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🗑️ 🧵 MSM comes out against scinece

Anonymous No. 16222742

Even the MSM is now starting to complain about how incredibly fake science is and how hopelessly dishonest scientists are

Bloomberg: Fake Scientific Studies Are a Problem

Wall Street Journal: Flood of Fake Science

National Review: Much of Science Is Fake

How should this problem be solved and can it be done before it destroys science permanently?

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Anonymous No. 16222788

The pandemic clearly has exposed the scientific community for what it really is.

Big oil paying off scientists didn’t sway anyone.

Big tabbacco didn’t move the needle.

But now since ghaliane Maxwell and her father’s scientific publishing has been exposed.

We are really showing how the government really messed up big funding all this science with no accountability.

Oh yea I forgot Robert Maxwell was a Jew. Guess all you idiots were not just schizo ranting about deem jeeeooos…

Anonymous No. 16222857

MSM is mostly worried if the results goes against their agenda. If they do, it's a fake science.
Eg, if someone publishes anything slightly against the climate change narrative, that's a fake study

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 16222872

EXPERTS are baffled, but the media are the enemy of the people, always have been.

Anonymous No. 16222941

How much is Exxon paying you to shit out these threads?

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Anonymous No. 16222948

pollution is kino now

Anonymous No. 16222972

Baseless conspiracy theory, go back to /x/

Anonymous No. 16222979


Anonymous No. 16223271

>How should this problem be solved
Fund more verification/replication.

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twum gibez.jpg

Anonymous No. 16223282

how come science faggot's one and only solution for every single problem is to demand more welfare gibes free money for themselves?

Anonymous No. 16223314

Joun Clauser isn't a climate scientist, plus he's a known shill.

Anonymous No. 16223436

Go back to preddit, you stupid moron.

Anonymous No. 16223741


Anonymous No. 16223768

Wow, cool prize. Still not a climate scientist though.

Anonymous No. 16225432

Wrong, climate science is a subset of physics.

Anonymous No. 16225441

And what exact does this have to do with John Clauser? It's sad that you think just because he's studied theoretical physics that he knows anything at all about the atmosphere.

Anonymous No. 16225447

Why spam your propaganda here? This board is for undergrads

Anonymous No. 16225475

Go ask the real estate insure companies and their actuarians why they're raising their premiums.
It's all fun and games until real money is involved.
Who gives a shit about what MSM says about science.
Care about what scientists are saying about science.

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Anonymous No. 16225800

>Care about what scientists are saying about science.

Anonymous No. 16225811

All I see in there is a bunch of meaningless chingchong nonsense.

Anonymous No. 16225814

>Nobel Laureate Dr John Clauser says there is no climate emergency
Tell me more about the quantum mechanics of climate change and how Dr John Clauser's opinion on climate change is valuable

Anonymous No. 16225818

This "Fake Science" is a product of people using statistics without properly understanding it.

Anonymous No. 16226138

The alarming rise of fake science

Fraudulent papers are flooding scientific journals

Scientific fraud is becoming a larger issue. Thousands of fake scientific papers have flooded journals and have subsequently had to be retracted. Much of this is the work of paper mills, which submit fraudulent papers to journals for a fee. Scientific fraud and fake science reduce the legitimacy of peer-reviewed journals and can spread misinformation into the public sphere.

Real journals, fake science

Scientific journals are usually a source of reputable research and information, but recently thousands of fraudulent papers have been published in those journals and have needed to be retracted. "The proportion of papers published in any given year that go on to be retracted — has more than tripled in the past decade," said Nature. "In 2022, it exceeded 0.2%." Wiley, a more than 200-year-old publishing company, has retracted more than 11,300 compromised papers and closed four journals in the past two years. The company also announced that it will be closing 19 others. Several other publishing companies have been required to take similar actions. "Although this large-scale fraud represents a small percentage of submissions to journals, it threatens the legitimacy of the nearly $30 billion academic publishing industry and the credibility of science as a whole," said The Wall Street Journal.

Anonymous No. 16226139

The fake scientific papers are mostly the work of paper mills, "businesses or individuals that, for a price, will list a scientist as an author of a wholly or partially fabricated paper," said the Journal. The mills submit the papers and usually avoid "the most prestigious journals in favor of publications such as one-off special editions that might not undergo as thorough a review and where they have a better chance of getting bogus work published." Many researchers and scientists feel pressured to publish in peer-reviewed scientific journals in order to boost their careers or earn promotions. "Paper-mill products are a problem even if no one reads them because they get aggregated with others into review articles and laundered into the mainstream literature," David Bimler, a research-integrity sleuth who uses the pseudonym Smut Clyde, said to Nature. Paper mills have been found in several countries, including Russia, Iran, Latvia, China and India.

Loss of integrity

Fraudulent scientific papers can have large implications. "The products of paper mills often look like regular articles but are based on templates in which names of genes or diseases are slotted in at random among fictitious tables and figures," said The Guardian. "Worryingly, these articles can then get incorporated into large databases used by those working on drug discovery." One of the most notable examples was the drug ivermectin being deemed a suitable cure for Covid-19 despite the studies largely containing evidence of fraud.

Anonymous No. 16226140

"The situation has become appalling," Oxford University professor Dorothy Bishop said to The Guardian. "The level of publishing of fraudulent papers is creating serious problems for science. In many fields, it is becoming difficult to build up a cumulative approach to a subject because we lack a solid foundation of trustworthy findings." Many blame the journals themselves for not thoroughly vetting the papers published. "Editors are not fulfilling their roles properly, and peer reviewers are not doing their jobs. And some are being paid large sums of money," said Aberdeen University professor Alison Avenell.

Some journals have created more rigorous standards for publication and have also increased surveillance to spot fraudulent papers. The good news is that many fake science papers have telltale signs, like unusual wording to avoid plagiarism and references listed that are irrelevant to the paper's topic. However, the advancement of AI could throw a wrench in the progress. "Generative AI has just handed [paper mills] a winning lottery ticket," Kim Eggleton, head of peer review and research integrity at IOP Publishing, said to the Journal. "They can do it really cheap, at scale, and the detection methods are not where we need them to be. I can only see that challenge increasing."

Anonymous No. 16226147

>One of the most notable examples was the drug ivermectin being deemed a suitable cure for Covid-19 despite the studies largely containing evidence of fraud.
Oh, so this is another one of those "everything we don't like is fraud" situations, like how everything they don't like is misinformation.

Anonymous No. 16226214

You're the only plebbitor here nigger

Anonymous No. 16226216

How come you spell like a nigger?

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Anonymous No. 16226257

>how come science faggot's one and only solution for every single problem is to demand more welfare gibes free money for themselves?
How do you intend on verifying the veracity of the scientists' conclusions without verifying their work or attempting to replicate their results?
If you claim them to be false without doing so, that is not an empirical argument.
That's science denialism.

Pic not specific to my point, just an image for something to look at.