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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16222236

>Human activity is destroying nature!!!!
So how come the most densely populated part of North America also has the highest biodiversity?

Anonymous No. 16222242


Anonymous No. 16222259

>highest biodiversity
Is this counting all the various species of illegals, gimmigrant and rapefuges?

Anonymous No. 16222757

Fucking retard

Anonymous No. 16222795

This. Reminder that environmentalism is an anti-human ideology that has no end goal other than the destruction of humanity.

There is a perfectly available option for you envrio fags: Buy some land, you make the rules on it then. Don't want me shooting some wild animal? Keep it on YOUR land, because it's YOURS to make the rules.

Anonymous No. 16223788

Pretty amazing that the epicenter of biodiversity is in the deep south while all the liberal areas are comparative failures. Look at that big dead spot in the middle of Illinois, how did the Democrats managed to engineer that disaster?

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trump makes a goo....jpg

Anonymous No. 16225416

thats a good post

Anonymous No. 16225429

Because the other part is fucking desert, you mouthbreathing moron

Anonymous No. 16225516

Maybe because the majority of the purple area is subtropical as opposed to cool climate or desert you fucking moron

Anonymous No. 16225620

Interesting, is that current biodiversity?

Anonymous No. 16225685

>most people live in the parts of the country that are the most suited to life
woah.....libtards btfo'd foreverially.....

Anonymous No. 16225756

Because there's a huge desert/tundra biome that doesn't support much trees. Great plains? Death valley? Yeah not many trees partner

Anonymous No. 16225794

The west has far, far greater diversity of ecosystems than the east because it has far greater altitude variation, thats why theres places in California that currently still have snow on the ground.

Anonymous No. 16225842

there's a sweet spot to be found when dealing with nature, somewhere approximating what the mesoamericans were doing

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Anonymous No. 16225862

That's a really retarded option, because assuming I were an "eviro fag" saving a small area of land isn't going to do much to save the environment as a whole.

Anonymous No. 16225998

>Number of tree species
2/10 for making me post

Anonymous No. 16226052

>what the mesoamericans were doing
The Mayan civilization ceased to exist as a result of overpopulation and destructive unsustainable agricultural practices.
>muh based indians, stewards of the environment
Native Americans in general hunted hundreds of species to extinction

Anonymous No. 16226187

>The Mayan civilization ceased to exist as a result of overpopulation and destructive unsustainable agricultural practices
lol like you were there. nobody knows what happened, it could have been classic systems collapse or whatever, it affected the whole mesoamerican region

>Native Americans in general hunted hundreds of species to extinction
just making shit up. mesoamericans were massive autists that were all about cataloguing that shit, not killing it all, quetzals never went extinct, despite having the most valuable feathers. Natives also domesticated tons of crops and stuff, built their cities into the environment, if anyone hunted species to extinction it was the eurofags who moved in (retards who never domesticated anything).

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16226211

How about we just (legally) shoot you instead? Seems like a much cleaner and easier option. Retards pollute the genepool.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16226212

Lol what? They exterminated several kinds of megafauna. Stop role-playing.

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Anonymous No. 16226213

>environmentalism is an anti-human ideology
it actually emerged from a white supremacist mentality, lol, with the intent or removing native americans from the landscape.

Anonymous No. 16226219

lawlz MEGAFAUNA? what, you mean when they fucking people'd the continent? pretty far back in history dude. I'm glad they killed all the horses, though, it lead to more interesting urban designs. Mesoamerica with horses would have been boring.

they clearly learned their lesson by the time they became "mesoamericans" thousands of years later, retard. They were super into organizing and cataloguing zoos of animals.

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Anonymous No. 16226220

yes, but overall, the area of temperate and humid habitat in the East is much larger than the in the West, which has the much dried chaparral, and the desert intruding in there as well.

image sauce:

Anonymous No. 16226221

>Number of tree species
yes, and that too, no doubt.

OP's post is about tree diversity, not BIOdiversity.

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Anonymous No. 16226917

>also has the highest number of tree species?

I am being that specific because many of said tree species might not be native. They might be invasive species like the eucalyptus, or Australia acacia.

It also doesn't say anything about tree density, just tree species density. I'm not claiming it is so, but consider the hypothetical: The West might have denser forests of 5 tree species only, and more biodiversity as a result. On the other hand, the East might have areas of low tree density, but with 20 different species, and maybe less overall biodiversity.

I hope that clears things up

Map: just interesting

Anonymous No. 16226994

Bit more detailed climate map, from wikip. IIRC from the MSB days, most of the climate difference results from altitude difference caused by multiple plates subducting under the North American plate during the Laramide orogeny 70-80 Mya. Correct me if I'm missing something.

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Anonymous No. 16226998

Whoops. Definitely missing something.

