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Anonymous No. 16222070

They hated him because he spoke the truth

Anonymous No. 16222370

interesting, but that difference didn't exist for the black children of black couples stationed as US in Germany, who were born and raised in Germany. It's a cultural problem.
A shit culture doesn't induce critical reasoning. Bitches and money and hoes and bling and booze and weed and laziness doesn't induce critical reasoning; that's the problem.

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bix noodle slurper.jpg

šŸ—‘ļø Anonymous No. 16222968


Anonymous No. 16222996

Hated? Do they not hate him anymore?

Anonymous No. 16223001

Culture is downstream from race.

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Anonymous No. 16223017

Why is this such a big deal? I thought being dumber than others doesn't make you less valid of a human being than others. Leftoids don't hate mentally retarded people so how come this isn't even being discussed? I think that this point of view is not racism, but ablism.

Anonymous No. 16223064

Look at his publications and you'll see he wrote 0 (zero) papers on the difference in racial IQ. When you're making authoritative conclusions based off your unsubstantiated hunches, that's when you've officially lost the plot as a scientist.

Anonymous No. 16223074

Better replace all the non-asians in America with Asians then

Anonymous No. 16223091

Asians are low IQ, they'd have invented airplanes, computers, automobiles, electricity, etc. if they were high IQ.

Anonymous No. 16223134

I hate him because he looks like a ballsack with herpes.

Anonymous No. 16223251


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Anonymous No. 16223336


Anonymous No. 16223343

Culture is a product of genetics. Thereā€™s no denying niggers are dumber than whites.
What Iā€™d much rather see highlighted is that whites are just as susceptible to being coming retarded as any other race Iā€™d put under the wrong selection pressures.

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Anonymous No. 16223421

Such a thing is only possible if their population is kept below 1% and they are forbidden to contaminate human females with their defective genes.

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Anonymous No. 16223425

LMAO, patents are a scam you imbecile idiot.

Anonymous No. 16223428

>the black children of black couples stationed as US in Germany, who were born and raised in Germany
Selection bias. The US military literally doesn't allow low IQ people to join.

šŸ—‘ļø Anonymous No. 16223455

if these fellas are so smart, how do they not know to remain silent about niggers?

Anonymous No. 16223533

If demons are defeated he will be remembered as a great man, not a coward clown. Otherwise civilization will collapse.

Anonymous No. 16223550

>enviroment doesn't play a part at all
nah he is dumb. its literally accepted that genetics is part of it but its obviously not all of it

Anonymous No. 16223602

Depends on the genetic distance. The farther away organisms get from each other the less likely it is for the environment to be able to even things out

Anonymous No. 16223634

>Otherwise civilization will collapse.
already has
take your meds, schizo.

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Anonymous No. 16224891

the n word is racist

Anonymous No. 16225322


Anonymous No. 16225523

Environment shapes genetics, and genetics shape environment.

Anonymous No. 16225525

Leftist ideology is actively anti-eugenic. They promote the worst possible being.
This is one of the reasons that the left is objectively evil and should be destroyed completely.

Anonymous No. 16225564

Might that sample be a little biased?

Anonymous No. 16225568

>black children
Children don't count, IQ is barely heritable at that age. And, contrary to your claim, there was a difference, but it wasn't massive.

Anonymous No. 16227120

This, they can file as many papers as they want, they still won't have any significant inventions, every useful or important machine and device will still have been invented by white Christian men

Anonymous No. 16227936

nice ancient relic you got there, gramps

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Anonymous No. 16228372

Itā€™s fucking crazy how science now has become a spell book of things to say that WILL royally trigger and piss people off, and may even cost you your job

I CAST ā€˜Annoying Fact #33ā€™ AT HER

šŸ—‘ļø Anonymous No. 16229615

people think magic words and incantations don't exist, but try casting the n-word in racially mixed public setting and you'll see that words really do have magical powers to control people

Anonymous No. 16229690

Race is downstream of culture at the gonadal level. Sexy people are dumber than incels. Nigcel Genghis Khan could bleach the black race and save Africa into Yakubwanda like all the mockers mock. BUT and it's A BIG BUTT...
Thicc booties big dicks and big tits made negroes the lustiest race and therefore the least brained.
Lust darkens the mind. Chastity brightens the mind and develops the mastery of multigenerational disciplines. Thomas Sowell is correct about the outperforming black schools and white marriages during low points in white America.
However, the dick wagging wars never end, men.

