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๐Ÿงต Which is worse on the long term, covid-19 or covid-19 "vaccines"?

Anonymous No. 16222345

If you are going to make a bold statement please provide a legitimate source or at least tell a real life observation or experience .

If covid is man made than that too can have unknown longterm consequences such as the gene drug they called "vaccines".
You can find articles before the pandemic classifying mrna and viral vectors as gene therapies.

Why did they deny and lie about this and call others who claimed this "conspiracy theorists" when it was a confirmed fact prior to the outbreak?
Why didn't they only vaccinate people who are at high risk or why didn't they use traditional vaccines?
Why are the vaccinated get sick more often than the unvaccinated. Are turbo cancers true?

Is there even a likely narritive to this or is it the biggest government fuckup in human history?

Anonymous No. 16222366

Sources that confrim covid vaccines are gene therapy:

Anonymous No. 16222381

Who cares, why is this so fucking personal for you? "GOTCHA! HA!"
It's as if your identity is dependent on it. It's a vaccine, why get emotional, lol.
I don't know what is worse in the long term, for that I ask doctor. If they recommend it, I take it. If I should take a vaccine, I do, easy as that.
I even get vaccinated against the flu of my own volition, I don't want to deal with that crap each winter, I don't need a doctor to tell me. I walk into the pharmacy, pay the 12โ‚ฌ, get pricked on my shoulder, walk out smiling.
Same shit for covid vaccines. Good thing that crap mutated into gentle variants that we don't have to worry about anymore.

Anonymous No. 16222400

Reddit tier take.
I took it too but regret it, I was naive and gullible 19 year old. But the fact remains they denied it's gene therapy when it cleary IS gene therapy.

Anonymous No. 16222402

is it gene therapy, or genetic therapy? Careful with the words used.

Anonymous No. 16222403

Covid was 4 years ago. It's time to let go.

Anonymous No. 16222405

Read the articles and look at the sources I posted jackass.

Anonymous No. 16222407

Vaccines probably for the invasive nature of the procedure, it will mutate into fear of all alopathic medicine

Guess who did this starts with breathing

Anonymous No. 16222414

This scandal is not over until the full truth comes out.

Anonymous No. 16222415

easy there, you're not going to convince many with that attitude, are you not here to talk about the matter at hand? I might not have the time right now to read it, have you considered that?

Anonymous No. 16222425

My apologies, the articles I posted specificly call them gene therapies.

Anonymous No. 16222431

Apology accepted, will look into them, thank you.

Anonymous No. 16222436

It is mostly about viral vectors though, like j&j and AZ, and Sputnik V which is what I regret taking so thats what I researched the most but pretty sure mrna can fit in the same category.

Anonymous No. 16222447

And would like to correct that they don't call the covid-19 vaccines directly as such but uses the exact same thing and works exactly the same way.

Anonymous No. 16222524

Neither, both are insignificant long term. Both were even insignificant when it was an NPC topic.
Maybe ever so slightly the vaccines because they reinforce technooptimism in brainlets and further desensitize them to negative tradeoff equations.

Anonymous No. 16222544

OK, I did look into them and it shows a problem of definition. The links you shared define "gene therapy" as:

>a medical technology that aims to produce a therapeutic effect through the manipulation of gene expression or through altering the biological properties of living cells.
Broad. But still:
>manipulation of gene expression
Do mRNA vaccines alter gene expression? I don't think so. Genes are in the DNA, in the nucleus of the cells, and the mRNA does not go there, as far as I know.
>altering the biological properties of living cells
this also doesn't happen: the cells are not altered, they temporarily produce a viral spike protein for a while, and then the production ceases and the cell is unaltered.
>involves inserting one or more corrected genes into a patient's genetic material to treat a genetic disease.
very specific. The covid mRNA vaccines do not do that
no definition

in your last link:
>they (I assume the lobbyists) felt that only products that modified the genome should be classified as gene therapy.
So they want to be strict abut that definition.

The definition needs to be universally agreed, it seems, and I agree that the two should be distinguished: rewriting DNA in a person's nuclei is something permanent, whereas delivering nRNA strings, as far as we know, is not.

Gene Therapy should define that which deals with genes, directly, and Genetic Therapy should mean anything that deals with genetic material, in general, not necessarily genes. In that way, Gene Therapy is a subcategory of Genetic Therapy.

Independently of the name, what I fundamentally do not want is for that mRNA to go mess around with my genome.
That's why I was making that distinction when I asked about it.

Anonymous No. 16222549

False dichotomy. The mRNA shots don't stop you from being infected or infecting others so they cannot be considered an alternative to COVID19.

Anonymous No. 16222565

>The mRNA shots don't stop you from being infected or infecting others
They do if the vaccinated don't go around sneezing/coughing everywhere and leaving snot trails on everything they touch, no?

Anonymous No. 16222622

I might have accidentaly mixed up some sources like this one (
but even if it isn't it still stands way closer to gene therapies than to traditional vaccines. I barely had any sleep or ate much the past month so might not be mentally at my peak so I apologies again for calling you jackass and I realised the difference between the two.

Anonymous No. 16222625

Viral vectors do enter the genome tho but adenoviruses which causes cold works the same way, integration is impossible with IT enzyme which adenoviruses do not carry

Anonymous No. 16222633

*viral vector vaccines

Anonymous No. 16222649

>I apologies again for calling you jackass and I realised the difference between the two
Much respect I show to you for writing such words on /sci/, believe me, you are a worthy person. Respect.

>it still stands way closer to gene therapies than to traditional vaccines
Completely agree, and the potential for a fuck up is very real. We must be absolutely cautious with this technology.

Anonymous No. 16222650

>Viral vectors do enter the genome
I realize that that can occur, but mRNA covid vaccines do not use viral vectors, if I'm not mistaken.

Anonymous No. 16222657

J&J, AZ,one of the indian one and Sputnik V does

Anonymous No. 16222951

In a hypothetical scenario where the choice is covid or the vaxx, covid is way more likely to kill you, obviously.
The issue with that is that the vaxx doesn't fucking work, so you may as well just not get it.

Anonymous No. 16224367

probably covid 19

Anonymous No. 16224788

you know those horrors of history that make us say "wow, how could we let that happen, people were retarded back in those days. if only they tried to fight back"