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🗑️ 🧵 What went wrong?

Anonymous No. 16226233

Smart people
STEM heritage
Creative people (in terms of math and music)
Hardy people
Trad values
Lots of natural resources

Country in shambles

Anonymous No. 16226238

sup /pol/

Anonymous No. 16226273

Traditional values don’t make countries competitive in science when the traditional value is the Tsar, anon. It only works when the traditional value is freedom of expression and/or other sets of liberal values.

Anonymous No. 16226363

>Country in shambles
Russia is in better shape now than when before the war began. Germany on the other hand might be what you're really talking about.
Anyways, not /sci/.

Anonymous No. 16226382

I would say that it's the jews in charge, but it's even worse than that: it's the most retarded goys corrupted by the jews being in charge.

Anonymous No. 16226384

They have a few rare exceptional scientists, just as you would expect in a country with 180M people. The average gopnik is extremely low IQ though.

Anonymous No. 16226386

>Russia is in better shape now than when before the war began.
Only in the sense that its regime is closer to the collapse than ever, which is a good thing for the country's well-being, even though it is destined to disintegrate, which would be beneficial for its citizens.

Anonymous No. 16226388

>a country with 180M people
it's hardly 100M people now, and don't forget that we're speaking of people of european descent, thus the number is even lower: you're not expecting that many exceptional scientists from a continent of over 1216M people.

Anonymous No. 16226390

Has the conversation now shifted to Ukraine?

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Anonymous No. 16226396

Ukraine is going to be alright. My guess is putin was hired to peel swastika off the germans and to stick it onto russians, which he did masterfully. Don't you know that in the world history good guys always win?

Anonymous No. 16226410

That's not true.
its a tragedy that it took war for the people to start working and get paid semi reasonably.

I know someone that visited Russia few years after the collapse on academic trip.
There were no practical classes to speak off , only theory.
Machinery and equipment stuck in the 80s.
Engineers and scientists paid literal pennies no motivation to work just clock in and out to collect paycheck.
This continued till 2000 when Putin got in power then things started to get back to normal.
They are still not on solid ground the economy took a war to be propped up.

Anonymous No. 16226418

>What went wrong?
The west didn't extend a warm enough embrace after the USSR collapse, and the rudderless Russian society gave an opportunity to a ruthless, political manipulator, Vladimir. I'm not blaming the west, things could have gone very differently, they did so in many former soviet countries, but in Russia specifically, those were the events. It just so happened that that predator was there, and the right circumstances formed as an opportunity for him to act.

Anonymous No. 16226425

>when Putin got in power then things started to get back to normal
Not in a good way though. There were plenty of all forms of private universities, he usurped them all and standartized everything to his shallow standards. He also usurped all the mass-media, and returned soviet anthem, hiring the author of the previous one to write new text. I wonder why he didn't return the red flag (but red star wiht hammer and sickle is still used by their army) and don't get me started about economic growth which declined and went down under pootin's watch.

Anonymous No. 16226464

The Russian economy was resilient enough prior to the war that it was able to ride out US sanctions and the temporary loss of major exports.
Country 404 is far from ok. It is tragic, but this is the result of the 2014 coup and US meddling.

Anonymous No. 16226483

>Country 404 is far from ok.
It is going to be though.

Anonymous No. 16226487

He posts here and on other unrelated boards because he gets his ass handed to him on the boards you listed. When people complain about "raids" here, what they're really complaining about are refugees from boards where the poster couldn't handle the heat so they go looking for a board where they hope to find people who agree with them, even if it's not the board's topic.
This isn't even unique to this particular topic. People who get their asses handed to them on a board like /mu/ or /lit/ will run off to /g/ or /tv/ looking for like-minded posters.
They know even if they're called out for being off topic, there will be some poster who just can't help themselves and will engage them anyway, which encourages them to keep on making the off topic posts. And if they fail at getting replies, they just make a meta thread whining about how there's not enough discussion of the type they want or that the board doesn't have enough people who mindlessly agree with them.

Anonymous No. 16226544

>It only works when the traditional value is freedom of expression and/or other sets of liberal values.
Like in the west where they throw you in prison for misgendering?

