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🗑️ 🧵 Climate scyentists can't do math

Anonymous No. 16225288

RETRACTED: Drought sensitivity in mesic forests heightens their vulnerability to climate change

The authors of a paper published in Science have retracted their article following the discovery of calculation errors.

The article,“Drought sensitivity in mesic forests heightens their vulnerability to climate change” by Robert Heilmayr of the University of California, Santa Barbara and colleagues found that in drier areas, trees are less sensitive to drought and in hotter regions with a wet climate, tree growth is expected to decrease.

It has been cited once, according to Clarivate’s Web of Science. Since its publication in December, the article has been downloaded 4,641 times, posted by 154 X users, and written about by 20 news outlets and press release sites.

In January, a group led by Stefan Klesse of the Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research informed the authors of errors in their R script, which was used to characterize weather and climate in these drought-affected regions. When the authors reran their script, the statistical significance of some conclusions, and test results changed – prompting them to retract the work.

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Anonymous No. 16225289

“We believe the journal has handled this process incredibly well,” Heilmayr told Retraction Watch. “They encouraged us to work with Klesse et al. to get to the bottom of their concerns, and then followed our recommendation to retract the paper. Although we are disappointed, we were happy we were able to correct the scientific record.”

Klesse and his colleagues did not respond to our request for comment.

Four papers have been retracted from Science since the beginning of last year. The first was a similar case, in which researchers discovered an error and the authors retracted. Two involved the high-profile case of former Stanford president Marc Tessier-Lavigne, and the other was from another high-profile case at the Dana Farber Cancer Institute.

A spokesperson for Science said “It continues to encourage us to see examples like this where a data user lets the authors know about an error and the authors work quickly to correct the record.”

Anonymous No. 16225499

R is not math and they corrected the issue when it was brought to their attention. What exactly is your complaint?

Anonymous No. 16226253

>Climate scyentists can't do math
thats also why they can't learn relevant physics topics such as thermodynamics

Anonymous No. 16226256

And you can't write "scientist" correctly. Go back to kindergarten

Anonymous No. 16226343

>The authors of a paper published in Science have retracted their article following the discovery of calculation errors.
Good. Science is working.

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Anonymous No. 16227616

>And you can't write "scientist" correctly. Go back to kindergarten

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Anonymous No. 16227646


Anonymous No. 16228696

They can't do math cause they're low IQ

Anonymous No. 16228707

Seriously, it's not that hard to write.


Repeat after me. Or do you need your Mickey Mouse keyboard with big letters so its easier?

Anonymous No. 16228712


Anonymous No. 16228714

The answer is coming soon

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Anonymous No. 16229782


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Anonymous No. 16229791


Anonymous No. 16230720

if they could do math then they wouldn't think global warming is real

Anonymous No. 16231850

>if they could do math then they would…
have studied physics so they could actually understand the topic they're supposedly so interested in (but not interested in enough to learn calculus so they learn enough physics and truly grasp the science behind it all)

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16231858


Anonymous No. 16233618

>being this triggered

Anonymous No. 16234814

soiyentismists are very thin skinned and quick to anger, they all have severe mental problems and are very immature and emotional as a result, they're like babies or small children with the tantrums they throw

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Anonymous No. 16235701


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Anonymous No. 16235790

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Anonymous No. 16235798

Here's a good pic to post in any AGW thread.

Anonymous No. 16236111

Now, superimpose the graph on temperature...

Anonymous No. 16236647

Starting to think this board's title would better reflect reality if it were "Science OR Math".

Anonymous No. 16237338

how does that affect sunspot numbers

Anonymous No. 16238282

"""climate science"""" is a math free branch of science, you don't even need to pass calculus to get a degree in """climate science""""
the field is completely fake

Anonymous No. 16239079

Its not even a real branch of science, they just took political activism and shilling and falsely relabeled it with the "science" brand name

Anonymous No. 16240424

they dumb lol

Anonymous No. 16242228

>Drought sensitivity in mesic forests heightens their vulnerability to climate change
False premise, plants become less sensitive to drought with increased availability of atmospheric CO2

Anonymous No. 16243545

thats one of the best things about adding CO2 to the atmosphere. previously barren desert regions will be able to flourish regardless their meager availability of water because the plants that are able to grow there will become more tolerant of the aridness

Anonymous No. 16245108

It will also be possible to irrigate more land with less water.

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Anonymous No. 16245437

Nice sales pitch. However, it's telling that you didn't provide any quantitative projection, no numbers at all. Could it be because a CO2 increase isn't a net benefit after all?

Anonymous No. 16246826

you can look up figures on stomata girth and evaporation as a function of atmospheric co2 concentration yourself.

Anonymous No. 16247161

>figures on stomata girth and evaporation as a function of atmospheric co2 concentration
Long way to go from that to a meaningful projection about "barren desert regions being able to flourish". I'm not asking if CO2 fertilisation can aid some species to an extent. I'm asking about the evidence that the CO2 increase is a net benefit.

Anonymous No. 16247778

>evidence that the CO2 increase is a net benefit
the silence is deafening

Anonymous No. 16248960

If you want information on the topic of stomata girth and evaporation as a function of atmospheric co2 concentration you know where to look it up. The only reason you don't bother is that you're not interested in learning about science.

