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๐Ÿงต I'm waiting for the day when Sabine go climatechangemaxxing

Anonymous No. 16224664

Yes, Canada need to become the greastest empire on earth.

Anonymous No. 16225056

Wait until someone tells her GMO plants are easy to make and they likely already have ways to turn trees and crops into super C02 scrubbers for pennies. Climate change was always just a means to control the plebs. It looks like it failed so now The Powers That Be are telling their puppets to back pedal. Same old story. Same shit happening with EV's, Elon is even looking to ditch Tesla in the next few weeks having failed to cash out $56 billion from his scam empire.

Industrial scale green energy, also a scam to control plebs. The best thing to have is a decentralized off grid system tied to a back up grid powered by a healthy mix of fuels. That means solar/wind on your roof AND a battery bank in your house to store and use your own power. Then if you run out of self made power the on grid switch flips, fills you up, charges you a small fee. EV's are stupid, always have been. The prime vehicle is the gas/electric hybrid. It combines the best of both cars and makes an effective MPG of 60-100 mpg. With that type of efficiency our known oil reservoirs would last 3-4 centuries.

It's all a scam for control by evil people who are greed incarnate. Al Gore is worth like $300+ million. Tesla made most of it's money selling bullshit carbon credits. But people with their own battery bank is anti control. People with hybrid cars capable of cross country trips via the ICE engine make it hard to control people. They can't keep getting away with this...............

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Anonymous No. 16225084

Why does this WEF shill now defend climate change? Is this finally the official shift in narrative? Will mainstream journalism follow?

Anonymous No. 16225123

Im not even a greenfag, but holy fuck is this gay. I dont like scorching summers. I dont like parasite species creeping up from the south. I dont like snails destroying our crops because the winter wasnt cold enough. This bitch can go fuck herself

Anonymous No. 16225251

They don't even have to modify plants to be CO2 scrubbers, though you should push that technology on kickstarter and make yourself a nice gorillion.