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๐Ÿงต Science causing cancer again

Anonymous No. 16223026

Taurolidine, common ingredient in energy drinks and vegan foods, linked to colon cancer

>studies of taurolidine with in-vivo experiments indicate taurolidine advanced cancer growth.

Anonymous No. 16223046

>Taurolidine, common ingredient in energy drinks and vegan foods
You fucking retard. The "common ingredient in energy drinks" (no idea what shit is in vegan foods desu) is taurine, NOT taurolidine.
Taurolidine is an antimicrobial (used to keep catheters free of bacteria) that is chemically related to taurine and is eventually metabolized to it. No energy drinks contain taurolidine.

Anonymous No. 16223075

>eventually metabolized to it
are you trolling? if you ingest taurine and metabolize it into taurolidine, you still end up with taurolidine in your system regardless of how it got there

Anonymous No. 16223098

Are you incapable of comprehending words? You have it completely fucking backwards.
Taurine IS NOT metabolized to taurolidine. Taurolidine is metabolized to taurine.

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colon fetishists.png

Anonymous No. 16223908


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Anonymous No. 16224577

I'm not a roastie expert but I believe they're taking about cologne

Anonymous No. 16224610


Anonymous No. 16224864

That's in vitro study, not in vivo, you lying, manipulative piece of shit. Leave this board and never return

Anonymous No. 16225304

You're wrong, roasties actually all love fecal matter, thats why they're so good at taking care of babies.
Its also why men invented sewer systems and toilets, etc. If roasties had their way they'd just live in their own accumulated shit

Anonymous No. 16225319


xylitol (sweetener made from a tree) and heart attack


Anonymous No. 16226259

why do Finns love eating trees so much?

Anonymous No. 16226353

>linked to colon cancer
from the paper itself:

I'm not saying it's not linked, I'm saying what is written on there.

Anonymous No. 16226432

>Taurolidine is metabolized to taurine
Does that not mean then that all drinks claiming to have taurine actually contain taurolidine instead?

Anonymous No. 16227396

This study has nothing to do with energy drinks. It also said it had antitumor effect in other studies. This is near worthless.

Anonymous No. 16228713

>Taurolidine is metabolized to taurine.
and what are taurolidine's other metabolic byproducts?

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Anonymous No. 16229778

One of them is cancer.

Anonymous No. 16230783

big difference between naturally occurring taurine in meat and synthetic taurolidine. lab made junk can never equal nature

Anonymous No. 16231867

>lab made junk can never equal nature
This. Natural salt is also way healthier than the pure white power thats some cheap in grocery stores.

Anonymous No. 16232615


Anonymous No. 16232946

thats whats in them, there is no synthetic taurine, there is only synthetic taurolidine which also contains other synthetic byproducts

Anonymous No. 16233440

do they know exactly how its causing cancer?

Anonymous No. 16234038

did you read the pdf?

Anonymous No. 16234044

No? Do you not understand what metabolism is, or how ingredients are required to be labelled?
If they had taurolidine in them they would say that they contain taurolidine. They don't, they only have taurine.
>In the body, taurolidine is metabolized rapidly via the metabolites taurultam and methylol taurinamide, which also have a bactericidal action, to taurine, an endogenous aminosulphonic acid, carbon dioxide and water
That isn't what's in them, though, and saying "b-but it is!" doesn't make it true.
Also it is completely and entirely possible to synthesize taurine, just like any chemical.
>Synthetic taurine is obtained by the ammonolysis of isethionic acid (2-hydroxyethanesulfonic acid), which in turn is obtained from the reaction of ethylene oxide with aqueous sodium bisulfite. A direct approach involves the reaction of aziridine with sulfurous acid.[12]
>In 1993, about 5000โ€“6000 tonnes of taurine were produced for commercial purposes: 50% for pet food and 50% in pharmaceutical applications.[13] As of 2010, China alone has more than 40 manufacturers of taurine. Most of these enterprises employ the ethanolamine method to produce a total annual production of about 3000 tonnes.[14]
>In the laboratory, taurine can be produced by alkylation of ammonia with bromoethanesulfonate salts.[15]

Anonymous No. 16235097

>50% for pet food
imagine feeding an animal you claim to care for corn and rice soaked with chemicals instead of real food.

Anonymous No. 16235881

Goyslop for pets is whats shilled on TV, so thats what people buy for their pets.

Anonymous No. 16235964

>soaked with chemicals
The chemical in question is a naturally occurring amino acid that is dietarily essential for animals like cats.
That said, I agree that pets deserve better food than shitty vegetable kibble.

Anonymous No. 16236915

enjoy ur cancer

Anonymous No. 16238137

lmao at vegans and energy drink fags

New Barkon No. 16238139

I drink energy drinks bro

Anonymous No. 16238796


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Anonymous No. 16240098

>so I eat real natural food they way we evolved so I can be healthy?
>no, I think I'll eat chemical soiyence goyslop instead and die of cancer

Anonymous No. 16242198

Energy drinks are popular with the same class of mentally ill schizos who take prescription meth for their special snowflake "ADHD" which is really just a rebranding of plain old narcissistic personality disorder.

Anonymous No. 16242205

>and vegan foods
The study doesn't even mention "vegan foods" this is a fiction which lives in his mind rent free.

Anonymous No. 16242511

that's what most people feed themselves, why would they think it's bad for their pets? of course they're wrong but I wouldn't say they're to blame, after all its our institutions that keep saying processed slop is actually good for us as long as it's not from animals

Anonymous No. 16243715

taurolidine is in all sorts of vegan pseudofoods

Anonymous No. 16245138

Thats good tho, we'll be far better off when they're all dead

Anonymous No. 16246874

How do we know the taurolidine cancer deaths aren't really vax deaths that are just being blamed on taurolidine?

Anonymous No. 16248160

that would be a tough one to figure out since the goysloppers and especially the soisloppers all tend to be vaxmaxers too

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Anonymous No. 16249616


Anonymous No. 16251159

>red bull

Anonymous No. 16252315

interesting, what other energy drinks have hidden talmudic/satanic meanings?

Anonymous No. 16252431

Almost anything can "cause" cancer if u try hard enough desu i dont get these meme threads

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Anonymous No. 16253935
