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🧵 Got tenure and promotion

Anonymous No. 16225275

Math professor here, I am now unfireable and have no incentive to get good student evals. I will literally destroy every single one of you retarded engineering and comp sci fuckers who ends up in my classes. Go ahead and complain to the dean, I don't give a fuck. I've waited a long time for this

Anonymous No. 16225341

*raises hand*
I can has turtlez? :O

Anonymous No. 16225352

Those who can't do, teach

Anonymous No. 16225358


Anonymous No. 16225365


Anonymous No. 16225372

Nice LARP faggot

Anonymous No. 16225380

get a real job lmao

Anonymous No. 16225388

>I am now unfireable
That's what you think

Anonymous No. 16225391

I will shit on your desk

Anonymous No. 16225393

What about the physicists? Are you going to let them get away with their shaky proofs for Greene's theorem?

Anonymous No. 16225399


kek I work 15 hours a week, 30 weeks a year, and make over 100k. I do all kinds of productive and fun shit in my free time. Gardening, remodeling, gunsmithing, building, landscaping, you name it. I have no one micromanaging me and can never lose my job.

Go ahead and brag about your 50hr/week 50 week/year wagie corporation job for muh 200k total comp (in reality 100k actual salary but count health insurance and unsellable stocks as compensation to impress roasties). Make sure to send your progress report to your project leader by Friday!

state school with a strong union, good luck

Anonymous No. 16225409

lol go ahead, some janny will clean it up
physics is cool in my book, they let me watch movies in their planetarium

Anonymous No. 16225411

>Reminder: /sci/ is for discussing topics pertaining to science and mathematics, not for helping you with your homework or helping you figure out your career path.

>If you want advice regarding college/university or your career path, go to /adv/ - Advice.

Anonymous No. 16225481

What is the current state of cutting edge mathematics? Is it all just abstract geometry?

Anonymous No. 16225488

thank you for admitting mathematicians don't do research. this board should be rebranded as for only scientists, and all mathematicians be IP range banned.

Anonymous No. 16225586

Lots of things, but most of it is made up useless shit. Operations research and numerical methods for PDEs are probably the most practically applicable area that people work on. Combinatorics and graph theory are a paper mill dumpster fire, 100 IQ retards introduce variants of problems, pick the low hanging fruit, and no one ever looks at the variant again. Lots of analysis-adjacent areas are stale grad student traps.

Many mathematicians do research, I used to too and still do occasionally. I have dozens of papers in A-tier journals and hundreds of citations. But I have realized there's no point, it's much like memorizing chess openings or creating new variations of a line 15 moves in. 99% of math research is just something you do for fun with no actual value other than getting yourself a cushy job. I now prefer to spend my time building physical objects that directly benefit me.

Anonymous No. 16225746

>. I now prefer to spend my time building physical objects that directly benefit me.
So when making these butt plugs, did your knowledge of concavity come in use?

Anonymous No. 16226091

Wasn't teaching supposed to be about shaping the young minds or some shit? y u heff 2 b med?

Anonymous No. 16226093

Holy based. Please fail as many retards as possible. Especially jeets.

t. Retard who should not have graduated.

Anonymous No. 16226105

do you provide honest feedback to these retards so that they know what type of work would be appreciated?

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Anonymous No. 16226141

You will get replaced by AI next year.

Anonymous No. 16226166

>state school
>strong union

Anonymous No. 16226178

cool story bro

Anonymous No. 16226183

My compsci professor gave me a bad grade and now I am aiming to destroy academia
sorry OP but all you teacher fuckheads need to suffer
I suffered everyday in college
not once did I have a good moment

Anonymous No. 16226186

sounds like a skill issue
>t. hated a lot of college classes too

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Anonymous No. 16226188

all of you are glasses and none are free from sin

Anonymous No. 16226204

Based, make code monkeys learn the epsilon-delta definition of a derivative in calc 1 for me op

Anonymous No. 16226209

Autistic jeet moment

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Anonymous No. 16226218

Don't they learn that when taking a limit? In any case, that's for high school, adults use neighborhoods (or even bases) which I think are actually more intuitive.

Anonymous No. 16226237

What if the student is good? What the fuck are you gonna do about it bitch?

Anonymous No. 16226239

>Don't they learn that when taking a limit
I wish
>In any case, that's for high school
What county do you live in my guy?

Anonymous No. 16226242

>what are you going to do if you meet a non retarded engineering major
Probably celebrate. Then I might eat some unicorn steak

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Anonymous No. 16226607

I reject 90% of papers I review, including some from my friends. Mfw they seethe about cruel asshole reviewers, one of which was me

kek if you think a professor's job is actually teaching students and doing research. It's not. It's managing cattle and bureaucratic bullshit. Some students don't need a professor at all and can learn the material just by reading the textbook and watching high production quality youtube videos that explain it much better than I ever could. But some students are fucking retards who need to be wrangled and herded like cattle. The administrative work will also never go away no matter how much AI you throw at it. So don't worry, my job's not going anywhere

there's like one good student per year and all the professors fight over him like dogs over a scrap of meat

Anonymous No. 16226618

The engineers gonna do will forever be a teacher.

Anonymous No. 16226622

And yet you're still retarded

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woman moment.png

Anonymous No. 16226624


B00T No. 16226628

It's me who should be doing the deals

Anonymous No. 16226770

And yet here you are.

Anonymous No. 16226787

Consistent negative student feedback over an extended period could potentially trigger an investigation or performance review, which may lead to sanctions or other consequences, but not necessarily dismissal.
Many such cases.

Anonymous No. 16226791

>kek I work 15 hours a week
I work 0 hours per week
I won.

Anonymous No. 16226793

To all the bitter /sci/ priks that come around complaining about education and research: the OP is your enemy.
He's no better than a piece of shit, no many how many letter precede his first name.
Broken, pathetic person. Grow up, seek therapy, sadist.

Anonymous No. 16226805

I get the joke, but considering tenure hasn’t been like this for almost forty years it’s a bit dated.

Anonymous No. 16226811

The fact that you are now literally planning to sit on your ass and do nothing worthy in research just shows how broken and full of leeches the system is. You could care less about mathematics, or pursuit of knowledge. Alm you wanted was a job to do your pointless ax-throwing-esque hobbies. Did in your "boundless" intellect realize you could have done alk that by bebing another drone in industry and not a parasite in academia? That it'd pay many times the salary and give you far more personal freedom?

Of course not. You are a short sighted nimwit. You can crank out the mathetical lingo,but are an intellectual fraud. It's a shame. You likely suck at teaching due to your own social ineptitute and autistic demeanor.

What a waste

T. Another academic

Anonymous No. 16226822

Is homosexuality discovered or invented? Please tell me!

Anonymous No. 16226879

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