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Anonymous No. 16222158

Science proving vegans wrong again

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Anonymous No. 16222167

Why is scavenger behavior so looked upon by human society?

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Anonymous No. 16222198

>Science proving vegans wrong again
what were those humans in the study eating?

Anonymous No. 16222247

NTA those humans scavenged meat

Anonymous No. 16222264

humans invented pointy rocks, we don't need fancy teeth to open up our food

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Anonymous No. 16222316

>Why is scavenger behavior so looked upon by human society?

Probably their poop.

Think of scavenger species as fetid living zombies. From a biological standpoint.

Herbivores consume living plants (usually).
Carnivores consume living meat (usually).

So their experience is not having to deal with decay bacteria and decay microorganisms and decay parasites. But in general, all "eating alive" consumers also ingest the parasites of the organism they devour alive.

Omnivores have more complexity in the guts as they focus on digestion of starches and meat (and usually hair, bone, chitin).

What is a scavenger? The leftovers devourer, the hang around lurkers of predators. As the meat or plant decays (there are plant scavengers, but usually they're insects, worms, birds because the trophic energy is harder to access). The scavengers generally don't kill the prey, they just eat what the main predator or herbivore didn't consume (think of a predator as an ocean wave, the scavenger surfs the peaks & valleys of the predators kills). Scavengers likewise have a vested interest in helping the main predator be more successful as the more the predator eats, the more leftovers exist for them to consume. An exploitative, parasitic-symbiotic zone, like cheerleaders, scouts, bankers, mid-level employees in a retail store, and gravediggers. They don't directly cause death or prosperity, but they benefit strongly from it.

Back to the scavenger poop. Because the scavenger eats decaying meat or decaying plants their guts are filled with coping mechanisms so they aren't poisoned or devoured by the active organisms they consume. Therein, their poop is more fertile for plant growth than other animal poop, but it's easiest for the scavenger to deactivate or "cause sleep" on decay organisms so they don't have to digest them, just crap them out. Therefore, scavenger poop is dangerous for predators or herbivores to step in because it'll be full of waking up parasites & disease.

Anonymous No. 16222349

>humans invented pointy rocks
Yes, and took an absurd amount of time to get to.
I don't think you understand the complexity of what you are talking about, the cognitive leap that is realizing that banging two stones together produces a better stone for any other purpose. In the animal kingdom that an absurd level of genius! It's beyond rare.
Look at chimpanzees, they are almost identical to us in genetic terms, they are unbelievably smarter than most of the fauna anywhere, and there they are, eating leaves, fruits, and bugs, some. Sometimes they gang together and manage to catch a monkey, but they do not feed themselves on that diet, those are unusual events. As advanced as they are compared to anything else around, they still haven't figure that step of associating a tool any tool with a hunt yet.

People think of primitive homo as hunter-gatherers on the prairies of asia, hunting mammoths, or even homo habilis with primitive spears. No! those are already extremely advanced! We spent much, much time in much more primitive forms before that leap occurred. A diet based on meat consumption is a modern "hack" possible only through the advent of technology reliable enough to permit it, and that took countless millennia to reach.

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Anonymous No. 16222358

Why are humans so acidic ?

This would prove that we're scavengers, not omnivores.

Anonymous No. 16222421

Humans have been eating meat for 2.6 million years at a conservative estimate. That's long enough.

Anonymous No. 16222424

Tbh I wish I could be vegan because farming animals feels wrong and so does eating them(at least to me). My own mom tried and developed B12 deficiency though.

Anonymous No. 16222560

ah, but that comparative biology is a bitch
and it shows that we have not yet adapted fully to that dietary hack
finding an ocasional carcass in the sun isn't the same as hunting prey and eating meat several times each day.
Not to mention, frugivores are not vegan animals, they much on bugs, it's just not their dietary basis.

Anonymous No. 16222597

>comparative biology
Humans are compared to chimpanzees and horses but chimpanzees spend 6 to 8 hours per day eating, horses eat 16-18 hours per day eating. Humans are a lot more like carnivores, eating 1-1.5 hours per day.
Humans can be perfectly healthy eating a carnivore (or omnivore) diet, getting every necessary nutrient and mineral from meat, organs and eggs. Humans develop nutritional deficiencies and serious medical conditions eating vegan or vegetarian diets. Vegan or plant/fruit orientated diets are not possible without external supplements outwith plant foods.
>not yet adapted
Humans have adapted to eating meat, developing large relative brains and high intelligence and executive functions from eating meat for millions of years.
Scavenging carcasses has same frequency as eating meat because humans engaged in confrontational scavenging, actively chasing away predators who were eating their fresh kill.
Humans have gone past the stage of frugivores and are no longer frugivores. If you become a fruitarian you will die of malnutrition. Humans are not frugivores. A few bugs or worms do not make up for this.

Anonymous No. 16222639

>Humans are a lot more like carnivores, eating 1-1.5 hours per day.
that's not true. Try eating leaves and fruits only. You'll be eating just like a chimpanzee.
I know so because I do so. The hunger is real when all you ingest is fundamentally water and phytonutrients. Shit, I eat every hour. I stuff myself with low-fat fruits and bags of salads, each time. ALWAYS FUCKING HUNGRY.
Add some beans in the mix, or rice, or cereal, all modern crops, and the hunger subsides for longer.

On the weekends I go to my favorite restaurant and order the largest stake on the menu, rare. Or the largest grilled fish slab they have.
That suffs me for the entire day if I have it for lunch.

Do you understand?

We eat so artificially that we don't even realize just how out of the basis we started from.

>Humans can be perfectly healthy eating a carnivore (or omnivore) diet
Sure they are, in the short to medium term. In the long run you'll begin to deal with heart and circulatory problems, and random cancers popping up here and there. Problems that tribal African people, who eat much less meat than people on an western diet do, do not have to deal with, for example.

>not yet adapted
Fully!: we have already forced some crude adaptations in our digestive tracks and metabolism by force-feeding ourselves a diet of meat in more recent millennia. But to claim that humans were evolved to eat meat as regularly as actual evolved omnivores, or even carnivores... Nah, sorry. Does not compute in any way.

Anonymous No. 16222641

>Scavenging carcasses has same frequency as eating meat because humans engaged in confrontational scavenging, actively chasing away predators who were eating their fresh kill.
Possibly, but you're already referring to an advanced evolutionary activity. And, again, you're assuming that carcasses fall about every day for you to eat, with lions roaming about preying you group, and we could just scare them away with ease, to the point that they could count on it as a basis for survival. Nope.
Our primordial ancestors were not in the savannah, we were in the jungle, and we inched our way oit of there, slowly, with tools, a tremendous cognitive achievement, by all stands, even the most basic of them.