Anonymous No. 16226550

European ethnic Russians have an average IQ about comparable to NW Europeans.
Goes to show that there is much more to a populace and society than average IQ.

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Anonymous No. 16226551

They're so fucked that they're drafting 50 year olds and their only prayer of reclaiming lost territory is if President Dementiapants is willing to do what every cold war president was smart enough not to do and start a full scale ground war against Russia with american troops.

Anonymous No. 16226623

>Smart people
A minuscule fraction out of a large population
>STEM heritage
... that is very limited.
>Creative people (in terms of math and music)
... is still limited
>Hardy people
>Trad values
of alcoholism
>Lots of natural resources
... for making more vodka
>Country in shambles

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Anonymous No. 16226639

Appear weak when you are strong.

Anonymous No. 16226657

go back to >>>/pol/, hohol. don't worry we have mercy and we'll leave you around 1 million people in Kiev so your race won't go extinct once this all is done.

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Anonymous No. 16226667

Two more weeks, right, ZaΛoOpъ?

Anonymous No. 16226669


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Oil Refinery Bingo.jpg

Anonymous No. 16226675

Let's discuss the science and technology of repairing all this fine plumbing

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Unicycle Logistic....jpg

Anonymous No. 16226677

Russians have finally discovered the wheel

Anonymous No. 16226692

So I guess "WASTED X 2" means "started a small fire which was a brief inconvenience and caused no lasting damage" then congrats I guess.

Protip, if you have to "WASTE" something multiple times then you haven't actually "WASTED" it.

Anonymous No. 16226702

We discovered them first.

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Anonymous No. 16226711

they have none of those things except the last one. their country is in shit because they're a serf people who value spreading death and destruction to other countries rather than improving their own.

Anonymous No. 16226713

>now let me tell you why turning Gaza and Ukraine into depopulated hellscapes is vital for democracy

Anonymous No. 16226718

>xaxaxaxa we will kill and rape EVERYONE
>why are you making poor russian go to war
they cannot go even two minutes without this type of cartoon villain megalomaniacal sadism to pleading about face....
is there any wonder why a country populated with people like this is a shithole?

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Putin disappointe....webm

Anonymous No. 16226732

Webm: Russian T-800 TEPMIHATOP

Does anyone have the webm of the Russian UGV tumbling over on top of the television hosts?

Anonymous No. 16226736

>why are you making poor russian go to war
You post this sarcastically as if it's not a real question that everyone besides you already knows the answer to.

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Anonymous No. 16226746

itz dah biolabz!

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Anonymous No. 16226750

Behold the super-maneuverability of missiles employed by S-300.
Russian rocketry has only gotten better since Korolev!

Anonymous No. 16226753

No, it's decades of NATO expansion culminating in a CIA-backed overthrow of the government of a bordering country followed by installation of a puppet regime and promises of eventual NATO membership. Remember how the US reacted when Russia decided to hang out in Cuba?

Anonymous No. 16226756

That was about staging nukes, not merely Russians "hanging out," you typical disingenuous nonce.
Nobody is getting convinced of anything by this /pol/ thread. You will receive a steady drip of contempt and embarrassing webms in this hellthread.

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Anonymous No. 16226758

no I'm pretty sure it's actually the biolabz and the nazis and the satanists.

Anonymous No. 16226762

You don't need to "stage" nukes in 2024, you just press the big red button. Putting Ukraine into NATO is like putting all America's nukes on Russia's border.

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Anonymous No. 16226766

and russia would surely need to take every precaution for that not to happen.

Anonymous No. 16226774

Embarrassing like "Ukraine will be alright" and "Appear weak when you are strong"?

Out of pure curiosity is there some kind of message that image is trying to convey or did you just shit out some random clipart onto a map along with that same one shoop of Putin you've been using for years because literally no one on the left can meme?

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Anonymous No. 16226775


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Welcome to Ukraine.png

Anonymous No. 16226778

Putin's chimpout in Ukraine has caused multiple countries to join NATO, significantly expanding NATO's border with Russia.

Also, fuck off back to >>>/pol/

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Anonymous No. 16226786

>mfw the st pidorsburg vatnik ITT getting humiliated and zperging out

Anonymous No. 16226845

Most of those smart people emigrated to Israel.