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🗑️ 🧵 Ban all /pol/tards

Anonymous No. 16222709

/sci/ nowadays be like
>10000th thread about climate change denial
>10000th anti vax thread
>10000th thread about iq
>1000000th thread about race

Anonymous No. 16222710

aye aye

Anonymous No. 16222721

The mods will never ban the /pol/tards because they're after ad revenue.

Anonymous No. 16222737

If you're not here to read /sfg/ then I don't know what to tell you

Anonymous No. 16222759

Oh look, the 5th meta thread today complaining about people disagreeing with OP
Oh look, the exact samefag response OP posts each time he makes a variation of this thread. How original.

bodhi No. 16222764


Anonymous No. 16222782

Do you know how this site generates revenue?

Anonymous No. 16222785

No this is the only science forum where you can discuss those topics. Just ban the schizos and the board is good.

Anonymous No. 16222798

I don't blame the /pol/ trolls when people keep rewarding their low-effort bait. Honestly, even if /pol/bait pulls attention from legitimate threads, the kind of people falling for the bait would've never made a good contribution in a legitimate thread anyway.

Anonymous No. 16222808

>10000th thread about climate change denial
>10000th anti vax thread
>10000th thread about iq
>1000000th thread about race
That's only because you don't come to the objectively true conclusions; OP is a fag.

Anonymous No. 16222838

This isn't reddit, fatso

Anonymous No. 16222871

fresh off the Redditboat?
either give a definitive proof of why those things are irrefutable or stfu nigga
post nose

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Anonymous No. 16222888

Those people aren't /pol/tards. They are golems programmed or paid to make this board unusable. There is nothing wrong with /pol/tards in general. Some /sci/ topics are inherently /pol/ topics as well. There have always been a few /pol/ threads on /sci/ at any time. But what we are experiencing over the last months is inorganic spam. Dozens of threads about the same topics. Always lowest effort, no informational content at all. No attempts at any discussion, no engagement at all. Endlessly bumped with thoughtless one-liners. Some group seems to have a dedicated agenda to drive away users from this board by making it as boring as possible.

Anonymous No. 16222899

checked, and yes, this is a site-wide phenomena

Anonymous No. 16222945

If you don't take the bait they just jerk each other off to keep the thread bumped so they can feel like they won.

Anonymous No. 16222953

Fuck off fag. I don't like them either (the actual ones) but these posts are always leftard trojan horses to make the boards lame and gay.

Go back u fucking tourist.

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Anonymous No. 16222977


Anonymous No. 16223407

Obviously it’s by tracking our real ips and selling the data. The whole Anonymous thing is just there to fool you, ((they)) have to let you know though that’s why there is a name option when posting. I have an infograph somewhere that explains everything, lemme see if I can find it for you

Anonymous No. 16223454

no one wants our data and im genuinely perplex that someone is paying for constant brainrot bot posting on every board

Anonymous No. 16223460

Don't forget namefags. There is not a single namefag on /sci/ who isn't a schizo.

Anonymous No. 16223605

>two troon
What you talking about?

Anonymous No. 16223965

Sage and hide threads that you don't like
Report threads that break rules
Post actual science and math related content
Outpace the crap threads

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Anonymous No. 16224018

>janny please my safe space isn't safe enough

Anonymous No. 16224031

If science is just about accepting experts say then why is everyone forced to go through science classes in school? Just tell them “always defer to experts” and we can save a ton of wasted time and money

Anonymous No. 16224037

Has /pol/ become boring or why are you shitting on other boards too?

Anonymous No. 16224041

He isn't from /pol/. He has only been instructed to act as annoying as possible.

Anonymous No. 16224047


Anonymous No. 16224048

I'm come here just for the /sqt/

Anonymous No. 16224053


Anonymous No. 16224382

No, it's ad revenue. Whenever you click on one of those neat looking ads the site gets paid. More traffic = more clicks = more money. That's why /pol/tards are useful to the mods. They are the traffic, they are the clicks, they are the money.

Anonymous No. 16224391

/pol/tards aren't on here faggots. they're glowies who are paid to control the narrative.
>hey, we need to discuss whether we should put faggots who forced everyone to take an experimental vaccine to jail.
>CIA bots: spam viruses are fake, Hydro Chloroquine so good... etc.
>everyone left the thread because now it's unreadable
>maybe we need to reevaluate our climate change committment, maybe we need better scientific model.
>CIA bots: spam climate change arent real, made up, post useless misleading imageries...
>everyone now leave the thread because it's unreadble nonsenses.

you low IQ retards simply fall for this trick every single time.

Anonymous No. 16224396

Id you have reddit ideology, you must be killed. That's mt objective and final offer.

Marxist trannies have no place on 4chan. Go back to you troonit

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Anonymous No. 16224436

You mean redditors?
Anyone who has reddit cookies or links in their history/bookmarks should get instantly permabanned, same with twitter

Anonymous No. 16224442

>they're glowies who are paid to control the narrative.
Every now and then I toy with the idea that they're fossil fuel shills testing out new strategies or refining old ones. Obviously 4chan, and especially /sci/, don't have enough traffic to make it a cost effective propaganda target, but there's high engagement and sometimes high effort put into countering these posts which could make it a useful sandbox to test things out before taking them to their actual targets.

Anonymous No. 16224459

Yeah, the rona fucked this place up. It brough with it an influx of /pol/tards. Same happened to /k/ in 2022.