Anonymous No. 16222677

So everybody needs to eat meat including you in order to feel satisfied and satiated.

Long run heart and circulatory problems are from eating refined sugars, simple carbs and inflammatory oils from the modern industrial diet. Foods that tribal indigenous people do not eat. Eating plant based or fruit based diets will give you malnutrition and serious medical conditions which show humans are no longer adapted to being plant based or frugivores.

The only crude adaptions in digestive tracks is eating plants, which do not fully digest, ferment and ruminate in the human gut unlike in true herbivores and leave huge amounts of calories and nutrients undigested and straight through excrement, something true herbivores manage to fully digest.

Active confrontational scavenging is for 2.6 million years. Passive scavenging with what you can find is for even longer before that.

Anonymous No. 16222681

4million years at the bare minimum as the overwhelming majority of our diet, but before that we ate meat too, chimps eat meat once a week

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Anonymous No. 16222690

Fuck off you ignorant moron. This is not a place for brainwashed idiots like you.

Anonymous No. 16222730

4chan actually does a pretty good job of deprogramming many brainwashing victims

Anonymous No. 16222854

4chan made me vegan.

Anonymous No. 16222927

All animals eat meat when they get the opportunity to do so

Anonymous No. 16223062

sure does go a long way towards explaining why aged meats are so much more popular than fresh

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Anonymous No. 16223233


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Anonymous No. 16223376

>uses a picture of a chimp with the smallest canine teeth one can find
>implies herbivores see in full colour scale when nearly all are colour blind like nearly all non-primate mammals
>implies omnivores don’t have much lateral or forward mobility for chewing when that’s present in all ungulate omnivores
>ignores the fact that omnivory is a spectrum with pandas on one end and wolves on the other
There are a shitload of inaccuracies in that image. Most of that comparative anatomy is not based on diet, but phylogeny. Pigs are omnivores but would share nearly all the same traits in that chart with a horse as they’re both ungulates, the same goes for an omnivorous bear sharing most traits with a carnivorous lion as they’re both ferans. You can’t just go “but teeth flat not pointy”. Picrel
>Sometimes they gang together and manage to catch a monkey, but they do not feed themselves on that diet, those are unusual events
It’s not unusual at all. In some places the hunting of colobus monkeys by chimps has been so extreme they’ve caused a decline in colobus populations. It’s a favoured food for them
Scavenger and omnivore aren’t mutually exclusive terms

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Anonymous No. 16223410

Stop watching gay ass porn.

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Anonymous No. 16223734

Anonymous No. 16223869

People compared gut length with body length, but included legs for people, but not for anything else. What makes the digestive tracts different is that carnivores have massive stomachs, which is why a typical cat can easily devour an entire atlantic mackarel.

Anonymous No. 16223915

I never understood the cats liking fish meme. They're terrestrial predators, their favorite food should be terrestrial animals.

Anonymous No. 16224199

>So everybody needs to eat meat including you in order to feel satisfied and satiated.
Not necessarily meat: minimal animal protein for vitamin B12. It can be a worm here and there, a crawling bug when you spot one. The ocasional frog you grab on the shore of a lake, a lizard you somehow managed to grasp. Get it?


Not even herbivores are vegans: as they eat grass, they are eating bugs, tiny insects on the leaves of plants, etc.
100% veganism is a modern theoretical concept.

Anonymous No. 16224205

>minimal animal protein for vitamin B12
not to mention that chlorella, which contains a vitamin B-12 variant, is native to freshwaters in various regions around the world, but it is particularly abundant in tropical and subtropical regions.
What this means is, that if our ancestors huing out by, and drank water from ponds and lakes, they were getting that B-12 as well, so they did not need to eat tremendous amounts of animals to maintain a functioning level of B-12.

Think about it: if an animal cannot manufacture a nutrient that is ESSENTIAL to its health, that nutrient must be EASILY obtainable and abundant where they live.

As you may know, vegetables, fruits, and tubers contain all amino acids. And they contain a tremendous cocktail of vitamins as well. If regular pond/lake water, and some small animals contains B-12. Your hominim is fairly nourished. No need to go hunting.

Anonymous No. 16224259

>chimps eat leaves and fruits and bugs sometimes ig lol
Chimps eat a ton of fruit, but they also literally rip whole monkeys apart and eat their flesh consistently, they are omnivores like us, which makes sense given they're our closest living relative, why would we independently develop into frugivores? No stable isotope studies on any of our ancestors post LCA indicate there was a shift toward frugivory since the LCA split, and we know chimps are omnivores, so our LCA was very likely also an omnivore. How many million years does our lineage need to be an omnivore before you consider it "natural"?

Anonymous No. 16224502

>they also literally rip whole monkeys apart and eat their flesh consistently
>they are omnivores

"meat makes up less than 2% of their diet"
"meat makes up less than 2% of their diet"
"meat makes up less than 2% of their diet"
"meat makes up less than 2% of their diet"


Anonymous No. 16224503


and again:

Anonymous No. 16224618

Human weren't just carnivores, they also scavenged carcasses. Compared to the animal kingdom, human digestive system is almost hyena or vulture tier. My head canon is that humans used traps extensively. When they came back to them afterwards, the prey was caught and was, let's say, already "fermenting".

Anonymous No. 16224828

>Our results support behavioral observations of high levels of meat eating among male chimpanzees
>Our results support behavioral observations of high levels of meat eating among male chimpanzees
>Our results support behavioral observations of high levels of meat eating among male chimpanzees

Anonymous No. 16224867

there would be whales that evolved from cats if cats really liked eating fish that much

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Anonymous No. 16225117

>Be me
>Eat meat
>Eat vegetables
>Eat fruit
>Eat fungi
>Peak male performance
>Mfw some onions infused skinny fat purple haired troon tries to lecture me on dieting

Anonymous No. 16225130

to be fair this thread is about VEGANISM. Veganism implies 0% meat in the diet. This thread is not about carnivorism, which implies 100% (or very close to) meat on diet.

Anonymous No. 16225157

Avoiding reliance on the system is seen as "cool" and "edgy"

Anonymous No. 16225226

Based, EMBRVCE TRVDITION and take the carrion pill

Anonymous No. 16225248

>literally evolved to eat out of a dumpster
Dumpsterchads confirmed as superior

Anonymous No. 16225258

you have never dined on fresh kill, you probably don't even eat whats in the butcher shop or grocery store raw. maybe you ate some sushi.