Anonymous No. 16227214

yes, in general, plate tectonics defines much of the topography along the contact areas of the plates edges, and topography defines much of the the regional climate, along with the Coriolis wind effect and ocean currents etc, in turn climate defines erosional rates together with the rate of change in topography, in feedback loops that last many millions of years.
Most of the western US topography is indeed resultant from plate tectonics, all the way to the Rockies, along with some isostasy effects thrown into the mix as well that raised the Colorado plateau, etc.

But where are you trying to get at with this?

Anonymous No. 16227231

you dumbfuck probably never thought of this but...
it's not the trees that are growing because of the humans but that the humans are settling in where the trees and animals can grow the most (aka fertile land).

Anonymous No. 16227249

Just trying to provide some more detailed climactic context to the variation in tree species count. This bait thread isn't really worth engaging too much with, but at least it's better than the climate/vaxx/$DEADHORSE threads.

Anonymous No. 16227962

Reminder that failing to preserve the environment is an anti-human ideology that has no end goal beyond giving walking corpse boomers a comfortable living as the world their children inherit burns

Anonymous No. 16228054

>I'm not anti-human
>btw everyone who is older than me should be killed

Anonymous No. 16228421

Totally authentic user here

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16229639

Its funny how the deep south is the epicenter of biodiversity and the biodiversity in the cities that outspoken environmentalists bizarrely choose to cram themselves into consists of rats, bedbugs and STDs.
If environmentalists truly love nature then why do they all choose to avoid it by living in cities anyway?

Anonymous No. 16230695

Look at that hotspot in Mississippi and Alabama, the two most conservative states in the nation.
And California is pretty much a dead zone

Anonymous No. 16230701


Anonymous No. 16231828

You're a death cultist

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Anonymous No. 16231840

This is a dumb argument.

Obviously it’s area specific. They are not destroying nature everywhere. Just certain regions are more affected than others.

Mostly in the areas where resources are procured.

Like where they are extracting oil. Cutting down forests etc.

Some areas with high population densities are running out of water.

Stop with the claimate denialism. You will be the first crying. When your life comes crashing down because of climate change.

Anonymous No. 16231853

>illegal immigration good because injuns
The joke is funny, but it has already been told thousands of times. I am getting concerned that cartoonists actually BELIEVE this line of reasoning.

Anonymous No. 16231863

[this is bait]

Anonymous No. 16233424

>T. Soiboi neocon bugman

You sound like a cuckservative. I don't believe in muh carbon taxes or that pickup truck are the problem or anything like that, but I do think we should try to protect the environment from stuff like urban sprawl and plastics an fertilizer pollution. No real conservative wants to build more cities an suburbs. That would just mean more niggers and trannies in places that are small ones and rural areas.

Cuckservatives and neocons should just stick to their echo chambers where they can suck off Ukraine and Israel all day.

Anonymous No. 16234147


Anonymous No. 16234377

What an appalling number of communists.
I've given you a perfectly viable option to have your own way: BUY YOUR OWN LAND.
But you're not happy with that, you want EVERYTHING.

Why cant you statist scum just keep to yourselves? Why must you control everyone else?

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Anonymous No. 16234386

Actually, I'm too poor and retarded to buy my own land. Did you even think of that? Idiot.

Anonymous No. 16234503

Why does you being poor and stupid give you the right to steal from and murder other people?

Anonymous No. 16234542

> I don't believe in [state intervention]
>but I do think we should try to protect the environment from stuff like urban sprawl and plastics an fertilizer pollution.
Then don't buy houses in urban sprawl areas, and don't buy food made with plastic fertilizers.


But you're not happy with that answer, because you are not a conservative, you are a statist cuck who wants the government to FORCE people to stop using X in the name of the sacred environment. You really fucking disgust me.

Anonymous No. 16234546

>Cuckservatives and neocons should just stick to their echo chambers where they can suck off Ukraine and Israel all day.
I've vehemently expressed my hatred of state intevention. What subhuman part of your brain thinks I want or care about foreign people other than their lack of gun rights?

Anonymous No. 16234548

>failing to preserve the environment is an anti-human ideology
You are mentally ill and retarded. In order to preserve the environment YOU MUST NOT ALLOW HUMAN INTERACTION WITH IT. Therefore by ontology environmentalism is anti-human. I absolutely despise statist vermin like yourself.

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Anonymous No. 16234563

>steal from and murder other people
My friend, I'm much too weak and retarded to accomplish such things

Anonymous No. 16234593

Uh yeah the fish and wildlife service limits some interaction with the environment, moron.

Anonymous No. 16235236

Doesn't matter if you don't have the ability, you call for it to be done. And you vote for people to do so on your behalf.

So why does you being poor and stupid give you the right to steal from and murder other people?
It doesn't, you're just evil.

