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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ ๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16224688

If you are a vaxxie how does it make you feel that the "conspiracy theorists" and schizos were right? Scientifically speaking of course

Anonymous No. 16224741

As always, they will pretend they never said that.
They already say "nobody forced you to take it"

Anonymous No. 16224776

they are coping in ways you can't even imagine

Anonymous No. 16224793

Oh look, another twitter screencap shit thread

Anonymous No. 16224797

It was still the right thing to do at the time with the knowledge we had. People should look out for each other and care for each other instead of selfish pricks.

Anonymous No. 16224798

>scientifically speaking
I only see a Twitter screenshot

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Anonymous No. 16224803

Still alive

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unvax death.jpg

Anonymous No. 16224807

Still alive

Anonymous No. 16224812

Donald Trump: "It will save millions of lives, and soon end the pandemic once and for all"

bodhi No. 16224825

the "schizos" and "conspiracy theorists" had the same information you retarded fucking dipshit and no it wasnt the right idea at the time, you are just fucking stupid as are all the other nigger cattle that shot up the jew juice

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Anonymous No. 16224873

It was never tested to stop the spread
It was never engineered to stop thd spread

You got sold a flying car with a photo of a concept car beimg driven off a cliff

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Anonymous No. 16224884

He only said that to trick vaxxxxxies into volunteering to kys themselves. LMAO that you were low IQ enough to fall for it

Anonymous No. 16224908

He did nothing while seniors in red-leaning counties were murdered via ventilators.
Today you keep hearing about how Biden has strong support among seniors. The Trump supporting ones are all dead. Because Trump did nothing to save them.