Anonymous No. 16225315

>you have never dined on fresh kill,
I know, I only enjoy the finest rotting carcasses

Anonymous No. 16225396

>vegoid posts the retarded chart again

Anonymous No. 16225406

how do we explain histamine intolerance?

Anonymous No. 16225413

>contain all amino acids.
this argument is invalidated partially by the balance and optimal supply problem since aa ratios actually matter

Anonymous No. 16225635

yes but:

Anonymous No. 16225639


Anonymous No. 16225648

>to be fair
the person who wrote this shit:
>eat their flesh consistently
should acknowledge they were wrong.

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Anonymous No. 16225669

I agree we are closest in diet to chimps however chimps love to eat meat they will do so any chance they can. They will even go on organized hunts for small deer, pigs and their favorite; smaller monkeys.

Anonymous No. 16225671

>some adult males
SOME, in a study in TaĂŻ TaĂŻ National Park
>Variation in hunting behavior and meat consumption has been observed between populations
>The chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes verus) of the Taï National Park, Côte d’Ivoire, are known to be some of the most specialized chimpanzee hunters
So, there appears to be a group of freak males that have taken a liking to hunting, in that specific area, not representative of an entire species. Probably on their way towards speciation, given enough time. There you go, a small, geographically-specific niche group is starting to specialize, just like hominins did.
But what is the basic animal? A FRUGIVORE!
FFS, why is this so fucking hard for you to understand?

Anonymous No. 16225673

(this is actually pretty cool, thanks)

Anonymous No. 16225690

no the chart is crap and has been ripped apart countless times, yet you still post it which just goes to show you only care about pushing ideology

Anonymous No. 16225708

If they have consistent access to meat they will eat it though. The point of this weird debate is that you're projecting the natural dietary capacities of chimps onto us, but it's very easily demonstrated that chimps are both biomechanically able to, and willing to eat meat. If the appeal to chimp (new logical fallacy lol) argument hinges on us being frugivores because we are biomechanically similar to chimps, yet chimps in their natural state are perfectly fine, capable, and adapted to eating meat, then based on the appeal to chimp so are we

Anonymous No. 16225716

>There you go, a small, geographically-specific niche group is starting to specialize, just like hominins did
So you concede that hominins speciated from their chimp ancestor by changing from the frugivore diet, great, thanks.

Anonymous No. 16225729

That's nice, but I'm just gonna keep eating plants is all.

Anonymous No. 16225733

Everybody gets to eat what they want! Sounds perfect.

Anonymous No. 16225755

Funny you should mention that. When I "transitioned" to Veganism (but I'm not opposed to honey or eating eggs) my rules were:
>I would stop if I noticed any degradation in physical performance (I have only become stronger)
>I would not become a militant "activist". Those people are very annoying, and I'm not even sure that a plant-based diet is something all people could manage.

Otherwise I don't care. You can be an unhealthy vegan just as you can be an unhealthy meat eater, but it probably does take more effort to be vegan the correct way.

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Anonymous No. 16227278

You glom on to the fantasy that plants aren't alive or conscious because that lie powers your absurd vegan sanctimony

Anonymous No. 16227503

We are scavengers. We used to use pointy rocks to extract bone marrow from carcasses before the invention of fire.

Anonymous No. 16227656

>appeal to chimp

Anonymous No. 16228772

>meat makes up less than 2% of their diet
2% by mass maybe, but much more when measured by calorie count or nutrient content

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16229663

Why nutrients? It contains iron, that makes you brain damaged.

I get it, you are the only thinking people, but others dominated, because their 'instinct' serwed them way too well, so you had to do something, and your awareness is lacking enough to not notice the absolute catastrophe that we now live in.

Anonymous No. 16229664

Why nutrients? It contains iron, that makes you brain damaged.

I get it, you are the only thinking people, but others dominated, because their 'instinct' served them way too well, so you had to do something, and your awareness is lacking enough to not notice the absolute catastrophe that we now live in.

Anonymous No. 16229677

That guy never said anything about iron?

Anonymous No. 16229696

ice age'd do that to yah

Anonymous No. 16229808

But he obviously does mean it. The way it fucks up your brain.

You could imagine the mind of a schizo like one of those modern card games. Let's say you have frost cards, that can modify other cards, such as there is a frozen loop card, that can split a building card into two identical buildings, both with halved stats, which allows some clever tactics with the rest of game mechanics.
Now the frost cards are tools, and frozen loops are scissors and building cards are sheets of paper, and the scissors can split an existing sheets of paper into two, each half of the size. And that is the kind of understanding the schizo has. He refuses to accept such bullshit such as that scissors could be used to cut other things, that the paper isn't necessarily cut into two exactly same halves, or that it actually isn't possible to cut a printed page into two duplicated copies with scissors, unless it was printed with that intention in mind.

And so the schizo sees himself as the expert player, who is coming up with utterly brilliant tactics in the game, but other refuse to listen.
He may even try to come up with new cards that would make the game easier, but others refuse to use it.
So he goes to some known expert players, but others refuse to listen. So in his frustration, he comes with methods to test their intelligence, but to his horror, they don't seem to understand the game at all. They can't tell, for example, that stables, castle and snowstorm, the snowstorm is the odd one out, because it isn't a building card. They in fact have no concepys of card types, or the rules at all! They are just unthinking animals, who play the game through some inborn instinct! Now it all makes sense to him. There must have been some kind of cognitive nreakthrough that allows him to think for real, unlike all the others. So, let's get rid of the dumb beast, so that us, the smart people, can reach the stars! (thry're dumb animals anyway, their lives don't matter!)

Anonymous No. 16230797

>Mfw some onions infused skinny fat purple haired troon tries to lecture me on dieting
they all need to by on psychiatric medication to cope with the enormous discrepancies between what they witness in IRL compared to irrational the worldviews they were brainwashed with

Anonymous No. 16230814

Iron is a nutrient and does not fuck up your brain. I personally had vegan family members develop health issues because they were deficient in iron and refused to eat foods with a lot of bioavailable iron. You also sound more schizo than anyone in this thread.

Anonymous No. 16231113

Everyone who has their head far enough up their own ass to make wall of text posts that big is on drugs that exacerbate their narcissistic delusions of intellectual superiority.
Imagine believing you're so brilliant, insightful and interesting that people will gladly read your long winded, self indulgent delusional word salad.