Anonymous No. 16235241

Envrionmentalism is an evil and anti-human ideology.
It is anti-human because of what I already said.
It is evil because the people doing it use the government to carry out their goals; AKA violence theft imprisonment etc.

Anonymous No. 16235957


density of trees species = /= biodiversity density

Anonymous No. 16235962

>Envrionmentalism is an evil and anti-human ideology.
Listen, the living planet Earth is our savings account. It's literally the collection of all expendable resources we will ever have available. It is NATURAL CAPITAL.
Mankind is not only consuming the "interest" yield from that savings account (the natural replenishing rates of those resources), but it's also eating away at the savings account itself.
Eventually, and this is just basic accounting, we will run out of principal capital, as well as interest, by consequence.

Anonymous No. 16236069

people call themselves poor when what they really mean is that they have plenty of food and a comfortable living, but they're still envious of wealthier people who have it slightly better.
real poor people have trouble putting clothes on their back and food in their belly.

Anonymous No. 16237382

Feels good living in the south with all this wonderful biodiversity. The mulberry trees are bearing fruit right now, the mimosa trees are in blossom, they smell wonderful at night. All you get to smell in liberal shithole cities is homeless people's shit.

Anonymous No. 16238123

Everything you said is made up bullshit.
This bullshit has been concocted to justify violating other peoples rights.
You are evil because of your support of this. Please kill youself, statist scum.

Anonymous No. 16238152

Well you see the consequences of people's rights being trampled on, but then you make the error of assuming it's a vast conspiracy. No stupid, people being crushed is a consequence of poor resource management.

Anonymous No. 16238173

its funny because its true

Anonymous No. 16238175

>I can violate your rights because I say so
No you can't, you are an evil person. You use environmentalism to excuse to violate others rights.

Anonymous No. 16238178

You are a moron person

Anonymous No. 16238193

I'm better than you as I don't want to violate other's rights. You are like a murderer or thief.

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Anonymous No. 16238908


Anonymous No. 16239104

i want to learn more about mesoamerican kino (t. paco)

Anonymous No. 16239138

>Everything you said is made up bullshit.
Oh is it? How so? Is planet Earth not a collection of natural resources, some that even replenish themselves at their natural rates? Is it not a pool of resources that mankind uses and exploits for its benefit?
Are we not using those natural resources at rates superior to their natural restauration rates?
It's not my fault if you are ignorant, but you can choose not to remain ignorant.
Your choice.

Anonymous No. 16240427

>I own this planet and you have use the way I say you can

Anonymous No. 16240574

>Humid subtropical

Anonymous No. 16240583

Curious question. Do you get paid in rubles or vodka to act this retarded?

Anonymous No. 16240600

>We live and depend on the stability of the natural systems on this planet and we have to maintain that stability of said natural systems that guarantee our survival
FTFY, shithead

Anonymous No. 16240669

[you are retarded]

Anonymous No. 16241395

What's a chud?

Anonymous No. 16241415

Native Americans didn't have borders

Anonymous No. 16241419

It doesn't mean what you think it does.

Anonymous No. 16241480

Why are you so fucking disingenuous? Are you the same cocksucker that's been saying fossil fuel emissions are helping the planet?

Anonymous No. 16242685

The simple fact of the matter is that americans (westerners as a whole but mainly americans) overconsume at an absurd level which if matched by the rest of the planet would mean the end in literal months.
>gass guzzling shitboxes putting toxic fumes in the atmosphere because the idea of walking or catching a train makes their fat asses quake with fear
>billions of tons of plastic for retarded unnecessary nonsense like figurines or convenient packaging (nooo le paper falls apart11!!)
>eating like pigs causing overfishing, deforestation for ranching and overfarming
The solution is the destruction of the fatnited states of trannymerica.

Anonymous No. 16243721

things didn't work out very well for them with that ideology

Anonymous No. 16243783

Invasive species

Anonymous No. 16245255

Why does it upset you that the most densely populated part of North America also has the highest biodiversity? Why are you an emotional basket case that gets triggered ridiculously easily?

Anonymous No. 16245320

You’re a controlling scumbag, probably a socialist as >>16240427 says.
I’ve already given the solution to this claim of “mismanaging” the “bank account of natural resources” at the very start of thread: >>16222795. You just buy your own land.
It’s that simple, there’s ZERO excuse to control other people. You can persuade them, bribe them, but you cannot use violence to force them as that is always morally wrong.

Anonymous No. 16245323

>we need redistributive rape because Marxist theory claims we do
This is how ridiculous you sound.

Anonymous No. 16245326

Why do you object to this solution? You get your own land to do as you please. With libertarianism everybody gets their own way on their own property.

Anonymous No. 16245329

Stop supporting fossil fuels by voting with your wallet. It’s just like the Just Stop Oil fags: they wear oil, use cars to get where they protest, etc. Yet they demand other people are forced at the point of a gun to stop using oil.

