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Anonymous No. 16225628

Why do I stink 30 minutes after taking a shower? Also have sweat under armpits when not even doing anything but just slight walking and sitting down. I’m in 30s and don’t currently exercise.

Anonymous No. 16226024

Are you overweight? Be honest.

Also, how much do you scrub yourself? Consider getting s brush and give yourself a rough scrub all over.

Lastly, it's not uncommon to smell a little after a shower in my experience. Like if you press your nose into your armpit and sniff you can still detect a faint sweat smell

Hope this helps

Anonymous No. 16226045

you sure do seem to like talking about yourself on social media

Anonymous No. 16226060

Thanks. Yea I’m at least 30lbs over weight.

I’m a neet so nothing else to do at the moment on this alleged anonymous board.

Anonymous No. 16226162

>Yea I’m at least 30lbs over weight
heres your problem fatty
stop being fat
eat less and move more

Anonymous No. 16226172

bad diet

Anonymous No. 16226223

Do you scrub your body down with soap or bodywash?
It makes a considerable difference

Dead skin and other detritus accumulates in fat rolls and the other natural creases (under your arms, your groin, your asscrack, behind your knees).
If you are overweight, it can be challenging to properly clean out all the extra skin folds.
If you want advice on how to thin down as lethargic NEET, do 10 push-ups, sit-ups, and squats after every meal.
It doesn't sound like much, because it isn't, but keep with it and after some weeks you will see results.

Anonymous No. 16226306

You spread the shit from your badly wiped ass all over your body.

Anonymous No. 16226930

>Why do I stink 30 minutes after taking a shower
I once wrote a thorough explanation why in a separate thread about skin bacteria and showering, let me find it in the archive, brb

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Anonymous No. 16226958

fuck, it's gone.
OK, fundamentally, it has to do with your genetics and bacteria variety.
The sebum anyone produces is different from person to person, and different bacteria fare better in some types of sebum or another. Some people are lucky that they don't even have to wear deodorant.
Bacteria proliferate jn your armpits by consuming the sebum when moisture is added.
Washing with regular soap does not remove or kill all bacterial since soap is primarily effective through mechanical action (scrubbing), and viable bacteria ill always remain on your skin.
As someone explained, sebum and dead skin accumulates in the micro fissures of your skin.
If you are prone to have preferentially stinky varieties of bacteria, they will persist in your skin, and in your clothing, even after washing. One you put them on an start sweating even if a little bit, they start feeding and stinking.
For this reason, try using antibacterial soap for your underarms only. It's poison, do not use it anywhere else on your body and rise your hands well before doing anything else. My sequence is: shampoo > rinse, antibacterial soap in armpits > wait > rinse pits and hands well > wash elsewhere with regular soap. Soap and scrub your pits well, and let the soap act for at least 1 minute before rinsing it.

Wash your laundry with disinfectant, bleach, or color-safe bleach as well. Bacteria linger in deodorant/anti-perspirant micro residues in the fibers, so they too are waiting for you to put on that "clean" shirt on.
If your clothing is synthetic, you can even put it in the microwave for about 1 min on max power to nuke any residual bacteria. Cotton is trickier, it might combust, so be careful.
The point is, you have to kill the bacteria, in your armpits and in your clothing, not just try to wash them away.
Do that and it'll change your life.

As far as sweating...

Anonymous No. 16226968

As far as sweating goes, if you are using antiperspirant, make sure your armpits are fully dry before you apply, and let the antiperspirant dry completely before moving your arms or putting on any clothing.

this is because antiperspirant needs to dry completely so that the aluminum crystals form on your skin and clog up your sweat glands (yes, that's how they work).
If you move your arms about, the skin will rub in your armpits, and unevenly removed the antiperspirant before it dries completely, leaving some spots where sweat will "leak" out.
If you don't let it dry, then it'll transfer to your clothing fibers too.
The best way is to wash, apply, then sit on the sofa with your arms apart, surfing the web or watching TV for some 20 mins or so

Some people use a blow-dryer on low, to speed up the process, it might work for you.

Once dry, do as you wish.

If you live in warm areas, forget cotton shirts. Switch to linen shirts, they do not get soggy with sweat like cotton does: linen dries super-quick, so say farewell to sweat stains, and keep yourself cooler as well. They are more expensive, but they will change your comfort level like nothing else

Keep doing that, after a few months you'll notice that even if you keep sweating, you'll not stink as easily anymore. You nuked the bacteria away and can avoid using the poisonous antibacterial soap as often.

That's it, good look, and I hope that on top of all those problems you also don't have axillary hyperhidrosis, that would be rather unfortunate.

Anonymous No. 16226970

Use warosu. Their archive goes back further and includes deleted threads.

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found it.jpg

Anonymous No. 16226988

wow, what a great tool! thank you

here is the original OP:

Anonymous No. 16227047

>eat more leafy greens and less processed carbs and meat
>lose weight
>shave armpit hair
>wear deodorant
any and/or all of these should solve your problem

Anonymous No. 16227050

aluminum antiperspirant clogs your pores, creates irritation and acne, and causes cancer. don't use it.

Anonymous No. 16227065

What if eat least move none?

Anonymous No. 16227246

Body mass plays a role but there is also genetics.
Some people are as thin as me, we sit down in a warm environment and they soon develop wet armpits while I'm completely dry.

Anonymous No. 16228065

me again
this is a good tip as well. Do this, it reduces the surface area where bateria can grown under your arms:
>shave armpit hair

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Anonymous No. 16228484

soap was for spacians, not earthians and their halfbreeds.

the only way you'll get soap is if you let him abort those fucking demon spawn and have his designer baby -

ultimately space makes the decision so things are favorable -

perhaps uni kisses ass but there is still space, sorry

Anonymous No. 16228838

what about detergent?

Anonymous No. 16229129

>The point is, you have to kill the bacteria, in your armpits and in your clothing, not just try to wash them away.

The most effective way of doing this is mixing diluted hypochlorite bleach with sodium percarbonate to generate oxygen singlets. I take baths with 4oz of bleach and 2oz of Oxiclean, and I get clean as fuck. Like so clean, I can go THREE DAYS without deodorant or a bath or shower after so long as I don't sweat heavily. If you mix too much in too little water though, the reaction can get violent.

I also second the arm pit shaving recommendations. >>16228838 detergent kinda helps but doesn't kill bacteria. activated charcoal soap also does not kill bacteria, but does a better job cleaning all the oils and shit off of skin with less irritation.