Anonymous No. 16231568

>exacerbate their narcissistic delusions of intellectual superiority.
>long winded, self indulgent delusional word salad.
I wonder if the irony is lost.

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Anonymous No. 16231651

>I wonder if the irony is lost.
Not much because he gets plenty of red meat on his diet

Anonymous No. 16231669

What health issues? We are told to eat it because the schizos rule sciences, and probably noticed that people high in iron are schizos as well.
It's long as it needs to be. >>16229664 didn't seem to be sufficient.

Anonymous No. 16231696

Feeling weak, lethargic and wounds not healing properly

Anonymous No. 16231726

I remember when PETA had an FAQ on their website that said
>humans do not have an acidic stomach to digest meat

Anonymous No. 16231763

Steak & eggs is the absolute king of all breakfasts.

Anonymous No. 16232122

Maybe you aren't supposed to flap around all the time like schizos do.

Anonymous No. 16232127

These anti-vegan threads are just cope threads for amerifats who want to feel better about being disgusting.

Anonymous No. 16232207

>tfw nutted but he still succin

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Anonymous No. 16233792

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Anonymous No. 16234173

why do vegans think any of these infographs matter?
you're craving animal foods 24/7 but deny yourself the pleasure because you think it's verboten all the while not realizing it's not just pleasure it's your body begging for nutrition
discomfort, pain, hunger, displeasure etc are all negative emotions you should avoid feeling at all times, that's why they dont feel good
have you ever stopped to consider your own wellbeing or perhaps that is also forbidden? only other animals matter but you are supposed to suffer? why?
I sincerely hope you feel comfortable leaving veganism at any time if you should be inclined, and that you are not afraid of being shunned from your social group should you do so
I wish you well

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Anonymous No. 16234184

>>humans invented pointy rocks
>Yes, and took an absurd amount of time to get to.
>I don't think you understand the complexity of what you are talking about, the cognitive leap that is realizing that banging two stones together produces a better stone for any other purpose. In the animal kingdom that an absurd level of genius! It's beyond rare.
so we ate toxic plants instead? and we ate them raw because if you thought pointy rock was a leap, you cant possibly believe we were making fires for cooking
have you ever eaten raw plants for breakfast, lunch and dinner? do remember that 99% of what you buy in the store today didnt exist back then, we have cultivated the fruits and plants we eat today to be somewhat edible
please go out and pick leaves and vegetation and feed yourself for even 1 day on that alone and report back please
>A diet based on meat consumption is a modern "hack" possible only through the advent of technology reliable enough to permit it, and that took countless millennia to reach.
>see animal, kill it, eat it
>see predator eating animal, wait for it to leave, eat the scraps
theres nothing complicated about this
it's your vegan wet dream that requires a substantial amount of mental gymnastics to ever have been possible for our ancestors to live off of
veganism literally would not be possible today unless it was for modern human inventions
veganism is a modern hack
you're part of a cult

Anonymous No. 16234194

Nice drivel, retard.

Anonymous No. 16234381

What did the australian aboriginal's diet look like?

Anonymous No. 16234441

Plants aren't toxic. Phytic acid prevents cancer. Plants are incredibly beneficial. High fat diet and fatty meats are unnatural. Game animals are lean. Fats kill you and make you fat. High starch high plant diet increases test. Oynions and garlic increase test, LH, FSH. All of this is well documented.

Anonymous No. 16234448

Why do humans have a narrow range of pH while other animals have larger ranges? I'm guessing it's due to the variation in diet among herbivores? But don't they consume the same plants?

Anonymous No. 16234450

ND you don't see a problem with this?

Anonymous No. 16234473

The point of an analogy is to clarify and highlight something specific. Not to obfuscate and ramble like a fucking schizo. I have no clue what you just wrote, and just so you know I don't even know the position of the person you are arguing with. I just think you're a retard

Nothing ever happens No. 16234493

wtf is a scavenger diet?

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Anonymous No. 16234494


Anonymous No. 16234637

>Plants aren't toxic.
Wrong, here is an introduction:
>High fat diet and fatty meats are unnatural.
Even if they are unnatural, it would be a appeal to nature fallacy
>Game animals are lean.
This includes all kinds of fatty fish.
>Fats kill you and make you fat.
Fats are essential to human life and diets trying to eliminate fats do not work.

So many lies and errors in this shill's post.

Anonymous No. 16234670

>Sure they are, in the short to medium term. In the long run you'll begin to deal with heart and circulatory problems, and random cancers popping up here and there.
Those are problems of overabundance of food sources and a severe lack of physical activity. Nobody eats like our ancestors did. We have access to highly processed foods with more salt and we combine it all with lots of carbs.

We have many examples of peoples with animal protein based diets doing exceptionally well compared to the agrarian cultures around them. The Germans (pasteuralism, hunting and pig herding), the Vikings (fishing amd hunting), the Mongols (hunting and pasteuralism). All these cultures were described by the agrarians as comparatively large and physically capable. Archeological sources check out too, as the Romans for example had a lot more civilizational sicknesses and ailments to deal with.

The whole point that not enough time has passed for us to evolve our digestive system to do fine on animal food sources only is stupid. Evolution can happen extremely quickly.

Anonymous No. 16234673

NTA but your chart is just as biased and wrong as the one you replied to.
At a glance, it's completely wrong about the human colon and cellulose and bacterial flora.
>Humans have intestinal bacteria that degrade the plant cell walls in herbivores

Anonymous No. 16234675

The Germanic tribes of pre-Christian europe and the vikings were agrarian AND pastoral. They grew oats, barley, & wheat.
>The Lloyds Bank coprolite is a large coprolite, or fossilised specimen of human faeces, recovered by the York Archaeological Trust while excavating the 9th century Viking settlement of JĂłrvĂ­k (present-day York) in northern England.
>Analysis of the stool has indicated that its producer subsisted largely on meat and bread, despite evidence suggesting that other people at the same place and time had access to fruits, leeks, shellfish, and nuts.

Anonymous No. 16234693

>pre-Christian Europe
>9th century
Your source does not support your claim at all.

