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Anonymous No. 16221900

Anyone else here a wikipedia pilled pseud maxxer? I spend a lot of time reading wikipedia articles on science and math so I can pretend to be an expert online. So far it's working great because the education system is so fucked that reading wikipedia can actually put you on the same level with graduates. The only way to expose my shallow half knowledge would by pinning me down on technical details. But only hyperspergs do that and then I can just make fun of them for being autistic.

Anonymous No. 16221915

>I spend a lot of time reading wikipedia articles on science and math so I can pretend to be an expert online.
You don't have to be an expert at something you understand to explain it correctly.
As you said, it's not always necessary to head down rabbit holes of minutiae, basic concepts will be sufficient for most people to get the gist of things.
So, well done and thank you for attempting.

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Anonymous No. 16222966