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Anonymous No. 16222320

Is economics a science??

Anonymous No. 16222324

Economics is a science in the same way that meteorology is a science.

Anonymous No. 16222480

Why do you insist on bringing this shit up?

Anonymous No. 16222558

it is a study of something not natural meaning its made by humans so no its not a science

Anonymous No. 16222604


Anonymous No. 16222670

That's such a shitty argument. Go stand in the corner and think on what you said.

Anonymous No. 16222706

science is when we study stuff thats natural....otherwise its called engineering

Anonymous No. 16223972

They use occasionally some nice mathematical techniques to analyse time series

Anonymous No. 16224006

It's a technology

Anonymous No. 16224043

Microeconomics makes testable predictions that are often not falsified. Macroeconomics doesn't.

Anonymous No. 16224273

>New research from a Rice University economist suggests certain networks of fungi embrace an important economic theory as they engage in trading nutrients for carbon with their host plants. This finding could aid the understanding of carbon storage in soils, an important tool in mitigating climate change.

>A research paper entitled "Walrasian equilibrium behavior in nature" is available online and will appear in an upcoming edition of Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Ted Loch-Temzelides, a professor of economics and the George and Cynthia Mitchell Chair in Sustainable Development at Rice, examined through an economic lens data from ecological experiments on arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi networks, which connect to plants and facilitate the trading of nutrients for carbon.
economic phenomena seems way more fundamental to the universe than simply our transient human created institutions.

Anonymous No. 16224276

science isn't real because nothing can be known except the facts that you are conscious and exist. that is the extent of science. everything else is unproven beliefs.

Anonymous No. 16224901

The process is scientific the outcomes are rng because we can't have perfect knowledge as everyone competes to win and if we did there'd be no economy to speak of. If incentives were everyone wins we'd have a better foundation, but since we're all divided into tribes trying to fuck each other over there's always a fog of war. Potential is there humans are just headass about it. Why do you keep making this thread? Hasn't this been covered a million times by now?

Anonymous No. 16224910

What? Science is a process yielding + knowledge to our species stats.

Anonymous No. 16225144

>implying human interaction and behaviour is not natural
nothing is unnatural

Anonymous No. 16225181

economists study complex systems with patterns that appear outside of human society, but it would be a stretch to call it a natural science, not every school of thought needs to be natural science to be of value.

Anonymous No. 16225189

Economics is group psychology/sociology in math and finance form. Behavioral economics is definitely a science.

Anonymous No. 16226285

It is art

Anonymous No. 16226298

Based. Human biology isn't a science either because it studies things made by humans

Anonymous No. 16226313

Not testable

Anonymous No. 16228027

These are 5 probably 6 principals.

Interest rate should be eliminated.

Scarcity doesn't exist. Earth has provided constantly and made billionaires. How does wealth exist given the fundamentals of economic development.

Either economic theory is flawed or not being followed.

Evidence poverty and wealth.

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Anonymous No. 16228098

>Is economics a science?
Does it it use the scientific method to create and test hypotheses?
Does it rely on data, models, and theories to explain and predict human behavior and economic phenomena?
Yes and yes. It's a "fuzzy" science thought, because it often involves subjective judgments, assumptions, value judgments, and economic theories can be influenced by political, social, and cultural factors, so their predictions are not always accurate.

Anonymous No. 16228364

you dont think humans come from ................. something else?????

Simulacrum No. 16228474


Good answer. Another thing to consider is that economics involves the study of chaotic systems that involve many changing variables, and it's not as straightforward as physics and chemistry when it comes to testing things because we can't feasibly create experiments consisting of complex economic systems. So it sometimes appears to normal people that economics doesn't make much progress.

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Anonymous No. 16229093

Good point, take the storkpill

Anonymous No. 16229201

Pretty good take

Anonymous No. 16229238

So is every other "science" that's literally based on statistics. Grow up retards

Anonymous No. 16229246

Humans come from something else but that else are literally other forms of life which had existed long before humans did. So studying humans is basically part of studying an advanced form of something which had already existed and which absolutely needs statistics and proofs to be considered true.

Anonymous No. 16229252

I am a natural scientist and i consider this based.

Hermes No. 16229541

It has math