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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16225524

can you fucks agree on what is healthy to eat and how much, for fucks sake, how can you land ships on the moon and make drifting fighters jets and not be able to identify what your own species should be eating. PATHETIC

Anonymous No. 16225537

fat good sugar bad simple ass

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the egg paradox.jpg

Anonymous No. 16225539

Anonymous No. 16225550

maybe nutrition is actually highly personalized
and an individual should figure out whats healthy for them
and everyone else, quit food consumption moralizing

sometimes i just think big media also is invested in big produce, so if they see a supply glut of something they'll get their news bureau to whip up a hot script, so demand increases,
same for shortages, suddenly the scarce good is unhealthy to prevent inflation

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Anonymous No. 16225563

So what do you suggest we eat since your smarter then everyone and you have the answers???

Anonymous No. 16225595

If you want an actual answer it's that nutrition is a field with very few meaningful studies because all of the evidence is self reported by people who don't want to admit to that 10th oreo or who don't remember to record what they ate. It is very difficult to aquire the information you need to make a proper conclusion.

Anonymous No. 16225704

Just let people make free individual choices. Problem solved.

Anonymous No. 16225719

back to /pol/

Anonymous No. 16225725

wtf you on about? just let people eat what they want

Anonymous No. 16225853

If you're not fat, just eat a balanced omnivore diet.
Literally can't go wrong. Having "too much" of something is pretty difficult and rare compared to having a deficiency, so this should cover everything.

Anonymous No. 16227006

>can you fucks agree on what is healthy to eat and how much
leafy green vegetables, and low-sugar fruits (strawberries, for example) and low calorie roots (like carrots or turnips) are safe to eat and you can eat as much as you can or wish. Stuff yourself.
It's the rest that is in debate.

Anonymous No. 16227010

uuuuuggghhh terrible headlines.

Anonymous No. 16227020

The challenge is that just about any food is healthy if it's part of a healthy diet which in turn is part of a healthy lifestyle. There's no magic "eat this this many times" formula.

Anonymous No. 16227041

That's what they want you to believe.

Anonymous No. 16227045

Kek and on the left they put an attractive pic and on the right a repelling one

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Anonymous No. 16227048

I'm sorry. I am still going to eat eggs no matter what the science says. That is all. Hahahaha.

I will eat six eggs for a light meal. Eight eggs if I am hungry. Ten eggs if I am eating one meal for the day. A dozen eggs if I am planning to fast.

Anonymous No. 16227062

they don't want to admit that ideal diets vary by race and ethnicity

Anonymous No. 16227077

Nearly everything is healthy with proper portions and nearly everything is unhealthy with improper portions.

Anonymous No. 16227079

This anon gets it. What works for one person may not work for another. There are guidelines every one can follow like not eating a ton fast food/heavily processed food. The problem is food producers lobby heavily to mislead the public about what is healthy.

Anonymous No. 16227086

Just look at what healthy people eat. I never see someone eating meats and vegetables being fat. Maybe they get a heart condition idk, but they are not fat. Fat people eat a lot of candy, you just see them with an oreo milkshake.
If sugar was banned health would improve dramatically. That would be a hell of a healthcare program, banning sugar

B00T No. 16227094

Eggs are not healthy, they're greasy as fuck. it's like eating a whole lion.

Anonymous No. 16228229


Nothing is healthy because heath does not exist.

Anonymous No. 16228235

>sneed oil?
>whole foods