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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16224099

More evidence of covid vaccines causing mass die offs.
China's population is in decline for the first time since Mao cause the great famine at the end of the 1950s

Anonymous No. 16224190

>More evidence of covid vaccines causing mass die offs.
>China's population is in decline for the first time since Mao cause the great famine at the end of the 1950s
What does correlation not imply? I think you know.

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Anonymous No. 16224204

That ain't vaccines, that's Ch*nese w*men refusing to procreate. Their fertility rate is 1.0 and they will lose nearly 1 billion Changs before the century is out.

Anonymous No. 16224248

all the lockdown shit probably didn't help either. plus the consequences of one child are still playing out.

Anonymous No. 16224787

Are you retarded? Think about your theory for just 2 seconds and see if you can think of a counterfactual.

Anonymous No. 16224789

Vaccines aren't good to eat.

Anonymous No. 16224833

I think it's because they have 1.0 TFR

Anonymous No. 16224837

Why are anti-Vaxxers even more bad faith than the people they criticize?

Anonymous No. 16224840

did the anti-vaxxers coerce you into taking multiple gene therapies without any form of legal protection for complications?

Anonymous No. 16225679

the graph is literally saddam hussein, how can you even take this seriously.

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Anonymous No. 16225962


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The History of Ce....pdf

Anonymous No. 16227304

he was whacked for the same reason qaddafi was, tried to run his country without using dollar based central banking

Anonymous No. 16228692

look at all the vaxxxxie cope in this thread

Anonymous No. 16228874

If you look at the graph, you can see that the population in China has on average been declining since 1970, long before the covid vaccines were introduced. Experts in demography have long said that this is because of a demographic crisis in China, due to policy.

Anonymous No. 16229063

>due to policy
They reversed that policy a while ago already to no avail, and abysmal TFR is something not unique to China in the the far east. It's way deeper than "policy"

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16229065

You're such a retarded nigger

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16229068

Worse: They lie to me

Anonymous No. 16229095

> A 0.2% drop in the population of China
Oh no, we're all going to die.

Anonymous No. 16229333

You didn't answer the question. You just asked an irrelevant question.

Anonymous No. 16229371

we should start requiring IQ tests to post on /sci/

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16229383

Why are you avoiding the question (((anon)))?

Anonymous No. 16229987

Is this what motivated them to release Covid in the first place? They realised they would lose their footing eventually (as currently 25% of humanity is Han Chinese more or less).

Anonymous No. 16229990

The one child policy was Eugenics, rich or poor you would have the same amount.

Anonymous No. 16230250

They released it in coordination with others around the world mainly to get rid of Trump and rush along the biosecurity regimen.

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Anonymous No. 16231131


Anonymous No. 16231463

Seems like part of a trend line that starts in about 2016-17 or the end of a blip in a trend from 1985 to now.

Anonymous No. 16232874

The negative population growth doesn't start until 2021 and the only other negative population growth on the chart is Mao's big famine where over 30 million people were wiped out by the communists

Anonymous No. 16232909

Learn to read graphs, faggot. Are you underage?

Anonymous No. 16233999

The only negative population growth on the chart is Mao's great communist famine and the die off after the administration of the covid vaccine

Anonymous No. 16234049

Growth rate = births - deaths
What is happening to growth rate per year since 1990?0
It is shrinking

Anonymous No. 16234247

Every time crap like this is posted, you faggots always fail to answer the question - why am I not dead yet?

Anonymous No. 16234261

Yes the population has only decreased in those two periods but the rate of growth has been steadily declining for a long time and could very easily be projected into the future. Many people will have already predicted this happening years before now.

Anonymous No. 16234267

Clearly you're part of the (((TRIPLE VAXXXED ELITE))))) that's immune to the ((((((DOUBLE TRIPLE AIDS VAXXXXX CANCER)))

I'm so fucking sick of these retards.

Anonymous No. 16234278

Maybe your sick because you're unvaccinated

Anonymous No. 16234664

central banks issue their own currency. You mean he refused to buy US treasuries, i.e pay tributes to the US government, funding the government by investing in fake investment bonds that will never pay above inflation rates.
BTW, every bank creates its own currency. Non bank financial institutions like Paypal or Venmo also issue their own currency. Currency is just a register that can circulate among accounts of the institution, and non-transferible

Anonymous No. 16234687

I want to emphasize that im not just saying that financial institutions (including non-banks) issue currency, but that they issue THEIR OWN currency.
A Paypal dollar is a different animal from a FED dollar or a bank of america dollar. Common people call all of these "dollars" because they dont know any better and they dont see a difference, as they can EXCHANGE these currencies with each other in exchanges that operate out of their normie view. These exchanges allow common operations like transfering money from one bank to another bank, something which is impossible in a formal sense, as difference currencies cannot be turned into another, but can be traded.
Sometimes the exchanges fail and then you get a financial crisis and reality hits you hard/

Anonymous No. 16234706

at least they'll have time for the grieving process, most of them anyway

Anonymous No. 16234756

There was a fine you could pay if you wanted extra children.