Anonymous No. 16245649

>"We demand alternatives to fossil fuel based products so we aren't forced to use fossil fuel based products"
>All they do is use use oil
>I am very intelligent

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Anonymous No. 16246939


Anonymous No. 16248189

Good pic, lolbergs are just sissies who judge themselves incapable of competing so they fantasize about avoiding competition.

Anonymous No. 16248294

>Reminder that environmentalism
reminder that modern environmentalism began as white supremacist ploy to remove Native Americans off the land

Anonymous No. 16248300

>you want EVERYTHING
No sweetie, you do not understand communism: we want nothing, that's the entire basis of it.

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Anonymous No. 16249626

>muh precious native savages

Anonymous No. 16249845

>In order to preserve the environment YOU MUST NOT ALLOW HUMAN INTERACTION WITH IT.
Imagine being this retarded

Anonymous No. 16249967

Because people don't do very well in places inhospitable to life either
Which is why destroying nature is a problem

Anonymous No. 16251137

is that why cities are the most densely populated places on earth?

Anonymous No. 16251232

Whatever happened to HAARP? Did that conspiracy theory become obsolete?

Anonymous No. 16251253

I hate retards so fucking much it's unreal
Telling you that you have to recycle your garbage and you can't dump trash in a lake isn't violating your rights you fucking idiot

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Anonymous No. 16251691

>So how come the most densely populated part of North America also has the highest biodiversity?

Because you're using a map that charts density of tree species and not actual populations.
Here's a map of endangered species by state you faggot.

Anonymous No. 16251698


Anonymous No. 16251701

climate alarmism, reddit spacing

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 16251758

Here, let me prove climate change to you the same way denialtards like to disprove it.

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Anonymous No. 16251761

Wrong pic, sorry.

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Anonymous No. 16252986


Anonymous No. 16254342


Anonymous No. 16255636

I find that plausible. NA - American relations went downhill after the civil war due to massive army size. Instead of just negotiating with the NAs, you'd just ring the army and claim the NAs are scalping you.
Civil war was a tragedy, and it wasn't even over slavery!.

Anonymous No. 16255640

Why do you require a monopoly on violence to carry out your wishes? I've given you the solution to environmentalism: Property rights.
Instead you want to kill and steal from people, this makes you evil.

Anonymous No. 16255645

>No sweetie, you do not understand communism: we want nothing, that's the entire basis of it.
Complete lie. If you wanted nothing you'd leave people alone. You don't leave people alone because you want to steal from people. Using the state to steal from people does not magically make it not theft, why can't you understand this? You're just an evil scumbag, I'm disgusted by the volume of unrepentant statists in this thread, do any of you even realize how evil you are?

Anonymous No. 16255648

Humans adapt the environment to them. Environmentalism is anti-human and captured by socialists to push more statism.

Anonymous No. 16255651

It is violating your rights if you own the landfill site. Are you imagining that libertarians are campaigning for fly tipping?
Why do you so strongly disagree that you should make the rules for your own stuff?

Anonymous No. 16255660

>Here's a map of endangered species by state you faggot.
Why are all endangered species so important that you believe you can violate other's rights? Seriously I don't get the importance at all. 90% of species are extinct. If humans disappeared from the earth for a million years, the niches which the species which we destroyed inhabited would be refilled by newly evolved species. So outside of something that effects humans, why do these species matter?

Then suppose these species effect humans, why are they the only thing that can fill that role? If they are, then why do you expect that a free market wouldn't account for that fact and respond to it, i.e by not killing off that species? Why does this require government intervention and thus violating rights?

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Anonymous No. 16255706


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Dead Shill Theory.png

Anonymous No. 16255965

The fact you believe it will take environmentalists to destroy you tells us your field of "work".

Anonymous No. 16255973

>Why are all endangered species so important that you believe you can violate other's rights?
Causing other species to go extinct violates my right to live in a world where they aren't extinct

Anonymous No. 16255980

You are a pest species. You don't have rights. Birds and trees aren't, so they do have rights. It's not hard to grasp. You're an enemy of life, so you get sent back to your father death. Enjoy!

Live by the faggotry, get sent back to hell where you came from by the faggotry.

Anonymous No. 16257000

>I own the entire planet

Anonymous No. 16257080

Conspiracy theories belong to /pol and /x
Thanks bye! You won't be missed
>dehumanising language
Yikes! I hope you get better, as you are clearly unwell. God bless you

Anonymous No. 16257085

We do own the planet, and we will tell you what you are and aren't allowed to do on your land, and if you don't listen well take your land from you and put you in a jail cell.
>"n-no you won't d-do that!"
Yes we will, and you know it, which is why you're scared of and complaining about environmentalists.
Also reminder that the vast majority of the younger generations agree with me.