Anonymous No. 16229693

>anglosphere is in ruins over the N word
JARVIS! Give me the etymology of the N word!
"Sir! It comes from the Spanish Negro"
Dios mio!

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Anonymous No. 16229744

I bet you EVROPEAN penis invented the scientific prowess for the industrial revolution, not European brain.
Asian IQ is the best at enabling Asian to Asian cruelty. Teamwork made the dream work. And Christ.exe was the way to make that happen. Do Asians submit to an almighty sky king who makes it law to love thy neighbor? EUROPE had drunks funding distilleries who created better glass that created better labs. Now that China has the upperhand we have no epic le based racist jersey to brag about.
Business runs the show instead of garage friend start ups. Science will slow down. AI will reach a ceiling of idiocracy until it has to push that ceiling confrontationally.

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Anonymous No. 16229747

>AI mutt vats here we go

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Anonymous No. 16229754

>the lab

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Anonymous No. 16229769

Every white ancestor who succeeded in making Europe great was a chud. Every white wigger...hates Chuds.

Anonymous No. 16229815

As someone who reads Chinese ā€œpatentsā€ on a nearly daily basis: lol lmao.

Anonymous No. 16230779

common phenomenon those who speak uncomfortable truths are subject to

Anonymous No. 16230804

leftists have been trained to worship black people, despite the scientific evidence not agreeing with the propaganda. They are not logical thinkers. They are husks.

There is not a single 1st world black country anywhere and there never has been

>b-but if it wasn't for white people they would succeed

That is scientific evidence that white people are stronger then. Leftists live in a fantasy world of social media propaganda. They tools to be exploited. Nothing else

Anonymous No. 16230860

His dumb shit son doesnā€™t deserve such s smart father like him. Fuck, I hate disloyalty so much.

Anonymous No. 16231475

Lawyers are literally modern day wizard duels to determine the outcome of your life and yes the n word is a actually a berserker transformation spell. Scientific journals are magic guilds skirmishing against eachother in the everlasting war of conjuring.

Anonymous No. 16231671

We can give all our worst leftists to black people...
But we will losr many good black genes in the process
Im sorry brothas
We had nowhere else to put them

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Anonymous No. 16231710

As a black man I can definitely say that white people are smarter.

And I can agree itā€™s probably genetic.

I can also see why blacks dominate sports. Blacks have a physically superior body than most white people. For example strength, speed, stamina etc.

Also genetic.

However what this idiot forgot to mention is in satistical math. There is variance in the dataset there will always be a reversion from the mean for certain individuals.

You cannot absolutely sayALL blacks are stupid because thereā€™s some that will be smart.

Just like I canā€™t say all white men are weak cause thatā€™s not true ethier.

Plus the data is arbitrarily derived. And doesnā€™t take into account hidden variables or certain conditions.

Which is why I hate that satistical theory is even used in the social sciences itā€™s just dumb.

Anonymous No. 16232920

Negros don't like to be reminded that they have darker skin than other races, it makes them angry because they identify people with darker skin as being inferior themselves. Its seems to be a universal aspect of human culture that darker skin = worse.

Anonymous No. 16232960

>here, let me pay attention to a single outlier result with a low sample size because it agrees with my zeitgeist
>the thousands of other studies which show a difference? racist pseudoscience

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Anonymous No. 16232963


Anonymous No. 16232990

Whites simply want to be their own sovereigns, it's not about IQ differences themselves but what they result in.
Most of the world is going to shit because Whites refuse to be the adults in the room and instead take all blame for the disparities we see in the hope that they one day magically vanish.

That will never happen without facing reality and embracing eugenics. You could definitely turn Africa more functional with the right incentives but Jews would rather use them as a bioweapon.

Anonymous No. 16233022

They're just waiting for him to die so they can erase his name from the history books and replace him with Franklin

Anonymous No. 16233072

I look like this and sound like this

Anonymous No. 16233195

But counting only military kids is selection bias bc they won't admit retards. There is a minimum score you need and so many low scoring people can't join. They get filtered out. It affects all races but blacks moreso than whites. It's like saying black and white students at colleges have similar iq scores. Well yeah no shit. They filtered out all the guys who weren't smart enough to get there lol. That's selection bias.

Anonymous No. 16233233

Explain japan and sk then.

bodhi No. 16233293

this happened in the Dominican republic not Sumatra

Anonymous No. 16233387

Imagine what he did in his past life, or in the past in this very life, to deserve to die in disgrace like this.