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Anonymous No. 16234698

"The Germanic tribes of pre-Christian europe" and "the vikings" were listed in that syntax for a reason.
But yes bro yes, you're right, Northern Europeans only discovered agriculture between 0AD and 800AD
>This paper presents new insights into the appearance of agriculture at the north-western edge of Europe, focussing on archaeobotanical evidence from Neolithic Ireland (4000–2500 cal BC). Previous studies were based upon a limited plant macro-remains dataset, as much of the Irish evidence is unpublished. A research project, 'Cultivating Societies', was implemented to examine the nature, timing and extent of agricultural activity in Neolithic Ireland through collation and analysis of different strands of published and unpublished archaeological and environmental evidence, with a particular focus on plant macro-remains, pollen, settlement and 14C data.

>Cereals were present at many locations and site types, sometimes in large quantities and most often at sites dating to the earlier Neolithic (3750–3600 cal BC). Emmer wheat was the dominant crop, at least at this time. Other crops included naked and hulled barley, naked wheat, einkorn wheat and flax. Analysis of arable weeds indicates that early plots were not managed under a shifting cultivation regime, which has new implications for understanding Neolithic settlement practises and how communities engaged with landscapes. The variety of crops cultivated in Neolithic Ireland is similar to that in Britain, reflecting a decreasing diversity in crop types as agriculture spread from south-east to north-west Europe.

Anonymous No. 16234734

Class: Scavenger
+4 resist to food poisoning
+4 heartburn

Anonymous No. 16234837

>The point of an analogy is to clarify and highlight something specific.
That's how I used it.
>Not to obfuscate and ramble like a fucking schizo.
It's a dificult topic, I can't explain it better.

Anonymous No. 16234843

thats meat tho

Anonymous No. 16234844

>Fats are essential to human life and diets trying to eliminate fats do not work.
The body can synthesize the fats it needs, including a polyunsaturated fatty acid if those are not available in diet.

Anonymous No. 16235414

Every ancient people were omnivorous. What they differed on was how much of their calories came from animals.

>Germanic tribes of pre Christian Europe
>9th century
>Viking settlement
>northern England
>subsisted on meat and bread anyway

>despite other people in his settlement having had access to leeks, nuts and fruits
Wait, do these scientists think the guy who took the shit literally only ate meat and bread? Or that every meal always incorporates all available food sources?

Anonymous No. 16235965


Anonymous No. 16236663

>Game animals are lean.
no they aren't
every animal get fat if it has lots of food available, not just humans

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Anonymous No. 16236760

Anonymous No. 16237237

>Why are humans so acidic ?
We're not. Stomach PH varies dramatically with diet, time of day, and time since eating. People with agendas cherry pick the PH value they want to "prove" we're either carnivores or herbivores, despite there being zero ambiguity and zero doubt that we are omnivores.

Anonymous No. 16237241

>Problems that tribal African people, who eat much less meat than people on an western diet do, do not have to deal with, for example.
Also problems that tribal African people who eat much more meat than a people on a western diet do, do not have to deal with. Rather inconvenient for you.

Anonymous No. 16237244

There is zero evidence for any so called essential fat. Don't respond to nonsense with more nonsense.
>High fat diet and fatty meats are unnatural.
>Fats kill you and make you fat
Just polyunsaturated fat.
>High starch high plant diet increases test
Yes. Beef, milk and potatoes is an ideal diet.

Anonymous No. 16237938

And beer?

Anonymous No. 16238043

No, too estrogenic. If you want to get drunk, stick to liquor. If you want a drink, stick to fruit juice or milk.

Anonymous No. 16238459

agriculture was invented as a means of growing food to feed herds of livestock during winter, not for growing food to feed people directly

Anonymous No. 16238669

Eh, that sounds far fetched. Growing specialised animal feed is unnecessary with small herds. At their population density our ancestors certainly had enough land for their herds.

Agriculture likely came from gathering. Wild wheat for example was a very valuable food source to our ancestors as you can gather a years worth supply in relatively short order and the grain lasts for a long, long while without spoiling.

Anonymous No. 16238850


Anonymous No. 16239209

>oy vey nobody has ever cherry picked data before you are crazy you bad goy!

Anonymous No. 16239984

dont know about this but it's definitely not human food and there's no reason to be eating any of it if you live in the western (rich) part of the world
literally just eat animal foods for breakfast, lunch and dinner and you'll be healthier than every other bot who thinks you have to eat cereal for breakfast because uh.... you just have to ok????

Anonymous No. 16240001

>the stuff we have eaten constantly for thousands of years is actually not food and its bad so don't eat it because reasons!1111
Meatgans are just as retarded and gay as vegans.

Anonymous No. 16240049

my mistake, what kind of nutrients are there in cereal?

Anonymous No. 16240053

Read the label, retard.

Anonymous No. 16241788

>thousands of years
not a significant span of time in terms of evolution and its only some people who've been eating the goyslop diet. even in nations that consume a lot of grains it was always only the lower classes that were eating them, the upper classes always lived off a more nutritious diet that was mostly meat.

Anonymous No. 16241892

>not a significant span of time in terms of evolution
So? We're not talking about evolution, we're talking about the effect of grain consumption. Thousands of years of eating it with no health problems means the health problems <75IQ ketards try to attribute to it are clearly not caused by it.
>the upper classes always lived off a more nutritious diet that was mostly meat.
This is fairy tale nonsense ketards tell because there is no evidence to support their idiocy.

Anonymous No. 16242213

>Thousands of years of eating [grains] with no health problems
Except we can prove that man had lots of health problems caused by a grain heavy diet. The teeth and bones that remain tell their stories.

Anonymous No. 16242240

That's an outeight lie, Romans didn't have such problems, and their diet was grain heavy.

Anonymous No. 16242418

>Except we can prove
No, you can repeat that stupiid meatgan fairy tale. You can't prove it, because there is zero evidence to support it.

Anonymous No. 16242513

>stubborn plant based advocate cant fathom that he is the one being manipulated
many such cases >>16234184

Anonymous No. 16242569

<beef and potatoes is an ideal base for a diet
Holy fuck meatgans are retarded.
>muh price!11111
Yeah, he was a retarded dentist who cherry picked data to fit his hypothesis. The effect he observed in teeth and jaws is purely due to chewing hard foods.

Anonymous No. 16242583

Plants can feel pain, plants literally scream when they're hurt. Plants are no different from animals.

Anonymous No. 16243117

>a grain heavy diet
That was just their slave's diets

Anonymous No. 16243191

The Roman food was grain based in the same way Asian cuisine is rice based. They do everything to eat anything but rice.

Romans ate grains, legumes, garum (fish sauce) and olive oil. Additionally they ate a lot of regionaly sourced foods, amongst those were a lot of animal products. Regional because those couldn't be easily transported.

