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🗑️ 🧵 can /sci/ answer the following?:

Anonymous No. 16225557

Anonymous No. 16225565


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Anonymous No. 16225567


Anonymous No. 16225577

>Does God exist?
All things have potency.
All things have science.
All things have ternality.
If God in the traditional sense of a man like creator that is omnipotent, omniscient and eternal is not real, then what use are these baseline traits that all things possess? Surely someone has outrun them by now. A race run. A race won.

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Anonymous No. 16225580

These debates and discussions are stupid. Humans don’t know how to create any biological organism from scratch…. If atheists can prove evolution from primordial soup, go make a mosequito in a lab or a fly. Should be simple right? Even the most basic cell cannot be created in a lab by a human. Yet atheist love to argue like they know or can do better than the creator of the universe..
God doesn’t exist!!! Ok prove it faggot.

Anonymous No. 16225587

What does this prove but deism?

Anonymous No. 16225616

it's a fair argument against theories like big bang or evolution tbf. (both of which are held together by blind skepticism unironically)

Anonymous No. 16225654

How is it an argument against evolution or the big bang?

Anonymous No. 16225883

how is it not