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🧵 Hanging by asphyxiation vs by broken neck

Anonymous No. 16224086

Maybe this should go to /diy/ since they have the banner and all but you'll probably do. Which method do you reckon is faster and less painful? The first is probably minutes of squirming and clawing at my neck,since tying my hands behind me by myself as i'm on the "bucket" probably wouldn't work,the second maybe minutes as a disembodied head with everything at the bottom hurting. Is a high dive probably better,with everything turning into mush instantly?

Anonymous No. 16224095

Hanging is slow and painful. Shit tier method.

Anonymous No. 16224102

Exit bags are supposedly peacefull and pain free.

Anonymous No. 16224103

This has been deboonked. That guy whom they executed this way in America, he visibly struggled for several minutes.

Anonymous No. 16224104

Youd only do hanging for the aesthetics, its too slow, though fairly reliable. Most swift and reliable would be the train or a high powered rifle. That being said, dont kill yourself you massive faggot

Anonymous No. 16224109

Stuff like exit bags,ODing on something nice etc leave room for the mind to rationalize survival,even jumping has that "it was but a dream" potential. Hanging has a certain finality in my mind. Beheading is probably better but i'd have to build a guillotine or find an executioner or something,excuses to postpone.

Hadn't thought of trains. Probably similar to jumping. Same with guns.

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Anonymous No. 16224415

>Youd only do hanging for the aesthetics
This. You wanna go out in style.

Anonymous No. 16224649

strap a bomb to your chest

Anonymous No. 16224806

Maybe you faggots should stop being such cry baby cowards and just live life. Losers.

Anonymous No. 16224870

Can you provide the source? The wikipedia article on it has no mention of it being painful other than injuries caused by tightening the bag around your neck

Anonymous No. 16224872

Just go to canada and tell the dr. that you're feeling a little depressed. He will ask you if considered assisted suicide.

Anonymous No. 16224948

if you just want to get over it then make a small private pool and jump in, wrapped with weights. If you hyperventilate first you might blackout before feeling a shortage of breath, or at least it will shorten the period of intense panic before the blackout.
You cant survive drowning, the method is more effective than shotgun to the head

Anonymous No. 16225001

Jesus, I know you fags are depressed about Dark Matter being fake and gay and your whole lives being in pursuit of false gods but is this really the answer? Or wait are you all climate scientists?

Anonymous No. 16225009

I wont be giving advice like this on /sci/.

Anonymous No. 16225024

Worse, i was a vaccinetard

Anonymous No. 16225490

Blood chokes are like 1-2 seconds of “oh shit” and then you just pass out, that’s how a lot of autoerotic accidents happen. Only air chokes and asphyxiation is slow and painful

This one sounds good too

Anonymous No. 16225514

There something called long drop, and the short drop.

short drop- the method of hanging where you dont fall far enough to snap your neck. It's essentially just strangulation and is probably pretty agonizing.

long drop- the method of hanging where you fall far enough to instantly snap your neck at the bottom. In some cases it's 5+ feet, depending on your bodyweight. This is agreed to be mostly painless.

The latter was mostly employed as the main form of execution for a while, while the short drop is done by amateurs.

Anonymous No. 16225547

>The first is probably minutes of squirming and clawing at my neck
No, not at all, it depends on how you will do it.
Has anyone ever strangled you in wrestling, or just pressed and blocked your carotids with their thumbs? The fainting sensation is just like falling asleep.
I'd be the same thing, you'd stop seeing reality, then go into a dream, and so far for me they have been all very pleasant, and then... O

Anonymous No. 16225955

Hey thanks for the replies,i expected you'd leave me [spoiler]hanging[/spoiler].