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๐Ÿงต How was he so right about everything?

Anonymous No. 16226652

How can a single man just pick up a pen and paper and figure out how the entire universe works?

Anonymous No. 16226662

He was a descendent of the Annunaki's chosen disciples. He heard the voice of God and transcribed it all. Unfortunately God deemed us as unworthy of the knowledge, and stopped communicating with Einstein around the late 1920s. Likely because of all the work on the atomic bombs that humanity was doing. If God kept sharing his knowledge through Einstein, humanity would've been eradicated via super weapons. This is also why Einstein spun his wheels in his later works, tried fixing and refixing blunders and spoke out against quantum mechanics (he never received word about that stuff so he doubted it vehemently).

Anonymous No. 16226670

just a monkey with a typewriter

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Anonymous No. 16226683

Relativity was low hanging fruits. Special relativity is a direct consequence of Maxwell's equations and was already settled by Poincare, Lorentz and Minkowski. General relativity was the natural differential geometric generalization. Einstein was just the first to do this and publish it.

Anonymous No. 16226707

what path did Hilbert take to discover it independently?

Anonymous No. 16226722

He was a super intellect, but he was also born in the right time when there was still things to discover.
Now we have many super intellects like Edward Witten gritting their teeth and banging their head against the wall for decades only to come up empty handed.

Anonymous No. 16226738

All times have super intellects. Einstein was around with a bunch of other super intellects yet only he had the different perspective necessary to make those discoveries. Though I think first post is more likely. He probably wasn't even human

Anonymous No. 16226892

His dick was big enough to bend space and time (and so can you by buying his book!)

Anonymous No. 16227461

Pen and paper was good enough to stea- I mean get inspired by others
Least action iirc

Anonymous No. 16227476

Some might say he was chosen

Anonymous No. 16227481

he did not do it alone with pen and paper. there was a chain of theories by other famous mathematicians and physicists (lorentz, hilbert,... for example) that lead to special relativity. actually the whole communitiy of physicists and mathematicians contributed.
somehow they decided to assign einstein most of the credit.

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Anonymous No. 16227564

Like any other jew he only heard the voice of Satan who deceived him into postulating the postmodernist nonsense of relativity. He never received word about QM because Satan hates humans.

Anonymous No. 16227592

He didn't,
You're gullible & weak minded.

Anonymous No. 16227994

I will take credit for LLE theory

Anonymous No. 16228072

he got a nobel for the photoelectric effect which he explained using quantum

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Anonymous No. 16228106

>How was he so right about everything?
Luck: he was lucky with the genetics he was born with, he was lucky with the people and options that came across in his life, etc, etc. everything is fundamentally luck because the future is chaotic, always.
Should we not admire his achievements in physics? Obviously not, we should! It was an outstanding sequence of events! Glorious!

Anonymous No. 16228108

>Like any other jew

Anonymous No. 16228109

>he whole communitiy of physicists and mathematicians contributed
Yes, obviously, but Einstein was the one who put it all together in the end.

Anonymous No. 16228110

And, mind, you he did not know how to handle the math, so he resoted to mathematicians to polish it all up, so no, he was not a super-man of everything, but the fundamental set of reasoning of relativity was all his. He did all the thought experiments himself, deducing it all onto paper.

Anonymous No. 16228135

Hilbert didn't "discover" it independently, he just formulated the field equations independently after long correspondence with Einstein, and never contested Einsteins priority in coming up with the gravity-spacetime connection and the strong equivalence principle.

Anonymous No. 16228388

he didn't
Einstein didn't understand relativity, he spent all of his later life trying to make sense of it and never did
His own words

length contraction doesn't exist
time dilation doesn't exist
superluminal speeds are fine
charge is relative
gravity is as much a result of spacetime curvature as electricity is