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🧵 quantum mechanics thread

D No. 16224386

>mfw the universe could be repeating itself for an unknown time and that we might be experiencing infinite possibilites of how can history proceed itself due to Heisenberg Uncertainty.

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Anonymous No. 16224457

friendly reminder that superdeterminism is correct (you could not have done otherwise).

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quantum theories ....png

Anonymous No. 16224853

Anonymous No. 16224896

bad graphic. superdeterminism is a type of hidden variables theory. ensemble is misspelled as 'ensamble'. multiple different interpretations can also be ensemble interpretations, since it just refers to the status given to the wavefunction.

Anonymous No. 16224957

>true chaotic
>quantum physics is deterministic, but nonlinear to a nigh-infinite order.
Chaos Theory chads win again.

Anonymous No. 16224958

Does this mean we get reincarnated?

D No. 16225010

Not necessarily we do, since information can be rearranged in n different ways (basic entropy), the history of the Universe as we know can change, some of these rearrangements may result in humanity never existing in the first place.
>in some rearrangement of the universe Marie Curie could be fuckable

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Anonymous No. 16225074

Allow me to introduce a new theory / interpretation which I will call metacryptodeterminism:
1. The laws of physics are incomplete. They do not fully determine the future.
2. The necessary input to determine the future comes from human free will which cannot be accounted for by the laws of physics.
3. Human free will however is not truly free. It is determined by metaphysical laws which are unknowable to us.

Anonymous No. 16225213

Have psi-epistemic interpretations been ruled out?

Anonymous No. 16225255

Here here! I propose we call this metaphysical force Dark Will.

Anonymous No. 16225274

That's so skibidi.

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Anonymous No. 16225293

>omg, my brain, it feels so big!!!
>its full of so much schizo kike jargon and fancy basedence polysyllables
>oh no
>i can't hold it in any longer
>i'm gonna…

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Anonymous No. 16225916

Free will could exist of consciousness collapses the wave function.