "supposed" to eat, but attention to natural, widely distributed and hungrily searched for foods is as good a definition as any.
>2) your ancestors bred in their teens; if you're over 19 then you're on on borrowed time chief.
Wrong again, according to our best evidence
>According to the study, the average age that humans had children throughout the past 250,000 years is 26.9.

>Fathers were consistently older, at 30.7 years on average, whereas mothers were 23.2 years on average.

>However, this age gap has shrunk in the past 5,000 years. The study now places its most recent estimate of maternal age averaging at 26.4 years. This is largely due to mothers now having children when they are older.
I'm not an expert in the kind of phylogenetic analysis that this study employs, but it's at least evidence, not just my own assertion, that you are wrong.
It doesn't get much better looking at actual demographic data from extant hunter gatherers either. To use the Hadza as reference again
>The mean age of childbearing was 30.9 years
Now these figures, both from two different sources, are averages which will naturally mask a great deal of variation, but, ah, there it is.

Anonymous No. 16226717

>that if our ancestors hung out by, and drank water from ponds and lakes, they were getting that B-12 as well
our ancestors weren't drinking stagnant water unless they were desperate.

Think about it: if an animal cannot manufacture a nutrient that is ESSENTIAL to its health, that nutrient must be EASILY obtainable and abundant where they live.
herbivores can extract certain nutrients from plants that we cannot, so we have to eat the herbivores to get those nutrients e.g. vitamin k2 mainly comes from grass-fed animals and it's theorised the lack of k2 in modern diets (many of the animals we eat now aren't fed on grass) is the reason for so many of our chronic health problems, including tooth decay.

honey isn't refined sugar.

Anonymous No. 16226723

>honey isn't refined sugar.
Yes, it is. You don't understand what "refined" means if you disagree. It is refined by the bees rather than by man, but is refined all the same.

Anonymous No. 16226737

refined sugar has a specific meaning of being sugar being extract in it's pure form from things like sugar cane/beets. That's not honey and it's disingenuous to claim otherwise. Refined sugar is a disaster for human health, honey isn't, it's not the same thing.

Anonymous No. 16226779

>stagnant water
that was not said, and you don't know that anyways, lol

Anonymous No. 16226923

>refined sugar has a specific meaning of being sugar being extract in it's pure form
Honey is a form of refined sugar, and it is very nearly pure. Molasses are a form of refined sugar, not quite as refined as white sugar, but a refined sugar nonetheless. You are quibbling and splitting hairs.
Honey is more than 80% pure sugar, with the rest being water and some trace compounds. That's a higher % of pure sugar than molasses. Honey is refined from nectar.
Why is 85% pure sugar honey so different from 100% pure refined white sugar?

Anonymous No. 16226932

It's not. At all. The "processed food is le bad" meme is pure appeal to nature.

Anonymous No. 16226940

I compare the two to emphasise that refined sugar is no evil. What is bad for health is overconsumption of rich food, and under-use of the body.
Move your body more and consume rich foods in moderation. Simple as.

Anonymous No. 16226960

>The "processed food is le bad" meme is pure appeal to nature.
processed has tragic omega ratios, carcinogens from overkill frying/roasting, junk chemicals, some of which are absolutely toxic etc etc. A lot of staple raws for processed food are completely inedible, highly unhealthy seeds or beans, that require massive amounts of processing to still only deliver a trash input.

People like you is why processed foods are bad. You're an ignoramus and thus allow to be fed whatever, as long as it's not blatant that it's shit.

Anonymous No. 16227012

None of these are issues if you eat what humans are supposed to eat.

Hunter gatherer tribes don't brush their teeth and have prefect teeth, their jaw is also not too small for wisdom teeth because of malnutrition.

Anonymous No. 16227660

>A staple food source of ancient humans is a perfectly valid definition of a food we're "supposed" to eat
god damn you're stupid

as for the second part the average age of conception is heavily skewed by the exponential growth of modern human reproduction. since I was talking about selection pressure for teeth you should have figured that I meant our ancient ancestors moron.

Anonymous No. 16227665

it's all cause teeth are harder than bone

Anonymous No. 16227685

Its conservation of energy applied to more zoomed out systems. A fresh salad has an undisturbed link to its solar life cycle than a box of cigarrette company mac and cheeze. A nice clean steak is less carcinogenic than a cured ham.

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Anonymous No. 16229051


Anonymous No. 16229073

>bonus: ruins blowjob

Anonymous No. 16229109

This is so stupid. We also have the shortest gut of any mammal because we cook our food. Our mouths are the way they are for the same reason.

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Darwin human skulls.png

Anonymous No. 16229885

Fucking Darwin

Anonymous No. 16229910

>The leading cause of periodontal, heart disease, vaginal/cervical and prostate disease are all the same thing.
>But it's simply not screened for.
So close
>We're supposed to eat meat
Yet so far. Eating animal products is literally the very thing you alluded to when you said 'all the same thing'. It is the single biggest cause of serious health issues and terminal illness in humans.

Anonymous No. 16229979

Just wait 6 years and we'll be able to regrow them no problem.

Anonymous No. 16230006

>eat one meal a day
>brush & rinse right after
>haven't had a dental issue in over a decade
feels good not to be a disgusting fat slob that has to constantly shovel food into their mouth