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Anonymous No. 16226074

Is there a scientific explanation for this?

Anonymous No. 16226148

Coke is expensive compared with weed because you can even plant your own. Coke didn't went down in price, but increased its purity.

Anonymous No. 16226154

>all my hoes do shrooms, all my hoes do coke
weeds is normie stuff now

Anonymous No. 16226163

Hot girls get free coke simple as

Anonymous No. 16226190

>weeds is normie stuff now
So it really was the gateway drug the boomers warned us about?

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Anonymous No. 16226222

>Girls who do oxycontin and fentanyl

Anonymous No. 16226225

Whores do drugs, girls don't.

Anonymous No. 16226234

>Is there a scientific explanation for this?

Anonymous No. 16226235

Jarvis, give me those girls GPAs!
But Jarvis that can't be!
Jarvis you simp!

Anonymous No. 16226241

>girls on top
Never need to do work or ever pay attention to ANYTHING that slows down the pleasure train because all they do is flash their tits and bend over to get their way.
>girls on the bottom

Anonymous No. 16226245

Weed makes you eat, coke makes you do more coke and fuck (but not cum)

Anonymous No. 16226336

Weed makes you cum

Anonymous No. 16226899

Coke is more expensive so a girl has to look better to get it, also coke makes you thin which is like 80% of how a girl looks

Anonymous No. 16226907

Coke is a stimulant, pot is a depressant.

Anonymous No. 16226937

>>16226074 It's a myth, you probably know more women of the latter kind and since you likely know more not so great looking women you made this association. Additionally the former is expensive so at entry stage harder to get for women not looking that great.

Anonymous No. 16226992

I think it's because weed is fucking smelly, makes you fat because increased hunger, makes you thirsty, makes you crazy, makes your lungs bad, and infects your body with fungus.
Meanwhile cocaine makes you happy, social, want to have lots of sex, be active, pumps your heart, makes sex feel better, etc.
Empirically I fucked the hottest bitches doing cocaine. I never smoked because I am an athletic guy. I'm autistic as fuck but when you're doing coke you're a different guy and that guy is fucking awesome.
This >>16226163
I would never share coke with uggos unless they had the hottie hook up.

Anonymous No. 16226996

Yeah but church girls are snooty as fuck. You need to go to mass with them, you need to pray to jeebus, you need to meet their family and spend time with them.
Too high maintenance.

Anonymous No. 16227005

Weed smokers aren't going to college bro
weed drops your IQ
coke increases it
Works like magic if you want to study before an exam you didn't study for.
your assumption that ugly girls work harder is utterly flawed

Anonymous No. 16227042

Girls who do coke are turbo whores, girls who smoke weed a turbo whores

Anonymous No. 16227066

cocaine has epigenetic effects, discovered recently.

Anonymous No. 16227091

>coke increases iq
What a joke wall street crackhead kike
It doesnt matter if you become Kanye for 5 minutes at Garageband when you need 5 months to study a math class

Anonymous No. 16227114

>if you want to study before an exam you didn't study for.
Weed smokers are not the type to slack on their studies. They took the cognitive penalty up front. You take it on the downslope and are running by a thread.

Anonymous No. 16227124

>Girls who smoke weed
Working girls
>Girls who do coke
"Working girls"

Anonymous No. 16227458

This is why takers make more than makers.

Anonymous No. 16227622

>t. anti-coke jew

Anonymous No. 16227982

No, cannabinoids are secondary metabolites that generally act as psychedelic hallucinogens, so they have upper and downer qualities along with growth and inflammation reduction like steroids.

Anonymous No. 16228000

Jarvis is ethnically African-American.

Anonymous No. 16228020

>t. retard who never went to college and has absolutely no idea about college culture or even ever bothered to watch documentaries or movies about college

Anonymous No. 16228141

Coke is a stimulant that supresses appetite and increases movement. Cannabis is a depressant that increases appetite and slows & decreases movement. Calories in, calories out.

Anonymous No. 16228149

>Cannabis is a depressant
Cannabis is literally considered a performance enhancing drug on the level of steroid because of how quickly it allows athletes to recover and get back to training.

Anonymous No. 16228155

>. Cannabis is a depressant that increases appetite and slows & decreases movement
Cannabis increases appetite because it increases metabolism. It's easy to prove. Wear a heart rate monitor and smoke some weed. Your heart rate will spike and remain elevated for hours. Heart rate is an extremely good proxy for overall metabolism.
Literally just google "cannabis metabolism" for reams of research on the subject, or try it yourself.
Fat stoners would be fat regardless of weed use.

Anonymous No. 16228156

Why aren't all cannabis smokers fat then?


Anonymous No. 16228163

Cannabis users are a standard deviation underweight compared to the average.

Anonymous No. 16228165


Anonymous No. 16228172

>Is there a scientific explanation for this?
Yes. This is a digital image, often referred to as "meme".

Anonymous No. 16228174

>Calories in, calories out.
gtfo and go back to /fit/

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faggot of sage.png

Anonymous No. 16228181

look at all these opinions

Anonymous No. 16228189


Anonymous No. 16228319

They aren't fat because cannabis use increases metabolism.

Anonymous No. 16228337

Yes, OP is a faggot. This is the scientific explanation for as to why this thread. Like /sfg/, this thread doesn't belong on sci


Anonymous No. 16228535

>cocaine makes you happy, social, want to have lots of sex
It makes me irritable, which turns me into an insufferable asshole. It also makes it hard to get hard and if I can get hard, my dick is almost numb. Coke is a shit drug. No fun at all. Meth on the other hand is all you described above.