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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ ๐Ÿงต I fucking hate science

Anonymous No. 16226076

should've become a carpenter, rather than spend years in this environment of sensationalist claims and overly complicated descriptions of simple and boring systems; saturated with pompous basedientists gaping their mouths at consequences and facets of everyday work that are fundamentally trivial. If I hear another trivia science factoid from an ignorant eager dumbass top scoring student I will access all printers in the instotute from a library computer and make them print full pages of fine print rainbow NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER till they all run out ink.

Anonymous No. 16226096

Neat blog, you should touch some grass or some ass.

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Anonymous No. 16226126

I share your sentiment, however you should remember that any pompous retard can make things bigger and more complex but it always takes a genius to move in the opposite direction.
The years you've spent studying will pay off once you realize that humanity walks in the opposite direction by decreasing the number of significant scientific discoveries (ask your nearest NPC about any creative endeavor at all and they'll advocate for doing nothing because "everything's already invented" even though we live in a Kafkaesque nightmare in regards to scientific advancements).
Discerning shills from actual facts is easy when you actually apply the "fuck around and find out" method of actually arriving at perennial truths and that in the end science will always be different from Science.

Anonymous No. 16226170

> creative endeavor
>"everything's already invented"
If what you say is true, high results of iq tests should be required to be paid as a scientist.

Anonymous No. 16226177

I just left the biotech R&D field to become an arborist a few years ago. It's actually quite fulfilling. I work more hours but make more money, stay in shape on my middle ages, and have more mental energy to use my intellectual capacity to pursue personal interests in my free time. Finding a balance a career that involves both scientific knowledge and hard work seems to be the way to go
>inb4 entry level lab tech calls me a retard

Anonymous No. 16226200

>creativity is negatively correlated to the act of creating, science is actually an algorithmic machine that magically churns new knowledge out of hard work
that's why I don't take most of what Peterson says seriously. His take is dumb in general but I must agree that to have "academic success" you must conform to the max to Big Boy Science and to the peer review system. In one instance he says creative things can't be published because non-creative people think it's rubbish and it's hard to evaluate creativity while also claiming he objectively evaluated creativity as a metric which is a contradiction.

>If what you say is true, high results of iq tests should be required to be paid as a scientist.
I said that the general public thinks pursuing new inventions is a waste of time and that people like OP can take advantage of this mass tendency.

Anonymous No. 16226201

I love mathematics. Where science is abused, math is pure and above it all always perfecting the language of man to the realms above heaven and the dictionary of dieties.

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Anonymous No. 16226203

Where men practice mathematics,
Agape is sensed.
I have had Jews of the darkest frankfurtiest academia praise my lecture for the love of mathematics. This love, was not for me but for our Lord.
Logos, the love inherent to our consciousness as conscious beings at every layer of synaptic activity and below that even without brain or bones luminous still.
These Jews love mathematics. They created much of the world's computational architecture.
Whenever worldly problems make me hate I remember the love that God creates with math. Music even, classical music, reflects this holy might.
God is great and beautiful. Let his numbers be known. Let that simple perpendicular gravity guide you upright to where you belong.
When the math stops we can be mortals again foolish enough to hate one another in hustles and hassles.

Anonymous No. 16226338

>claiming he objectively evaluated creativity as a metric
was he?

Anonymous No. 16226454

most of the time spent in RnD/academia is bullshit management. There is a big power gap between avg molecular biologist and avg programmer, mathematician, etc. because formers' discipline in big oart csn be practiced with minimal financial strain, while most biologist only got the ability to do real biology at uni, and can only practice it so long as they have grant money.
I like working in the lab, but the environment is very much unsuited for equiping you with relevant skills. University education of molec bio could as well be a pipetting guide, and it would result on better equiped graduates.
when I stopped listening to anything JBP related I started feeling better, for all his supposed "take your lifr into your hands, bucko!" act he brings your confidence down like noone else.
> "low conscienciousnes on OCEAN? Man, you better be smart because it will be haard!"
math is cool because it offers freedom, and most of the time only demands time. But it's not the godsend that pseuds make it up to be. I like it, I like calculations, I like proofs, but it does not deserve the Language of Nature schizo babble, nothing real is mysterious/arcane, which includes math. It can be practiced anywhere, but high results stem from right environment.
> Why would practice a piano concerto if you had no way of performing it for people? How would you practice it to high level without the environment of dedicated musicians, and a looming date of big performance in local hall?
math and science is the same in the regard that the environment to foster and sustain creative high level work is mostly missing.

Anonymous No. 16226455

Avg scientist is a search engine faker with lower skill than an avg pro musician or sportsman. Many of us who'd like to reach high level skill in science are stuck in environments that don't care about us or fostering ascent of virtuosos in experimental science, theory crafting etc. but of course everyone is very quick to waste hours on end discussing "geniuses", and unconsciously bringing everyone down for not having the god given spark of genius imagination, when their discipline, all disciplines are mundane in their essence.