Anonymous No. 16233395

icthyosis + parkinsons tag teamed on this bitch

Anonymous No. 16234036

it happened everywhere that skin tone variation exists

Anonymous No. 16234561

who's the one coping chang?

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Anonymous No. 16234573

>be whites
>simply want to be their own sovereigns
>insist on voting for mass migration, cultural replacement and dilution through multiculturalism in liberal democracies

bodhi No. 16234633

Just saying, it is a real story but it didnt happen to this person where he claims it did. It happened to a VICE reporter in Dominican Republic doing a documentary about Haiti. I actually have the documentary

bodhi No. 16234635

I love this video so much. You rarely get to witness poetic justice of this magnitude

bodhi No. 16234641

sorry I meant Vox, not VICE

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Anonymous No. 16234692

>but that difference didn't exist for the black children of black couples stationed as US in Germany,
It did. Only white girls had the lowest IQ of all (likely due to sampling error) which dragged the white average down to level of mixed kids.

Anonymous No. 16234714

Blacks are only good in sports other races barely play. The GOATs in basically every sport except basketball are white (soccer, baseball, football, hockey, rugby, cricket, almost every olympic sport except sprinting, skiing, snowboarding, tennis etc.). The two best players in the NBA are also lazy, fat white guys so they're even falling behind in basketball now that more Europeans are playing it.

Anonymous No. 16234717

You're wrong

Anonymous No. 16234735

He's right, see McNamara's morons. This was probably even more strict in the past, when US army had shit to choose from.

Anonymous No. 16234740

It also doesn't fit with children of wealthy black parents in Apartheid South Africa who scored higher on IQ tests than their white peers.

It's almost as if access to resources improves the IQ of their children and has very little to do with genetics.

Anonymous No. 16234902

South Africa was one of the richest countries on earth when the blacks took over.

Anonymous No. 16234906

>Lawyers are literally modern day wizard duels
I always thought this. There are some pretty damn esoteric laws in some states, enough to drastically stall court cases, to the point where someone even yelled ā€˜I declare a trial by combatā€™, and there was nothing the judge could do about it.

Anonymous No. 16234911

>As a black man I can definitely say that white people are smarter.
It still depresses me when black people actually say and admit it. Even then, the ā€œblack Jewā€ exists in the form of the Igbo, W. African mathematicians of note.

Anonymous No. 16235835

>when the blacks took over
The blacks never took over South Africa themselves, they were put into power by the (((hello my fellow white people))) gang in Washington DC, New York & London.
They ran the same operation on Rhodesia before they did it to South Africa.

Anonymous No. 16237132

>They ran the same operation on Rhodesia before they did it to South Africa.
and before that they ran it in India and French Indochina

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Anonymous No. 16237224

Even a thousand years ago, non-Europeans were 'racist' against Africans.
Why is everyone picking on Africans?
Africans can not even blame European males for all the racism.

That doomsday clock No. 16237235

Is coffe controlling science?

Anonymous No. 16237262

> e black children of black couples stationed as US in Germany,
Sounds really interesting, any sources avail.?

Anonymous No. 16237273

"Wow, muh racial average IQ!" = communism for midwits.
If you're high-IQ, you're embarrassed to be associated with the average IQ of any race because all the averages are trash.
Sorry, but the difference between /sci/ and other boards is that the /sci/ island state is going to take the rare 150-IQ nog over the kind of 80-IQ gullible redneck faggot who tends to post-max every "insider here" thread on other boards.

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Anonymous No. 16237303

>It still depresses me when black people actually say and admit it.

Probably because you understand at the gut level that such a statment is more or less a cop out on actual reasons for why whites had better results historically.

For instance Modern Europeans basically got lucky they figured out the scientific method first. If East Asians had put more focus on skeptism and less on isolationism they would have figured it out independently or be the ones teaching Europeans instead.

Modern Europeans also got lucky that blacks in Africa were overusing slavery. Unironically if they had not practiced it at such a large level (especially on the western coastal fronts) European development would have crippled due labor issues. Like people actually don't understand that if the slave trade had been attempted on any other front (North , South or East Africa) it would have been problematic either due to logistical issues or Muslims. Look at the modern trade issues in the Red Sea or boating in Namibia to understand the implications.