Rome imported a lot of grain from Egypt because free food was a form of welfare and pleb control.

Anyone with money supplemented their diet with a variety of foods. Legionairies for example spend so much on fine dining that their forts became trade hubs.

Oh and
>Eventually, the trend toward shorter stature reversed, and average heights for most populations began increasing. The trend is especially notable in the developed world during the past 75 years, following the industrialization of food systems.
I.e. once meat became widely available.

Anonymous No. 16243208

>I.e. once meat became widely available.
No, once a wider variety of food was available. Nutritional deficiencies caused by over reliance on a single crop was the problem pointed out in your link, lying faggot.

Anonymous No. 16243216

>on a single crop
Why do you post things that are so easily proven false?

> "But early agriculturalists experienced nutritional deficiencies and had a harder time adapting to stress, probably because they became dependent on particular food crops, rather than having a more significantly diverse diet."

Dependent on particular food crops - plural. As opposed to a significantly more diverse diet, which means hunting and foraging. Hunter-gatherers eat mostly animal foods.

>No, once a wider variety of food was available.
Our ancestors had a wide selection of plant foods available to them. What was new in the 20th century was that the proportion of people that could afford daily meat consumption grew so large.

Anonymous No. 16243247

>Dependent on particular food crops - plural
Multiple populations, multiple staple crops you fucking retard. That literally says exactly what I said.
>What was new in the 20th century was that the proportion of people that could afford daily meat consumption grew so large.
That was not new at all. Even now people eat less meat than medieval peasants did.

Anonymous No. 16243283

You either think a given ancient population only grew one kind of crop or you are not genuine. Either way you are a waste of oxygen.

Google the founder crops.

>medieval peasants ate more meat than we do today
Medieval Europe spans a thousand years and a very diverse continent. Such a claim is useless by its very scope.

Also, I would like to remind you that this thread is about veganism. As veganism is per definition a very restricted, far less diverse diet, all mypoints stand in regards to veganism.

Anonymous No. 16243311

>ok so I have absolutely no argument but I am still right because reasons

Anonymous No. 16243387

>As you may know, vegetables, fruits, and tubers contain all amino acids. And they contain a tremendous cocktail of vitamins as well.
if only it were possible to fact check this statement by sampling any collection of common edible plants using public databases like '' or some such

Anonymous No. 16243443

>not to mention that chlorella, which contains a vitamin B-12 variant
No, it doesn't. Stop repeating that nonsense, you are risking people's health if they believe you.
>Think about it: if an animal cannot manufacture a nutrient that is ESSENTIAL to its health, that nutrient must be EASILY obtainable and abundant where they live.
It is, it is in all meat.

Anonymous No. 16243693

No it wasn't, and the lack of bad teeth appears to have been universal.
You won't willingly eat tgat much meat unless you are heavily used to do so. Try going vegan or vegetarian for a while, even if you go back, yiu will eat very little, as you actually begin to recognize the distaste for it.
Malnutrition fucks up the hormones, and leads to gigantism, which seems unexpected, but it appears to be so.
The typical male height has been around 165cm for millions of years.

Anonymous No. 16243797

I gave you a link and quoted a sentence you misconstructed to mean something different. The link between agriculturalism and civilization sicknesses is well documented.

>You won't eat that much meat unless reasons
Pretty much every culture on the planet is eating meat and animal products as often as they can get their hands on it. A general distaste for meat does not exist in humans. Of course if you follow the vegan phrasing and psyche yourself up thinking of meat as rotten carcasses or dead flesh you train such a distaste in yourself. It's not natural in humans though and an equal disgust reaction would be created if you began calling all vegetables as compost.

>Malnutrition, typical male height around 165cm
Some very healthy populations grew taller than that on a diet that was heavily meat, milk and/or fish focused.

Consider also that many plant food sources are only viable to humans because of processing and cooking while pretty much every animal part safe for the bones, hides and fecal matter filled intestines are viable to eat on a fresh kill. Parasites are a problem that can be accounted for during butchering just as you'd toss rotten or infested produce during harvest.

Furthermore if you read up on the history of our ancestors such as the Indo-Europeans you quickly come to realise that for millennia before the advent of agriculture the human diet consisted of mostly animal products. Because there were two options for prehistoric people. Nomads followong around herds (of horses in Eurasia) supplemented by convenient forage. Or settling in a fertile place in the wetlands that offers various food sources all year which includes by necessity many fish, water fowl, game amd migratory species.

A heavily plant based diet before agriculture would have only been possible in a place of year-round abundance. But such a place would also be heavily frequented by all kinds of animals.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16243864

Pretty much every culture on the planet is eating meat and animal products as often as they can get their hands on it.
Most cultures had to be taught to eat it. Indians are the last left out, but it was the global norm. Meat was aten sparsely even in Europe until the great depression.

>A general distaste for meat does not exist in humans.
You just can't stomach that much unless you're prevented from noticing by a meat with evwry dish diet. You revert to the pre depression pattern of eating once a week or so or similar in limited amount.

>Consider also that many plant food sources are only viable to humans because of processing and cooking while pretty much every animal part safe for the bones, hides and fecal matter filled intestines are viable to eat on a fresh kill.
That's totally in reverse, most people have no problem eating almost any edible plant raw, and it is safe to do so except for certain legumes and dry grains. Fungi are a mixed bag, and few people would be willing to eat animals raw, except perhaps for some seafood and fish.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16243865

>Pretty much every culture on the planet is eating meat and animal products as often as they can get their hands on it.
Most cultures had to be taught to eat it. Indians are the last left out, but it was the global norm. Meat was aten sparsely even in Europe until the great depression.
> A general distaste for meat does not exist in humans.
You just can't stomach that much unless you're prevented from noticing by a meat with every dish diet. You revert to the pre depression pattern of eating once a week or so or similar in limited amount.
>Consider also that many plant food sources are only viable to humans because of processing and cooking while pretty much every animal part safe for the bones, hides and fecal matter filled intestines are viable to eat on a fresh kill.
That's totally in reverse, most people have no problem eating almost any edible plant raw, and it is safe to do so except for certain legumes and dry grains. Fungi are a mixed bag, and few people would be willing to eat animals raw, except perhaps for some seafood and fish.