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Anonymous No. 16235339

reminder that the "scientific" covid epidemic was just a big hoax used to justify a massive financial ripoff

Anonymous No. 16235354

saddam hussein?

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Anonymous No. 16235361


Anonymous No. 16235604

What is the "scientific" covid epidemic?

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16235606

>covid vaccines
are you retarded? they had their own vaccines, they were different tech than the western pharma ones.

all fields

Anonymous No. 16235621

Is this bait?

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Anonymous No. 16236673

>+1 social credit score

Anonymous No. 16237495

You're only upset by what you're seeing because you were dumb enough to become a vaxxie. If you weren't a rube that was tricked into taking an untested experimental injection then you'd see the vaxxie die off as good news.

Anonymous No. 16238320

no deadly enough, they should have another big famine too

Anonymous No. 16238329

it was different tech, but I heard rumors about cancer from them in 21/22.
also should really make all the vaxxies itt think that all the big governments who are meant to hate each other vaccinated 70-95% of their populations in lockstep :^)

Anonymous No. 16239052

We should just tell the vaxxxies that eating food causes covid

Anonymous No. 16240329

they would believe it if bill nye said so

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Anonymous No. 16240357


Anonymous No. 16242214

good pic lol

Anonymous No. 16242218


Anonymous No. 16243436

Reversed what policy? They still have a strict fertility policy. They used to have a one-child policy, now they have a two-child policy. That's not much better, dude. Also, you don't understand how demographic changes work. Reversing a demographic policy doesn't necessarily mean that the demographic effects will immediately be reversed.

> It's way deeper than "policy"
Yes, that's true. Declining fertility rates is a feature of modernization. But we're talking about China, and there's more to declining fertility in China than modernization, as is obvious given their strict demographic policies.

Anonymous No. 16244447

they're dying off due to the vax, not because of government policy

Anonymous No. 16244464

its because chinese people arent having children, retards like you shouldnt be in /sci/

Anonymous No. 16244475

If correlation doesn't imply causation, what DOES imply causation?

Anonymous No. 16244482


Anonymous No. 16245872

how many boosters are you on?

Anonymous No. 16246023

>Obvious trend since 1970
>It's the vaccine!

Anonymous No. 16246026

Central banks should have more power not less. Elected officials are fucking retards, giving them monetary powers would be economic suicide

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benford's law.jpg

Anonymous No. 16247135

>Elected officials
they aren't elected

Anonymous No. 16247172

Benford's law doesn't apply to data sets like those found in elections. This would be obvious if you looked at data for other officials for whatever state that is.

Also, either data set being unnatural wouldn't tell you who was cheating. You can rig an election either by getting more votes or by ensuring your opponent gets less. Likewise, you can try to rig an election and fail.

Anonymous No. 16247311


The past 3 years have shown that Normies don't care that the government has literally poisoned them. So I won't care either.

I tried to warn them, I've put more than enough energy into this and faced personal "consequences" for it. They can only help themselves at this point, unvaxxed are pissed as fuck and won't fight for them

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Anonymous No. 16248760

why should anyone care if a bunch of npcs drop dead? trump's plan to use a fake pandemic and euthanasia injections disguised as vaccines as a means of wiping out the dead weight npcs was a brilliant maneuver.

Anonymous No. 16248821

The 2020 lockdown led to the death of countless seniors in red counties via ventilators. Don't you wonder why Biden always does better than expected for a Dem among seniors? Because so many in red counties were killed in 2020

Anonymous No. 16249951

You realize everyone knows this right?
You realize only a faggot feels the need to long form ideas that everyone knows just to be technically correct right?

He even said "dollar based central banking."
You are a total, 100% faggot.

Anonymous No. 16251100


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Anonymous No. 16252173

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Anonymous No. 16253401

>Don't you wonder why Biden always does better than expected for a Dem among seniors?
>Because so many dead people who are still on the voter roles as registered democrats

Anonymous No. 16254170

Dead people voting Dem was always a thing, even when seniors were leaning Republican in general. The recent trend of seniors supporting Dems/Biden has only started in 2020.

Anonymous No. 16254186

I remember in high school geography class that a drop in birth rates is the threshold from a when a developing nation becomes a developed one. All this means is that China is now officially a developed nation.

Anonymous No. 16254228

Japan's population has been declining since 2008

Anonymous No. 16254234

The state of education

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Anonymous No. 16255175

Can't even read it. Here's a link...