Anonymous No. 16248962

You refuse to cite your sources or share any links because you have none

Anonymous No. 16249074

The question wasn't whether CO2 concentration had a certain effect on some plants. I asked about evidence saying a CO2 increase is a net benefit. It's telling that you've provided none, and refused to look at the bigger picture.

Anonymous No. 16250438

>and written about by 20 news outlets
None of those news outlets will cover the retraction

Anonymous No. 16251700

Thats how the propaganda business works. The lie goes on the top of the front page and gets covered for days, the retraction goes on the bottom of page 18 once and is never mentioned again

Anonymous No. 16252976

prove co2 is bad

Anonymous No. 16252982

>prove a negative
Buddy I don't think that's how "proving" something works

Anonymous No. 16252984

that's not what proving a negative means dumbfuck

Anonymous No. 16252985

I'm sure they made that "mistake" totally by accident

Anonymous No. 16253011

>changing the subject
Thanks for conceding. After several days of asking for evidence it became clear the sales pitch from >>16243545 is bollocks, as nobody's managed to back it up.

Anonymous No. 16253207

Just on the off chance you are human, you do realize you are responding to a bot in an auto bump thread right?

Anonymous No. 16254343


Anonymous No. 16254349

It's not a human, it's a retard

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co2 is good for t....jpg

Anonymous No. 16256081

>I can't prove CO2 is bad
but its easy to prove that it's good

Anonymous No. 16257212

come on, anon, it's obvious you are an illiterate oaf who is now simply trying to pretend correct spelling has nothing to do with how well-read someone is.

Anonymous No. 16257275

>I'm asking about the evidence for a subjective, qualitative value-statement based on arbitrary weighting of what constitutes benefit
How do you want the "net benefit" quantified? How could such a thing possibly be measured?

Anonymous No. 16257282

It's very easy, just reformulate the proposition
>CO2 is a net benefit
There, I've given you a FALSIFIABLE statement. Now supply evidence that it is not a net benefit ie falsify my statement.

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Anonymous No. 16257291

That's in a closed lab. Also it's hard to grow trees when your front yard is flooded with seawater.

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Anonymous No. 16257309

>That's in a closed lab
How else do you think they could control the CO2 level?
>your chart
50mm in 5 decades is nothing lmao.
Tectonic plate movement and post glacial rebound vastly eclipse it. Picrel.

Anonymous No. 16257323

are tectonics accounted for in that graph? and how are they measured? and how long until solar system is flooded?

Anonymous No. 16258592

They can't do math because they're low IQ

Anonymous No. 16258601

No one cares about your shitty thread that you need to bump every day from the last page

Anonymous No. 16259425

How come papers that cite retracted papers aren't also retracted?

Anonymous No. 16260309

because soientists only care about getting their name in the soience vanity press, they don't care about pursuing truth or knowledge, they just pretend that they do because they need to get to do so to justify their fancy job titles

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Anonymous No. 16261708

Thats the difference between science and academia.
Academia isn't science, its the polar opposite

Anonymous No. 16262580

we should be able to use that data to calculate an optimal average temperature for the planet.

Anonymous No. 16263894

amazing that deaths from cold are 8% of all deaths. we need to heat this planet up ASAP, lets see if we can do it before winter rolls around again

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Anonymous No. 16264909

They don't make those mistakes by accident. They intentionally fake data and results in order to mislead the general public and then when they get caught they lie some more and pretend it was a mistake.

Here is climate scientist Stephen Schneider of NOAA in the October 1989 issue of Discover magazine openly admitting that climate scientists intentionally mislead the public about global warming as a means of forwarding their political goals:

>Stephen Schneider of the National Center for Atmospheric Research described the scientists’ dilemma this way:
>“On the one hand, as scientists, we are ethically bound to the scientific method, in effect promising to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but—which means that we must include all the doubts, the caveats, the ifs, ands, and buts. On the other hand, we are not just scientists but human beings as well.

>And like most people we’d like to see the world a better place, which in this context translates into our working to reduce the risk of potentially disastrous climatic change. To do that we need to get some broad-based support, to capture the public’s imagination. That, of course, entails getting loads of media coverage. So we have to offer up scary scenarios, make simplified, dramatic statements, and make little mention of any doubts we might have. This ‘double ethical bind’ we frequently find ourselves in cannot be solved by any formula. Each of us has to decide what the right balance is between being effective and being honest.”

Anonymous No. 16265564

>climate scientists intentionally mislead the public about global warming as a means of forwarding their political goals:
Its not just about forwarding their political goals, its also about enriching themselves financially. The more they shill global warming the better their job security gets

Anonymous No. 16266714

How dumb does a guy need to be to publicly admit that?

Anonymous No. 16267856

climate science is a low IQ discipline, you can get a degree in climate science without passing a single calculus class. the discipline was invented for the purpose of allowing low IQ political activists a means to get the clout of a science degree even if they weren't qualified for one

Anonymous No. 16268100

This anon fucks

Anonymous No. 16269370

There isn't a single well known equation that comes from climate science, the entire field is non-anylitical

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 16270678


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Stop guessing start learning No. 16271005

You fools haven’t even graduated college and taken basic statistics class.

But but the globe is cooling in some areas.

No shit Sherlock

It’s called variance in the dataset.

How many times does this have to be fucking said? it’s the AVERAGE global temperature not daily fluctuations.

Stop cherry picking data and info to support your denial