Anonymous No. 16243874

>Pretty much every culture on the planet is eating meat and animal products as often as they can get their hands on it.
Most cultures had to be taught to eat it. Indians are the last left out, but it was the global norm. Meat was aten sparsely even in Europe until the great depression.
>A general distaste for meat does not exist in humans.
You just can't stomach that much unless you're prevented from noticing by a meat with every dish diet. You revert to the pre depression pattern of eating it once a week or so or similar in limited amount.
>Consider also that many plant food sources are only viable to humans because of processing and cooking while pretty much every animal part safe for the bones, hides and fecal matter filled intestines are viable to eat on a fresh kill.
That's totally in reverse, most people have no problem eating almost any edible plant raw, and it is safe to do so except for certain legumes and dry grains. Fungi are a mixed bag, and few people would be willing to eat animals raw, except perhaps for some seafood and fish.
We can't even smell animals all that well, we adopted dogs to help us, but we can smell plants and fungi just fine.

Anonymous No. 16243904

>Most cultures had to be taught to eat meat.
Incongruent with reality. Seriously, taught by whom? When? How and why?

>You just can't stomach that much unless you're prevented from noticing by a meat with every dish diet.
Baseless conjecture unsubstantiated by any facts. Lots of people happily consume some sort of animal product daily. People want variety, so they naturally switch up their diet. Which is also true for plant foods.

>most people have no problem eating almost any edible plant raw
You say this and think of all the vegetables and fruits we can eat raw. Those are only available when in season and typically keep for a short time only. That is not a viable basis for a human diet. The plants we can not eat raw are responsible for most of our plant based caloric intake. Also, modern vegetables have been highly selected to be easily digestible by humans. Consuming plants was a far more challenging process to our ancestors than it is for us. Conversely meat has gone through no changes in texture or smell across all these millennia and did not have to be bred to lose toxicity. People still enjoy wild caught animals even.
That most people don't eat freshly butchered and raw meat is true. But the share of people with access to such meat is tiny. Many people do eat raw animal products though. Fresh milk, eggs, beef tatare, fish, even raw pork is eaten. All of these are widespread examples from affluent western nations. Not some tribal stickpickers.

In conclusion. Dude, eat some eggs. You need the cholesterol for your brain to function properly.

Anonymous No. 16243923

>We can't even smell animals all that well, we adopted dogs to help us, but we can smell plants and fungi just fine.
The fuck? Animals have a strong odor. We can definitely smell it. Problem is that animals move around and clean themselves which spreads their smell. But you definitely can smell them. Ever been close to a dog? We can't track game with our noses alone, which is where dogs come in. But we can also not track a sweet smelling ananas rolling down a hill by our sense of smell either.

Also, what the fuck are you even arguing? That we are not meat eaters because you have never even been in a room with an animal?

Anonymous No. 16243967

>Incongruent with reality. Seriously, taught by whom? When? How and why?
All civilized cultures ate primarily either grains or ocassionaly tubers as their main staple with very minimal amounts of meat, or no meat at all.

The majority of planrs is edible raw, and safe to do so (even potaties I believe, they only don't taste good) only very few plants contain toxins that need to be destroyed by cooking. Most grains are simply to tough to be eaten when ripe and dry, but can be eaten fresh or sprouted. The thing that can make vegetables unsafe raw is fertilizing with raw sewage, but we have no trouble eating plants otherwise. There have been no major improvements with breeding, on the contrary, the edibility was degraded in favor of transportability and shelf life.
What smells can you buy? Pine? Lemon? Cinbamon? Perhaps mint, or banana? You don't see cow, squirrel, mink, or sheep.

Anonymous No. 16243974

>I gave you a link and quoted a sentence you misconstructed to mean something different.
That was the previous post, which I addressed. You really suck at this.

Anonymous No. 16244098

>All civilized cultures ate primarily either grains or ocassionaly tubers as their main staple with very minimal amounts of meat, or no meat at all.
Incongruent with reality.

1. Civilized cultures came to be long before agriculture.
2. No ancient people did not eat meat. Humans need B12 to life and baring modern supplements the only sources for B12 are animals. If ancient people met their B12 needs with milk and eggs they also ate the meat of their herdes.

>majority of plants are edible raw
The majority of modern agricultural plants. Not what these ancient people would have eaten. Majority only by number of species, not by share of calories or harvest.
>potatoes can be eaten raw
Then why aren't they? Because our bodies are really not suited to do so and have a hard time absorbing nutrients from plants without cooking.

>very few plants contain toxins that need to be destroyed by cooking
Modern crop plants don't. Pne example, wild carrots can easily upset ones stomach.

>There have been no major improvements with breeding
Just false. Many plants have become sweeter, produce more per harvest, are easier to eat and easier to grow. This domestication started long before modern targeted breeding was used to improve shelf life and transportation.

>What smells can you buy?
You also can't buy Pajeet armpit. That doesn't mean you can't smell Pajeets.

Animal smells have been important ingredients in many perfumes. Look up musk and ambra. Or go to a zoo.

>>16243208 is what you said. You turned a reliance on crops -plural- into a reliance on a singular crop.

Word of advice, take the loss.

Anonymous No. 16244128

>You turned a reliance on crops -plural- into a reliance on a singular crop.
We already did this one, DaQueefrius. Multiple peoples -> multiple staple crops.
>Word of advice, take the loss.
Word of advice, pawn the iphones you steal instead of trying to use them to play human.

Anonymous No. 16244166

>1. Civilized cultures came to be long before agriculture.
What is your definition of civilized?
>2. No ancient people did not eat meat. Humans need B12 to life and baring modern supplements the only sources for B12 are animals.
Be ause there is no cobalt. Even the animals that you eat needs supplements today. That wouldn't be the case in history. Even those who did eat meat onky ate a little. Modern diet is extremely abnormal. In fact the gene that causes hemochromatosis (massive uncontrolled iron overload) is the ancestral one, that mens we only recently evolved the ability to live on iron rich food.

>The majority of modern agricultural plants. Not what these ancient people would have eaten.
You think that people just woke up one day and decided to cultivate inedible plants for millenia, until they became edible? Most of those supposed examples are accidents of evolution, you get seedless bananas when a tetraploid banana crosses with a diploid one. It's more like a mule.

>Because our bodies are really not suited to do so and have a hard time absorbing nutrients from plants without cooking.
All closely related animals are plant eaters. The tarsier is the closest one that isn't.
>Just false. Many plants have become sweeter
That just isn't true.
>>>>16243974 #
>>>16243208 # is what you said
Not me.

Anonymous No. 16244170

It is very obvious that you just don't want to admit that you got it wrong. Grow up. I won't spent my time on you any longer.

