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Anonymous No. 16226451

All math after calculus is pointless and stupid. Why should I have to "prove" what a triangle is when it's self evident?

Anonymous No. 16226465


is this really what you're complaining about OP? Geometry proofs? Also:

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Anonymous No. 16226504


Also, here is a triangle OP, but notice all the angles are ninety degrees. So, defining the conditions for a triangle's existence does matter, it literally shapes your reality.

Anonymous No. 16226921

In my country, Linear Algebra is "after" calculus, so this post is incredibly stupid and wrong.

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mathematics is no....png

Anonymous No. 16226928

Anonymous No. 16226971

To create a consistent language that is computable.
I actually think this is in totality impossible, however it has useful cases. But I do think it is extremely dangerous considering most of mathematics was just crazy shit from people's minds that was only "formalized" under some kind of pedagogy many years later.
You don't have to think in proofs but you should be able to translate your thoughts into them.

Anonymous No. 16226972

Maybe I have a devious mindset
t. (2)

Anonymous No. 16226974

This if linear algebra was taught before calculus we would be saying the opposite what is the point of calculus? lol

Anonymous No. 16226976

Coming from someone who thought humanity's direction could be meaningfully changed with mail bombs.

Anonymous No. 16227044

a triangle is 2-dimensional. that thing is 3-dimensional, so not a triangle.

Anonymous No. 16227213


Anonymous No. 16228469

underrated post

Anonymous No. 16228493

Maxwell's equations are equations expressed in vector calculus. Maxwell's equations are the most useful equations for the modern world.

So specifically single variable calculus, or are you gonna specify?

Anonymous No. 16228528

A triangle is defined not "proved". Moreover, triangles are typically learned before calculus and proofs are present from the very beginning of mathematics -- only the axioms are unproven.

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Anonymous No. 16228557

> it’s self evident..

that’s not the purpose tho. Sometimes you will need draw it OR MESURE VOLUME!! midwhit

The area of a triangle is given by the formula a=1/2 b x h

Or it’s space mesurement l*w*h

Go back to your 6th grade math class. Restroom break ended 20 minutes ago.

Anonymous No. 16228623

Yiff in hell furfag!

Anonymous No. 16229044

>OP thinks geometry came after calculus
How does one become this retarded?

Anonymous No. 16229149

Don't try to cram usefulness to things that were made for fun. Some of it is useful as a tool, some is more for fun. I think mostly we think too rigidly about math, it's just an exercise in trying to find out what will happen if we rigorously apply some rules, which ones turn out to be boring and which to have interesting consequences