Even now Europeans are still coasting on mostly luck, they're tripping over themselves from Feminism and Crony Capitalism. Meanwhile Indians who have similar national IQs to a number of Black populations are becoming a global power under European noses in tech and economics because of sheer population numbers. This is not an intelligence play, this a horde play that relies on low income demanding mid intelligence outliers flooding the academic/tech field and hiding their "undesirables" out of sight within India media wise to mark the illusion of a higher civilized front. Same play could easily be done by a country like Nigeria.

bodhi No. 16237407

insider here, you are a massive faggot

bodhi No. 16237411

this is such bizarre levels of cope and delusion it is no wonder brown countries are so corrupt and retarded. They are incapable of accurately assessing reality and cant stop lying to themselves

Anonymous No. 16238136

Tell me which Asian-majority countries are dumb enough to submit to Jewish-controlled Cultural Marxism and parade around trannies and faggots in the streets. Their national average BMIs being the lowest of any developed nations are also indicative of how they arenā€™t gullible to body-positivity bullshit. Donā€™t pretend for one moment whities have anything over the chinks japs and koreans

Anonymous No. 16238540

>Culture is a product of genetics
just an insane assumption. like saying language is a product of genetics

Anonymous No. 16238605

Why are you so convinced of things that are easily proven to be false?
>First, your Armed Forces Qualification Test (AFQT) score determines whether you're eligible to join, and you'll need to score at least 31 to enlist.
>The AFQT score is comprised of [...] Paragraph Comprehension (PC) and Word Knowledge (WK) scores are added together to form the Verbal Expression (VE) score.
Mathematics Knowledge (MK) score
Arithmetic Knowledge (AK) score

The AFQT score is an IQ test and you are required to score a certain minimum. Which if we assume that blacks have a lower aversge IQ than whites would result in a selection bias.

Anonymous No. 16238611

You make it to the top wealth level in an apartheit state as the race to be kept apart by being extremely capable. That's a huge selection bias.

Anonymous No. 16238629

>Europeans figured out the scientific method first.
The scientific method came after Europeans had colonized the world. Europe was a very hostile continent with a great many people fighting over power, land, influence. it was also a trade hub. There are reasons for that but it was more than getting lucky.

>Europe would have run into labour issues without black slaves
That claim lacks any substance. Europe saw strong population growth before and during the time Europeans went out colonizing. Africa hasn't been such a populous continent for very long yet. Black labour was not required. Europeans made use of the pre existing slave trade in plantations in the Americas,but that's about it. There would have been alternatives.

Anonymous No. 16238636

145 IQ here. IQ is bullshit. I know exactly where my intelligence came from - by having my curiosity massively cultivated and encouraged by my educated parents, certain incredible teachers, community, and cultural influences. The wellspring of true intelligence is love of learning, and this can be taught. The problem is that modern miseducational system was designed to condition obedient wage slaves, and our cultural values favor either religious authoritarianism or materialism and self-worship. In poor countries survival mindsets of "grab whatever you can for immediate survival" are conditioned.

Anonymous No. 16238652

>The wellspring of true intelligence is love of learning, and this can be taught.
If you have the brain capable of learning. Hey genius, what genes were active in the parental generation that instilled you with your love of learning?

Anonymous No. 16238657

Robert Plomin says you are retarded

Anonymous No. 16238677

Asking loaded questions in order to try to confirm your own biases is not the spirit of scientific inquiry.
Neither is this.

Anonymous No. 16238686

literal who

Anonymous No. 16238702

>Neither is this.
the irony

Now what is the heritability of intelligence?

Anonymous No. 16238728

Do you have any siblings?

Anonymous No. 16239034

It's not a loadedquestion. Ypu made the claim that true intelligence is environmental. So who provides this environment? The parents for the most part. The genes of the children are active in the parental generation already. This is how genes create their own environment.

Anonymous No. 16239054

Nurture governs the floor. Nature governs the ceiling. Put Tesla in a dark room until he's three and see how smart he becomes. Try to explain Newton's laws to an Hottentot or Australoid.

Anonymous No. 16239070

t. reverse Dunning-KrĆ¼ger sufferer

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Anonymous No. 16239101

Pic related is what youā€™re up against. These people can not think critically.

Anonymous No. 16239184

like leftoids say sex isn't the same as gender but a 5 yr old needs his dick chopped off at the earliest because they decided he is a "girl in a boy's body"

Anonymous No. 16239185

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