Anonymous No. 16244178


Go and do your reading assignment.

Anonymous No. 16244218


Anonymous No. 16244709

Fruit is a seasonal product, the idea that early humans could be Burt frugivores is ridiculous.

Anonymous No. 16244721

>Fruit is a seasonal product
Most tropical fruits are available year round.

Crumby Oldfag No. 16244723

IQ test.

Was linked poster a retard? Yes/No


Anonymous No. 16244740

The guy talking about tropical fruit is a retard. If he were smart he wouldn't need to move the goal posts constantly. The majority of human history did not happen in the tropics.

Anonymous No. 16244748

All of human evolution occurred in tropical climates.

Anonymous No. 16244859

no it didn't

Anonymous No. 16244870

Meanwhile, here's a deer eating a bird.

Anonymous No. 16244882

Yes, it did.

Anonymous No. 16245021

I'm not going to buy your book.

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but muh sneed oils.png

Anonymous No. 16245333

Oh boy is this thread #90287232 where some retard claims that not eating meat is lethal but a bacon diet is healthy?

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Anonymous No. 16245335

Eating an apple is the same as biting into a live racoon! This means I can eat all the bacon I want!

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Anonymous No. 16245336


Anonymous No. 16245337

One of the dumbest made up pseudotheories I've ever heard on the site. Congratulations. Did mike sissy tell you this?

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Anonymous No. 16245339

America was a mistake.

Mandatory viewing for dietfagging threads:

Image not available



Anonymous No. 16245343


Anonymous No. 16245344

>No, it doesn't.
Fuck off, liar. Or ignorant, take your pick, but fuck off.

Anonymous No. 16245395

>cut out seed oils 6 months ago
>omg why didn't this instantly undo 20 years of damage caused by eating goyslop?11111
>worth viewing

Anonymous No. 16245415

You're a lonely homosexual. That's why you've lowered yourself to dietfagging.

Anonymous No. 16245436

>I can't follow a conversation without IDs because I have the IQ of a turnip

Anonymous No. 16245439

good, watch it

Anonymous No. 16245442

>wah wah wah buy my diet book

Anonymous No. 16245464

I got 5 minutes in before I couldn't stand any more obvious lying. Again, there's a reason its not a ted talk. TedX talks include things like chakra and healing crystals and chi. It is 100% bullshitters peddling bullshit.
What? I haven't promoted a diet you illiterate nigger, that's the point.

Anonymous No. 16245577

afraid someone would eat his head

Anonymous No. 16245583

>>worth viewing

Anonymous No. 16245911

Vegetarians are totally fine. It's veganism that kills you unless you take pills.

Anonymous No. 16245965

Correct. I'm surprised to see an actually factual statement in a dietfag thread.

Anonymous No. 16246427

>Vegetarians are totally fine
no but probably better than standard american (western) diets if you include a lot of dairy and eggs
>It's veganism that kills you unless you take pills.
true, veganism is a suicidal death cult

Anonymous No. 16247692

>probably better than standard american (western) diets if you include a lot of dairy and eggs
Why? Goyslop's biggest problems are sneed oils and HFCS. Vegetarians eat more of those than normal people do.

Anonymous No. 16247769

>Vegetarians eat more of those than normal people do.
No they don't. Vegetarians could certainly eat them, but most vegetarians "eat healthy" which means avoiding fried foods, while having zero awareness of the contradiction that "vegetable oil is healthy" but somehow french fries are not.

Anonymous No. 16248964

Theres tons of vegetarians who live off potato chips and pastries. The idea that vegetarians are unusually healthy is a myth, you need to eat meat if you want to be healthy. All of the groups of people known for longevity eat diets with substantial meat in it.

Anonymous No. 16249056

>The idea that vegetarians are unusually healthy is a myth
No, it isn't. Look at any study, they consume less processed food than the average population.

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good food.jpg

Anonymous No. 16249067

Yes, it is true that SOME vegetarians, and even vegans, look for tradicional food replicas which are not healthy at all.
As a 90-85% vegan meal person, I mostly consume unprocessed foods: I try to buy all the raw ingredients. The most "processed" things that I buy are preservative-free cooked canned beans in water and salt only, flours, and some organic seitan. And even those, I don't really eat much of. Raw vegetables and fruits are the bulk of my feeding.

Anonymous No. 16249398

Vegetarians and vegans put some thought into their diet. That filters out everyone that does not. Of course vegetarians appear to have a more healthy diet than the average consumer. An honest comparison would be taking vegans/vegetarians and comparing them with the omnivores that put as much thought into their diets as vegans and vegetarians do. You could also compare the effort it takes vegetarians/vegans to have a full, healthy diet with the effort it takes an omnivore to have the same. Compared on equal grounds the omnivore is very, very likely going to come out on top.

Anonymous No. 16249444

Why are you cope posting? Just learn to read. The claim was that vegetarians eat more goyslop than normal people do. That's the opposite of reality.

Anonymous No. 16249503

Nice try but not good enough. You quoted and then attacked the claim that vegetarians being unusually healthy is a myth.

Now you are trying to go back to vegetarians not eating more processed food than the average person. Which is true, yes. But my post still stands in regards to that.

Your posting style is recognizable. You are the idiot that constantly claims blatant falsehoods just to get a reaction. Get some friends. Stop wasting your life on 4chan.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16249513

Holy fuck you are retarded. READ IT YOU DUMB NIGGER. "Look at any study, they consume less processed food than the average population."

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soyslop guide.png

Anonymous No. 16250453

>The claim was that vegetarians eat more goyslop than normal people do. That's the opposite of reality.
wrong, vegetarians do eat more goyslop than normal people do, theres an entire large goyslop industry devoted strictly to getting rich selling goyslop (AKA soiyslop, labeled goyfeed in picrel) to vegetarians, but at least you're willing to admit that vegetarians are abnormal people who need psychiatric treatment.

Anonymous No. 16250602

Let's not complicate things. Goyslop is at the level of ingredients. Whatever you cook yourself is just as nutritionally worthless as what you get from McDonalds.

Anonymous No. 16250711

Shut the fuck up you retarded faggot.

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Anonymous No. 16251974

Anonymous No. 16252850

>theres an entire large goyslop industry devoted strictly to getting rich selling goyslop (AKA soiyslop, labeled goyfeed in picrel) to vegetarians
Yes. And there is a thousand times bigger industry devoted to selling goyslop to normies you dumb faggot.